Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 486 The Fastest News Network

Chapter 486 The Fastest News Network

On April 4th, Guyu, at 20:9 in the morning, more than 30 media reporters from all over the country gathered again at the Beijing International Trade Hotel.

A few months later, 51 Group held a large-scale press conference again.

The theme of the press conference surprised the media reporters.

51 Group actually wants to enter the integrated news portal website!
The name of this website is 51!
The theme slogan of the press conference is: "51 Toutiao, the fastest news website!"

You must know that in the field of news portals, Xinglang, Yiwang and Sohu's top three have been fully finalized as early as 2000.

Afterwards, relying on the user traffic of QQ, Goose Factory only dared to enter this field with the theme of entertainment, and founded Goose

Coupled with the news network, which has not received much attention, there are already five major news portals in the country.

The strongest is still Xinglang, and the status of so many rivers and lakes has not changed.

The bewildered media reporters have also seen that since the birth of in 51, none of the Internet projects launched by 51 Group have been unsuccessful, and all of them have been hits.

Therefore, the reporters are also very curious about how 51 can fight its way out of the rivers and lakes of portal news websites.

At 9:25, there were already more than 300 people sitting in the conference hall of China World Trade Center Hotel, where the press conference was held.

Gao Yang, dressed in formal attire, accompanied Ding Lei, Li Yan, Zou Hongwei, Liu Dong, Xu Xin, Lu Tao, Feng Jinsong and other guests into the venue. Fang Jian, He Guangwen, Gu Yawen and other 51 Group executives followed closely behind.

A group of photographers immediately pressed the shutter.

Ding Lei, Li Yan, Zou Hongwei, and Liu Dong are all well-known figures in the Internet circle, and they are also closely related to the 51 Group.

Xu Xin and her Venture Capital Today were already familiar to the media when they jointly acquired the desktop business of 51 Guardians with Qihu Technology.

Feng Jinsong, the boss of CPI Group, is known to many journalists in the IT media circle, and everyone knows that Gao Yang was the vice president of CPI Group.

Only Lu Tao, the former chairman of the [-] million Group and the current general manager of Luxshare Seiko, can only be remembered by a few old IT media reporters.

What the media reporters still don’t know is that the registered capital of 51 project is 4 million yuan, of which 51 Group invested 3 million yuan. The CPI Group represented by Ding Lei, Li Yan, Zou Hongwei, Liu Dong, Xu Xin, Lu Tao and Feng Jinsong, A total investment of 1 million yuan.

In order to compete for the investment share of 1 million yuan, the seven people were on the verge of talking to Gao Yang a few days ago.

The internal test of 51 made these people realize that the situation of portal news websites will soon be broken because of the appearance of 51 Toutiao.

51 is a catfish, a very ferocious catfish.

The 51 Group naturally does not lack the 1 million. Gao Yang's purpose is to take care of old friends and make the alliance partnership closer.

Just as Gao Yang and the others took their seats in the front row of the venue, the familiar BGM, "Prelude to the Little Knife Club" came out from the speakers.

Many media reporters smiled knowingly. As soon as this BGM came out, it indicated that the 51 Group was going to make trouble again.

Sure enough, an accident happened. When the two hosts came on stage, many reporters immediately recognized them.

"The host of CCTV's "Dialogue", Chen Weihong!"

"That's the new actress of CCTV's financial channel, Qin Fang!"

"Qin Fang is so beautiful, she is so tall..."

On the stage, Chen Weihong was wearing a dark blue suit, while Qin Fang was wearing a bright red dress. Qin Fang, who was walking on high heels, was two or three centimeters taller than Chen Weihong.

Chen Weihong was the first to speak: "Friends from the media, good morning, everyone. I am Chen Weihong. Welcome to the press conference of 51 Group's 51 Toutiao online launch."

Qin Fang continued: "Hi everyone, I am Qin Fang."

Chen Weihong said: "Qin Fang, do you understand the Internet?"

Qin Fang smiled and said: "Let's understand a little bit. For example, 51 Group is a rookie in Huaxia Internet, and its rise is very fast. I am also a user of 51 Group. I have registered on 51 Weibo, 51talk, and 51 City."

Chen Weihong asked again: "Then do you know the current competitive landscape of domestic news portals?"

Qin Fang smiled and said: "I have done my homework. At present, in addition to the five major portal websites such as Xinglang, Sohu, and Yiwang, there are also a large number of regional news portal websites in various provinces and cities across the country.

Weihong, 51 Group officially launched 51 today, claiming to be the "fastest news website". Do you know how 51 Toutiao is the fastest? "

Chen Weihong said with a smile: "I heard that it relies on innovative Internet technology. I don't know the specifics. However, technical experts will reveal the answer for us soon."

Qin Fang said: "Yes, let us invite Mr. Chen Hua, vice president of the 51 Group Research Institute and chief algorithm scientist, to reveal the answer for everyone..."

The BGM of "Small Knife Club Prelude" sounded again, and with a smile and confidence on his face, Chen Hua came to the stage to give a presentation on the PPT:

"Friends from the media industry, hello everyone, 51 has officially launched its public beta at 9:30 this morning.

We officially launched the research and development of this project on September 9 last year. The project team consisted of 19 engineers and lasted for more than 120 months. On March 6 this year, we invited 3 users to participate in the internal test.

After 20 days of internal testing, most of the collected user feedback gave very good comments.

The most distinctive feature of 51 Toutiao is the word Toutiao.

Headlines mean hot news and fast news response.

There is a saying in martial arts novels that everyone must be familiar with, "Kung Fu in the world can only be broken quickly", which comes from Gu Long's novel "Xiao Li Feidao".

51 Toutiao is a news website that is "only fast but not broken". This kind of speed is different from the manual editing of traditional news websites. We achieve it through algorithm technology.

The editing background of 51 Toutiao is no longer a manual editing mode, but an automatic push of algorithm technology, and manual editing will become an assistant.

Through innovative search engine technology and algorithms as the core, we immediately recommend hot news and information released by media organizations, including self-media authors, to website users.

The results of the internal test show that the hot news on 51 Toutiao is much faster than any other news portal.

If a user registers on 51 Toutiao, after using 51 Toutiao for a period of time, the website will remember your reading interests and push you more hot news within the scope of your interests..."

The technological innovation model of the portal news website explained by Chen Hua was roughly understood by all the media reporters present, only some IT media reporters.

Next, Zhang Yiming, deputy technical director of 51 Group and CEO of 51 Toutiao, took the stage to give a speech. When introducing the operation mode of 51 Toutiao, he announced a news that shocked all the reporters:
“51 will pay for news creation.

Whether it is a media organization, a reporter himself, or a self-media author, as long as he registers on 51, has a 51pay account, and after the news works are pushed by 51 Toutiao, he can participate in the traffic sharing of the website's advertising revenue.

30% of our monthly advertising revenue will be used for traffic sharing and payment for original news works.

This is an attempt and effort of 51 Group to respect intellectual property rights.

If the attempt of this business model is successful, the next step is that 51 Group will gradually promote it on platforms such as 51 Weibo, 51 Renren and 51 Fortune..."

The media reporters at the scene burst into applause instantly.

In the past, portal news websites reproduced news purely for free.

51's move is purely a head-on attack from the very beginning, aiming to annihilate the entire industry.

51 Toutiao is a ferocious catfish, not only has the innovation of technology application, but also the innovation of business model.

The rivers and lakes of portal news websites are going to be in chaos...

At the scene, many journalists with laptops and Internet access immediately posted this explosive news on 51 Weibo.

Today's press conference, 51 Weibo arranged a live broadcast, and the news that 51 Toutiao will share advertising traffic for original news works quickly became a super topic and spread wildly.

Today, there can be no more hot news...

(End of this chapter)

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