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Chapter 483 Are you teasing me?

Chapter 483 Are you teasing me?

On March 3th, Friday, Wu Xiaoyue went home for the weekend in the afternoon.

In the evening, Liu Li booked a large private room in Haidilao, with two large tables, and the whole family plus the nanny and security personnel.

For this meal tonight, Liu Li is celebrating her daughter's success in entering Hollywood, and also congratulating Wu Ruohan on her pregnancy.

Liu Yifei's good sister Zhang Hangying also rushed back from Shanghai, and Yang Ming, who was on weekends, was also invited by Liu Li.

After Yang Ming signed with 51 Entertainment, he and Liu Yifei also became very good friends.

Tonight, Zhang Hangying and Yang Ming held a glass of red wine to congratulate Liu Yifei and Wu Ruohan.

Liu Li suddenly smiled and said: "There is another piece of good news, it's from Mingming, Mingming, let me tell you about it."

"Okay, Aunt Liu." Yang Ming smiled sweetly, "The TV series "Wang Zhaojun" I starred in has been finished for more than a year. Now the schedule is basically fixed. In the second half of the year, it will be broadcast on CCTV."

Everyone expressed their congratulations.

Yang Ming continued: "Unfortunately, after I signed the contract with the company, I didn't make much contribution. It's still Yi Fei who can star in Hollywood blockbusters, and cooperate with international superstars like Chen Long and Li Lianjie."

Liu Li said: "Mingming, you are still young, you should focus on your studies. When you filmed "Wang Zhaojun", you just started your freshman year, and the professional courses for the whole semester were delayed.

You are studying acting, don't be impatient, the basic skills training must be solid.

At this stage, the company will arrange some commercial performances for you.

With your image and temperament, when you have a professional foundation in acting, with the support of 51 Entertainment, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. "

Yang Ming said: "Aunt Liu, I understand, I have already made up my professional courses last year, and I have been concentrating on my classes at school."

Gao Yang also said: "Yang Ming, I also agree with Aunt Liu's arrangements for you, your image and temperament are very good, since you want to take the road of film and television performance, image alone is not enough, you must have a solid professional foundation.

In the next step, the group is considering registering a film company. In the future, it will select some potential investment in film and television dramas and strive to cooperate with some excellent directors.

Whether it's you, or Yifei, including other young artists signed by 51 Entertainment, there will be no shortage of opportunities in the future, the premise is that you have solid basic skills in acting and you have to be able to catch the director's eye. "

Liu Li smiled and said: "Mingming, Yifei, have you heard that you have to be strong to strike an iron. With such strong support from the group, if you can't grasp this opportunity, then I can only blame you I’m not good enough at my studies.”

Liu Yifei quickly stated: "Brother-in-law, I have been working hard, and I am very serious."

Yang Ming also said: "President Gao, Aunt Liu, I will work hard."

Zhang Hangying said enviously: "Yifei, Mingming, with President Gao's support, I really envy you all. If I could go back in time, I would like to go to the film school."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Lang Ying, you are an excellent singer with a good voice, a good image and temperament, and very good singing skills. It is enough to stick to this path."

Wu Xiaoyue said: "That's right, Sister Hang Ying, what my brother-in-law said is correct, if you persevere, you will definitely have great achievements in the future."

Liu Yifei said: "Why don't we go to karaoke tonight?"

"Okay, okay", Wu Xiaoyue immediately echoed, "It's been a long time since I have karaoke, sister, second sister, are you going?"

Both Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan shook their heads with a smile. Gu Yawen didn't like to make noise and had to take care of the children.It's not suitable for Wu Ruohan to go to KTV to make a fuss now.

Liu Yifei looked pitifully at Gao Yang: "Brother-in-law, why don't you accompany us to karaoke, okay?"

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Okay, just two hours, just enjoy yourself..."

As soon as Gao Yang was willing to go to karaoke, Liu Li called immediately and booked a luxury bag.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Gu Yawen, Wu Ruohan, parents and children all went home.

Gao Yang and his party of eight, including two security guards, went to the KTV at the corner of the street together.

Liu Yifei and Zhang Hangying both wore sunglasses and peaked caps.

Yang Ming is not famous yet, so naturally he doesn't need to hide his pretty face.Wu Xiaoyue's appearance and figure are no worse than Yang Ming's, and she is a little taller.

It's just that Wu Xiaoyue is dressed like an ordinary college student today, wearing jeans and sneakers, and a long-sleeved T-shirt on her upper body.

Yang Ming has dressed up carefully today, her tight skirt and stockings are very sexy, and she is wearing high heels, making her look a little taller than Wu Xiaoyue.

A group of people drove two cars. After entering the KTV hall, Yang Ming and Wu Xiaoyue's looks and figures stunned the young men and women waiting in line for the private room in the hall, and immediately began to discuss in a low voice.

However, the aura of Gao Yang and his group was quite compelling, no one dared to approach them boldly.

The waiter quickly led Gao Yang and his party to the private room. In the hall, a girl suddenly said, "That handsome guy just now seems to be Mr. Gao of the 51 Group?"

Then someone came to his senses: "That's right, it's Mr. Gao. This deity looks more handsome than the photos on the Internet."

A young man said again: "If it is confirmed that it is Mr. Gao, then the tall beauty wearing sunglasses in front is probably Liu Yifei."

Immediately another girl said, "It must be Liu Yifei. The person next to Mr. Gao should be Liu Yifei's mother. Liu Li, the boss of 51 Entertainment, looks so young."

Several groups of young men and women discussed heatedly, and some even suggested to find Liu Yifei to sign it.

A young man said: "Stupid, there was a man and a woman just now, obviously bodyguards, such big men don't want to be disturbed, if they come to the door, the KTV security guards will blow you out..."

In the KTV luxury bag, the four girls happily ordered songs, Liu Li poured a glass of red wine for Gao Yang, and began to toast.

Wang Xiaolong, Gaoyang's security guard, and Geng Juan, Liu Yifei's security guard, each sat in a corner holding a glass of white water.

Sitting in front of the karaoke stand, Wu Xiaoyue shouted: "Brother-in-law, we want you to sing first, what song do you want to sing?"

Gao Yang thought for a while and said with a smile: "Li Keqin's "Half Moon Serenade" and Leslie Cheung's "The Wind Continues to Blow."

Wu Xiaoyue said: "Don't I sing beyond?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I won't sing tonight, I'll just sing these two songs, and I'll listen to you later."

Wu Xiaoyue ordered these two songs quickly, and Gao Yang went to the microphone stand to start singing.

It was also the first time for Wu Xiaoyue to hear Gao Yang sing these two songs, and naturally no one else had.

Both Zhang Hangying and Yang Ming heard Gao Yang sing K for the first time.

After Gao Yang finished singing "Half Moon Serenade", the four girls, Liu Li, and Wang Xiaolong all applauded.

After Gao Yang sang "The Wind Continues to Blow", he made a gesture of calling the curtain, and said with a smile, "My mission is complete, and I'll listen to you singing next."

After the applause, Wu Xiaoyue sang, and the other three girls gathered around Gao Yang to toast.

Zhang Hangying said with a smile, "Mr. Gao, I really didn't expect that you can make your debut because you sing so well."

Yang Ming immediately echoed, "Yes, Mr. Gao's singing voice is almost the same as the original one."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Don't flatter me, I'm at the KTV level..."

Several girls giggled and started singing.

Zhang Hangying and Liu Yifei are both professional-level, Yang Ming and Wu Xiaoyue are about the same, but at the KTV Maiba level, and Wu Xiaoyue's voice is better.

Liu Li asked Gao Yang to toast again: "Gao Yang, I persuaded Zhang Hangying to sign with 51 Entertainment. She had been hesitant before, and she should be tempted today."

Gao Yang said: "Aunt Liu, if you want to sign a photo, you can discuss it with her."

Liu Li said: "Before, Hang Ying has been wearing emotional shackles. Yifei said that Hang Ying has come to her senses and is determined to give up. It's just that she signed with Huayi, and there are still two years left in the contract. 51 Entertainment may have to pay a liquidated damages for her. .”

Gao Yang thought about it: "Aunt Liu, you have decided these things yourself.

Zhang Hangying still has a very good commercial value. If you want to sign her, you can talk to Huayi on behalf of 51 Entertainment to terminate the contract.

As for her personal feelings, that is her own private matter. After signing with 51 Entertainment, in this regard, she should be reminded to pay attention to her public image.

In addition, the group will arrange for the registration of 51 Films soon. You will be the legal representative, and the film company will take charge of it first. If there is a suitable candidate in the future, it will consider replacing you. "

Liu Li said: "Okay, I understand."

At this time, Zhang Hangying had just finished singing an English song, and Liu Li took her to discuss with her.

On the stage, Wu Xiaoyue and Liu Yifei were singing together. Seeing that there was no one around Gao Yang, Yang Ming bit his lip, brought a glass of red wine, sat next to Gao Yang, and said with a smile:

"President Gao, let me toast to you again."

Gao Yang looked at Yang Ming with a smile: "Drink a lot tonight, can you drink well?"

Yang Ming smiled: "I usually don't drink alcohol. If Mr. Gao is willing to drink, I can stay with you until dawn."

Gao Yang played with the wine glass in his hand, looked at Yang Ming, and suddenly smiled, "Are you teasing me like this?"

After being so outspoken, Yang Ming's face instantly became hot, and his chest thumped.

Yang Ming suddenly plucked up his courage and stared at Gao Yang: "President Gao, I would like to treat you to a meal, is that okay?"

Gao Yang didn't say anything, just looked at Yang Ming with a smile, until she started to panic, then nodded and said: "Yes."

Yang Ming was overjoyed immediately: "Mr. Gao, I will treat you to dinner tomorrow weekend, is that okay?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "I don't have time at night, let's go at noon."

Yang Ming said: "Okay, Mr. Gao, I'll let you know after I've booked the restaurant tomorrow morning, please be sure to appreciate it."

Gao Yang looked at Yang Ming with a smile: "Don't worry, I will never let anyone do what I promised..."

(End of this chapter)

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