Media Tycoon since 1999

48 1 person for Chinese New Year

Chapter 48 Celebrating the New Year Alone (New Year's Eve Thank You Single Chapter)
This year, I celebrate the New Year alone, for the first time in my life.

The four-year-old second baby was picked up by his mother. My mother, who is in her 70s, was also persuaded by me to return to her hometown in the countryside.

I locked myself in a room with a monthly rent of 200 yuan, a single room in a village in the city... the code word for Chinese New Year.

Because, I want to live, I want to live.

The eldest is a sophomore in high school, lives with his mother, and has a somewhat withdrawn personality, which should be influenced by family reasons.

It's rare, and they don't care about people. They haven't come to me for two or three years.

Before the winter vacation, one day when the boss came home on the weekend, he suddenly called me and said:

"Dad, don't jump off the building!"

At that moment, I almost burst into tears and held back.

so ashamed...

Two days ago, Erwa asked his mother to pick it up. Using her mother's phone, she suddenly said to me in a childlike voice:
"Dad, it's the Chinese New Year, and I only have one pair of shoes..."

I finally burst into tears.

I gave up everything and wanted to live on for him, for my eldest brother, and for my 70-year-old mother.

When I was young and frivolous, even two years ago, before the outbreak of the epidemic, I never thought that I would live like this.

I have worked in the media for 20 years and spent half my life coding. I never imagined that one day I would be so down and out.

Once, I never believed...

People who have lived with me, no matter what, will not be too cruel and unfeeling.

Now I believe it.

Once, I believed...

I have been dead for several years, and my friends and classmates have long forgotten me. Unexpectedly, there are still people who remember me.

When the second child told me, "Dad, it's the Chinese New Year, and I only have one pair of shoes..."

After I burst into tears, I dropped everything and transferred 200 yuan to his mother to buy shoes for him.

Then, try to let go of your shame, and promote this book you wrote in the group of classmates who have been diving for several years, ask the classmates to collect it, and reward 10 yuan to help increase the popularity and let more readers see it.

Unexpectedly, there are many classmates who haven’t seen each other for several years, even after graduation, and never read online articles. They don’t bother to download the app to support and encourage me.

Again, moved to tears.

In 2018, I have read web articles for almost 10 years. At that time, due to some family reasons, life was a bit difficult, so I tried to write web articles.

When I read the article, I felt that I have been in the media and have been coding for nearly 20 years. It should not be difficult to write online.

As a result, when it was time to write it myself, I realized that it was very difficult to write a story that many people would like to read...

Afterwards, due to work and family reasons, I couldn't persist, and I wrote two or three signed books intermittently, and several tens of thousands of words that were not signed, so I quickly cut them.

During the 2020 epidemic, for some reasons, I resigned, and because the income of the media unit in the small town was too low, I couldn't do it anymore, so I decided to resign, fight with my back, and write online articles.

Unexpectedly, after that, family and life will be like a mess, bringing people to the brink of collapse.

The debt is heavy, the pressure is great, and the misery is unspeakable.

Of course, the main responsibility lies with oneself. It is a sin for a man not to be able to support the family, not to let the family live a good life, or to live a normal life.

In the past few years, I have written and read online articles, and I know that online articles need imagination, YY, coolness, routines, and brain holes...

I tried writing fantasy and fairy tales, but I couldn't pass the lottery.

Write about the city, those about the system, those who sign in and check in, those who are arrogant, those who lie down and win, and those who play tricks...

I found that I couldn't write, and I couldn't find the inspiration from the great masters and newcomers of Huowen.

The editor greatly told me to try to write what I am familiar with and what is everyday.

I still have some understanding of the media, so I wrote about the media and wrote a book, which was a bit too self-indulgent. I passed the line, my grades fluttered, and I was finally blocked on the PC side.

In this "Media Tycoon Since 1999", I continue to write about the media, but I dare not do it anymore. On the basis of the real sense of the age and the sense of daily life, I want to find a sense of refreshment.

I hope that the readers will like it, and some people are willing to read it.

Recently, I often can't fall asleep all night, or wake up after two or three hours of sleep, and the sleep aid prescribed by the doctor has no effect.

Maybe it's because of depression, but I dare not and don't want to go to the hospital.

Last night, I coded until one o'clock in the morning. I went home and had something to eat. As a result, I woke up after sleeping for more than an hour.

I simply came to the rental house to code again, wrote until 8:[-] in the morning, went to eat a bowl of rice noodles, went home and took a hot shower, wanted to sleep, but still couldn’t sleep.

Now I am back in the rental house, and I am writing this "New Year's Eve Thank You Chapter".

It's not that I'm selling miserably, but I really want to thank you.

Thanks to the students who support me, thank you to everyone who has read and hasn't read my articles, favorites, recommendations, monthly votes, investments, rewards, comments, subscriptions...

To all the readers, sir, I am very grateful.

This book, until now, is still failing, but I will finish it and write a complete story. I want to write something beautiful in the world, even if it is a fictional, YY story.

If you still can't support yourself with this book, you should support your mother in her 70s, her second child who is over 4 years old, and the eldest who is a sophomore in high school.

Maybe, I will give up, because I don't have this talent.

After that, I don't know what to do now, because I am on the verge of bankruptcy, and finding an ordinary job in a small third-tier town cannot solve the predicament I am facing now.

In short, on this New Year's Eve, when people all over the world are reunited, I am not trying to sell miserably, but I am using this platform to thank everyone who has supported and helped me.

For the sake of my children and my mother, I also have to live.

This is also the last stubbornness of a middle-aged man.

Readers are also invited to bookmark, recommend, vote for a ticket, and reward one or two articles to help increase the popularity of this book, so that readers who are willing to read it and like to read it can discover it.

Thank you, thank you!
I also wish everyone a happy Chinese New Year and a prosperous Year of the Tiger.

Finally, special thanks to Wu Xing, the editor of the three groups. For a newcomer like me, he also answers all questions and gives suggestions. He doesn't think I'm annoying.

A very kind editor and a good person.

Thanks to everyone, everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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