Chapter 493
During the walk, Gao Yang kept receiving calls, congratulating him and Wu Ruohan.

Gao Yang didn't stop Wu Ruohan from sending text messages to relatives and friends, so he could understand her excitement.

For a long time, Wu Ruohan subconsciously felt that she owed Gu Yawen, even Gao Yang.

At 8:7 in the evening, Gao Yang finished his night run and returned to villa No. [-] to prepare for washing. In the living room, Gu Yawen, Wu Xiaoyue and Liu Li chatted with Wu Ruohan.

Wu Ruohan was eating fresh fruit, talking and laughing, with a face of welcome.

After Gao Yang rinsed, he changed into pajamas and came out again. Gu Yawen took Wu Xiaoyue to say good night, and went back to Villa No. 5 to put the child to bed.

Liu Li also said good night with a smile, and went back to the house to rest.

Wu Ruohan handed over Gao Yang's cell phone: "Several people called you just now, and I told you that you went for a run, so they sent you a text message."

Gao Yang clicked on the text message and saw that it was Xiao Jin, Yang Yong, He Yong and others.

Seeing a congratulatory text message from Yang Ming, Gao Yang asked curiously, "Yang Ming already knows that you have such a good relationship with her?"

Wu Ruohan shook her head: "No, maybe Yifei told her that Zhang Hangying also sent a text message."

Gao Yang replied the text messages one by one, and then took Wu Ruohan to rest.

Wu Ruohan lay down, with the cat in Gao Yang's arms: "Honey, I'm so grateful that you accepted me. With these two babies, I already have the best and most beautiful life, and it can't be better. I'm so happy, so happy." love you."

Gao Yang smiled slightly, and stroked Wu Ruohan's cheek:

"Ruohan, I love you too, our relationship is equal, don't say anything like gratitude.

At the beginning, you were kind to me and true to me, which also moved me very much.You have to remember, we are a family, don't say these words in the future.

I can't say how noble I am, I'm just a layman, a layman who wants to have a warm family..."

In another bedroom, Liu Li was lying on the bed, quietly chatting with Yang Ming on the phone:
"Mingming, Gao Yang has a very happy family, why do you have to have such an illusion."

"Auntie, I understand. I'm self-aware. I just want to pursue the life I want, and I won't interfere with Brother Yang's family. I really won't."

"Mingming, then take care of yourself, you really have to remember that as long as you make a wrong step, the consequences will be very serious..."

After hanging up Yang Ming's call, Liu Li rubbed her temples, and called Liu Yifei who was still filming in Hengdian.

After that, I leaned against the bedside and thought for a while, and suddenly felt that it was time for my daughter to find a suitable boyfriend earlier.

Handsome and mature, super rich, Gao Yang with a deep background, is too attractive to girls...

Beginning on May 5, Gao Yang persuaded Wu Ruohan not to go to the office anymore, but to stay at home and operate a private stock account.

For the company's stock account, Gao Yang decided to personally go to the trading room of the investment department to sit in the battle, and arrange a substantial reduction in positions before 5.30.

In the past few days, there have been rumors on the Internet that the stamp duty will be raised, which has aroused heated discussions among many shareholders.

Gao Yang guided Wu Ruohan to analyze and predict through the current capital and technical aspects of the A-shares, as well as the overheating of the macro economy, and convinced Wu Ruohan that there is a great possibility of increasing the stamp duty.

The increase in stamp duty means that the management does not agree with the sharp rise in A shares this year and wants to cool down the market.

After all, the risk is rising. The stock index has soared 2005 times from 998 points in 4 when the share reform policy was first introduced.

In the early trading on May 5, during the call auction stage, there were large funds constantly smashing the market.

At 9:25, the call auction ended, and the Shanghai stock index opened with a plunge of 128 points, down to -3.28%.

Many stocks fell sharply or even opened with a limit-down.

During the call auction period, there is no principle of time priority and price priority, only trading volume priority.

In the trading room of the investment department of 51 Group, Huang Yufei, the deputy director, and several traders were stunned.

Huang Yufei murmured: "There were rumors on the Internet that the stamp duty would be raised over the weekend, but I didn't expect it to be so damaging.

It has been trading sideways around 4000 points for 8 trading days, with nearly 3 trillion changing hands, and it has never attacked 4100 points.

Could it be that the mid-level adjustment that Ruohan analyzed earlier started today? "

Trader Yang Liu said: "Sister Yufei, if Mr. Wu is here, her views may be opposite to yours. I feel that today's opening of the market should be a short trap dug by institutions, and the last squat before breaking through 4100 points."

At this time, the landline phone in the trading room rang, and it was Wu Ruohan's call:

"Sister Yufei, is Mr. Gao there?"

Huang Yufei said: "Mr. Gao is here, Ruohan, I'm using the hands-free."

Wu Ruohan said: "I judge that today's sharply lower opening is deliberately guided by large institutions, taking advantage of the rumors of stamp duty hikes circulating on the Internet over the weekend to clean up floating chips.

From the beginning of the year to the present, public offering funds have greatly expanded, and there are at least 3000 billion or [-] billion institutional funds outside the market waiting to find opportunities to enter the market.

I judge that today is very likely to drive low and go high.At the 4000-point line, 3 trillion funds have been exchanged for chips, and the next step is to adjust, and there is a high probability that it will be raised first.

So, don’t panic today, I suggest braking with a static brake and observing the disk first…”

After listening to Wu Ruohan's analysis, Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, I agree with your analysis, you should pay attention to rest more, I will watch over here."

Wu Ruohan grinned: "Okay, I'm going to eat some fruit."

At 9:30, the market officially opened. Sure enough, the stock index was smashed by less than 10 points in an instant, and the bottom-hunting funds rushed into the market.

At 10:05, the Shanghai stock index turned red, and then pulled back. It didn't even touch the time-sharing moving average, and it started to rise again.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, after turning red again, the selling was much lighter. In the afternoon, the intraday high and closing point both hit record highs.

After the market closed, Huang Yufei sighed: "Today's market is so strong, Ruohan is the one to see it right."

Gao Yang came here at 02:30 in the afternoon and ordered:

"Tomorrow, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will probably rise above 4100 points. We will start to reduce positions from tomorrow. Above 4100 points, the more it rises, the more it decreases.

Especially during this period of time, brokerage concept stocks that have risen hugely, strive to reduce their positions to 2%.

Non-ferrous metals, real estate and insurance stocks have not risen much recently, so you can reduce some positions.

Between 4200 and 4300, we must complete the lightening task. "

On May 5, the market gapped and opened again, quickly rose above 22 points, and stood firm at 4100 points at the close, and the volume of transactions continued to increase.

Gao Yang stayed at home today, helping Wu Ruohan to lighten up his personal account.

In the company's trading room, Huang Yufei arranged for traders to reduce their positions. After the market closed in the afternoon, she reported to Wu Ruohan: "Ruohan, today we have reduced funds by 36 billion, which is close to 1% of the position."

Next, on May 5 and May 23, the position continued to be reduced. After the market closed on May 5, Huang Yufei reported that the company's account had decreased by 24% of the position, and 5 billion funds came out.

Gao Yang felt that Huang Yufei and others were slow in reducing their positions. On Monday, May 5, he went to the office in person to direct the reduction of positions on the spot.

As a result, on May 5, the market opened again with a gap, directly rising over 28 points, and the bulls were in full swing.

Under Gao Yang's command, the company's account was reduced by another 2.5 percent, and 103 billion funds came out.

On May 5, A-shares continued to rise, closing at 29 points, and Gao Yang ordered the traders to reduce their positions on rallies, and reduced their funds by another 4300 billion.

There are more than ten company accounts, and the market value of the holdings is just over 120 billion.

If we withdraw from the stock market now, the 51 Group, together with Yuanda Company and Yueju Company, would have made a net profit of more than 400 billion.

After the market closed, Huang Yufei worried: "The gains these days have been so good that there is no sign of a pullback at all. At the close of last Friday, the official also denied the rumors that the stamp duty will be raised in the near future. Are we going to miss out?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled, and asked the trader to zoom in on the recent K-line of the Shanghai stock index on the big screen:
"We don't care whether it will increase the stamp duty or not, purely from the technical indicators, from April 4 to yesterday, there have been 23 upward gaps.

The trading volume of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has remained above 7 billion for 2000 consecutive trading days, and the highest even exceeded 2600 billion.

The disk is seriously overbought, and technical adjustment requirements are imminent.

Even if it continues to rise tomorrow, we just have to wait..."

Gao Yang couldn't explain it either, it will be announced in the middle of the night tonight that the stamp duty will be increased by three times, and when the market opens tomorrow, the institutional funds will be cut, how could it be increased...

(End of this chapter)

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