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Chapter 491 Our family, I have the final say!

Chapter 491 Our family, I have the final say! (two in one)

At 8:20 in the morning, more than 60 adults and children were ready to get on the bus and set off. The destination was Yanqi Lake at the foot of Yanshan Mountain, [-] kilometers away from the city.

Liu Li was not seen, and when Wu Lan walked to Villa No. 7, Liu Li happened to come out.

Seeing that Liu Li didn't bring any luggage, Wu Lan said, "We're about to leave, don't you bring two clothes?"

Liu Li said: "Sister Lan, I don't feel well. I want to stay at home and rest. I just wanted to tell you."

Wu Lan stared: "It's so boring for you to stay at home alone, stop talking nonsense, and hurry up to get your luggage."

Liu Li had no choice but to say: "Wait a minute, I'll be fine soon..."

Last night, Liu Li figured it out very quickly, it was not suitable to live like this anymore, it was already disgusting, after the May Day holiday, she could only consider renting a house first.

The apartment that Liu Li bought in the second phase of this community last year has just started to be renovated, and it will take at least half a year before she can live in it.

Before getting into the car, Wen Yuqin suddenly said, "Gao Yang, how is the renovation of the courtyard house you bought in Houhai?"

Gu Yawen replied: "Auntie, I am watching over the renovation of the courtyard. The construction started in early March and is scheduled to be completed in mid-November."

Wen Yuqin said: "Then let's drop by and have a look."

Gao Yang frowned slightly when he heard that, Wu Ruohan said: "Mom, the courtyard house is just a construction site now, and it will be completed in half a year. What's there to see, and it's not on the way."

Wen Yuqin said: "I just want to take a look, what's the matter?"

Wu Peng persuaded: "Mom, today's May Day, Houhai is a park, and there must be many people in it. If you want to see it, wait until you come to the capital next time."

Gao Yang said again: "Mom, if you want to take a look, then go and take a look. It's just that the construction site is under closed management, and it may be difficult to find a parking space today, so we can only sit in the car and take a look."

Wen Yuqin said: "Okay, I'll just see where it is."

If Wen Yuqin wanted to take a look at the courtyard house, he would have to walk around the city for more than an hour.

Gao Yang felt a little upset, so he tried his best to restrain himself and fulfill Wen Yuqin's wish, after all, she is the mother-in-law.

Starting by car, the traffic conditions along the way are good. During the May Day holiday, many people in the capital should go to other places, or drive out of the city for fun.

In Beijing in 2007, there were already many white-collar workers with an annual income of over 10, and the bull market of A-shares this year was extremely profitable.

This year, housing prices in the capital continue to soar. In the area between the Fourth and Fifth Ring Roads, the housing prices of mainstream real estate have reached about 1.5 yuan.

In mid-October 2000, Gu Yawen bought her first second-hand house in Weber Apartment at 10 yuan per square meter, and the current price starts at least 7200 yuan.

Now, in Chaoyang in the east, in the Yaao plate in the north, and in the Zhongguancun area in the west, it is not uncommon for newly opened high-end apartments near the Fourth Ring Road to offer close to 3 yuan per square meter.

In the second half of 2003, Wu Lan invested more than 800 million yuan and bought more than 10 commercial houses in Beijing. The value has already exceeded [-] billion yuan, which has increased by four or five times.

Those who work in the capital and have bought a house have gained a lot in the past two years.

After 9 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang and his party of five vehicles drove into Houhai Park, exited Ya'er Hutong, and on the right was the courtyard construction site surrounded by baffles.

During the May Day holiday, Qianjing Zhuju still did not suspend work. The east and west wing rooms with 8-meter-high wooden pillars, and the main house with 10-meter-high wooden pillars, and the pure wood building frame, including the roof, have basically been built.

There are two young security guards at the entrance and exit of the construction site, and one of them is Gu Yawen who was transferred from the security department of 51 Group.

The shape of the courtyard house under renovation has basically taken shape, attracting some tourists to watch and discuss, and some even took pictures.

Gu Yawen got out of the car wearing a pair of sunglasses, and went to chat with two security guards, but no one else got out of the car.

Among the people in the family, only Gu Wenlong, Liu Li, and the nanny have never visited this courtyard house.

It was the first time for Wen Yuqin and Wu Peng to come here. Seeing this rudimentary courtyard house located in the core of Houhai Park, I was quite shocked.

After parking outside the courtyard for a few minutes, Gu Yawen got on the car and set off quickly. At 11:[-] in the morning, she arrived at the Yanqi Lake Scenic Area, a AAAA-level scenic spot in Huairou.

The hotel that Gu Yawen arranged to book was the only five-star hotel on Yanqi Island in the lake, Yanqi Hotel.

This hotel is managed and operated by the foreign hotel group Kempinski.

After checking in and resting for a while, the family, together with the nanny and security personnel, went to a large private room for lunch.

After the food was served, Gao Yang personally poured wine for the elders. Wen Yuqin, Li Xiuzhen, Wu Lan and Liu Li all took a glass of baijiu. Gao Yang had kept Moutai at home for seven years.

Everyone drank a glass of wine and wished a happy holiday together.

After that, Wen Yuqin took the initiative to toast Gao Yang's parents, and asked with a smile, "Mother-in-law, in-laws, are you used to living in the capital?"

Li Xiuzhen said with a smile: "If there is a real comparison, Jinyang is better. When Ruohan gives birth, Gao Yang's father will return to Jinyang. I will stay and help. When the child can walk and talk, I will return to Jinyang.

We still have to go back to Jinyang for the elderly, and in the future, every spring and autumn, we will come to the capital to live for a period of time. "

Wen Yuqin said: "Mother-in-law, you have raised such a promising son as Gao Yang, and he is the only son.

I see, when the courtyard house in Houhai is remodeled, you might as well stay in the capital for two more years and enjoy it, and then we will talk about Jinyang pension in the future.

This Houhai Park was placed 100 years ago. It was a royal garden, and ordinary people could not enter it. "

Wu Lan also persuaded: "My mother-in-law and my second sister-in-law are right. Yawen's grandparents will also come to the capital for the Spring Festival next year. You and your in-laws are still young. There is no need to rush back to Jinyang for the elderly... "

The elders were discussing about retirement, Gao Yang began to toast one by one.

When the respect came in front of Wen Yuqin, Wen Yuqin smiled and drank a glass of wine: "Gao Yang, you are so kind to Yawen, you bought such a big courtyard house, and you still need to spend so much money to renovate it."

Gao Yang was startled, this mother-in-law, why bring this up in front of so many people, it was hard to answer for a while, so he smiled slightly: "Mom, this is just a trivial matter."

Wu Ruohan said dissatisfied: "Mom, drink as long as you drink, why are you bringing this up."

Wu Lan was obedient, suppressing the unhappiness in her heart, and asked with a smile: "Second sister-in-law, what do you mean, Gao Yang shouldn't be nice to Yawen?"

Wen Yuqin chuckled: "Wu Lan, you're blaming me. What I want to say is that Gao Yang is promising, and he is kind and righteous. As a mother, I want to praise him."

Wu Lan just smiled slightly: "Gao Yang is indeed kind and righteous, second sister-in-law, you should really praise him."

The words of the two mothers-in-law clashed, and Gao Yang understood it, so he was a little stunned.

Wu Peng even wanted to cover his face, it was so embarrassing.

Gu Wenlong and Gao Yang's parents didn't strike up a conversation, and Gu Yawen also smiled and didn't strike up a conversation.

What was even more astonishing was Liu Li, who didn't understand what the conversation between Wen Yuqin and Wu Lan, the sisters-in-law, was saying.

After lunch, the sun was high, Gao Yang, Wu Ruohan, Gu Yawen, Wu Xiaoyue, and Wu Peng and his wife took the four children to play for a while to digest, and then went back to the room for a lunch break.

As soon as she got back to the guest room, Wu Ruohan started to vomit, Gao Yang hurried her into the bathroom and patted Wu Ruohan's back.

Wu Ruohan didn't feel comfortable until she vomited some food and rinsed her mouth: "I shouldn't have eaten meat just now, I just eat vegetables and fruits at night."

Gao Yang said: "During this time, you should be less exposed to meat and fish, and you won't vomit for half a month. Drink some plain water, and eat some fruit after you wake up."

The two lay down, Wu Ruohan said: "Honey, I'm sorry, my mother is a little swollen, and it's like her brain is flooded in the past two days, and she can't speak at all."

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "What's wrong with her?"

Wu Ruohan said: "My brother said that my dad will be transferred to the provincial capital to be the mayor. In addition, I helped him with stocks and made more than 4 million yuan. I also let my mother know."

Gao Yang understood in an instant that this mother-in-law probably wanted to prevent him from remarrying Gu Yawen, and maybe wanted to control the life of the family.

Gao Yang said: "Could it be that she doesn't want me to remarry Yawen?"

Wu Ruohan said: "I haven't asked my mother yet, even if she really has such thoughts, she can't take care of our family affairs, and I won't talk to her."

Gao Yang said: "How about this, I will talk to her tonight and call your brother. These things must be clarified now."

Wu Ruohan said: "How about I go talk to my mother."

Gao Yang said: "No, you are pregnant with a child now, you have to control your emotions."

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Yawen rented a cruise ship and took a big lap around Yanqi Lake. When the sun cleared, the group of people walked along the trail by the lake again.

In the evening, go to a mountain villa on the shore for dinner, and there will be a bonfire party.

After returning to the hotel, it was past 9 o'clock in the evening. Gao Yang was going to Wen Yuqin and Wu Peng to have a good chat. Wu Ruohan said, "Let's chat in our room. I want to hear it too. I'll call them."

Gao Yang nodded: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

In the small living room, Gao Yang had just prepared the tea when Wu Ruohan brought Wen Yuqin and Wu Peng in.

Gao Yang handed over the tea and cut straight to the point: "Mom, in front of Second Brother and Ruohan today, I want to have a good chat with you."

Wen Yuqin smiled and said, "Gao Yang, what do you want to talk about?"

Gao Yang said: "Mom, I don't want to talk around corners, and I don't want to see a family talking through their stomachs.

You came to the capital for vacation this time to visit Ruohan. In the past two days, some of your words have caused some family conflicts and brought some troubles to everyone.

Neither Ruohan nor I, nor the rest of the family, want to see such an atmosphere at home.

If you have any ideas, we might as well open up and say, as a family, everything is easy to discuss. "

Wen Yuqin put a smile on her face: "What's wrong with what I said?"

Gao Yang said: "Mom, Ruohan has just been pregnant with a child for a month and a half, and everything was fine at first, but in the past two days, because of some of your words, she has sulked several times, you want to see her like this?

Since you don't want to talk about it, let me talk about it. Do you not want me and Yawen to remarry in two years? "

Wen Yuqin didn't expect Gao Yang to be so straightforward, and was speechless for a while.

Wu Peng quietly took out a pack of cigarettes, Wu Ruohan glared at him, and hurriedly took it back.

Gao Yang said again: "Mom, if you really have any ideas, let's talk about it."

Wen Yuqin thought about it and said, "Okay, then mom will just say it straight.

The two sisters, Yawen and Ruohan, are determined to spend the rest of their lives with you. You divorced Yawen and married Ruohan. Now that Ruohan is pregnant with your child, you and Yawen get along very well.

Isn't it good to live like this now? "

Wu Ruohan yelled: "Mom, how could you be like this? My sister made such a big sacrifice for me. Why do you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge? Today is my sister's birthday!"

Wen Yuqin said, "Ruohan, this is for your own good."

Wu Ruohan became angry: "I don't need you to do this for my own good, you are hurting me. Please don't interfere with our life, how we live is our own business!"

Gao Yang looked at Wen Yuqin: "Mom, is this what you really think?"

Wen Yuqin said: "Gao Yang, this is just my suggestion. Yawen and Ruohan are like sisters. Is there any difference between them and you who hold this marriage certificate?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "Mom, there is a difference, and the difference is still very big."

Wen Yuqin's face darkened: "So, Ruohan is pregnant with your child, and you still have no feelings for her?"

Gao Yang shook his head again: "Mom, I have feelings for Ruohan. It's true. Ruohan knows it, and she can feel it."

Wen Yuqin asked again: "Then let me ask you, in your heart, which one is more important, Ruohan or Yawen?"

Gao Yang said: "Mom, you shouldn't ask such a question.

Yawen and Ruohan have their own independent personalities. They each have their own personalities, outlook on life and values. For me, there is no question of which is more important.

All I can do is try my best to take responsibility for them and their children.

If you insist on me having a choice, doing so is tantamount to forcing me to divorce Ruohan early. "

Wen Yuqin's eyes turned cold: "Gao Yang, at least you call me mom and talk to me like this?"

Gao Yang looked directly at Wen Yuqin, and said word by word:

"Mom, what we are talking about now is something that has already been discussed, and it is a matter of principle.

In our family, I have the final say on matters of principle, and no one can force me to live my life! "

Wen Yuqin was taken aback, knowing that her son-in-law was really angry, she said, "Okay, Gao Yang, Mom doesn't want you to change your mind, I just want to ask you, if you leave Ruohan in the future, how will you treat her and the child?" ?”

Gao Yang was surprised: "Mom, can you explain it more clearly?"

Wen Yuqin said: "You separated from Yawen, bought her a courtyard house, and said it would cost more than 4 million yuan to renovate it. In the future, what will you keep for Ruohan?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Mom, if you're only talking about money, I can promise that no matter what Ruohan wants, I should be able to satisfy her."

Wen Yuqin said: "Gao Yang, money is one thing, but the mind behind the money is another.

I heard from Wu Lan that in order to buy this courtyard house for Yawen, you did not hesitate to take out a mortgage of more than [-] million yuan.

This is your heart and affection for Yawen.

I just hope that in the future, you won't treat Ruohan and the child badly. There is only one daughter in our family. "

Wu Ruohan was furious: "Mom, you're just worrying, you don't even know what you're talking about.

To tell you the truth, our company has earned more than 240 billion in stocks so far, and with the private accounts of several members of the family, it has earned almost 300 billion.

With so much wealth, how much can my children and I use, and how much can our whole family use?
Gao Yang invested in an electronic foundry in China and holds 10% of the shares. These shares are not in his name, and my sister and I each hold half.

If this company develops in the future, it may be worth tens of billions or even tens of billions.

In addition, Gao Yang has invested in two companies in Silicon Valley of the United States, and he is the major shareholder.

These two companies may be worth tens of billions of dollars in the future, and he is already arranging to transfer part of the equity to my name.

Actually, I don't care about these things at all, but these are his feelings for me and my sister..."

Wu Peng looked shocked: "You all made 300 billion in stocks?"

Wu Ruohan said: "It's the company plus personal investment. If we have to calculate it based on equity, what belongs to our family, including your equity, is close to 200 billion.

This does not include our investment in the United States.

The A-share bull market has come down this year. Including the company, we will finally earn 1000 billion yuan overall, which is not hopeless.

Now, although none of the 51 Group's companies have gone public, if the entire group is to be valued now, excluding these profits in the stock market, the valuation is not too much at 100 billion US dollars. "

"Is that much money?" Wen Yuqin was completely stunned at the moment.

Wu Ruohan said: "Mom, the funds we invest in the stock market now are less than 20 billion, and we can find a brokerage to raise 50 billion or even 100 billion.

Gao Yang is not willing to increase financing to invest in stocks anymore, he said that he should not be too greedy.

We live a good life. I didn't want to talk to you about these things, but you insisted on worrying about them. You insisted on pulling me and my sister in front of him and asking him to compete. Is this interesting?

Gao Yang attaches great importance to his family and affection. He has always hoped that his family can live in harmony and beauty. Can he treat me and my children badly?
You are a mother, you want to embarrass your son-in-law when you talk and do things, insist on making him promise something, are you stupid, you..."

Wen Yuqin suddenly chuckled, picked up the teacup and drank it down:

"Ruohan, okay, you just run on mom like this.

Let me tell you the truth, I was intentionally picky for two days, I want to see whether Gao Yang is sincere or not to you, now, I know his intentions, and I am satisfied, you guys should have a good rest. "

Wu Ruohan looked surprised: "Mom, you can really act. What you said these two days offended my aunt and my sister."

Wen Yuqin said with a smile: "As a family, let's talk about it in a few words, and I will explain it clearly to your aunt and the others."

Wen Yuqin smiled and left, Wu Ruohan held Wu Peng back: "Brother, have you been acting with your mother these two days?"

Wu Peng shook his head: "No, I really didn't know she was acting. I can only say that Jiang is still old and hot, and I am convinced."

Wu Peng also slipped away immediately, Wu Ruohan pouted: "My mother's acting level can catch up with the actress, I really don't know what she said is true."

Gao Yang also shook his head and smiled: "Your brother is still right, ginger is still old and spicy."

Wu Ruohan said: "Now, I've exposed our family's wealth, you won't blame me, will you?"

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "It's okay, tomorrow, you remember to tell your mom and your brother so that they don't spread the word."

Gao Yang is also really convinced, no matter what Wen Yuqin said tonight is true or not, some unhappiness at home in the past two days should not happen again in the future.

Wealth is a good thing, especially to measure a man's feelings towards a woman...

(End of this chapter)

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