Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 47 The first pot of gold is in hand

Chapter 47 Getting the First Pot of Gold (Happy New Year to you)

On February 2, the ninth day of the first lunar month, at noon, Gao Yang returned to the capital.

It was a week earlier than the working time.

In the previous life, after staying in the capital for ten years, Gao Yang had never returned so early.

There is no Internet in my hometown, and I have to care about the final sprint of the bull ticket Yiyan Technology. This week means money to Gao Yang, and there is no room for loss.

Monday, February 2th, the tenth day of the first lunar month.

Gao Yang arrived at the office at 8:[-] in the morning and knocked on the doorman's dormitory, which shocked everyone.

The old guard, surnamed Liu, is a native of Beijing and a retired worker from Shougang.

Old Liu was very surprised: "I don't go to work until next week, did you remember the wrong time?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I remember correctly, I have something to do."

The old head Liu sighed in admiration: "You really work hard, and you will definitely be the boss in the future."

Gao Yang laughed aloud: "Thank you for your kind words, Uncle Liu, happy Chinese New Year."

Old Liu smiled and said, "Happy New Year, Happy New Year."

Gao Yang took out another pack of soft cigarettes from his bag: "Uncle Liu, you smoke, I have troubled you these few days."

"Hey, this is a good smoke, thank you." Old Liu said happily.

Old Liu Tou keeps vigil at the newspaper office and earns 2000 yuan a month. He is quite satisfied and happy all day long.

Gao Yang ran to the work station, connected the internet cable, and turned on the computer.

Fortunately, the network administrator did not turn off ADSL. More than 100 computers in the CPI Beijing branch are connected to a 40M dedicated line, and the monthly network fee is several thousand yuan.

Now the family installs ADSL, 8M bandwidth, a broadband fee of 200 yuan per month, and an initial installation fee of more than 1000 yuan.

Gao Yang checked on the Internet, Yieucalyptus Technology finally resumed trading today.

Call auction, Yi Eucalyptus jumped a little bit higher, Gao Yang did not hesitate to deposit 4.7 yuan into the account before the Spring Festival, and immediately paid the order at the integer of 91 yuan, adding 500 shares.

Then, I stopped watching and went out to shop.

Years ago, I received a shopping card of 1.9 yuan, only spent a few hundred yuan, and bought some special products at home during the Spring Festival.

Today, Gao Yang is going to buy two sets of clothes, and some street stalls he bought in Jinyang before should be thrown away.

At noon, Gao Yang came back with several shopping bags. He spent five or six thousand dollars, and even bought a pair of hiking shoes worth more than 1000 yuan.

Look at the stock trend again, happy.

In the morning, Yicao Technology rose by nearly 5 points, but the time-sharing chart showed a smooth slash without any twists and turns.

Gao Yang remembered that in the in-depth report on finance and economics he read in his previous life, the banker of this ticket finally collected nearly 90% of the circulating chips.

It is not difficult to guess that at this stage approaching the [-]-yuan mark, the transaction volume of this ticket is almost entirely due to the banker's counter-beating.

In the afternoon, the time-sharing chart of Yieucalyptus Technology has not changed, and it is still a slanted line that continues to move upward smoothly.

It closed at 3 o'clock, rose +8.3%, and closed at 97.43 yuan, the highest point of the day.

The daily K-line is also a sun with a bald head and bare feet.

Position: 3200 shares of Yieucalyptus Technology

Market value: 311776 yuan

Cash: 1501.20 yuan

Principal: 118500 yuan

Profit: 164.36% (194777.20 yuan)
Gao Yang looked at the income data of the account and was in a good mood.

The floating profit is close to 20, and the amount of funds has also exceeded 30.

Lighting a cigarette, feeling idle and bored, Gao Yang opened QQ.

Seeing Gu Yawen's profile picture online in the friend list, she sent a message.

[Diamond [-]]: "Are you going to work? I'm back in the capital too."

Classmate Bai Fumei did not respond.

After Gao Yang finished smoking, he still didn't see any response, so he turned off the computer, packed his things, went downstairs to buy some newspapers, and prepared to ride back to the dormitory.

In the end, the phone rang, and it was Gu Yawen.

Gu Yawen said: "I just finished the meeting. I saw you left a message on QQ and replied, but you ignored me again."

Gao Yang said: "I was in the office just now, and now I'm going downstairs, the computer is turned off. It's nothing, just to greet you."

Gu Yawen said: "Gao Yang, I wish you a happy Valentine's Day."

Gao Yang said: "Oh, I forgot that today is Valentine's Day, so I wish you a happy Valentine's Day too."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Okay, thank you, let's have fun together."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yawen went to pick up a cup of coffee, and slowly stirred it with the soup key, thinking whether to ask Gao Yang to treat her to dinner after get off work, and go to the place last time to eat spicy crab.

After thinking for a while, Gu Yawen still gave up, if Gao Yang had a girlfriend, it would be embarrassing.

On Gao Yang's side, he hung up the phone and was also stunned for a while.

Originally, Gu Yawen should be treated to a meal, but today...

Forget it, another day.

On February 2th, Yieucalyptus Technology opened higher again. On the time-sharing chart, there was still a slanted line going upwards, and the signs of intraday reversals were too obvious.

Twenty minutes before the market closed in the afternoon, it had already risen by nearly 20 points. At this time, there was a sudden wave of smashing in the market, and the stock price plummeted. When it fell to an increase of nearly 9 points, it suddenly pulled back in a straight line.

Gao Yang was taken aback, the fluctuation was too fast, and he couldn't do it in time.

After that, there was another wave of smashing, and soon it rose in a straight line. Finally, it closed at 105.74 yuan, an increase of +7.19%.

Gao Yang carefully reviewed the trading for the past 20 minutes, and found that the largest trading volume was only about 700 lots per minute.

Obviously, this is still the dealer's knocking, maybe they want to test the market through this kind of large intraday fluctuations, to see if they can attract follow-up orders to take goods.

It is estimated that the comparison fails.

Today, Billion Eucalyptus Technology finally broke through the [-]-yuan mark, setting a record for a large A-share market.

Gao Yang thought about it carefully, but he couldn't remember the highest price of this ticket. However, today's market does not seem to have peaked.

It is estimated that the peak will be reached soon, after all, it has broken through the [-]-yuan mark.

On February 2th, Wednesday, the banker of Yieucalyptus played intraday volatility again. It opened high, then suddenly hit the water near 16 points in an instant, was pulled up again, and then fluctuated slightly.

Starting before the market closed in the morning, the time-sharing chart returned to the same as the previous two days, with a slanted line slowly rising. In the last 5 minutes before the market closed in the afternoon, the daily limit was actually closed, closing at 114.83 yuan.

After the market closed, Gao Yang carefully studied the intraday trend, and found that the turnover was not much, less than 5% throughout the day. However, in this era, the A-shares have a relatively large turnover.

However, with such a turnover rate, it is too difficult for the banker who has nearly 9% of the circulating chips to ship.

Gao Yang thinks about it, this ticket has risen to nearly 115 yuan, and tomorrow, no matter what, he has to consider clearing the position.

Don't be too greedy.

Although the memory of the previous life is not clear, this stock must have never risen above 150 yuan. The clearest key word in memory is that it is the first [-]-yuan stock of A shares.

Those hundred-yuan stocks in the early 90s are naturally not counted.

There should not be much room for the rise of Yieucalyptus Technology, and the market makers may start to drop at any time.

Later, I suddenly received a call from Gu Yawen.

"Gao Yang, are you busy these days?"

Gao Yang said: "It's not too busy, I haven't gone to work yet, just sorting out some materials and playing around."

Gu Yawen said: "COMPAQ has a press conference on Friday afternoon with an exclusive interview. If you are free, I will add you."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, I can participate."

Gu Yawen said: "Then I will send you an invitation letter later..."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang thought, luckily the interview was on Friday, if it was scheduled for tomorrow, he wouldn't be able to go.However, the warehouse must be cleared tomorrow.

On Thursday, February 2th, after the opening of the market, Yieucalypt really increased in volume, but on the time-sharing chart, it still showed a slanted upward trend.

When it was almost 11 o'clock in the morning, the daily limit was actually closed.

Gao Yang was happy, and directly chose to clear the warehouse with one click, and shipped all the products at the daily limit price of 126.31 yuan.

After all, there are only 3200 shares, which has no effect on the stock price at all.

Cash: 400842.90 yuan

Principal: 118500 yuan

Profit: 238.26% (282342.90 yuan)
Looking at the income data after liquidation in the account, Gao Yang was very happy. In 4 months, from the initial account opening of 2.8 yuan to enter the market, he kept adding positions, making a net profit of 28 yuan, and the amount of funds exceeded 40 yuan.

After rebirth, the first pot of gold finally arrived.

Looking at this string of numbers, for a moment, Gao Yang suddenly had an unreal feeling.

This is the first time I have made so much money in stocks.

In the previous life, Gao Yang had a floating profit of more than 2007 in the big bull market in 40, which actually doubled his profit.

In that wave of bull market, many stocks rose dozens of times.

As a result, in 2008, Gao Yang's profits were laundered, and he lost nearly 7% of his principal.

Gao Yang lit a cigarette.

After a long time, my heart regained peace...

(End of this chapter)

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