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Chapter 492 Twins again?

Chapter 492 Twins again? (two in one)

On May 5, it was another sunny day. Before 2 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang came out of the hotel in short sports. Three security guards were already waiting, and Wu Xiaoyue and He Li followed suit.

Six people jogged along the trail around Yanqi Lake. This trail is 6 kilometers long. With Gao Yang's physical strength, he can run down in about an hour. Wu Xiaoyue and the three security guards are also fine.

In order to take care of He Li, it took one and a half hours to run down this lap.

Just running back near the hotel, I met Gu Yawen and Wang Yue who were walking with their children, and two nannies.

Gu Yawen stopped Gao Yang, and asked in a low voice: "My mother asked me early this morning, did the company make more than 200 billion in stocks, who told her?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Maybe Ruohan's mother said it."

After Gao Yang briefly talked about the conversation with Wen Yuqin last night, Gu Yawen suddenly realized: "It turns out that's the case, and so is Auntie. A family still needs to spy like this."

Gao Yang said: "It's normal for her to care about how I treat Ruohan in the future, and it's understandable."

Gao Yang thought, Wen Yuqin should have chatted with Wu Lan last night.

Sure enough, Wen Yuqin seemed to be a different person, with a smile on her face, and treated Liu Li very warmly.

The place I visited today was changed to the nearby Shentangyu Scenic Area, mainly walking on the wooden plank road. Wu Ruohan should not be too tired, so it is suitable for visiting such a place.

At noon, return to near the entrance of Shentangyu and have a meal of red trout.

Wu Ruohan no longer felt depressed for two days, and her appetite improved a lot.

When resting at night, Gao Yang called Wu Xiaoyue to stay with Wu Ruohan, and then, in front of Wen Yuqin, entered the suite where Gu Yawen and Wu Xiaoyue lived together with Yaoyao and Shitou.

Gao Yang also wanted to spy on the mother-in-law, but Wen Yuqin just smiled and stopped accusing Gao Yang of not guarding Wu Ruohan.

In the next few days, I visited the nearby Mutianyu Great Wall, Yunmeng Mountain and other scenic spots, enjoying the fun of a family outing in late spring.

This trip lasted 6 days in total, Gao Yang stayed with Gu Yawen for two nights, and Wen Yuqin didn't see any complaints.

They returned to the city on the afternoon of May 5, and the next morning, Wen Yuqin and Wu Peng took Wu Haofei back to Jinyang.

On May 5th, the first day of work after the holiday, the stock market resumed trading. The Shanghai stock index directly gapped nearly 8 points and opened, and the A-shares were suspended for 100 trading days. The enthusiasm for doing more erupted like a volcano. The trading volume also exceeded 6 billion for the first time.

Brokerage concept stocks headed by Ao Dong continued their strength before the holiday.

On May 5, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index opened higher and hit the 9-point mark. There was a violent shock in the intraday market. At the close of the afternoon, it still stubbornly stood at 4000 points. The trading volume of the Shanghai Index increased to more than 4000 billion.

Gao Yang did not operate his own account. After the market closed, he looked at:
Position: Shanghai Heavy Machinery 7210.8 lots (market value: 66865478 yuan)
Zhongxin Securities 86000 lots (market value: 514538000 yuan)
Chihong 84000 hands (583716000 yuan)
Yunnan copper 46000 lots (112700000 yuan)
Jiangxi Copper 37000 lots (92389000 yuan)
Total market value: 13.7021 billion yuan
Cash: 1540 yuan

Principal: 1900 million yuan
Total capital: 13.7021 billion yuan
Profit: 7111.63% (13.5121 billion yuan)
The amount of funds has rolled to 13.7 billion, and in one month, I have earned about 3.2 million more.

After get off work in the afternoon, as soon as he got home, Gao Yang was dragged to the study by Wu Ruohan:
"This morning, when the stock index rose above 4000 points, I asked Sister Yufei to arrange T for the company's account. They invested about 50 billion in T, which was a success.

You see, on April 4, the stock index had a gap of 23 points, and yesterday's gap was 24 points.

I was thinking, if the 4000-point line, if large institutions smash the market to guide the adjustment, these two gaps are likely to be filled, and technically it may fall below the 60-day line, and there will be a wave of intermediate adjustments.

Since breaking through 1800 points last year, there has not been a single adjustment to the 60-day line..."

Gao Yang thought for a while: "I agree with your point of view, above 4000 points, there is a high probability of a wave of intermediate adjustments, and today's trading volume is even more astonishing.

However, now that off-market funds are running into the market, it is not easy for large institutions to hit the index. Some opportunity may be needed, such as policy regulation to cool down the bull market.

Our current strategy is to gradually lighten up positions above 4000 points according to market conditions, and strive to reduce positions to 4200% or even 4300% when the stock index rises above 5 to 4 points.

If there is a control policy, the institution may trap a large number of retail investors in a violent way. At that time, we must be calm in the market, and only consider covering up again when there is a large amount of funds entering the market. "

Wu Ruohan said: "I know, when the time comes, many new retail investors will be miserable."

Gao Yang thought for a while, then smiled and said: "How about this, you take the time to write an analysis post, two directions, one is the background of economic overheating, and the other is the factor of technical overbought, let's send it to 51 shares, reminding you that the price is above 4000 points There is a risk of technical adjustment, and above 5000 points is the bubble zone.”

Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "In the current market situation, posting such an analysis post may be criticized wildly."

Gao Yang said: "Believers are bound by destiny. The ID [I'm really not a stock god] has more than 200 million fans. If 10% of people believe in you, that's 20 retail investors."

Wu Ruohan said: "Then I'll give it a try. I won't read the post after it's sent out, and I won't reply. Starting tomorrow, I'll go to the trading room of the investment department to keep an eye on it."

Gao Yang said: "No need, you are still in the period of morning sickness, try to use the computer as little as possible."

Wu Ruohan said: "I've been much better in the past two days. There is a big screen in the trading room. I can just watch the big screen and direct."

Gao Yang said: "Well, we have already earned enough, don't worry about temporary gains and losses, there are still many investment opportunities in the future, right now, the baby in your belly is the most important."

On May 5, Wu Ruohan started to work in the trading room of the investment department of the company, commanding the trading team.

As a result, the Shanghai stock index did not break through 4100 points quickly as she expected. Instead, Wu Ruohan arranged for traders to take small positions to do T according to the market.

On May 5, Wu Ruohan was 18 days pregnant, and it was time for a check-up again.

She was concerned about the stocks, so she made an appointment until 02:30 pm.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, after lunch break, Gao Yang personally accompanied Wu Ruohan to Xiehe Obstetrics and Gynecology Department for a check-up.

After getting in the car, Wu Ruohan checked the stock market on his mobile phone:
"This morning, I succeeded in doing T again. In the past few days, I feel that the institutions are luring short positions, so I arranged to do T, and the position did not drop. I plan to wait for the stock index to rise above 4100 points before considering reducing the position. ,what do you think?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Your sense of disk is much better than mine, you can decide for yourself, don't ask me."

At 3:[-] in the afternoon, after Wu Ruohan queued up, it was his turn to have a B-ultrasound.

Gao Yangjing waited outside the B-ultrasound. After more than ten minutes, Wu Ruohan came out, her face full of excitement: "Honey, do you know what kind of baby I am pregnant with?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I've only been pregnant for two months, how can I tell the difference between a man and a woman, even the doctor can't tell you."

Wu Ruohan kissed Gao Yang on the face: "The doctor told me just now that I am pregnant with twins, they are so beautiful!"

Gao Yang was stunned: "You didn't lie to me?"

Wu Ruohan chuckled: "Just now the doctor looked at me for a while, and finally confirmed it. When the B-ultrasound report comes out, you can see it."

Later, a young female doctor, who looked like she had just graduated from university, ordered to take the B-ultrasound report, looked at Gao Yang and said with a smile: "Sir, congratulations, your lover is pregnant with twins."

Gao Yang said pleasantly, "Doctor, are you absolutely sure?"

The female doctor explained: "100% sure, two gestational sacs, two fetal buds, typical dizygotic twins. If you are pregnant with twins, you must pay attention to nutritional supplements and have regular checkups."

Gao Yang hurriedly said, "Thank you doctor."

The female doctor whispered: "Mr. Gao, you are so lucky."

Gao Yang was surprised: "How do you know my surname is Gao?"

The female doctor smiled: "Just now, your wife said that you are the boss of Group 51, so you must be Mr. Gao. Don't worry, Mr. Gao, we won't spread the word."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Thank you, goodbye!"

"Mr. Gao, goodbye..."

When the female doctor returned to the B-ultrasound room, she couldn't hold back any longer, and said to a female doctor in her 30s, "Sister Hong, it's really Boss Gao of 51 Group, he's so handsome."

The female doctor named Hongjie said: "Yunjiao, she is the big boss, what kind of nympho are you, call the next one."

Yun Jiao giggled: "Sister Hong, next time Boss Gao's wife will have a B-ultrasound, we will switch to the same day's shift. If Boss Gao comes again, we will ask him to treat us to dinner."

Sister Hong said: "You are really a nympho, the next prenatal check-up may not necessarily be our turn."

Yunjiao smiled again: "It's not easy, there is a contact number in the file, I'll make an appointment with Sister Wu. Sister Hong, I'm not a nympho, such an opportunity is so rare, don't you think? "

Sister Hong said: "You really dare to think, who is he, who can invite you to dinner?"

Yunjiao said: "Sister Hong, I think there is a chance. I just chatted with Boss Gao, he is very easy-going..."

On Gao Yang's side, after accompanying Wu Ruohan to communicate with the obstetrician, they left the hospital together.

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, why did you mention me to the B-ultrasound doctor?"

Wu Ruohan said: "The young girl who is the assistant is a chatterbox. She asked who accompanied me, and I was too excited, so I slipped the tongue."

Gao Yang said: "This girl is as young as an intern, but she is quite a person. No wonder she explained so much to me just now."

Wu Ruohan said: "My husband, I'm sorry, I will pay attention to it in the future, I was really happy just now."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Ruohan, you are worrying too much, it's nothing, we are an aboveboard husband and wife, there is no need to hide anything, the little girl just now was just a little curious."

Wu Ruohan said: "Let's go home right away and give them a big surprise, how about it?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Okay, I'll call Yawen and ask her to get off work early."

Back home, Wu Ruohan kept suppressing her excitement.

Until 6:[-] in the evening, when Gu Wenlong came home from get off work, the whole family gathered and sat down at the dinner table.

Wu Ruohan said: "There is good news, I am pregnant with twins!"

Everyone in the room looked surprised instantly, looking at Wu Ruohan.

Gu Yawen said in surprise: "Ruohan, is it true?"

Wu Ruohan chuckled, took out the B-ultrasound report, and said triumphantly, "Sister, this is the B-ultrasound report."

Gu Yawen glanced at the report and said with a smile: "Twin eggs, it's the same as when I was pregnant with Yaoyao and Shitou."

Then, Wu Lan, Liu Li and Wu Xiaoyue all watched it.

Wu Lan smiled at Li Xiuzhen and Gao Yingxue: "Mother-in-law, in-laws, you are really blessed."

Li Xiuzhen couldn't close her mouth with a smile: "Yes, this is a blessing that can't be cultivated in several lifetimes."

Wu Lan said again: "It seems that our Wu family women really have the gene to have twins. Ruohan, congratulations, you are pregnant with two babies, you should eat more."

Wu Ruohan grinned: "Thank you, aunt."

Gao Yang was also very happy, and poured a small glass of white wine for each elder, and Gu Yawen also took the initiative to ask for a glass, let's have a glass of wine together to celebrate.

After dinner, Wu Ruohan immediately called Wen Yuqin again: "Mom, I have good news for you, I am pregnant with twins."

Jin Yang, Wen Yuqin who was walking with the old man and the old lady after dinner, trembled in his heart: "Really, Ruohan?"

Wu Ruohan proudly said: "Mom, Gao Yang accompanied me to the prenatal checkup just this afternoon."

Wen Yuqin said: "Ruohan, then you must pay attention to rest, and pay attention to diet and nutrition. When I retire, I will come to accompany you."

Wu Ruohan said: "Mom, don't do what you did last time, don't interfere in our life, otherwise, I wouldn't even dare to let you come."

Wen Yuqin smiled and said, "Don't worry, mom is a sensible person, so you can raise your baby with peace of mind."

After the mother and daughter finished talking, Wen Yuqin quickly caught up with the two elderly people: "Dad, Mom, there is good news, Ruohan is pregnant with twins!"

The old couple were taken aback for a moment, and stopped in their tracks. The old lady smiled and said, "Old man, this little Gao is really lucky, with five children and two pairs of twins."

Mr. Wu nodded and smiled: "Yes, he is a lucky man."

Wen Yuqin said with a smile: "Gao Yang has a great future, and he is also blessed. I used to worry about Ruohan's stubbornness, but now it seems that this is called fate, and Ruohan also has a good home."

Wen Yuqin called Wu Guanghua's secretary again: "Xiao Li, is Secretary Wu finished?"

Secretary Li replied: "Auntie, Secretary Wu is still having dinner with the guests, it's almost over."

Wen Yuqin said, "Give him the phone."

In the restaurant, Wu Guanghua took the phone from the secretary, only to hear Wen Yuqin say: "Old Wu, good news, Ruohan is pregnant with twins, don't be too busy, go home early."

Wu Guanghua was startled when he heard the words, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll go home when I'm done here."

In the capital, Gao Yang's family took a walk after dinner. Wu Ruohan, who was still excited, gave Wu Peng, Gao Yue, Liu Yifei, Shao Hanyun, Feng Lan, He Zifang...

Send out a bunch of text messages.

After that, Wu Ruohan took Gu Yawen's arms again, and whispered: "Sister, thank you, without your tolerance, I would not have these two children. My life is very happy, and I have no regrets."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Ruohan, the days to come are still long, your task now is to take good care of your body and have two healthy children..."

(End of this chapter)

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