Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 501 Temptation, broke up unhappy

Chapter 501 Temptation, broke up unhappy
Qin Xianglin is used to traveling back and forth between oceans, and began to adjust to jet lag on the plane. He plans to rest early tonight and visit an old friend of Goldman Sachs tomorrow.

Gao Yang went back to the room and advised Chen Lan and Wu Fei to go home early to rest, and Chen Lan also went home to prepare materials for Professor Qin Xianglin to use tomorrow.

After Chen Lan left, Gao Yang asked Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming who were still in his room: "Are you sleepy?"

Lin Yunjiao shook her head: "I'm not sleepy at all, I don't know if I can fall asleep tonight, I couldn't hold back on the plane, I slept too much."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Go and change clothes. Let's go to the hotel gym to practice for an hour or two. We'll sweat all over and fall asleep when we're tired."

Gao Yang changed his clothes and went to greet Zhang Wei and Wang Xiaolong. Later, Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming also changed their clothes and came out.

Both girls were in gym shorts and were about the same height and build.

Lin Yunjiao's upper body is a sports T-shirt, which is a little looser.Yang Ming boldly wore a tight-fitting sports vest, and at first glance, his chest was choppy.

Gao Yang knew that the girl was dressed like this on purpose, so he took a glance and then looked away.

Seeing this, Yang Ming was slightly disappointed.On the plane before, when chatting with Gao Yang, Gao Yang didn't have any fiery eyes when they stood next to each other like that.

Now, they are all dressed up so sexy, Yang Ming never expected that Gao Yang would look at her with the same expressionless look.

At this moment, Yang Ming recalled the appearances of Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan, and sighed slightly in his heart. They are both big beauties. Their mature, confident, noble and elegant temperament is naturally revealed. It is really not what I am now. of.

A woman's self-confidence is not only about her looks, but also about her wealth.

Three men and two women, five of them walked to the gym together. Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming's youthful beauty and figure attracted the attention of many men.

It's just that the three men beside them, with athletes' bodies, made these foreigners give up the idea of ​​approaching beautiful women.

Especially Wang Xiaolong, who is 183 centimeters tall, with muscles all over his body, he looks like a strong man practicing boxing.

In the gym, Gao Yang started to warm up, did some muscle stretching exercises, and practiced a set of Bajiquan taught by Zhang Wei, as well as poking his feet.

A few foreigners nearby suddenly whispered: "Kungfu..."

In fact, what Gao Yang practiced was only martial arts routines. After practicing martial arts with Zhang Wei for more than a year, Gao Yang can probably deal with three or four ordinary men.

In front of Zhang Wei, the five Gao Yangs together probably wouldn't last for 2 minutes.

Next to her, Lin Yunjiao whispered while moving her body: "Mingming, I really didn't expect Mr. Gao to have such a good figure and physical fitness."

Yang Ming said with a smile: "That's because you don't know him yet. Mr. Gao exercises every day, running morning and night, practicing boxing and so on."

Lin Yunjiao was surprised and said, "You know Mr. Gao so well?"

Yang Ming smiled: "I'm good friends with the big star Liu Yifei. Yifei called Mr. Gao brother-in-law. She lives with Aunt Liu at Mr. Gao's house. You should know that, right?"

Lin Yun said tenderly: "Sister Ruohan told me that I'm still a fan of Liu Yifei. Sister Ruohan said that Liu Yifei is currently making a movie."

Yang Ming said: "Yes, I went to the desert to shoot the location these few days, and Yi Fei said that it might be finished by the end of the month..."

Gao Yang was sweating profusely and was really tired after running on the treadmill in the gym until almost 10 o'clock at night.

The two girls were also dripping with sweat.

After returning to the room to wash, Gao Yang changed into pajamas, and chatted with Wu Ruohan and Gu Yawen on 51talk for a while.

In China, it is already August 8th, which happens to be Gao Yang's 6rd birthday. Wu Ruohan and Gu Yawen both wished Gao Yang a happy birthday, and they are planning to have a family dinner after he returns to China.

Later, Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming came over and knocked on the door.

Lin Yunjiao asked: "Mr. Gao, what are the arrangements for tomorrow?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "There is no arrangement for tomorrow, you can move freely, if you want to go shopping, let Wang Xiaolong accompany you, New York is not safe, you should not go alone."

Lin Yun smiled coquettishly: "Ming Ming and I have to adjust the time difference, and we may have to sleep late tomorrow."

Gao Yang nodded: "Go back and rest, good night, I'm going to sleep."

The two girls said good night and went back to their room.

Although Yang Ming was a little tired and sleepy, he couldn't fall asleep when he lay down.This time, Gao Yang asked her to come to the United States together, but Yang Ming didn't know if he would have a chance to be alone in the room...

At 8:6 a.m. on August 6, Gao Yang woke up from the alarm set on his mobile phone, changed into his morning exercise clothes and walked out of the room. Zhang Wei, Wang Xiaolong, and Professor Qin Xianglin were all waiting.

Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming haven't woken up yet.

The four men walked to the gym, Qin Xianglin said: "I contacted Butler at the Goldman Sachs headquarters last night. At 10 am, go to his office to talk."

Gao Yang nodded: "Thank you, Professor Qin, for your hard work."

Qin Xianglin smiled and said, "I'm also going to meet old friends, but it's not easy to talk about it."

Gao Yang said: "It's okay, let's get in touch first, take a look and then talk..."

At 8 o'clock in the morning, after Gao Yang and the others finished their morning exercises, they went back to their room to wash, change their clothes and prepare to go to the restaurant, when Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming also came out.

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Aren't you going to sleep late?"

Yang Ming said with a smile: "We chatted until almost 12 o'clock last night, and slept for more than 7 hours, enough."

At this time, Wu Fei and Chen Lan also rushed over and went to the restaurant for dinner together.

During the meal, Lin Yunjiao said: "President Gao, after dinner, why don't we go out to play together."

Gao Yang asked: "Where do you want to go?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "Go to see the Statue of Liberty, look at the map last night, it's not far from our hotel."

Gao Yang nodded: "Okay, then go and have a look."

In fact, Gao Yang didn't have much interest in such a statue.

However, after all, it is an important scenery in New York, the two girls want to go, Gao Yang has nothing to do, so he plans to go for a walk.

After breakfast, Wu Fei drove Gao Yang and five people to take a cruise ship at the pier at the southern end of Manhattan. Chen Lan stayed at the hotel and wanted to drive Professor Qin Xianglin to the Goldman Sachs headquarters.

At 10:[-] in the morning, Qin Xianglin arrived at the office of William Butler, the managing director of the securities department of Goldman Sachs on time.

Butler gave Qin Xianglin a warm hug: "David, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

After the two exchanged a few words like old friends, Qin Xianglin Dao explained the purpose of his visit: "William, I am entrusted by a friend to negotiate a deal with you."

Butler asked curiously, "David, what kind of deal is worth your time?"

Qin Xianglin smiled slightly: "80 shares of AA grade swaps have a face value of 160 billion U.S. dollars. There are also 40 BB grade swaps and 120 BBB grade swaps, with a total face value of 25 billion U.S. dollars."

Butler was surprised: "Which big company is this, when did you start selling short?"

Qin Xianglin said: "At the beginning of February this year, during the Las Vegas Securitization Forum, we negotiated a private hedge fund, which is the Titan Fund that I asked you to help them sign the ISDA agreement with Goldman Sachs.

Titan Fund hopes to find a powerful investment bank to package and transfer the 240 short swap orders as a whole. The first thing I think of is Goldman Sachs. "

Butler suddenly said: "I remembered, it's your Chinese friend. I really didn't expect that your friend is so prescient. David, you pointed it out?"

Qin Xianglin shook his head and smiled: "They themselves want to bet on luck, and they asked me for help, just to introduce them to get the qualification to enter."

Qin Xianglin handed over a stack of photocopied materials prepared by Chen Lan, and Butler flipped through them for a while: "David, wait a moment..."

Seeing that Butler was about to make a call, Qin Xianglin stopped him and said, "William, if you want someone to calculate the market value of these short shares, I must be present."

Butler put down the phone and said with a smile, "Okay, David, then let's go together."

Of course, it was impossible for Qin Xianglin to arrange for Butler's subordinates to copy these transaction materials.

Butler put on a smiling face, asked Qin Xianglin to go with him to another big office, and ordered a supervisor to calculate immediately.

Ten minutes later, the supervisor suppressed his excitement and returned the materials to Qin Xianglin.

Butler asked Qin Xianglin to go back to his office. After sitting down, he immediately answered a phone call.

After putting down the phone, Butler asked, "David, how much does your friend want to sell?"

Qin Xianglin showed 4 fingers, but Butler suddenly yelled strangely: "Watt, is their asking price 4% off?"

Qin Xianglin nodded: "That's right, the package share is 4% off the total face value."

Butler shook his head violently: "David, don't be kidding, you can't find any investment bank that is willing to use 4% off the face value of the loan to take these shares."

Qin Xianglin smiled slightly: "William, you should understand how valuable these 160 billion face value AA shares are now, and how many people want them."

Butler still shook his head: "David, it is impossible for any investment bank on Wall Street to accept a 4% discount offer, let alone few investment banks that can pay such a large amount of cash at once."

Qin Xianglin looked at Butler with a smile: "William, you might as well make an offer."

Butler thought about it: "Just now, my subordinate suggested that Goldman Sachs can buy it at a discount of 1.5 percent."

Qin Xianglin shook his head and smiled: "William, this is too insincere."

Butler pointed out two fingers again: "David, I can give you a 2% discount at most. According to the current market conditions, after Goldman Sachs, the comprehensive profit will be at most about 50%. The profit is dozens of times, they are really lucky."

Qin Xianglin said: "William, we have been friends for many years. When this opportunity arises, the first thing I think of is you. My friends are not only lucky, they are even better at foresight. If I guessed right, Goldman Sachs would have shorted it a long time ago. It's a loan, right?"

Butler said: "Goldman Sachs has some short positions in subprime mortgage assets. David, what is the real asking price of your friend? This is 240 shares, with a total face value of 185 billion US dollars. A 4% discount is definitely unrealistic, you know , I'm telling the truth."

After a little hesitation, Qin Xianglin replied: "50 billion US dollars, less than 3% off the face value, this is the lowest offer."

Butler thought for a while, then shook his head: "David, it's still too high. Goldman Sachs can offer us $40 billion. This is the highest offer we can give."

Qin Xianglin had no choice but to stand up and sigh: "William, it seems that this deal can't be negotiated, so I'm leaving."

Butler said: "David, we have so many friends, you must know that I am telling the truth. The current market situation is really 40 billion US dollars, and it is impossible to increase it."

Qin Xianglin smiled slightly: "William, I know, it's just that I was entrusted by my friends, and the decision rests with them, not me."

After finishing speaking, Qin Xianglin left and left, but Butler had no choice but to get up and see him off...

(End of this chapter)

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