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Chapter 478 Chapter 471 "Kung Fu Panda" adaptation rights? NO!

Chapter 478 Chapter 471 "Kung Fu Panda" adaptation rights? NO!

California, North of Los Angeles, Glendale (Glendale), not far from Hollywood, is the headquarters of the famous animation company DreamWorks.

In a conference room, Steven Spielberg, the great director and main founder of DreamWorks, held a cigar in his hand and frowned.

Opposite him, sit the main staff of the creative team of the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda":
Producer: Melissa Kerber
Directors: Mark Osborne, John Stevenson
Writers: Glenn Berger, Jonathan Abell

The filming and production of this animation began in late September 2005 more than a year ago, and it has attracted an investment of 9 million US dollars. DreamWorks Animation also plans to invest 8000 million US dollars.

Now, they are in big trouble.

In early June last year, an online game from China, also called "Kung Fu Panda", appeared in the US market and quickly became popular.

After that, it became popular in the European and American markets, and the current game users have exceeded 1000 million.

Not only does this online game have the same name as the animation that DreamWorks is shooting, but the story script and character drawings have many similarities.

Therefore, in August 2006, DreamWorks "Kung Fu Panda" crew hired a team of lawyers to sue the online game "Kung Fu Panda" for copyright infringement.

As a result, the intellectual property owner of the online game "Kung Fu Panda", 51 Game Company under Huaxia 51 Group, also hired a team of lawyers to counterclaim.

At the beginning, the crew of DreamWorks' "Kung Fu Panda" vowed that 51 Game Company would definitely infringe the copyright, and 100% of people inside DreamWorks leaked commercial secrets.

As a result, after nearly half a year of litigation, the crew of DreamWorks' "Kung Fu Panda" realized that they were terribly wrong as the lawyer team of 51 Games continued to provide evidence.

On the timeline, as early as November 2004, when 11 Group developed the IM software 51talk, the icon of 51talk was designed to resemble the avatar of Po, the protagonist of "Kung Fu Panda".

After that, in February 2005, 2 Group started another project and developed the small SNS web game "Kung Fu Panda", which is similar to the prototype of the online game "Kung Fu Panda".

In mid-March 2005, 3 Game Company started to establish a project to develop the online game "Kung Fu Panda"...

All the evidence points to the idea and project development of 51 Group and 51 Game Company's "Kung Fu Panda" series in the first place, while the idea and project approval of DreamWorks' cartoon "Kung Fu Panda" came later.

On the contrary, DreamWorks is obviously suspected of plagiarism.

Producer Melissa Kerber sighed: "Steven, now that we have investigated clearly, we absolutely did not plagiarize, it was just a collision of genius ideas.

The possibility of us losing the lawsuit is very high, and the legal team recommends seeking an out-of-court settlement, otherwise it will seriously affect the reputation of DreamWorks. "

Spielberg said: "It is a trivial matter to settle out of court and pay some money. We have invested more than 8000 million U.S. dollars in this cartoon, and one investor has withdrawn 2000 million U.S. dollars and asked us to compensate for the loss of funds.

We had just sold DreamWorks and only kept the animation business, and the company was under a lot of pressure when we encountered such an incredible event.

Now, tell me what to do, how can we recover the loss?

If "Kung Fu Panda" cannot be successfully produced and released, each of you will bear the loss of the company! "

Melissa Kerber gritted her teeth: "Steven, this is the end of the matter, we can only seek an out-of-court settlement with the Huaxia game company, and at the same time, we have to negotiate with the other party to buy the animation of the online game "Kung Fu Panda" Adaptation rights.

In this way, we don't need to make any adjustments to our filming, production and release plans. "

Spielberg took a puff on his cigar: "That might be a good idea. Which of you will lead the negotiations?"

Melissa Kerber said: "I went to Huaxia to negotiate in person, and immediately contacted 51 Game Company. The legal team is seeking an out-of-court settlement with the other party. These two matters can be carried out simultaneously."

Spielberg nodded: "Melissa, it's up to you. Get rid of these troubles as soon as possible. The filming and production of "Kung Fu Panda" must be completed on schedule and released as planned..."

On the night of March 3th, it was almost 16 o'clock at night. Gao Yang finished his night run. After going home to take a bath, he was about to continue making humans with Wu Ruohan, when he suddenly received a call from Wu Xi, CEO of 10 Game Company:
"Mr. Gao, I'm very sorry to disturb you so late, DreamWorks has softened and hopes to settle with us out of court.

At the same time, the producer Melissa Kerber contacted us, hoping to come to China to negotiate and buy the animation adaptation rights of "Kung Fu Panda".

Now, the other party is waiting for us to reply immediately, you see..."

Gao Yang thought for a while and said with a smile: "Okay, we can talk about this matter, let's talk about it when the other party comes."

Gao Yang hung up the phone, and Wu Ruohan asked curiously, "Is there a result in the lawsuit between 51 Games and DreamWorks?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "DreamWorks has softened, and plans to send people to China to negotiate with us about purchasing the adaptation rights of "Kung Fu Panda."

Wu Ruohan was also happy: "Dreamworks has lowered its proud head. If it is reported, it will be a big news. Are we going to sell the adaptation rights to it?"

Gao Yang said: "It is not necessary to sell the adaptation rights, we can also consider cooperating with DreamWorks."

Wu Ruohan asked curiously, "How to cooperate?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I will personally negotiate, and you will know when the time comes, it's time for us to continue creating humans..."

On the afternoon of March 3th, Melissa Kerber and her assistants flew to Huaxia Capital in a hurry.

Wu Xi, CEO of 51 Games, and Li Qin, Gao Yang's assistant, came forward to receive them.

Wu Xi sent the two guests to the Friendship Hotel to settle down. Melissa Kerber asked eagerly, "Mr. Wu, when can we start discussing the adaptation rights?"

Wu Xi smiled slightly: "Ms. Cobb, the chairman of our group, Mr. Gao Yang, will talk to you personally about this matter. Today is the weekend, please rest well. Mr. Gao arranges to meet with you at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Melissa Kerber felt a little helpless, so she could only say: "Okay, I am very much looking forward to meeting Mr. Gao."

Melissa Kerber already knew that 51 Group is a well-known Internet company in China, Dreamworks Animation sued 51 Game Company for copyright infringement, and it really caused a big oolong, and the wrongdoing came first.

Now, to seek understanding from the other party, we can only talk at the pace of the 51 Group.

On March 3th, at 19 am, Gao Yang met with Melissa Kerber on time in the conference room of the President Office of 10 Group.

A blond lady in her 40s with a height of 176 cm.

Beside Gao Yang, sat Wu Ruohan, Fang Jian and Wu Xi, and his assistant Li Qin was in charge of recording the meeting.

Wu Ruohan cameo again as an interpreter, Gao Yang's full-time interpreter, Gu Yawen is entrusting her teacher to look for it at Beijing University of Foreign Studies.

Wu Xi can also speak English, but her oral level is much lower than that of Wu Ruohan.

After Wu Ruohan introduced Gao Yang and Fang Jian, Melissa Kerber began to explain that it was purely a miraculous misunderstanding that DreamWorks Animation sued 51 Game Company for infringement.

Melissa Kerber is very sincere: "Mr. Gao, although it is indeed unbelievable, the truth of this matter is just like this. It is really a magical misunderstanding.

Now, we hope to reach an out-of-court settlement and, in addition, purchase the animation adaptation rights of the "Kung Fu Panda" game.

In fact, it was a compensatory solution by DreamWorks Animation.

Our animated film of the same name "Kung Fu Panda" has been filmed and produced for nearly 18 months. It has a very mature script and does not need any changes. "

After listening to Wu Ruohan's translation, Gao Yang just smiled slightly: "Ms. Kerber, we believe this matter is likely to be a misunderstanding, and we agree to a settlement out of court, but I'm sorry, we don't have the right to adapt the animation of the "Kung Fu Panda" game." Consider selling."

Melissa Kerber was stunned for a moment, and a little angry:

"Mr. Gao, this is not fair!
DreamWorks Animation has enough sincerity to resolve this misunderstanding.

We have spent nearly 18 months and invested more than 8000 million US dollars on this animated film.

Because of this misunderstanding, some investors have already withdrawn 2500 million US dollars and demanded compensation from us for the loss of funds.

If this movie is stillborn, we can't bear such a big loss, and the hard work of the entire crew will be completely wasted.

You'd be killing a good animated film that would have been a hit, very creative.

For God's sake, this is really, really unfair!

The loss of DreamWorks Animation will exceed 1 million US dollars, and it may face bankruptcy..."

Melissa Kerber was very emotional. She didn't expect that this handsome and gentle oriental man in front of her would be so ruthless in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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