Chapter 482 The family has a fourth child

On March 3th, Wu Ruohan, who was only a day late on her menstrual period, couldn't wait, and took Gao Yang to the hospital for an examination.

At 9:9 in the morning, the two came out of the hospital. Wu Ruohan held her hand in her arms and looked happy: "There are still more than [-] months, and I will be a mother."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Now, you are satisfied."

Wu Ruohan said: "Well, with this child, I will be at ease for the rest of my life. Husband, what name shall we give the baby?"

Gao Yang couldn't help laughing: "It's too early, I don't know if it's a man or a woman. Now, I can only call him the fourth child."

Wu Ruohan smiled sweetly: "Then let's consider two names, prepare one for boys and girls, do you want it to be male or female?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I hope it's a girl, just two sons and two daughters."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "I hope it's a boy. Girls have to marry, so boys can stay by their side."

Gao Yang laughed again: "You are too old-fashioned. Your sister married me, and your aunt and uncle also live with us. Is there any difference?"

Wu Ruohan said again: "It's different. We have four children in our family. It's impossible for them to live together in the future. When the children grow up, there will be another generation."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "When the children grow up, get married and start a business, we will also be getting old soon. At that time, we will grow old together with Yawen. See which child is the most sensible, and choose which one to keep by your side..."

The two got into the car talking and laughing, and when they returned to the office, Wu Ruohan immediately went to Gu Yawen to announce the good news.

Wu Ruohan was pregnant with the baby smoothly, so Gu Yawen was naturally very happy.

Two women sat in the office, one called Wu Lan and the other Wen Yuqin.

Then, he called Gao Yang's parents to announce the good news.

After receiving Wu Ruohan's call, Wen Yuqin was also overjoyed: "Ruohan, you must take care of your body and raise your baby with peace of mind. In May, Mom will come to Beijing to accompany you."

Wu Ruohan said: "Mom, you don't have to come to the capital in such a hurry, it's not like no one is with me at home, grandparents are getting old and need your care, and my dad also needs someone to accompany me.

When the quadrangle courtyard is built at the end of the year, it will not be too late for you to come to the capital to bring your grandparents over. "

Wen Yuqin said: "Okay then, let Gao Yang spend more time with you, since he is busy, he should spend more time with you."

Wu Ruohan said: "Mom, don't worry about these things. If he has time, he will definitely accompany me."

Wen Yuqin hung up the phone, and immediately called Gao Yang again, telling him to spend more time with Wu Ruohan and take good care of her.

Gao Yang naturally agreed and hung up the phone, but he was a little confused.

There are a dozen people living in the house, as well as nannies and security personnel, how could it be impossible to take good care of Wu Ruohan who is just pregnant.

After returning home from get off work in the evening, both Wu Lan and Li Xiuzhen told Wu Ruohan to rest more, and it was better not to go to work.

Wu Ruohan said: "Mom, aunt, I just got pregnant, it's still early, I won't go to work in June or July."

Gu Yawen said: "Ruohan, when you start to have morning sickness, you can rest at home. You have Yufei watching over your work, so don't worry about it. The baby is the most important thing."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Sister, I know."

After the walk, Gao Yang ran at night accompanied by the security guard Wang Xiaolong. Wu Ruohan stopped running after starting to create humans, and practiced yoga with Gu Yawen.

Now that I am pregnant with a child, I will naturally stop exercising.

After 9 o'clock in the evening, Gao Yang came back from a run and went to Villa No. 7 to wash. In the bedroom, Wu Ruohan leaned on the bedside and read a book for a while, feeling a little sleepy, so she lay down early.

After Gao Yang entered the room, Wu Ruohan opened his eyes: "Go and accompany my sister."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled, leaning against the head of the bed: "Tomorrow night, I'll be with you tonight."

Wu Ruohan snuggled into Gao Yang's arms, and smiled sweetly: "I have to go to bed early and get up early every day, so you really don't need to accompany me."

Gao Yang had only turned two pages of the book, and Wu Ruohan was already asleep, with a smile on her lips...

On the afternoon of March 3th, Liu Yifei, who had been in the United States for 28 days, came back, and immediately went to Gaoyang's office to announce the good news:
"Brother-in-law, I have passed both films and signed the contract. Thank you for your support."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Yifei, such an opportunity is rare, so you should work hard."

Liu Yifei said: "Brother-in-law, I will work hard.

"The King of Kung Fu" will start filming in May, and it will be filmed in China. It is expected to be filmed for 5 months. During this time, I am familiar with the script at home.

For the dubbing of "Kung Fu Panda", I discussed with the director, and I will go to the United States after "The King of Kung Fu" is finished.

The director said that it is estimated that half a month to 20 days will be enough..."

Liu Yifei was very excited, and went to chat with Wu Ruohan for a while, but she couldn't find anyone in Gu Yawen's office. After calling, she found out that she had gone to 51 Science and Technology Park to inspect the construction site again.

In the afternoon, Liu Li came home from get off work early and prepared a big table of delicious meals with the nanny. Wu Ruohan was pregnant, and Liu Yifei signed two more Hollywood movies, all of which were great events.

After Gao Yang quit drinking for a month, he started to drink with his father-in-law Gu Wenlong again.

Taking a walk after dinner, Wu Ruohan took Gao Yang's arm and whispered: "In the evening, I have Yifei to accompany me. She said that she was at home during this time to familiarize herself with the script. Xiaoyue will accompany me when Xiaoyue comes home on weekends."

Gao Yang understood what Wu Ruohan meant, he hadn't been warm with Gu Yawen for more than a month.

Gu Yawen didn't let him accompany her, and let him and Wu Ruohan concentrate on making people.

After the night run, Gao Yang went to Villa No. 5 first, Wu Ruohan was already asleep, and Liu Yifei was wearing pajamas, leaning on the bedside to read the script.

Gao Yang smiled slightly, said goodnight to Liu Yifei, and went back to Villa No. 7 to wash.

In the master bedroom of Villa No. 7, there are two small beds next to the big bed, covered with gauze curtains, where Yaoyao and Shitou are sitting.

After Gao Yang entered the room, Gu Yawen, who was leaning on the bed and reading a book, smiled slightly, signaling Gao Yang to move more lightly.

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Ruohan is also pregnant now, Yaoyao and Shitou, why don't my parents sleep with them?"

Gu Yawen shook her head: "Let me take it to sleep, they are used to me coaxing them to sleep."

Gao Yang lay down: "It's been more than a month, don't you miss me?"

Gu Yawen smiled lightly: "I want to go back to thinking, I've been very busy with work recently, and I go to bed early at night. During this time, you'd better spend more time with Ruohan, just come and stay two nights a week."

Gao Yang was surprised: "Could it be that you have become indifferent?"

Gu Yawen couldn't help laughing: "Nonsense, when I was pregnant with Tiantian and Yaoyao, I hoped to be with you every day. When a woman is pregnant, her emotions tend to fluctuate. Ruohan really needs your company now. "

Gao Yang said: "I know, but Ruohan said that during this time, she asked Yifei and Xiaoyue to accompany her."

Gu Yawen thought about it: "Ruohan has always felt that she owes me, and she is still pregnant now. I will talk to her about it tomorrow. There is really no need to be like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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