Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 458 Buying AA Rank Short?here comes the idiot

Chapter 458 Buying AA Rank Short?here comes the idiot
After 7 o'clock in the evening, Gao Yang and his party did not return to the hotel in Las Vegas.

On both sides of the Las Vegas Boulevard under the night, the neon lights of high-end hotels flicker, showing the wealthy class in the capitalist society and their luxurious life.

Today, a large number of Wall Street elites gather in this famous city near the west coast of the United States. In their hands, they control the trillion-dollar subprime mortgage product market.

Before Wu Ruohan, Qin Xianglin and others returned to the hotel, Gao Yang sent Wu Ruohan a text message.

Wu Ruohan quickly called back: "Brother-in-law, we just went to the bar to discuss a deal, and we will be back around 8:9 to [-]:[-]."

Gao Yang warned: "Ruohan, don't drink alcohol, don't drink cold drinks."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I know."

The past few days happened to be Wu Ruohan's menstrual period, so he was working while sick.During Wu Ruohan's menstrual period, she didn't have stomach pains or anything like that, but she was a little tired.

In the Nobu Hotel in Caesars Palace, the four of Gao Yang began to have dinner.

In the Caesars Palace Hotel next door, hundreds of Wall Street elite gathered in a bar.

Professor Qin Xianglin, with Wu Ruohan, found an acquaintance from Deutsche Bank:

"Mark, we represent Titan Fund, which signed ISDA with Goldman Sachs."

Mark Hoffman, a director of the bond guarantee department of Deutsche Bank, heard this and asked with a smile: "David, what opportunity do you see?"

Qin Xianglin said: "Mark, we want to short the swap of AA-rated asset-backed securities. Does Deutsche Bank have a share?"

Hoffman looked surprised: "Buy short CDS of AA assets? David, are you short the entire real estate market?"

"No." Qin Xianglin pointed to Wu Ruohan and said, "This is Ms. Wu. Young people think that AA-level swaps are cheap, and they want to try their luck."

Wu Ruohan followed with a smile and said: "Mr. Hoffman, we are newbies, and the price of BBB-level swaps is relatively high. We plan to buy some BBB-level swaps, and then spend a little money on AA-level swaps to try our luck. If it succeeds, it will be luck.”

Hoffman said: "You buy short AA grade swaps. No one can refuse such a transaction. You can buy as much as you want."

Wu Ruohan said: "Mr. Hoffman, we want to buy a share of 2000 million US dollars."

Hoffman seemed to be looking at a silly girl with big breasts and no brains who just came to give money. He held back his surprise and said seriously: "Miss Wu, you can buy 5000 million dollars without any problem."

A similar scene appeared in a French restaurant in the hotel. Wu Fei accompanied Chen Lan and negotiated with a bond guarantee manager from Morgan Stanley to buy short AA-rated swaps.

This one is also in the same mood as Hoffman, overjoyed, the fool sent money to the door, he must accept it...

At 8:[-] in the evening, Wu Ruohan, Qin Xianglin and others returned to the hotel and gathered the situation in the room in Gaoyang.

Chen Lan said with a smile: "Gao Yang, tonight we negotiated 6000 million US dollars of AA-level swap shares, a total of 60 shares, a period of 9 months, and a total face value of 120 billion US dollars. It went very smoothly and no one refused."

Wu Ruohan also laughed: "People look at us as if they were fools."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's good to be treated as a fool now. There are two days left in the forum, can the rest of the deal be negotiated?"

Qin Xianglin said: "Including long AAA-level 4000 million US dollars, in the next two days, it will be no problem to negotiate.

However, the price of BB-level swaps is relatively expensive now, so I suggest adjusting the trading strategies of BB-level and BBB-level swaps.

20% of the funds buy short BB-level swaps, and 80% of funds buy short BBB-level swaps. After adjusting this way, the share of 1 million US dollars, the comprehensive leverage ratio is about 25 times. "

Gao Yang said: "Okay, then we will follow Professor Qin's suggestion."

Everyone dispersed quickly, and went back to their rooms to rest.

After Wu Ruohan washed, she changed into her pajamas and put her pillow on Gao Yang's shoulder: "Where did you go to play in the afternoon?"

Gao Yang said: "Dorsey took us to see the Hoover Dam. Tomorrow, we will go to Red Rock Canyon and plan to play for a day. Unfortunately, you can't go."

Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay to come to play again if there is a chance in the future, it's best if my sister and the others can come, our family will have fun in North America for a while, at least half a month, what do you think?"

Gao Yang said: "No problem, in another three to five years, in 2010 or 2011, by then, our children will be able to run away, and those who can come at home, come together and have a good time."

Wu Ruohan said again: "Brother-in-law, will we really succeed in shorting subprime mortgages this time?"

Gao Yang said: "There is no 100% certainty. We can only say that the probability is very high. We should trust Professor Qin's analysis and deduction."

Wu Ruohan grinned: "I also think it can be successful. The subprime mortgage bubble in the US real estate is too serious. If it continues like this, it won't burst. It's unreasonable..."

On January 1, Wu Ruohan and others continued to go to the Caesars Palace Hotel to participate in forum activities, looking for targets to discuss transactions.

The three of Gao Yang got into Dorsey's car and rushed to Red Rock Canyon, 20 miles west of Las Vegas.

After driving for half an hour, we arrived at the entrance of the scenic spot.

Red Rock Canyon, also a national park in the United States, occupies nearly 20 acres of wildlife sanctuary.

Tickets are very cheap, only 3 US dollars, and the four of Gao Yang spent 28 US dollars to rent a tour bus.

Hongyan Xiagu has red peaks as high as [-] meters. In the city of Las Vegas, you can see the outline from a distance.

After entering the scenic spot, red sandstone and white limestone stacked with many strange peaks, the scenery is wonderful, and the magnificence of nature is shocking.

The deserted surface and plants, far away, even saw a group of wild animals.

Dorsey introduced: "Locus, Jessica, that's a bighorn sheep, which is the easiest to encounter in Red Rock Canyon. There is also a wild donkey, if you are lucky, you can also see it."

Gao Yang asked: "Jack, I read in the tourist information just now that this area was originally a reserved area for Indian tribes."

Dorsey nodded: "Yes, morally speaking, the demise of Indian tribes was bloody and cruel, but this is the United States, and the protection of ethnic minorities in the United States cannot be compared with that of China."

Gao Yang said: "Jack, you are right, we communicated once during your visit to Huaxia.

Huaxia is one of the most inclusive ancient civilizations. There are 56 ethnic groups living in that land, and the smallest ethnic group has only a few thousand people. They are well protected.

In Huaxia, students from ethnic minorities other than the Han nationality have extra points in the university entrance examination.

This is the correct attitude of a civilized country towards minorities.

In my opinion, the United States is not a civilized society. It is based on racial identity rather than civilizational identity. To a large extent, it is a jungle society. I am not surprised that white Americans have deep-rooted racism. "

"Locus, I'm not racist, and neither are a lot of white people," Dorsey said.

Gao Yang said: "I know, but you can't deny that racists are not uncommon in America, right?"

Dorsey could only shake his head, and he also knew that what Gao Yang stated was the truth.

Dorsey said: "Locus, many Chinese people I knew before yearned for a civilized society in the United States. You are completely different from them."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Jack, the United States is indeed the number one power in the world, with a well-developed economy, technology, and a high standard of living.

However, China has a recorded civilization history of 5000 years, while the United States has only a history of more than 200 years. From the perspective of civilization development, it is normal for Chinese civilization to give me confidence and pride.

From the perspective of a man, a successful career can also bring you full self-confidence..."

Gao Yang looked for every opportunity to instill the concept of Chinese civilization in Dorsey, and then used the success of himself and 51 Group to make Dorsey completely convinced and agreed.

This is about the future of Twitter.

Four people wandered around Red Rock Canyon for a day.

From yesterday afternoon to today, Dorsey spends a lot of time alone with Shao Hanyun, and Gao Yang can also see that the relationship between this pair has reached the point where it will be broken at one point.

Back at the hotel at night, Wu Ruohan waited until it was almost 10 o'clock.

Chen Lan reported to Gao Yang: "AA grade, BB grade and BBB grade have been negotiated, AA grade has 80 copies, with a total face value of 160 billion US dollars.

There are 40 copies of BB grade and 120 copies of BBB grade, with a total face value of 25 billion US dollars.

The remaining 4000 million US dollars is long AAA level CDO, Professor Qin suggested to go back to New York and talk directly to Goldman Sachs. "

Wu Fei said: "Gao Yang, Chen Lan and I will continue to stay in Las Vegas to handle these transactions. We will fly back to New York tomorrow night. I suggest you go to San Francisco tomorrow. We will return to San Francisco in about two days."

Gao Yang asked Qin Xianglin: "Professor Qin, you have helped us deal with the Titan Fund matter, what's the next plan?"

Qin Xianglin said: "Wu Fei and I will go back to New York tomorrow night. After finishing our work, we will fly directly to the Magic City from New York. It's time to go back."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, Professor Qin has worked hard these few days, and when we return to Huaxia, we will come to thank you."

Qin Xianglin smiled and said, "Gao Yang, you're welcome. Next, just wait for the day when the subprime mortgage bubble bursts."

Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan sent Qin Xianglin back to the room, chatted a few more words, and said goodbye in advance.

This time, with the great help of Professor Qin, everything went smoothly. Titan Fund will pay Qin Xianglin 50 US dollars in the name of consulting fees.

$50 seems like a lot. Compared with the expected return of shorting subprime loans this time, it is not even a fraction.

Back in the room, Wu Ruohan said, "Brother-in-law, Professor Qin doesn't want a commission. If we succeed, how much do you plan to donate to Shanghai Jiaotong University?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It should be within 5000 million US dollars. When the time comes, we will see Professor Qin's opinion..."

(End of this chapter)

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