Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 494 Tragic, Harvest

Chapter 494 Tragic, Harvest

Gao Yang had no intention of reaping such a harvest in the stock market, but he had no choice. If he didn't reap it himself, he would be reaped by the organization.

If he has hundreds of billions of funds in his hands now, he will not be able to dominate the general trend of the stock market with a turnover of 4000 billion a day.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, accompanied by Gu Yawen, Zhou Wenbin and Chen Sen, Gao Yang went to Shangdi to inspect the progress of the 51 Science and Technology Park.

The foundations of the group headquarters building, R&D center, and staff dormitories have all begun to be laid.

According to the project schedule, the main project must be capped in May next year, because August will be the opening of the Olympic Games.

The construction site was very busy. A person in charge of the construction company reported the situation and the progress of the project was normal.

Gao Yang only made three requests:
The construction of the project must strictly implement the environmental protection requirements;

Under the premise of ensuring the progress of the project, ensure construction safety;

Settle wages to workers on time and on time...

After inspecting the construction site, Gao Yang returned home with Gu Yawen, and immediately asked Wu Ruohan to go to the study.

Wu Ruohan opened several accounts:
"Husband, you, my sister, and my aunt's accounts have lost a total of 39 billion in funds, and there are still 26 billion in positions.

My brother's account reduced its position by 3 million, leaving 2.2 million.

I cleared all other accounts this afternoon. Brother Jian’s account has more than 4500 million, Brother Sen’s account has 3100 million, and mine has 2300 million.

There are more than 4500 million accounts in Yunyun, and their positions are also cleared.

From last Friday to today's close, the trend in the past three days has been too strong, seriously overbought, and I feel that it is about to adjust. I will clear all my small capital accounts and enter the market after the adjustment is in place. "

Gu Yawen was surprised and said: "Ruohan, in such a short period of time, you have helped her achieve more than 500 million of the 4500 million contained in it?"

Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "Sister, with this money, I helped her buy the entire position of Aodong, a concept stock of a brokerage company. After the position was completed, it happened to catch up with the main Shenglang.

From the end of March to today, Aodong has risen by a maximum of 3 times. I have been looking for opportunities to help Hanyun do T and reduce the cost of holding positions.

The most successful ones were May 5th and May 14th. Before the stock bonus was implemented on this stock, I liquidated my entire position, and I picked it all up last week. I made a big T of more than 5 points in the entire position.

I think that if the stock market undergoes a wave of adjustments and then rises by more than 5000 points, the funds contained may hopefully reach 8000 million or even hundreds of millions.

With this money, she can live easily in the United States without relying on Dorsey.

We also plan to let her continue to invest in US stocks and hold some shares in Twitter.

These, even if it is a dowry to Hanyun, we originally treated her like a younger sister. "

Gu Yawen said with a smile: "I have made too much money, and now it has become a bunch of numbers."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "The money, whether it's the company or us, is earned legally, and it's not a bad thing to have a lot of money.

The so-called Dazhi is beneficial to the world. With this money, we can live a comfortable life, and the company can develop a larger scale and recruit more employees.

In addition, we can also apply to register a charitable fund to help those who face difficulties in medical care, education and life.

It can also subsidize those students who are excellent in character and learning, and whose families are financially difficult, to help them complete their studies and become useful talents, so that they can change their destiny through hard work.

When I graduated from high school, I didn't pass the exam because my family was poor, so I applied for a technical secondary school with an upper-level grade in a junior college, because I could start working after two years of studying.

At that time, if someone sponsored me, I could repeat my studies for a year, and I should be able to be admitted to a key university. "

Gu Yawen said: "I also believe that you can be admitted to a good university, but it's a pity that I didn't know you at that time. Next year, you will be able to get an MBA degree."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "The on-the-job MBA we study is actually meaningless. It's an eye-opener, and it's just bragging with a bunch of people who think they are elite. I don't think it's nutritious."

Gu Yawen said: "A lot of people do MBA for the sake of social circles. However, they can still learn some systematic knowledge. I think it will be very helpful to me."

Gao Yang said: "That's right, you are very focused when you study, but I often lose my mind and miss some classes. I'm not a good student."

Gu Yawen pursed her lips and smiled: "You have practical management experience, and you have read so many management books and analyzed those business cases. Your instructor agrees and gave you high marks."

Gao Yang chuckled: "The instructor is not that simple, he will also watch people order..."

In 2005, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen enrolled in the on-the-job MBA advanced training class of the University of Finance and Economics, and the annual tuition fee for the two was 20 yuan.

Gao Yang missed a lot of courses, and Gu Yawen later missed a lot of courses because of her pregnancy and childbirth, and because of her busy work this year.

Gao Yang went to this MBA mainly to learn some theoretical knowledge of business management, and also to take the lead for the group's middle and high-level management cadres.

Today, 51 Group has more than 100 mid-level and high-level employees who are studying on-the-job MBA, and the company bears 50% of the tuition fees.

In the evening, after Wu Ruohan fell asleep, Gao Yang went to live in villa No. 5 again. Just like what Gu Yawen said, it would be fine to stay there for two nights once a week, mainly to stay with Wu Ruohan.

On the morning of May 5th, Gao Yang went home after a morning run, and was immediately stopped by Wu Ruohan:
"It's amazing. At midnight last night, it was suddenly announced that the stamp duty would be increased from one thousand one to three thousand three. Now many investors on the Internet are saying that this is purely midnight, and the market has no time to digest it."

Gao Yang said: "The stock market went up too fast some time ago, especially for such stocks as the concept of brokerages. Hot money and institutions are working together to force the stock market to cool down."

Wu Ruohan said: "The stamp duty will be raised three times directly. The policy regulation is too strong. Will the bull market end here?"

Gao Yang said: "The possibility is very small. Several trillions of funds have rushed into the stock market this year. After this adjustment is over, the inertia of funds will push A shares to continue to rise.

This is the power of the market, and the institutions can only withdraw while pulling, otherwise the position will turn bearish, and the institutions will not be able to escape.

What can stop this round of A-share reform bull market is the complete bursting of the U.S. subprime mortgage bubble, which will lead to global financial turmoil. "

Wu Ruohan said: "After the market opens today, it will definitely drop sharply, or I will go to the office too."

Gao Yang shook his head: "You rest at home, we have completed the task of reducing positions, and the remaining positions will be subject to retracement. Today is just the start of adjustment, there is no need to operate, wait until the adjustment is in place."

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang walked into the trading room of the investment department and told Huang Yufei and others:
"The stamp duty has been raised three times, and the intention of policy regulation is obvious. A wave of mid-level adjustments is inevitable. Starting today, our task is to just ignore it.

The consensus between me and Ruohan is that the signal for us to enter the market and increase our position is to wait for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index to break through the 60-day line and fill up the gap on April 4.

In the past few days, you have focused on observing the trends of various industry sectors, as well as concept sectors, and analyzing the movement of funds in the disk..."

After arranging these things, Gao Yang returned to the office, not interested in watching the market, and concentrated on dealing with some recent affairs of the company.

After 3 o'clock in the afternoon, as soon as the stock market closed, Huang Yufei came to Gao Yang's office to report: "Mr. Gao, today is really miserable. More than 900 stocks in the two cities have reached their daily limits, and less than 100 stocks are in the red market."

Gao Yang said: "You tell Yang Liu and the others to resolutely enforce the trading discipline. We will continue to wait and see whether tomorrow goes up or down. Your task is to observe the market and analyze the performance of industries and sectors during this adjustment process."

Huang Yufei said: "President Gao, I understand, we will resolutely implement it."

Huang Yufei went back to the trading room, Gao Yang lit a cigarette, and remembered his past life today.

Originally, the account had just made a little profit before, but starting from today, two of the three stocks held in the position have been lowered for four consecutive days, and one has been lowered for five consecutive days.

I was stunned by the hammer, it was terrible.

When the lower limit was opened, they gritted their teeth and escaped, but the result immediately turned around. Many stocks were pulled to the daily limit by a wave of big funds, and the next day they quickly rose to the limit, even at the opening of the market.

Just like that, you were harvested by the organization and hot money, and you were not given any time to react...

(End of this chapter)

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