Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 484 The Elusive Man

Chapter 484 The Elusive Man

At 10 o'clock in the evening, the KTV party ended on time, and Liu Yifei's security guard, Geng Juan, was in charge of sending Zhang Hangying and Yang Ming home, and everyone else took Gaoyang's Mercedes-Benz G to return to Wanliu Huafu.

After getting off the car, Wu Xiaoyue also followed into Villa No. 7, Gao Yang said: "Xiaoyue, it's so late, what are you doing here?"

Wu Xiaoyue said: "Second Sister asked me to accompany her."

Gao Yang waved his hand: "Go back, I don't need you to accompany me."

Wu Xiaoyue took Liu Yifei's arm and smiled: "Then I will accompany Yifei."

Gao Yang went to the bedroom to have a look, Wu Ruohan had already fallen asleep.

I couldn't run at night tonight, Gao Yang is not used to it, changed clothes, went to the gym on the third floor to sweat half body, and just washed up and went to bed.

As soon as she lay down, Wu Ruohan woke up: "Honey, why are you here?"

Gao Yang held her in his arms: "I will accompany you."

Wu Ruohan said in a daze, "Well, my sister said the same thing, but..."

Gao Yang said: "It's very late, go to sleep, don't think about it."

Wanliu at the end of March, strolling along the Miyun Diversion Canal from the Summer Palace, the scenery is very beautiful. There is a poem in history, "Green willows in spring breeze, and peach blossoms in light rain", to praise the Jiangnan-style scenery in this area.

This area is located in the upper wind and upper water of the capital, and is also known as the blessed land under the capital. It is said that there are thousands of willows planted, so it is named Wanliu.

Now, it is still the early spring season when the spring breeze is like scissors in February, and the breath of spring is coming.

After breakfast, Gao Yang's family took their children and strolled along the canal until the sun was shining before going home to rest.

In Beijing in 2007, with the continuous improvement of air control, the air quality has been far better than the years when Gao Yang first came to Beijing, and sandstorms in spring are rare.

In the past two years, the smog in winter has been far less serious than around 2011.

Back home, Gu Yawen and Wu Xiaoyue took Tiantian, Yaoyao and Shitou to play games in the children's room, while asking the children to speak in English.

This is one of the methods that Gu Yawen has always taught children to practice oral English, and the effect is very good.

Gao Yang was sitting in the study reading the newspaper, and next to him, Wu Ruohan was reviewing the trend of A shares this week on the computer.

Wu Ruohan resumed the video for more than an hour, lying on Gao Yang's shoulder:

"Husband, we caught the wave of adjustments in early February, and the income was very good.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange index has gone out of 5 consecutive positives this week and has stood firm at 3100 points. It is likely to break through 3200 points on Monday.

In this wave, the stock index has risen by 2600% from 22 points, and the market value of company and personal account holdings has risen by 70%, and the total holdings have reached more than 240 billion. "

Gao Yang nodded: "That's right, just hold on to the bargaining chips at this stage, don't stay in front of the computer for too long, there is radiation."

Wu Ruohan smiled: "I know, I use the computer for at most two hours a day, listen to music and read more, my sister taught me."

Gao Yang waved at Wu Ruohan's face: "Someone invited me to dinner at noon, and I'm going out at 11:[-], you can tell Yawen about it."

Wu Ruohan said: "Who invited you to dinner?"

Gao Yang said: "Yang Ming who Yifei called to eat and karaoke together last night."

Wu Ruohan was startled, and said with a smile: "She's a sophomore at the Film Academy, she's pretty."

Gao Yang said: "Yes, it is quite beautiful."

Wu Ruohan stopped asking, turned on the stereo, and lay down on the recliner to listen to music.

At 11:[-] in the morning, Wang Xiaolong drove and Gao Yang went out.

After Gao Yang went out, Wu Ruohan immediately went to find Gu Yawen:

"Sister, that Yang Ming who had dinner with me last night invited her husband to dinner at noon. He has already gone out. Let me tell you."

Gu Yawen was startled: "Okay, I see."

Wu Ruohan whispered: "Sister, why do you think Yang Ming invited him to dinner?"

Gu Yawen asked with a smile, "What do you think?"

Wu Ruohan thought about it: "I think this girl must have been stimulated by Yifei's light and wanted to seek more resources."

Gu Yawen said: "It's about the same. Gao Yang said last night that the company wants to invest in a film company. It's normal for Yang Ming to seize the opportunity."

Wu Ruohan said again: "Sister, do you think they will..."

Gu Yawen looked at Wu Ruohan with a smile: "Ruohan, don't you even believe your husband, and want to tie him up?"

Wu Ruohan chuckled: "Sister, I'm not, I just think that this girl may have made a mistake."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "That's about the same. It's not like you don't know what kind of person Gao Yang is."

Wu Ruohan said again: "Sister, Yang Ming is quite pretty, tell me, does he play tricks every now and then?"

Gu Yawen said: "Ruohan, Gao Yang is so successful, he will face such a temptation sooner or later, he will grasp it himself. Don't think wildly, it's useless. We just need to guard this home."

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister, I understand..."

Yang Ming's dinner was set at the Siji Jinyuan Hotel not far from Wanliu. This five-star hotel is the most famous hotel in the west of the city in recent years, and there is also a shopping mall called the largest in Asia nearby.

Yang Ming ordered a western restaurant, and after welcoming Gao Yang and his wife to the restaurant, Wang Xiaolong was very self-conscious and did not follow into the private room, but sat in the booth in the hall outside the private room.

Seeing this, Yang Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Today's Yang Ming, dressed up in a pure white princess dress, looks pure and lustful, Gao Yang saw it and thought it was quite interesting.

The private room that Yang Ming booked was not big, about 20 square meters, with a square table and a sofa, it was a bit like a private room for couples.

The waiter entered the room, Yang Ming was going to order food for Wang Xiaolong in the hall outside, Gao Yang said with a smile: "Xiaolong can order by himself, you invited me, not him."

Yang Ming also stopped being polite, and she really didn't need to worry about the security around Gao Yang.

The two ordered meals, and Yang Ming asked Gao Yang for a bottle of red wine.

After the waiter served the meal and opened the wine, Yang Ming signaled the waiter to leave, and poured the wine for Gao Yang himself.

The two raised their wine glasses and touched each other lightly, Yang Ming smiled sweetly: "President Gao, thank you for your honor, can I call you Brother Yang?"

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Yes."

The two ate and drank wine, Yang Ming called Brother Yang, and took the initiative to talk about his dream of being a star since he was a child, how he worked hard to get into the film academy, first, Guo Xiang who participated in the new version of "Sculpture of God" , and how to pass the audition of thousands of people, and was lucky to star in "Wang Zhaojun".

Gao Yang has been listening carefully, occasionally nodding his head to express his appreciation.

Yang Ming sighed suddenly: "I was born in an ordinary family, and I'm not as lucky as Yi Fei. It's actually quite difficult to go all these years. Please give me a chance, Brother Yang."

Gao Yang was delighted: "You have already signed with 51 Entertainment, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, why be so anxious."

Yang Ming looked straight at Gao Yang: "Brother Yang, you should understand what I'm talking about, right?"

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Do you want fame or profit?"

Yang Ming said: "For me, fame and fortune can be separated?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "That's right, it's beneficial to be famous in the entertainment industry."

Yang Ming said, "Brother Yang, are you willing to support me?"

Gao Yang looked at Yang Ming: "Tell me, what kind of support do you want."

Yang Ming bit his lip, and boldly said: "I want to be a big star like Yi Fei, if Brother Yang can afford it, I want to be yours..."

Gao Yang raised his hand and stopped Yang Ming from saying, "You know, I'm a man with a family."

Yang Ming bit his lips again, his pretty face suddenly turned red:
"I understand. I don't have any ambitions. I just want to ask Brother Yang to give me a chance. I can't repay you, only myself."

Gao Yang lit a cigarette, looked at this beautiful girl who was only 20 years old, and remained silent for a while.

Yang Ming suddenly became nervous: "Brother Yang, I..."

Gao Yang suddenly said: "You should know about Zhang Yangying's emotional difficulties, right?"

Yang Ming nodded: "Well, I heard Yifei talk about it."

Gao Yang said: "Since you know, why do you still have such thoughts?"

Suddenly the corners of Yang Ming's eyes got wet:
"Brother Yang, it's difficult for girls to be in the entertainment industry, and it's even more difficult for girls to be pretty.

Yifei was filming at the age of 15 and encountered harassment on the set. I have also experienced such encounters, verbal and even physical.

However, I had to hold back and avoid it as much as possible, not daring to offend others severely.

With a brother-in-law like you, Yifei now doesn't have to worry anymore, and no one dares to harass her anymore.

Brother Yang, I don't have any background, I just think that with your support and protection, I can be like Yifei and never be afraid again..."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "You are quite straightforward, have you ever been in love?"

Yang Ming was stunned, nodded, then shook his head: "In the second semester of the second year of high school, I just held hands with a boy. Looking back, I was quite naive at that time."

Gao Yang lit another cigarette: "Based on your appearance, if you work hard enough, you can achieve success by yourself. Why do you have to do this?"

Yang Ming said: "Brother Yang, it's really not easy for girls to develop in the entertainment industry. Without your care, I can't avoid such men. There are too many of them."

Gao Yang said: "51 Entertainment is a company of 51 Group, if you are worried about being harassed, the company will make arrangements to provide you with protection.

I'm a family man, so it's impossible for me to take care of you as you imagined.

The relationship between Yifei and our family is only known to a very small number of people.She worked hard enough and had a good foundation to have this opportunity.

As long as you work hard enough, there will be no shortage of opportunities in the future. In two or three years, 51 Entertainment and 51 Pictures will have plenty of resources. "

Yang Ming said: "Brother Yang, I just want to find a man I can rely on, someone who can help me and protect me. You are such a person. Apart from pursuing career success, I am not greedy. Really, I can swear, no It will interfere with your family."

Gao Yang said: "You know that this is an abyss, but you want to jump into it?"

Yang Ming shook his head: "For me, this is not an abyss, but a smooth path."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "I can understand your pursuit of success, but it's just that your thoughts are in the wrong place. Between men and women, only interests can be exchanged, not feelings."

Yang Ming blushed: "Brother Yang, you are my idol. I know that there are many beautiful girls who like you. To me, this is not an exchange, I mean it sincerely."

Gao Yang poured the remaining red wine into the glass and drank it down: "That's it, I should go home."

Yang Ming grabbed Gao Yang's hand: "Brother Yang, is it really wrong for me to pursue fame and fortune?"

Gao Yang patted Yang Ming's jade hand lightly, and smiled slightly:
"It doesn't matter right or wrong, everyone's path is under their own feet.

The words you said to me today may have been impulsive and impulsive.

Any choice will have a price. If you get it, you will also lose it.

How about this, you can go to school with peace of mind, if it's summer vacation, you still think about it now, let's talk about it. "

Yang Ming became anxious: "Brother Yang, I disgusted you today, didn't I?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "No, you are straightforward and not hypocritical, which is pretty good. You have enough time to think about what I said just now, and come to talk to me after you think it through."

Yang Ming asked again: "Do I have to wait until my summer vacation?"

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes."

Watching Gao Yang turn around and leave behind the door, Yang Ming's mind suddenly went blank.

The road is under your feet?

There is a price to choose. If you get it, you will also lose it?
Yang Ming carefully savored Gao Yang's words just now, and felt that this man's words were oblique and elusive.

After a long time, Yang Ming called the waiter to pay the bill, and the answer he got was that the gentleman sitting in the lobby just now had already paid the bill...

(End of this chapter)

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