Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 460 Buying a luxury house in Silicon Valley?

Chapter 460 Buying a luxury house in Silicon Valley?

At 5:[-] p.m., Dorsey's Ford drove into Milpitas, not far from its destination in South Palo Alto.

After driving all the way for more than 8 hours, Dorsey was still in good spirits with a tired face.

Shao Hanyun in the passenger seat was resting with his head resting on the back of the chair and his eyes closed.

Today's journey, this girl who is not yet 25 years old, made Dorsey feel what it means to be gentle, considerate and considerate.

When Dorsey was sleepy while driving, Shao Hanyun would take the initiative to talk to him, and even make a few jokes.

In order to keep the female security Molly from being bored, Shao Ruohan would also switch to the back seat and chat with Molly.

Dorsey can't understand Chinese, and whenever the two girls burst out laughing, Dorsey can't help but wonder what they're talking about.

The two started chatting online, and Dorsey has been in contact with Shao Hanyun for more than four months.

For the first time in his life, Dorsey talked to a girl about everything.

Dorsey felt that he really fell in love with this oriental girl. He liked Shao Hanyun's beauty and charm, and also liked her quick mind, hardworking and studious.

In Dorsey's eyes, Shao Hanyun and Wu Ruohan are two completely different types of people.

Now, Dorsey also realizes that what Wu Ruohan told him back then was correct. His love at first sight for Wu Ruohan was just a hormonal reaction when he saw a beautiful and special girl.

Shao Hanyun is completely different. The more in-depth contact and understanding, the more Dorsey believes that this girl is the one he longs to have, just like the life partner Wu Ruohan said.

As the Ford drove into South Palo Alto, Dorsey glanced at Shao Hanyun who was still resting with his eyes closed: "Jessica, we're almost there."

Shao Hanyun immediately opened his eyes and looked around: "Jack, is this Silicon Valley?"

Dorsey said with a smile: "This is the southern neighborhood of Palo Alto, which is the core area of ​​Silicon Valley. The hotel you live in is not far from Stanford, and that area is the core area of ​​Silicon Valley."

"Palo Alto?" Shao Hanyun carefully looked at the street scene on both sides of the road, "Jack, it's a beautiful city."

Dorsey said: "Jessica, Stanford is in the northwest corner of Palo Alto, East Palo Alto is in the northeast, and Mountain View and Los Altos are in the south.

These urban agglomerations are called Silicon Valley.

The entire San Francisco Bay Area belongs to the Mediterranean climate, with an average temperature between 13 degrees Celsius and 24 degrees Celsius, neither hot nor cold. It is the city with the most comfortable climate in North America. The total population of the entire Bay Area is more than 750 million people.

Palo Alto covers only 24 square miles and is one of the most naturally scenic areas in the San Francisco Bay Area.

There are many wealthy people in Silicon Valley who like to live in Palo Alto. Palo Alto’s housing prices are very expensive. An ordinary house costs millions of dollars. It is one of the most expensive areas in the United States. "

Shao Hanyun smiled and asked, "Jack, have you bought a house in Palo Alto yet?"

Dorsey shook his head: "I can't afford a house in Palo Alto. I'm renting a 600-square-foot apartment for $1200 a month."

Shao Hanyun pursed his lips and smiled: "Jack, I believe you will be able to afford it. When Twitter develops to the level of 51 Weibo, you can afford a mansion worth 1000 million US dollars. I have always believed in Mr. Gao's vision. No doubt."

Dorsey said with a smile: "Yes, if Twitter develops 51 million users like 5000 Weibo, I will definitely be able to afford a big house worth tens of millions of dollars..."

While the two were talking, the Hilton Garden Inn arrived.

Dorsey was familiar with the road, and took Shao Hanyun and the two directly to the open-air cafe of the hotel.

After meeting, Shao Hanyun pulled Molly and got together with Wu Ruohan, chatting about the picturesque and beautiful scenery along the 900 kilometers from Las Vegas.

Dorsey was already familiar with Andy Rubin and Yang Ruian. The four men got together and talked about Gao Yang's itinerary in Silicon Valley.

Gao Yang decided that after Chen Lan and Wu Fei came back, he would go to the Android company first, and then to Twitter company.

Next, we had dinner together, and Yang Ruian brought a bottle of Moutai like magic.

Gao Yang suddenly asked curiously: "Ruian, can you buy Moutai in the United States?"

Yang Rui'an said with a smile: "Moutai has always been sold in the United States, but it is different from the domestic market. It is mainly packaged in 200ml, 375ml, 750ml and 1000ml, mainly for Chinese consumption.

There are more than 200 million Chinese living in the San Francisco Bay Area, accounting for 1/3 of the total population. Moutai is easy to buy.

This bottle of wine was brought by me from China and has been stored for more than 5 years. Each person is only allowed to bring two bottles at a time.

When relatives and friends come to the United States, I ask them to bring Moutai. Every time I go back to China, I always bring two bottles. "

Yang Rui'an poured a full glass for Gao Yang, about 6 qian qian of wine, after the two clinked glasses, they drank it all in one gulp.

Putting down the wine glass, Yang Ruian smiled heartily: "Good wine, a glass of homesickness."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Ruian, when Android sets up a research and development center in China, if you are willing to return to China to work, you will have no homesickness."

Yang Rui'an said: "Okay, I'm waiting for that day to come soon. Chinese people pay attention to local conditions. I have been in the United States for ten years. If I have the opportunity, I really want to go back."

Shao Hanyun suddenly said: "Mr. Gao, the environment and climate in San Francisco are very good. You and Ruohan can consider buying a house here. You can come here for vacation every year in the future. Come and guide us."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Sure, here in San Francisco, where is the best environment?"

Yang Rui'an said: "If Mr. Gao is considering buying property in San Francisco, I suggest choosing Palo Alto. There are many wealthy people in Silicon Valley who have bought luxury houses in Palo Alto, as well as rich people from other cities.

Palo Alto is the core area of ​​Silicon Valley and one of the most famous wealthy areas in the United States. It has very good security and a comfortable life. "

Wu Ruohan asked, "Dr. Yang, what is the price level of Palo Alto's housing prices?"

Yang Rui'an said with a smile: "Palo Alto is one of the small towns with the highest housing prices in the United States. As Ms. Wu and President Gao, buying a property in Palo Alto should be a luxury house starting at tens of millions of dollars."

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "In a few months, let's come to Palo Alto to buy a property, a house worth tens of millions of dollars, what does it look like?"

Yang Rui'an said: "Mr. Gao, with tens of millions of dollars, you can already buy small and medium-sized manor villas in Palo Alto, covering an area of ​​about 15 acres."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "That's right. If the land area can be about 15 acres, 1000 million US dollars is not too expensive. San Francisco is indeed a city suitable for living. It is very beautiful and has a pleasant climate. I hope everyone can live in Buy a manor house here."

Andy Rubin smiled heartily: "I believe, there will be that day."

The conversations between Gao Yang and others were all in Chinese, and Lu Bin could basically understand them, while Dorsey relied on Shao Hanyun's whispered translation.

Dorsey said: "Jessica, it seems that I should learn Chinese like Andy."

Shao Hanyun smiled: "Okay, I can teach you."

Dorsey said again: "Can I invite you to dinner tomorrow night?"

Shao Hanyun thought for a while: "Jack, thank you for your invitation, it's in this hotel, okay?"

Dorsey said: "Yes, I think so too."

After dinner, Dorsey, Rubin and Ryan Yang all left.

Gao Yang and others strolled around the hotel, and when they returned to the hotel, Gao Yang went to the gym for another 40 minutes and broke out in a sweat.

Wu Ruohan's relatives left, and when she returned to the guest room, she took a bath with Gao Yang, enjoying the tenderness to the fullest.

Wu Ruohan snuggled into Gao Yang's arms: "Brother-in-law, do you really want to buy a house in San Francisco?"

Gao Yang said: "This city is very good. When the real estate market in the United States collapses, the housing prices in San Francisco may also be affected. At that time, buy a manor villa like Yang Rui'an said, and register it under your name. "

Wu Ruohan's heart warmed up: "Brother-in-law, you have worked hard for so many years and achieved brilliant results. You don't even have a real estate under your name, so let's register it under your name."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Our real estate should be registered under your and Yawen's names.

Ruohan, we can't live a lifetime like other couples, this real estate in San Francisco, consider it a small gift from me.

I have Yawen first in my heart, and now I have you, and we will have children, you have to remember, you are also my lifelong partner, the one who will never leave, understand? "

Wu Ruohan smiled sweetly: "Brother-in-law, I understand, it is my greatest wish to be with you forever."

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, we have been together for more than 4 months, should you change your mind?"

Wu Ruohan grinned: "I'll change my words after we get the certificate. I like to call you brother-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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