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Chapter 473 Foreign son-in-law, engagement banquet

Chapter 473 Foreign son-in-law, engagement banquet

On the first day of the first lunar month, at almost 10 o'clock in the morning, a Scott and five cars set off from Xishan Garden to Gaoyang's hometown, Shimen Village, Renshui Township.

Yesterday's New Year's Eve, Gao Yang had previously confessed that Xiao Jin, Yang Yong, Fang Jian, Chen Sen, Wen Yi and others did not come to Gao Yang's house to join in the fun.

Just make an appointment to travel together today.

Today, the father-in-law, Wu Guanghua, has a work arrangement. He is going to condolences to the workers in various industries who are on duty and serving the public. He will rush to the hot spring hotel in the evening to get together with his family.

Mr. Wu was also very interested in hearing that he would go to his hometown in Gaoyang and visit the orchard invested by him and his friends.

Xiao Jin is the secretary of Renshui Township, and Shimen Orchard is also the largest investment project introduced in the township, so he is naturally the main introducer today.

The convoy arrived at Anhe County and turned onto the road leading to Renshui Township. Wu Peng and Xiao Jin began to introduce to the old man in turn how this cement road was invested and built, and brought economic development and improvement of people's livelihood to several villages along the way. What good.

The renovation of this road, and the donation of 800 million yuan from Gaoyang, have not told the old man before.

The old man was naturally very happy when he heard this.

Having been a leader for many years, the old man still has a simple wish and is happy to see these good things that help improve the income and living standards of ordinary people.

Compared with economically developed coastal areas, Jinyang's development level is still relatively backward. The government's financial resources are insufficient. For example, the improvement of traffic conditions can only be planned and invested in construction step by step.

When they arrived at the orchard in Shimen Village, Gao Yang, Xiao Jin, and Yang Yong introduced how the orchard invested, how to plan, how to help the nearby villagers increase their income, how to sell the output in the future, what kind of economic benefits, etc. .

The introduction is very detailed.

The old man was very happy and praised Xiao Jin: "Little Xiao is pretty good, he is very familiar with agriculture, and he is a good cadre who does practical things."

Received such praise from the old man, Xiao Jin was also a little excited.

Turning around, the old man praised Gao Yang again: "Xiao Gao is also very good, his career is successful, and he can care about the development of his hometown, so that's right. If a businessman only cares about profit and doesn't think about giving back to the society, he won't go far."

Gao Yang said: "Grandpa, the development of private enterprises, in the final analysis, is backed by this prosperous era and supported by various national policies. One of the important purposes of our 51 Group's development is to strive to undertake social responsibilities , to be a respected company.”

The old man said: "Very well, we are engaged in a market economy, and what we pursue is to make the country strong and the people rich. Those who get rich first should take social responsibilities in various ways and give back to the society. Investments like orchards have helped local people increase their income. At the same time, it also has a good prospect of economic benefits, such a model is very good and worth promoting.”

The trip to Renshui Township made the old man feel quite happy, and he was also full of energy when he climbed Tianchi Mountain in the afternoon.

Now, the old man agrees 100% with this grandson-in-law. He still can't imagine how huge the 51 Group founded by Gao Yang will be in ten years.

At noon, I rushed to the hot spring hotel for dinner. Chen Sen's wife, Feng Lan, talked about Shao Hanyun's engagement banquet on the fourth day of the first lunar month, only to find out that Shao Hanyun invited some colleagues temporarily.

In the future, Shao Hanyun will get married in the United States. It is impossible for these domestic friends to fly to the United States to attend her wedding. On the fourth day of the first lunar month, it is equivalent to holding the wedding in advance.

Sure enough, on the third day of the first lunar month, Jin Yang, He Guangwen, and Wu Bo all called Gao Yang and contacted Gao Yang to go to Shudu together on the fourth day of the first lunar month to attend Shao Hanyun's engagement wedding.

Jin Yang, He Guangwen and Wu Bo all returned to Jinyang for the New Year this year, and both Jin Yang and Wu Bo bought villas in Jinyang last year.

The housing price in Jinyang is low, and the full payment for a villa is only a few hundred thousand.

In the past two years, He Guangwen built a beautiful courtyard house in his hometown in the countryside, and it only cost less than 50 yuan.

On the afternoon of the third day of the first lunar month, mother and daughter Liu Li and Liu Yifei also flew to Jinyang. Accompanied by female security guard Zheng Hongxia, they made a special trip to pay New Year greetings to Gaoyang's family with gifts in large and small packages.

When she arrived in Jinyang, Liu Li realized that Wu Ruohan's family background was stronger than that of Gu Yawen's family. She was very grateful for her efforts to make her daughter recognize Gu Yawen as her sister.

On the morning of the fourth day of the first lunar month, Gao Yang and his party of more than 20 people rushed to Shudu.

Gu Yawen took Tiantian with her, Yaoyao and Shitou were still young, so they stayed at home.Wu Xiaoyue and Liu Yifei also went to join in the fun.

Fang Jian, Chen Sen and others are all wives and children. Only Wu Bo and Zhao Lei are acting alone. Wu Bo's son is already a freshman.

Shao Hanyun and Dorsey's engagement banquet was scheduled at the Kempinski Hotel near the South Second Ring Road of Shudu. This five-star foreign-funded hotel has not been open for three years.

Gao Yang was delighted when he saw Dorsey, but he didn't expect Dorsey to wear a bright red Chinese dress.

As soon as they met, Dorsey clasped his fists at Gao Yang and the others, saying in Chinese: "Happy Chinese New Year!"

Gao Yang said with a smile, "Jack, you've come to do as the Romans so soon, and you can speak Chinese very well."

After Shao Hanyun translated, Dorsey smiled and said, "I'm trying to learn Chinese."

Shao Hanyun smiled and said: "Jack has been learning Chinese with me for the past few days, and he can say a few simple greetings. It was also his idea to wear a Chinese dress today."

Wu Ruohan pulled Liu Yifei over and took off her sunglasses: "Xuanyun, who is here?"

"Ah, Yifei is here too!" Shao Hanyun was very surprised.

Liu Yifei simply took off her peaked cap: "Sister Hanyun, congratulations."

The relatives and friends of Shao Hanyun's family, as well as some of her classmates, soon recognized Liu Yifei's true colors.

Many young people immediately gathered around, begging for Liu Yifei's autograph or group photo.

Liu Yifei dealt with it for a while, and finally Shao Hanyun arranged for the photographer to take a few group photos before letting these relatives and friends disperse.

Only then did Shao Hanyun find the time to formally introduce Gao Yang and others' parents, as well as Dorsey's parents.

Shao Hanyun's parents are both teachers in a nearby middle school. They are ordinary working-class people, and they expressed their gratitude to Gao Yang and others.

Today, Shao Hanyun's family invited 20 tables of guests and reserved hotel rooms for Gao Yang and his party.

Tomorrow, Gao Yang and the others plan to bring their children to play in Shudu for a day.

Gao Yang and the others prepared a gift money of 8000 yuan, and Gu Yawen, Wu Xiaoyue, and Liu Yifei all gave gifts separately.

After the engagement banquet at noon, most of the guests dispersed. The honest Dorsey was overwhelmed and drunk, and was placed in the hotel room to rest.

At the engagement banquet, Dorsey insisted on toasting a glass of wine to each table according to the Chinese tradition, and toasted a few to Gao Yang and others alone at this table, but Shao Hanyun couldn't stop him.

As a result, Dorsey drank about 8 taels of Wuliangye and persisted until the end of the engagement banquet, but he couldn't hold on anymore.

After eating and drinking a cup of tea, Gao Yang took his son to take a lunch break every day.

Wu Ruohan and Gu Yawen stayed in the teahouse to chat with Shao Hanyun.

Shao Hanyun said: "Sister Yawen, Ruohan, Jack suggested that we apply for a marriage certificate as soon as possible, so that we don't need investment immigration."

Gu Yawen smiled slightly: "Yuan, what about your own thoughts?"

Shao Hanyun said: "According to my current situation, even if I apply for a marriage certificate with him immediately, it will take one year before I can apply for a US green card."

Gu Yawen said: "Yuan, it's better to apply for investment immigration. My elder brother and sister-in-law helped to understand that you can get a two-month temporary green card after you apply for investment immigration, and then enter the United States. Almost half a year or so."

Shao Hanyun said: "Sister Yawen, I have the same plan. I discussed it with Jack. After the Spring Festival, I will go to work, and I will apply for a Chinese marriage certificate in Sichuan. After the investment immigration is completed, there is still time to apply for a green card." faster."

Wu Ruohan said: "This arrangement is the best in terms of time, Yunyun, have you really thought about it, are you sure you want to marry Dorsey?"

Shao Hanyun said: "I've thought it over, he has true feelings for me, and I like him too."

Wu Ruohan smiled again and asked: "Then did you have sex?"

Shao Hanyun blushed: "Not yet, Jack knew that I had never been in a relationship before, so I told him that a marriage certificate must be obtained first, and he respected my idea very much.

We got our marriage certificate, and Jack is going back to work in the United States. He has a lot of things to do in the company.

I will apply for a three-month or half-year tourist visa, and then I will go to the United States with my parents and officially hold a wedding with Jack. I will not do it in China. Today is considered an early wedding. "

Gu Yawen said: "This arrangement is very good. He Shan has already consulted about your investment immigration, and it is expected to be completed within a month. This time you went to the United States, and you should be able to apply for a green card in about half a year and officially settle down. gone."

Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "Hanyun, then we will congratulate you in advance, I wish you and Dorsey an early birth to a precious son, and grow old together..."

(End of this chapter)

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