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Chapter 490 The mother-in-law has swelled

Chapter 490 The mother-in-law has swelled

When Liu Li returned to Wanliuhua Mansion, she happened to meet Gao Yang's family returning from a walk, so she hurried forward and said hello with a smile.

Wen Yuqin and Wu Peng met Liu Li and Liu Yifei when they were guests in Jinyang during the Spring Festival. With Liu Li's carefulness, they naturally remembered their identities and names.

Liu Li didn't know that Wu Ruohan's mother and elder brother and sister-in-law would come today, otherwise they might reject Yang Ming's dinner appointment tonight.

When Liu Li and Wen Yuqin greeted each other with smiling faces, Wu Peng and Wang Yue were fine, but Wen Yuqin's lukewarm attitude made Liu Li's heart skip a beat.

During the Spring Festival, when Liu Li's mother and daughter went to Wu Ruohan's house as guests, Wen Yuqin was quite enthusiastic at the time. Although this attitude was not obvious when we met today, Liu Li still felt it, and felt a little embarrassed.

Back at the villa, Wen Yuqin greeted Wu Lan and the others, saying that she was going to rest, and went straight to the No. 7 villa under Wu Ruohan's name.

Liu Peng and his wife, with their children, also lived in Villa No. 7 tonight, so they went back to the house together.

At this time, Gao Yang, accompanied by a security guard, was running outside at night.

After entering the room, Wu Peng and Wang Yue took the children upstairs to take a bath, Wen Yuqin pulled Wu Ruohan to sit down in the living room, and Liu Li hurried to help make tea.

But I heard Wen Yuqin say: "Gao Yang is also true, it's late at night, why are you running?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Mom, he runs every morning and evening to exercise."

Wen Yuqin said: "That was in the past. Now that you are pregnant with a child, you are still vomiting badly. He has time for running, but he doesn't have time for you?"

Wu Ruohan suddenly became upset: "Mom, this is his habit all the time. When he is free, he always stays with me."

Wen Yuqin said: "When my wife is pregnant with a child, a man should be with her more, and her living habits must be changed."

Wu Ruohan was furious: "Mom, what are you doing? We live a good life. When you come here, it's not right here, and it's not good there. What do you want to do?"

Wen Yuqin said: "Mom is doing it for your own good too, what are you talking about?"

When Liu Li heard it, it was bad, this mother-in-law had a problem with her son-in-law.

Liu Li originally wanted to chat with her for a while, but after making tea, she had no choice but to say good night, and went back to her room to rest.

In the living room, Wu Ruohan was eating fruit, Wen Yuqin was drinking tea, waiting until Gao Yang came back from running, Wen Yuqin didn't plan to rest.

After Gao Yang took a shower and changed into pajamas, Wen Yuqin suddenly called Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan into the study.

The three of them sat down in the study, and Wen Yuqin asked in a low voice, "Have Liu Li and her daughter lived here all this time?"

Gao Yang was stunned: "Yes, Mom, the more people in the family, the more lively it is."

Wen Yuqin was a little dissatisfied: "You two villas are facing each other. It's already lively enough. Even though the celebrity girl has recognized Yawen as a relative, it's still a bit inappropriate to live like this all the time."

When Gao Yang heard this, his face froze immediately, and he didn't know how to respond.

Wu Ruohan was very uncomfortable: "Mom, what's the matter with you today, we are not small families, and you are not stingy, what are you doing?"

Wen Yuqin said: "Ruohan, Mom is not stingy, there are rules in dealing with people and things."

Wu Ruohan yelled: "Mom, Yifei is my sister's sister, we belong to the same family, I really don't know why you are acting like this today.

As soon as you arrive at home, you read upstairs and downstairs, and then start pointing fingers.

If you will cause trouble for everyone, it is better not to come..."

Wen Yuqin's face turned dark.

Gao Yang hurriedly advised: "Ruohan, don't talk to mom like this, it's getting late, go to bed early, you have to go out tomorrow."

Wu Ruohan went upstairs angrily and returned to the bedroom, Gao Yang had no choice but to lead his mother-in-law to the guest room.

When they reached the door, Wen Yuqin said again: "Gao Yang, if Ruohan is pregnant with a child now, don't just worry about your own affairs, spend more time with her."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Mom, I spend all my time with her."

Gao Yang was a little depressed, walked to the master bedroom, what is wrong with the mother-in-law, got off the plane today, until now, her mouth is full of trivial things.

People who are almost 55 years old are going to retire soon, and they are already past menopause.

Wu Ruohan threw herself into Gao Yang's arms: "Honey, I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with my mother's mind today."

Gao Yang said: "I'm fine, she didn't seem to have such a personality before."

Wu Ruohan said: "In the past two or three years, because of my affairs, my mother has become a little nagging, but she has never been too much like today. She should retire in July, and I don't know if it is because of this incident."

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, don't think about it anymore, mom is an elder, let's all bear with it and let her go."

Villa No. 5, thinking of what this aunt said and did today, Gu Yawen couldn't sleep for a while, it was so strange.

Wu Lan and Gu Wenlong were also having a pillow talk at this time.

Wu Lan said: "Old Gu, the second sister-in-law went too far today. As soon as she entered the house, she acted as if she wanted to be the master of the house. I regret agreeing to Yawen's divorce."

Gu Wenlong said: "Second sister-in-law is a bit strange today."

Wu Lan said: "Let me see, if Ruohan and Gao Yang are married and pregnant with a child, the second sister-in-law may have changed her mind and wants to rob us of her son-in-law. If she will still look like that tomorrow, I won't let her go." .”

Gu Wenlong said: "Don't be impulsive, a big family, how embarrassing."

Wu Lan snorted, "If she doesn't keep her promise, I will turn my face and deny her."

Gu Wenlong said: "Not at all, well, go to sleep..."

Wu Ruohan couldn't sleep tonight, she knew that her mother made Gao Yang feel a little embarrassed today, and Gao Yang should be a little angry, so she just held back.

Gao Yang coaxed her for a long time, until she told her not to be emotional, so as not to cause fetal gas, Wu Ruohan finally calmed down and fell asleep slowly.

The child in the womb is still the most important.

Open your eyes and it's May Day. At 6:40 in the morning, Gao Yang wakes up on time, changes his clothes, and prepares for a morning run.

At this time, Wu Ruohan was also sleepy and opened his eyes.

Gao Yang walked over and kissed him: "Sleep a little longer."

Wu Ruohan closed her eyes again, and after a while, she was awakened by the sound of Wu Peng, his wife and the child getting up again.

Wu Ruohan simply got up and went downstairs after washing up. Seeing Wu Peng and Wang Yue teaching their son morning exercises in the yard, Wu Ruohan pulled Wu Peng aside and asked in a low voice:

"Brother, what do you mean by Mom acting like that yesterday?"

Wu Peng whispered: "I didn't have time to tell you yesterday that Mom may have been a little bloated recently."

Wu Ruohan said: "I'm going to retire soon, why is she bloated?"

Wu Peng said: "Two things. Dad is going to be transferred to the provincial capital. He can work for another six or seven years if he is promoted to a higher level. In addition, I made more than 4 million yuan in stocks. Some time ago, your sister-in-law was not happy. Be careful of slipping your mouth."

Wu Ruohan asked in surprise, "When will Dad be transferred to the provincial capital, and what will he be responsible for?"

Wu Peng said: "It is estimated that within two or three months, I will become the mayor."

Wu Ruohan curled her lips and said, "Mom, it's true, because of this, did you swell?"

Wu Peng said: "I guess, Mom's thoughts now are to let you and Gao Yang live like this without divorce."

Wu Ruohan said categorically: "Impossible! We don't need her to decide our family affairs. Where does she want to put my sister?"

Wu Peng sighed: "I also know it's impossible, don't worry, I'll find time to persuade her, our family owes Yawen, we can't go back on our word."

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother, you don't need to persuade me, I will ask Mom to understand."

Wu Peng said: "Ruohan, you are pregnant with a child, don't be impulsive!"

Wu Ruohan nodded: "I know, I won't be impulsive."

At this time, Wen Yuqin also got up and came out. Hearing that Gao Yang went out for a morning run again, she started complaining again.

Wu Ruohan suddenly became angry: "Mom, what are you doing? Before I was pregnant, I also ran and exercised every morning. Did you come here this time to care about me, or to disturb our life?"

Wen Yuqin's face darkened again: "Ruohan, it is because Mom cares about you that she said these things. He is your husband, so he should act like a husband."

Wu Ruohan stomped her feet, turned her head and went back into the room. Seeing this, Wang Yue quickly followed up to persuade her, while Wu Peng walked towards Wen Yuqin and whispered...

(End of this chapter)

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