Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 459 The God of Wealth Arrives

Chapter 459 The God of Wealth Arrives

San Francisco, where Silicon Valley is located, is 565 miles away from Las Vegas, equivalent to more than 910 kilometers.

A few days ago, Dorsey drove all the way here, and it took nearly 9 hours. Now, Dorsey has to drive all the way back.

There are five people in Gao Yang's party, including Dorsey, there are six people, and there is no room in the car.

Finally, after discussing and deciding, Shao Hanyun and Molly took Dorsey's car, Gao Yang, Wu Ruohan, and Zhang Wei took the plane.

In the early morning of January 1, the three of Dorsey set off, and the three of Gao Yang took to the streets to accompany Wu Ruohan, who had been working hard for two days, to visit the streets of Las Vegas.

Wu Ruohan took Gao Yang's arm for a walk in the street, or went to the shopping mall, and occasionally took out her mobile phone to leave a message for Gu Yawen.

Gao Yang saw it, and said with a smile: "Ruohan, if you want to chat with your sister, it's more convenient to call."

Gao Yang thought it was troublesome to type on the mobile phone, so he rarely sent text messages, and always called Gu Yawen directly.

Wu Ruohan grinned: "This is Western time, or winter time. There is a 16-hour time difference with China, and it's already past [-] am in China. When my sister wakes up, she will see my message immediately. "

Gao Yang whispered: "You didn't mention our shorting of subprime mortgages on your phone, did you?"

Wu Ruohan said: "No, not a single word, and I didn't mention it on the phone. Brother-in-law, is Lao Mei really monitoring everyone's mobile phone?"

Gao Yang said: "It's better to believe what you have than to believe what you don't have. Professor Qin said that Laomei has a monitoring budget of tens of billions of dollars every year. Every second, it can monitor the calls of millions of people and short subprime mortgages." This kind of vocabulary may be regarded as a sensitive word."

Wu Ruohan stuck out her tongue: "Lao Mei is really scary."

Gao Yang said: "Lao Mei is rich, she is the strongest in the world in many aspects, she is used to doing whatever she wants..."

After walking around the city with Wu Ruohan until almost noon, the three of Gao Yang returned to the hotel, and Chen Lan, Wu Fei and Professor Qin Xianglin also returned.

Chen Lan arranged to check out all the rooms and have lunch together. The three of Gao Yang had a flight to San Francisco after [-]:[-] in the afternoon. Chen Lan had already notified Android CEO Andy Rubin (Andy. Rubin) to pick him up.

At almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the three of Gao Yang walked out of the San Jose Airport in the South Bay of San Francisco.

Silicon Valley is also located in the South Bay of San Francisco, closest to this airport.

Wu Ruohan introduced: "Brother-in-law, there are three airports in San Francisco. The main airport is San Francisco International Airport. We fly directly from China and we will land at this airport. There is also an Oakland Airport in the East Bay, which is a medium-sized airport just like San Jose Airport... "

"Hello, Mr. Gao, Miss Wu, welcome!"

Before the three of Gao Yang walked out of the airport, Andy Rubin warmly greeted them.

Gao Yang shook hands with Lu Bin enthusiastically, and said with a smile, "Andy, your Chinese is pretty good."

Lu Bin said: "I have been learning Chinese for almost two years. Now, there are more than 50 Chinese engineers in the company. I have the opportunity to learn Chinese every day."

Wu Ruohan also shook hands with Lu Bin lightly, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu Bin, your Chinese is more fluent than when we met last September."

Lu Bin said with a smile: "I hope that in the future, I can communicate with you completely in Chinese..."

Andy Rubin led the three of Gao Yang out of the airport, and a tall black Chevrolet Suburban drove over.

Gao Yang instantly remembered that this is a standard vehicle for the US Presidential Guard, and it is often seen in Hollywood blockbusters.

The driver got off quickly. He was a Chinese man wearing glasses, in his early 30s, about 180 centimeters tall, wearing jeans, a shirt and a casual suit.

Andy Rubin introduced Gao Yang: "This is our new CTO, Dr. Yang Rui'an. Ryan is 32 years old this year and has a Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford University. He is very powerful."

Gao Yang and Yang Ruian warmly shook hands: "Dr. Yang, I have admired you for a long time. Ruohan visited Silicon Valley last time, and after returning to China, he told me about you many times."

Yang Ruian smiled and said, "Mr. Gao, we have been looking forward to your visit to Silicon Valley for a long time."

Yang Ruian invited the three of Gao Yang to get in the car, and Andy Lubin took the passenger seat.

This is a seven-seater full-size off-road vehicle. After getting into the vehicle, Gao Yang asked, "How much does such an off-road vehicle cost in the United States?"

Yang Duan'an said: "This Suburban is a relatively high-end configuration. It costs 6.8 US dollars in the United States. It is an official car arranged by the company for Sister Lan."

Gao Yangdao: "The Chinese market has not introduced this model. If it is introduced, it is estimated to sell for 180 million to 200 million soft sister coins. Calculated simply by comparing the exchange rate, it is equivalent to three or four times the price in the US market."

Yang Ruian said with a smile: "High-end imported cars are indeed very expensive in China, and China's auto industry is still relatively weak."

Leaving San Jose Airport, Yang Ruian drove straight to the Hilton Garden Inn in the south of Palo Alto (Polo Alto). Gao Yang and his party stayed at this hotel, which Chen Lan booked.

This hotel is very close to the home of Chen Lan and Wu Fei in San Francisco, and not far from the office of the Android company.

After checking in at the hotel, it was almost 5 pm. Andy Rubin and Yang Ruian accompanied Gao Yang to drink coffee at the hotel. They waited for Dorsey and his party to drive back, and then had dinner together.

Gao Yang stirred a cup of latte in his hand, and asked with a smile: "Dr. Yang, you have a doctorate from Stanford, so you must be invited by big companies. Why did you choose to join the Android company?"

Yang Rui'an said: "Mr. Gao, last June, I did have the opportunity to get an offer from Google.

At that time, I had already got my degree, and I happened to meet Andy to share the development trend of open source software in a lecture at Stanford.

I am also an open source enthusiast. After Andy's speech that day, we had an in-depth exchange. Andy introduced the Android project to me and invited me to join.

At that time, I learned that you, Mr. Gao, invested in this company. Later, I inquired about the development of the 51 Group with domestic friends. After that, I met Sister Lan and Brother Fei.

After deeply understanding the development plan and vision of android, I accepted the invitation of Andy and sister Lan.

Now, the development of android is basically completed. I think it is a great honor to join such a team with lofty ideals. "

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Dr. Yang, the future of Android will not disappoint you. How many years have you been in the United States, and where is your hometown?"

Yang Rui'an said: "My hometown is in Jinling. I graduated from Chang'an University of Electronic Science and Technology in 96 with a bachelor's degree in computer science, and was admitted to Stanford for a master's degree. Afterwards, I studied for a Ph.D. After all, I have been in the United States for ten years and five months."

Gao Yang asked again: "Has Dr. Yang married yet?"

Yang Ruian shook his head and smiled: "I have a girlfriend who also came from studying abroad. We have been together for 5 years, and I haven't considered starting a family yet."

Gao Yang nodded: "Android will consider setting up a research and development center in China in the future. How do you want to return to China in the future? Dr. Yang can consider hosting this research and development center."

Yang Rui'an asked curiously, "Mr. Gao, what is the strategic goal of Android's R&D center in China?"

Gao Yangdao: "Right now, the development of the first-generation version of Android is basically over. I plan to join my friends to invest in a project to produce a new generation of smartphones in China in the second half of this year, and the Android system will be pre-installed.

The strategic task of Android's R&D center in China is to serve the China market and establish a developer and user ecology for the China market.

In the future, I suggest that the promotion and ecological construction of android be divided into two parts: the Chinese market and the overseas market.

Overseas markets, except North America, can consider setting up a R&D center in Europe. "

Andy Rubin asked: "Lucas, we plan to promote Android from March, and the marketing department is already working on the plan. Do we need to consider a new round of financing?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "Andy, Android doesn't need to consider financing for the time being, as you know, this time, Android injected 1.2 million US dollars into the Titan Fund to invest in real estate-backed securities.

We have a high probability of success. It is estimated that by the second half of this year, the income from the investment of Android company will not be less than 5 million US dollars. "

Andy Rubin raised his thumb: "If you say it like this, it must be fine. Chen Lan just transferred back 1120 million US dollars to the company's account, which is enough for our expenses for two or three years."

In the past two years, the android company has made a net profit of hundreds of millions of dollars by investing in US stocks. In Rubin's eyes, Gao Yang is simply an out-and-out God of Wealth.

Since the introduction of Gao Yang and Lu Tao to invest 3000 million US dollars in the Android company, Rubin has never worried about the company's operating funds.

At the beginning, there were only less than 20 small entrepreneurial teams, but now it has nearly 200 people, including more than 180 technical teams.

After Yang Rui'an joined the Android company, he started to serve as CTO this year. With the authority to know the company's financial situation, he was also shocked by it...

(End of this chapter)

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