Chapter 477
On the fourth day of the first lunar month, after attending Shao Hanyun and Dorsey's engagement banquet, Gao Yang stopped drinking alcohol and smoked within half a pack every day.

After returning to the capital, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan insisted on running and exercising every morning and night. Before the two nannies finished their Spring Festival holiday, Wu Ruohan and Gu Yawen took on the task of cooking.

Gao Yang resumed his life of eating sea cucumbers every day.

From March 3th, Gu Yawen didn't let Gao Yang accompany her, and took Yaoyao and Shitou to sleep every night.

Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan's man-making plan has officially started to be implemented, and they have to be warmed up once every morning and evening.

After going to work in the new year, the focus of Gao Yang's work is to communicate with each project company about the specific business plan for 2007.

Wu Ruohan's task is to keep an eye on the stock market and arrange trading plans.

Gu Yawen has to coordinate the construction of the 51 Science and Technology Park, and also keep an eye on the start of the courtyard house.

On the morning of March 3th, the demolition of the courtyard house in Houhai Park was completed, and the civil work of Qianjing Zhuju officially started.

An old house in the early 4.5 acres disappeared suddenly, and part of the wall was removed and replaced with a two-meter-high baffle as an entrance for vehicles to enter and exit.

On March 3th, since the construction team of Qianjing Zhuju entered the site to demolish the old houses, some tourists passing by every day asked the security guards at the door what unit was rebuilding the new houses.

The security guard just said that this is a renovation of a private house, and did not answer the rest of the questions.

Slowly, the news spread that an old courtyard house along the northern edge of Houhai changed hands and was being refurbished.

After 3 a.m. on March 15, when the excavator was doing soil work, a young man in his 9s came all the way to inquire and finally found the construction site.

The young man had a SLR camera hanging on his chest. When he saw the security guard, he took out his press card: "Hello, I am a reporter from the Beijing News. Excuse me, what is the project here?"

After seeing the press card, the security guard replied, "This is a renovation of a private courtyard."

The reporter asked again: "Excuse me, what is the situation of the owner of this courtyard house?"

The security guard said: "Sorry, we cannot disclose the customer's information."

The reporter took out the cigarette case and handed one to the security guard: "Dude, which company are you?"

The security guard said: "Our company is called Qianjing Zhuju, and it is a well-established courtyard renovation company in Beijing."

The reporter asked again: "What is the house number of this courtyard house?"

The security guard shook his head: "I don't know."

The reporter continued to ask: "Excuse me, where is your company's office..."

Half an hour later, the reporter from the Beijing News found some information, took a few more photos, and left satisfied.

Then I found the office of Qianjing Zhuju, and by asking whether the renovation of the courtyard was in compliance, I learned something about it, including the project cost budget, and even took pictures of the renderings of the renovation of the courtyard.

Afterwards, the reporter went to the Beijing Real Estate Transaction Management Network to inquire and found the transaction information: an area of ​​3028 square meters, a total price of 1.1 million yuan, and a unit price of 3.63 yuan per square meter...

The Beijing News, published on March 3, used a full page to report on the "renovation of private courtyard houses at sky-high prices".

The main headings are:

"Mysterious rich man bought Houhai Courtyard for 1.1 million yuan and wanted to invest 3 million yuan for renovation"

The subtitles are:

"Located at the entrance of Ya'er Hutong along the north coast of Houhai, the house covers an area of ​​3028 square meters, which is the largest single-area courtyard house traded in the Second Ring Road in recent years"

The accompanying three-column main picture is the design rendering of this courtyard house, which is beautiful and luxurious.

Going to work on the morning of March 3, Gu Yawen had just sat down in the office. She was used to flipping through several mainstream newspapers of the day. When she saw the cover guide of the Beijing News, she was stunned.

Then I turned to the page of this investigative report, glanced at it twice, and hurried to Gao Yang's office.

"Gao Yang, the renovation of the courtyard house was exposed by the Beijing News..."

Gao Yang took the newspaper and glanced at it briefly, then frowned: "What is there to eat in this Qianjingzhuju, and the reporter actually took pictures of the design renderings, which violates the confidentiality agreement."

Gu Yawen sat down: "Gao Yang, you don't have to be angry, the courtyard is in such a position, it is impossible not to be noticed by the media. Qianjing Zhuju probably wants to use this project to promote itself, but fortunately, it didn't leak me come out with any information."

Gao Yang lit a cigarette and thought about it: "Let Zhang Wei send two people from the security department to take turns at the construction site and keep an eye on it.

Say hello to Qianjing Zhuju again. In the future, no one in their company, including the construction team, will be interviewed by any media or disclose any information.

Otherwise, we will regard it as a breach of the confidentiality agreement. "

Gu Yawen said: "Okay, I will contact Mr. Wang of Qianjingzhuju immediately..."

Gu Yawen took out her mobile phone, called Wang Kun, the general manager of Qianjingzhuju Company, and expressed her dissatisfaction in a very stern tone.

On the other side of the phone, Wang Kun was in a cold sweat, apologizing repeatedly, and promised that such a thing would not happen again.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Kun asked clearly that it was a marketing vice president of the company who made his own claim and received an interview from a reporter from the Beijing News, and immediately roared:
"You're out of your mind!
If you think about it with your pig brain, you can understand it. Can it be so simple to spend more than [-] million yuan to buy a courtyard house and another [-] million people to transform it?

We have signed a strict customer confidentiality agreement. This single business is enough for our company for two years. Isn't it good to make money without worrying?
Inform everyone in the company, including all personnel on the construction site, that no one should respond to the media for the Houhai courtyard renovation project. If anyone makes this mistake again, let him go out immediately! "

At this moment, Wu Ruohan rushed in from Gao Yang's office: "Husband, the renovation of the courtyard in Houhai was exposed by the media..."

Gao Yang pointed to the newspaper on the table: "Yawen came here just now and was interviewed by a reporter from the Beijing News yesterday."

Wu Ruohan picked up the newspaper and took a look: "So that's how it is. Now on 51 Weibo, many accounts are talking about Houhai's sky-high priced courtyard house. That guy Zhang Yue is so stupid that he made a super talk. Do you want Zhang Yue to disband this super talk?" ?”

Gao Yang entered his 51 Weibo account and took a look, the super chat of "Houhai sky-high priced courtyard house" was indeed very lively.

Gao Yang lit another cigarette and thought for a while:

"After the account of the Beijing News released the link to the electronic version of this report, it was forwarded and commented by a large number of bloggers, and it became a hot topic today.

Zhang Yue didn't know the truth, and it was normal to arrange to make it into a super talk.

The reporter did not find out that Yawen was the owner of the courtyard house, nor did Qianjing Zhuju disclose her information.

Yawen has already greeted Qianjing Zhuju, and she is not allowed to accept any media interviews about the courtyard house.

Besides, we bought this courtyard house for renovation, and all the procedures are in compliance with the regulations, so let’s let the comments on the Internet go. "

Wu Ruohan said: "I understand these things, but I am worried that after the renovation is completed, our family will live in it, and if the media comes to follow it, it will be troublesome."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's nothing, this is a private residence, we will install a set of monitoring equipment and strengthen security.

In the future, even if people know that this courtyard house belongs to our family, it will be fine. We bought it with legal income and remodeled it according to the policy. No one can say anything. "

Wu Ruohan sighed: "The courtyard house in Houhai is too conspicuous. I think we might as well live in a quiet place near Xiangshan."

Gao Yang thought for a while: "Xiangshan is also good, you ask Zhang Miao to pay attention to the auction situation in that area.

If a developer develops a new villa community, we can talk to the developer, for example, about 10 mu of land, and order a closed area for us and design it separately.

In the future, we can change residences in the courtyards in Xiangshan and Houhai, which is not bad. "

Wu Ruohan's eyes suddenly lit up: "That's a good idea, I'll go tell my sister about it..."

Gao Yang couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, this girl is too eager.

It is easy to do things with money, as long as you are willing to spend money, the comfort, privacy, and freedom of life can be fully guaranteed.

(End of this chapter)

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