Chapter 487
At 11 o'clock in the morning, the press conference was over, and the next one was the media interview, which was conducted by Fang Jian, He Guangwen, Chen Hua and Zhang Yiming.

Gao Yang accompanied several guests to the hotel tea room to drink tea and treat them to dinner at noon.

In the tea room, everyone sat down, and after the tea master made the tea, Ding Lei took a sip from his teacup and said with a smile, "Gao Yang, it's too cruel to divide the advertising traffic. The stock prices of Sohu and Sohu will fall."

Xu Xin smiled and asked, "Ding Lei, aren't you afraid that Yiwang's stock price will also fall?"

Li Yan said with a smile: "He won't be worried. Gao Yang gave the Chinese version of "Kung Fu Panda" to Yiwang as the exclusive agent, and Yiwang's stock price has risen by 30% during this period."

Ding Lei said with a smile: "Old Li is right. Yiwang's main business is online games, and the advertising revenue of portal websites accounts for a small proportion. Investors are not stupid."

Xu Xin asked again: "Gao Yang, Yiwang is the sole agent of "Kung Fu Panda", how did you share it?"

Gao Yang said: "Three sevens open, we three, Yiwang seven."

Xu Xin said in surprise, "You are so generous."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Sister Xin, we are all partners."

Later, Ding Lei and the others were very excited about eating and drinking.

Gao Yang came up with a 51 headline and entered the arena of portal news websites. Whether it is technological innovation or business means, it is too clever.

In less than a year, the status of Xinglang and other portal websites in the arena is unlikely to be guaranteed, and 51 Toutiao is likely to become the leader, or even the overlord, of the new portal news websites.

The business model of the entire industry will change rapidly due to the emergence of 51 Toutiao...

Not surprisingly, the news of the 51 Toutiao press conference spread rapidly on the Internet through 51 Weibo first, and then through the manuscripts of more media reporters in the afternoon.

51 officially launched its public beta, and also because it announced that media organizations, journalists or self-media authors will pay for original news works in the form of advertising traffic sharing, which has triggered a large number of Internet users to register.

At the same time, there are also a large number of newcomers applying to register as 51pay users.

Many users have noticed that 51 is quite different from other news portals.

Almost every time it is refreshed, new news will come out.

After each piece of news is clicked, there is an annotation of the number of readers, which is to mark the popularity of the news.

As for 51’s advertising sharing model, news popularity data is one of the most important reference indicators.

Every piece of news on 51 is marked with the original source, including the name of the media organization, reporter or self-media author.

This is a completely different kind of news portal.

This incident quickly aroused widespread discussion on the Internet. Both media organizations and some well-known commentators praised the new rules established by the 51 Group.

Respecting intellectual property rights and paying for original content, such an Internet media platform is too conscientious.

In the afternoon, 51 Toutiao Chaohua on 51 Weibo was read by more than 3000 million people, and many national-level media also participated in the discussion.

In just half a day, 51 Toutiao became popular.

51 was clicked by tens of millions of users and added to favorites.

Every minute, tens of thousands of new users start to pay attention to 1

There are constant comments on various online forums, and some professionals have begun to analyze how much impact the appearance of 51 Toutiao will have on the circle of portal news websites.

As for the senior management of several major portal websites, except Yiwang, everyone else was dumbfounded.

After 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Xinglang executives held an emergency meeting, and everyone had a black face.

"This 51 Group, if you don't follow the rules of the world, the entire industry will be subverted."

"What the hell, are you saying that martial arts in the world can only be broken quickly? This is purely disregarding martial ethics and engaging in sneak attacks."

"No one would have imagined that people would play such a game, and the advertising traffic share will really kill us."

"With 51 Toutiao doing this, the business model of the entire industry will be forced to change."

"Yes, 51 Group has organized 120 engineers. It took more than half a year to come up with such a big move. Not to mention that we don't have such technology research and development capabilities. Even if we have, we can't catch up."

"Tonight, our company's stock price is likely to plummet."

"The probability of the stock price falling sharply is very high. The question now is whether we will follow up and how to follow up. It involves a major adjustment of the business model and must be decided as soon as possible."

"It's not easy to follow. Without the first move, follow the rhythm of the 51 Group, just like we do Weibo, and we are no match for others."

"If you don't want to follow, you must follow. 51 Toutiao has subverted the business model of the entire industry, just like when 51 Guardian launched desktop-level free antivirus. The industry ecology completely changed almost overnight."

"It's really strange. Where did the 51 Group get the funds to support so many Internet platforms? It's only been a few years, and they have launched more than a dozen projects."

"The 51 Group broke the rules of the world this time and provoked public outrage. Or, we can consider making a fuss."

"Don't be stupid, we didn't suffer enough from the rumors about Liu Yifei and her godfather..."

At this time, Gao Yang was in the office, drinking tea, listening to Wu Ruohan talking about stocks happily.

"Yesterday's large-volume plunge was indeed a big institution digging a hole. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index stood at 3500 points today, approaching 3600 points. It is likely to continue to rise tomorrow, and 4000 points is not far away."

"In the past few days, Yunyun's account has successfully done T, and the chips have increased by 15%. Today, it is full again, with 1438 hands, and the amount of funds has reached 1100 million..."

Gao Yang looked at Ao Dong's trend: "Ruohan, the recent wave of brokerage concept stocks has been very strong, and Ao Dong's annual report will turn 10 shares into 10 shares. You must be careful when you do T, and don't be thrown out of the car by institutions."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said: "If Aodong hits a new high tomorrow, it is likely to be the main Shenglang before the implementation of 10 to 10, so I will not do T. Wait a day or two before the implementation of 10 to 10, and then look at it according to the market. .”

Gao Yang said: "You have been pregnant for a full month, and you may have morning sickness soon, so don't stay in front of the computer for too long. Once morning sickness starts, just rest at home."

Wu Ruohan said: "I know, don't worry, by the way, Han Yun and Dorsey will hold their wedding on April 4th, and our side will be around 28 am on April 4th.

April 4th is Friday, and April 27th, I will tell her the income of her account again, even if it is a gift for their wedding. "

Gao Yang thought about it and said, "Well, let's ask my eldest brother and sister-in-law to buy a gift for you. It doesn't need to be too expensive. It should be within 5000 US dollars. In the name of us and Yawen, give it to Han Yun."

Wu Ruohan said: "Okay, I will discuss it with my sister-in-law tomorrow..."

(End of this chapter)

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