Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 488 Be a 1 Entertainment Group

Chapter 488 Be a 51 Entertainment Group
On April 4, Liu Yifei, accompanied by her agent and assistant, and two security guards, a man and a woman, rushed to Hengdian to prepare for the filming of "The King of Kung Fu".

The main shooting location of this big production is Hengdian Studios, and it will also shoot exterior scenes in Gobi Desert, Jiuzhaigou, Wuyi and other places.

According to the filming plan, Liu Yifei will be busy until the end of August or early September, and will not return to Beijing until the film is finished, and then has to rush to the United States to dub "Kung Fu Panda".

This year's May Day Golden Week is still a 7-day holiday, and the weekend of April 4 will be adjusted to a working day.

Wu Ruohan was already in the seventh week of pregnancy, and she suffered from severe morning sickness. The stock market was closed on weekends, so she naturally stayed at home to rest.

On the morning of April 4th, Liu Li went to Gaoyang office to report to her work:

"Gao Yang, Hang Ying has severed ties with that man, I asked Yawen to transfer two female security guards from the company's security department to accompany her in rotation to prevent being harassed by that man.

During the period of escorting these two security guards, they were given a subsidy of [-] yuan per month per person, and the money will be revealed.

Yesterday, I had the third negotiation with Huayi, and Huayi has always insisted on a termination fee of 1800 million.

At such a price, I still have to ask you to make up your mind. "

Gao Yang thought about it: "1800 million, I can give it, Zhang Hangying has the ability to help the company earn it back."

Liu Li smiled and said, "I think so too. At present, 51 Entertainment's business is mainly artist brokerage. After signing Air Movie, it can expand into large-scale commercial performances, music production, film and television music OST and other businesses.

In addition, after the establishment of 51 Pictures, the development and production of film and television IP, and the development of artist peripheral products can all be carried out. "

Gao Yang said: "Aunt Liu, I'm thinking, the group will increase the capital of 51 Entertainment by 3 million, 51 Films will be registered as a wholly-owned subsidiary of 51 Entertainment, and the registered capital can be [-] million.

We plan and develop the film and television entertainment business in 51 Entertainment Company, with the goal of developing into 51 Entertainment Group.

This part of the business is up to you to coordinate. What you have to do is to control the overall situation and recruit a group of first-class or even top brokerage and management talents in the industry as soon as possible.

I am very optimistic about the development potential of the domestic film and television and music markets. Next year, 51 Entertainment may also consider acquiring a theater chain company, and the theater chain business may also grow to a large scale.

In addition, the group may also consider acquiring or injecting capital into a video website.

Since we are going to do film and television entertainment, we must plan carefully and make a bold layout.

Now, I am just a preliminary idea, how to plan specifically, you take the time to report to Fang Jian, and organize forces to make a medium and long-term investment plan. "

Liu Li was stunned by Gao Yang's idea: "This way, wouldn't it cost a lot of money?"

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Aunt Liu, the purpose of investment is to make money, the market for film and television entertainment is huge, and there is also a lot of room for development.

The main business direction of 51 Group is the Internet. In the film and entertainment industry, we have to consider an asset-heavy physical investment model.

With the traffic support from various Internet platforms of the group, most film and television entertainment companies cannot compare with 51 Entertainment in terms of publicity and promotion. We have internal low-cost promotion channels, which can quickly help 51 Entertainment to establish industry status and brand image.

Aunt Liu, the dream can be bigger. Tell Fang Jian that 51 Entertainment’s layout in the field of film and television entertainment can refer to the group’s layout in the Internet field, and strive to form an industrial chain-like and complete industry layout.

Having achieved this step, no film and television entertainment company can sit on an equal footing with 51 Entertainment.

You don't have to worry about the issue of funds. The group will continue to inject capital according to the company's development needs.

Aunt Liu, what you need to solve is to build a professional management team, and you have to keep improving yourself. At the same time, you also have to represent 51 Entertainment, make more friends in the film and television entertainment industry, and seek various partners.

The daily management of all aspects of the company's business is solved by introducing experienced professional management personnel in the industry.

Your focus is on taking control of the big picture and engaging in diplomacy within industry circles. "

Liu Li was a little confused: "Gao Yang, I feel a lot of pressure with your arrangement."

Gao Yang said: "Aunt Liu, you have experienced several ups and downs in your life, but you are a person with great willpower and charisma. With your life experience and the improvement of management knowledge, you can control such a company. , there is no problem, you have to have confidence in yourself."

Liu Li said: "Gao Yang, thank you for trusting me so much. Even if Auntie is willing to cut herself to pieces, she will not disappoint the mission you entrusted to her."

Gao Yang said: "Aunt Liu, you don't need to be under too much pressure. You have solved the planning problem at work, and you just need to arrange it gradually. It's about your personal life. Are you considering finding another partner?"

Liu Li shook her head and smiled: "Sister Lan also persuaded me about this matter, but I am 45 years old, old and injured, so I don't want to look for it anymore."

Gao Yang said: "Aunt Liu, 45 is still young, besides you don't even look 40 years old.

Yifei has grown up now, this time she will go out to work for several months, and she may spend less time by your side in the future.

Aunt Liu, the development of 51 Entertainment will also make you very busy. The more busy you are at work, the more you need companionship and warmth in your life. You can’t stay alone like this forever. "

Liu Li thought about it and smiled again: "Gao Yang, thank you for your concern. If I meet a suitable one, I will consider it."

Gao Yang asked again: "Aunt Liu, after Zhang Hangying signed with Huayi, what is Huayi's share of her income?"

Liu Li said: "Long Ying can get 20% of the share in Huayi."

Gao Yang was surprised: "Is it so low?"

Liu Li said: "This is the normal level in the industry. Hang Ying has just passed the rookie stage, and is a basically mature artist with stable commercial value.

For this type of artist, the usual sharing rule of the brokerage company is 6% for the company, 2% for the artist, and the remaining 2% ​​belongs to the broker.

For young artists who have just entered the Tao, the share ratio is much lower.

Of course, it also depends on the artist's popularity and commercial potential. For example, Yifei is now a star that the agency company is vying for. She can ask for 60% or even 80%. "

Gao Yang thought for a while: "Aunt Liu, if 51 Entertainment wants to grow big, it can't exploit artists like this, it must increase the proportion of contracted artists.

I suggest that a newcomer like Yang Ming, who has just debuted, should consider a 40% share, and a mature artist like Zhang Hangying, should consider a 60% or even 70% share.

For those like Yifei, 80% is the starting point, and a maximum of 90% can be considered.

Even the trainees signed by the company have to consider the 20% share. "

Liu Li was surprised and said: "Gao Yang, if such a generous share is given to artists, what will happen to the company's performance?"

Gao Yang said: "Aunt Liu, at this stage, 51 Entertainment needs to make a business layout. It doesn't need to ask too much in terms of performance. The key point is to be able to attract outstanding artists to sign contracts and stay for long-term cooperation.

Contracted artists, managers, and employees in other positions of the company can only work together to make the cake bigger, and the company and employees can cooperate and win-win.

We must abandon the traditional thinking of the film and television entertainment industry. The company's business scale must grow rapidly, and the key lies in human resources.

In addition, at the group level, employee shareholding will be promoted next year at the latest. For the management of 51 Entertainment, outstanding artists, managers, and outstanding employees, the group will also open up to let you hold shares.

We must deeply bind the personal development and interests of employees with the development of the group, so that about 50% of employees can enjoy the company's development achievements, give employees the feeling of ownership, and identify with the company's values.

In addition, 51 Entertainment will develop in the future. If it can be listed, employees can also consider holding part of the equity of 51 Entertainment. Such employee ownership is different from holding equity in 51 Group.

51 Group's employee stock holdings are virtual shares, which are only used for internal transactions and division of labor. For the specific plan, a professional management consulting company needs to be invited to design..."

After listening to Gao Yang's plan, Liu Li said with emotion: "51 Group treats employees this way, I think most of the employees will give up their hearts and develop with the company. I am very confident in the future of 51 Entertainment.

Gao Yang, Auntie finally understands today why you can be so successful..."

(End of this chapter)

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