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Chapter 472 Appearing at the Spring Festival Gala

Chapter 472 Appearing at the Spring Festival Gala
Coming out of the old man's study, Gao Yang went to the living room, and casually invited the old man and the old lady to Xishan Garden for a reunion dinner at night.

Unexpectedly, the two old people happily agreed, and also said that they would go to see Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan's wedding room.

Gao Yang really wanted to slap his mouth, why would he say such an extra word.

We had to invite uncle Wu Guangrong and his wife, and mother-in-law Wen Yuqin.

He also dragged Wu Ruohan to the study to invite the old man Wu Guanghua,

As a result, naturally everyone went to Xishan Garden to celebrate the New Year at night.

Uncle Wu Guangrong's son and daughter, Wu Fei's family in the United States will not return to China for the Spring Festival this year, and Wu Yun's family in Shanghai, only returned to Jinyang on the third day of the first lunar month.

Gao Yang had no choice but to stay at Wu's house and take a lunch break in Wu Ruohan's room.

The others took their children and went back to Xishan Garden first. Li Xiuzhen, Wu Lan, Gao Yue and Gu Yawen were going to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner.

After 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Yang woke up, and Wu Ruohan beside him was gone.

Just after getting dressed, Wu Ruohan came in with a glass of white water.Gao Yang took the water glass and drank it down.

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Hanyun called just now. She and Dorsey held an engagement banquet in Shudu on the fourth day of the first lunar month. They invited us and my sister. Shall we go?"

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Go, Han Yun and Dorsey are progressing so fast?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Hanyun said, Dorsey is very serious. Before coming to China this time, I asked my eldest brother and sister-in-law to consult about the wedding customs of Chinese people. Dorsey prepared a proposal ring and invited his parents to go with him home.

Last night, after Dorsey and his parents met Han Yun's parents, Dorsey proposed to Han Yun on the spot.

Han Yun said that Dorsey was very serious and sincere, so she agreed, and according to her parents' opinion, she should get engaged to Dorsey first..."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's good, they can be regarded as lovers who finally got married."

After 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Peng, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan each drove a car, picked up the Wu family and rushed to the second phase of Xishan Garden.

Because the old man and the old lady wanted to visit the wedding room, Wu Ruohan arranged this new villa under Wu Ruohan's name for the New Year's Eve dinner.

The mother-in-law, Wen Yuqin, finally felt comfortable, and all her thoughts were not in vain, and now she was waiting for Wu Ruohan to give birth to a grandson as soon as possible.

Gao Yang and his party rushed to Villa No. 9 in the second phase of Xishan Garden. Wu Xiaoyue and Jiang Xue took four children to play the game of eagle and chicken at the door.

When getting off the car, Gao Yang was going to help the old man, but the old man stared at him: "I don't need someone to help me walk with my old bones."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Grandpa, it's my fault, your health is fine."

In order to prove that he is in good health, the old man hugged Yaoyao and Shitou one after another and kissed them.

Seeing that the old lady didn't stop her, Gao Yang was also convinced.

Time is not forgiving, Mr. Wu, who will be 7 years old in July, is really strong, and he is worthy of being an old revolutionary who has fought against the Japanese devils.

Villa No. 9 is a two-and-a-half-story design with a terrace. There are two garages on the first floor, followed by a living room, dining room, lounge, a guest room and a kitchen. The design is quite compact.

There is also a basement of 60 square meters.

There are 4 bedrooms on the second floor with a study.

The third floor is a large house of 40 square meters, with a terrace of 100 square meters. The terrace is designed as a roof garden with many large potted plants.

The old man and the old lady visited all the way from downstairs to upstairs, and they feel pretty good.

The old lady said: "Yuqin's arrangements are quite thoughtful, and she didn't treat Ruohan badly."

Wen Yuqin smiled and said, "Mom, Ruohan and Gao Yang need such a home in Jinyang, but they don't know how many days they will be able to come back and live here throughout the year."

The old lady said: "When Guanghua retires in the future, you two can come and live."

At 7:[-] in the evening, two tables of reunion dinners were set up in the living room, and the family drank and ate, waiting to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

In these years, it was the first time for Mr. Wu and the old lady to leave the No. [-] courtyard on Jianshe Road to celebrate the New Year outside. It was also because their granddaughter Wu Ruohan was married and they were happy.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Wu Guangrong and Wu Guanghua went home. The old man and the old lady will stay overnight.

Gao Yang, Wu Peng and the others took their children to set off fireworks outside, and it was almost 11 o'clock. When they went back to the house, the two old people were still in good spirits.

Wu Peng whispered: "The old man waits to watch the operas in the Spring Festival Gala every year."

Gao Yang suddenly realized that he could only accompany him.

Later, Wu Lan, Gu Wenlong, Gu Yawen, Gao Yue, Jiang Bing, and Wu Peng and his wife all came to say good night to the second elder, and took the children home to sleep.

Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen stayed as companions, as did Wu Xiaoyue and Jiang Xue, and the two girls were waiting to see the big star Liu Yifei appearing in the Spring Festival Gala for the first time.

Liu Yifei is the most popular female star on 51 Weibo, and 51 Weibo is also one of the sponsors of this year's CCTV Spring Festival Gala. With Liu Li's hard work, Liu Yifei was selected into a joint singing program of the Spring Festival Gala.

The 19-year-old Liu Yifei is already very successful to be able to stand on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

When it was almost 11:50, Wu Xiaoyue suddenly said excitedly: "Second sister, brother-in-law, Yifei's show is about to start!"

The old lady regained her spirits immediately: "Xiaoyue, who is Yifei?"

Wu Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Grandma, her name is Liu Yifei, she has been with me for a year, and she is the most popular female star in China.

Yifei is the image spokesperson of 51 Group, Yifei also recognized my sister as her sister, and her brother-in-law set up an entertainment company for her, called 51 Entertainment..."

When Wu Xiaoyue was talking to the old lady, Wu Ruohan suddenly squeezed Gao Yang's hand: "Aunt Liu and the others are in the auditorium, did you see that?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "I see."

Just now, the camera swept across Liu Li in the auditorium. Next to Liu Li, Zhang Hangying and Yang Ming were sitting. They both gave close-ups of their faces, so Gao Yang could see clearly.

When it was almost midnight, Liu Yifei appeared on the stage, and two men and two women sang the Shuchuan folk song "The Sun Rises Blissful".

Wu Xiaoyue quickly identified Liu Yifei to the old lady: "Grandma, the tall young girl on the right is Yifei."

The old lady said: "This girl looks very clean, and she sings well."

Gao Yang was a little surprised: "I didn't expect Yi Fei to sing folk songs with such a clean voice."

Wu Xiaoyue said: "Brother-in-law, Yifei's singing skills are very good, and her high notes are also very clean."

Liu Yifei appeared in the Spring Festival Gala this year, but Liu Li didn't dare to invite Gao Yang to the show to help out. After experiencing the scene of the TV Art Festival last time, Liu Li already knew that Gao Yang didn't like to show up on such occasions.

After Liu Yifei's show, the clock was about to strike zero o'clock, Gao Yang picked up a set of firecrackers prepared by his father Gao Yingxue, and went to the aisle outside the courtyard to light them.

Back in the house, the opera show that the old man likes has already started.

This group of operas is called "Heaven and Human Harmony", and the program lasts 10 minutes. The old man listened with great interest and shook his head.

After this group of programs ended, the old lady urged the old man to go to rest, but he never thought that the old man insisted on watching the Spring Festival Gala.

Gao Yang had no choice but to accompany him until the old man got up after listening to "Unforgettable Tonight".

Wu Ruohan hurriedly led the elders upstairs to wash and arrange the bedroom.

Since the Spring Festival Gala in 2000, it was the first time Gao Yang saw the curtain call of the show.

In Beijing, after changing clothes, Liu Yifei, who walked out of the Spring Festival Gala studio with Liu Li and the three, took out her mobile phone and sent text messages to Gao Yang, Wu Ruohan, Gu Yawen and Wu Xiaoyue.

Unexpectedly, I soon received replies from Gao Yang and Wu Xiaoyue.

Gao Yang replied: "You sang well, please say Happy Chinese New Year to Aunt Liu for me."

Liu Yifei suddenly became excited: "Mom, my brother-in-law watched my show and praised me for singing well. Shall we go to Jinyang and have New Year greetings with my brother-in-law?"

Liu Li thought about it: "Tomorrow, let's ask Yawen and Ruohan first, it's always convenient for them."

Beside, Zhang Hangying and Yang Ming listened to it, quite envious.

Because of this relationship, Liu Yifei, who was so popular, had already left them far away.

Liu Li and Liu Yifei have already convinced Zhang Hangying to sign with 51 Entertainment after the Spring Festival.

Jin Yang, after the old man, the old lady, and Gao Yang's parents had settled down, Wu Ruohan returned to the master bedroom and took Gao Yang to take a bath together.

Gao Yang asked: "Ruohan, what are the arrangements for grandparents tomorrow?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Grandpa said, let's arrange it."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Then go to my hometown first tomorrow, visit the orchard in Shimen Village, have dinner at the hot spring resort at noon, visit the tourism festival in Tianchi Town in the afternoon, and stay at the hot spring hotel in the evening."

Wu Ruohan said: "This arrangement is very good. Let my brother book a hotel tomorrow morning."

The old man has been retired for many years and has always been concerned about people's livelihood issues. Gao Yang plans to take the old man to Shimen Village to see the orchard he invested in, hoping to make the old man happy.

In the future, Gao Yang plans to bring along Ding Lei, Li Yan, Lu Tao, Liu Dong, Zou Hongwei and others to invest in agriculture. He also plans to make experimental investments starting from Jinyang.

This matter also requires in-depth communication with the father-in-law Wu Guanghua.

After the two had finished taking a bath, Wu Ruohan's eyes suddenly filled with tenderness: "Honey, is tonight our wedding night?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Of course, tonight is the official wedding night..."

(End of this chapter)

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