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Chapter 502 Five billion dollars? NO!

Chapter 502 Five billion dollars? NO!

After leaving the Goldman Sachs headquarters, Qin Xianglin called Chen Lan, and Chen Lan's car drove over immediately.

After getting in the car, Qin Xianglin said: "Chen Lan, Goldman Sachs is only willing to give 40 billion US dollars."

Chen Lan said: "Professor Qin, this is the same as the quotation we received from other investment banks when we consulted two days ago, except that Gao Yang insisted on asking for 50 billion US dollars."

Qin Xianglin said: "Gao Yang has his own ideas, let's go back to the hotel to discuss."

Chen Lan immediately dialed Wu Fei's phone: "Wu Fei, Professor Qin just went to Goldman Sachs, and the negotiation failed."

Wu Fei said: "Xiao Lan, we are still at the Statue of Liberty, wait a moment..."

Under the Statue of Liberty, Wu Fei approached Gao Yang who was taking pictures of the two girls, and whispered something.

Gao Yang took Wu Fei's cell phone and replied, "Sister-in-law, I'm Gao Yang, please accompany Professor Qin back to the hotel for a rest, we'll discuss it at noon."

Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming were having fun, and Wang Xiaolong came to the United States for the first time, and he felt something new about this bustling international metropolis.

At 11:[-] in the morning, Gao Yang and his party finished their tour and returned to the hotel.

Zhang Wei and Wang Xiaolong returned to their own room, and the others gathered in Gao Yang's apartment just like last night.

Listening to Qin Xianglin's introduction to the negotiation process with Butler, Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming were shocked. Unexpectedly, they really negotiated a multi-billion dollar deal with Goldman Sachs.

After Qin Xianglin finished introducing the situation, Chen Lan said: "Gao Yang, Goldman Sachs' quotation is consistent with the quotation we calculated after consulting with other investment banks a few days ago. It seems that the current market is really like this, and it cannot be higher. "

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, I understand, I think, the main reason is that we are still a small company, and investment banks like Wall Street are quite arrogant.

Another reason is that the subprime mortgage bubble burst not fast enough, the price of covered bonds has not completely collapsed, and Wall Street continues to cover up. For example, the public default rate of subprime mortgages is very deceptive.

Wall Street investment banks may still be desperately looking for opportunities to short subprime mortgages.

We don't need to worry, we can wait.How about this, tomorrow afternoon, let's go to San Francisco for a few days.

Professor Qin, I'm sorry, I'm afraid it will take you a few more days. "

Qin Xianglin smiled and said, "It's okay, anyway, it's summer vacation now."

Chen Lan persuaded: "Gao Yang, there are 40 billion US dollars, which is already a very good result, I still suggest that we accept it as soon as we see it.

With the current trend, if a big bank like Bear Stearns suddenly goes bankrupt, it will inevitably trigger a chain reaction in the market. At that time, our short positions may have huge risks. "

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, we just need to be more patient now, if we miss this opportunity, it will be very difficult to earn another billion dollars.

We are certainly not the only ones shorting subprime mortgages. I believe that the scale of Wall Street's secretly shorting subprime mortgages will not be small.

After all, Bear Stearns is the fifth largest investment bank in the United States, and the U.S. government will most likely not let it go bankrupt, and will definitely rescue it, otherwise it will cause too much damage to the entire financial market.

Now, what we are waiting for is the collapse of subprime mortgage bonds, or the public subprime default rate exceeds the warning line.

As long as these signals appear, at that time, it will not be us looking for Wall Street investment banks to trade, but they will come to us on their own initiative. "

Of course, Bear Stearns will not go bankrupt, it will only be acquired, and the bankrupt is Lehman Brothers.

Moreover, Lehman Brothers did not need to go bankrupt at first. When the crisis broke out, Barclays Bank of the United Kingdom proposed to acquire Lehman Brothers.

Unfortunately, the proud management of Lehman Brothers asked Barclays to pay them a total of 25 billion US dollars in bonuses before agreeing to be acquired.

Gao Yang knew all these things. In his previous life, he had always paid close attention to financial news.

I have also read several books that summarize and analyze several global financial crises.

Qin Xianglin said: "Chen Lan, I agree with Gao Yang's point of view. Now that Goldman Sachs knows that you hold a short position of 185 billion US dollars, there is no need to cover it up. If the subprime mortgage crisis spreads further, Goldman Sachs should accept 50 billion US dollars. offer."

Seeing that Qin Xianglin said the same thing, Chen Lan stopped trying to persuade Gao Yang.If you can really earn an extra billion US dollars, it will be a lot of wealth.

Gao Yang gave Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming a day to play around in New York. This time he went to San Francisco. Gao Yang didn't plan to go back to New York, so he waited for Goldman Sachs to visit in Silicon Valley.

With huge interests involving billions of dollars, Gao Yang did not believe that Goldman Sachs would give up such a good opportunity. How could Wall Street capital not be greedy.

At noon on August 8, Gao Yang and his party of 7 boarded a direct flight to San Francisco.

The flight time was 6 hours, and when it landed, it was already 9:[-] p.m. San Francisco time.

San Francisco is located in the West Eighth District, 3 hours ahead of New York time.

A group of people left the airport. Shao Hanyun, Dorsey, Andy Rubin and Yang Ruian waited in three cars.

"Brother Yang!"

For Gao Yang's arrival, Shao Hanyun was the most pleasantly surprised, almost wanted to hug Gao Yang warmly like Dorsey.

In Shao Hanyun's eyes, Gao Yang is her elder brother, from her natal family.

Shao Hanyun booked the Hilton Garden Inn in the south of Palo Alto for Gao Yang and others. After settling down in the hotel, it was already 10:[-] at night.

Knowing that Lin Yunjiao was Gao Yang's intern assistant, Shao Hanyun knew that this girl would become Gao Yang's real assistant in the future.

Before leaving, Shao Hanyun said: "Brother Yang, go to bed early, I will accompany you tomorrow."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Xuan, you are the assistant to the CEO now, come back on the weekend."

Shao Hanyun smiled: "Brother Yang, you are here, it is my job to accompany you."

Dorsey also said: "Indeed."

Gao Yang made an agreement with Dorsey, Rubin and Yang Ruian that next week, he would go to two companies, Android and Twitter, and visit San Francisco for a few days.

Shao Hanyun and others quickly left and went home, and Chen Lan and Wu Fei also went home.

According to Chen Lan's confession, Shao Hanyun booked luxury business suites for Gao Yang and Professor Qin Xianglin. Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming, Zhang Wei and Wang Xiaolong still lived in business double rooms together.

The temperature in San Francisco is cooler than that in New York, with nighttime temperatures around 13 degrees.

Gao Yang took a hot shower and checked the time. It was past 11 o'clock at night, which was exactly past 8 am in Huaxia Capital.

So he called Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan and told them that they had just arrived in San Francisco.

After listening to Gao Yang's introduction, Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "I've also been following the news about the US subprime mortgage crisis on the Internet these days, husband, I support you, we should take advantage of such a good opportunity to make a fortune.

Now, among the world's major stock markets, A-shares are the most stable. Yesterday, the Shanghai stock index has stood firm at 4600 points.

Tomorrow, you will say happy news to Hanyun. Her stock account already has 7000 million. I am confident that I can give her [-] million. It can be regarded as a big gift for her and her children. "

Gao Yang asked curiously, "Is Hanyun pregnant already?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Yanyun told me yesterday, just found out, she said that Dorsey was overjoyed, husband, it's late with you, go to bed early."

Gao Yang hung up the phone and fell asleep.

At this time, Yang Ming was in the bathroom, looking at his delicate and plump body in the bathroom mirror, bit his lips, and quickly made up his mind.

These few days, I must find an opportunity to confess my love to Gao Yang again.

This time, it would be a pity to miss the opportunity...

(End of this chapter)

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