Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 506 Earning 60 Billion Dollars Suddenly

Chapter 506 Earning 60 Billion Dollars Suddenly

On the morning of August 8th, Chen Lan and Wu Fei accompanied Butler to New York to complete the transaction. On the afternoon of August 16th, when the couple returned to San Francisco, they were walking in a flutter.

There are more than 60 billion US dollars in the account of the Titan Fund, and it has only been half a year, which is really terrifying.

In the evening, Chen Lan and Wu Fei invited Gao Yang and others to their home.

After dinner, Chen Lan and Wu Fei invited Gao Yang into the study alone, and Chen Lan formally reimbursed Gao Yang:

"This transaction, the total profit is 60.1 billion U.S. dollars, and the current account funds are 62.27 billion U.S. dollars.

Among the total profits, the equity belonging to the Android company is US$32.78 billion, the equity of the Titan Fund is US$5.46 million, and the equity of your beyond fund registered in Cayman is US$23.86 billion.

28% of the federal short-term capital gains tax is deducted. In addition, California, where the android company is located, also has a 13% capital gains tax.

Therefore, the total tax rate of the android company is 41%. After deducting taxes, the net investment income this time is 19.34 billion U.S. dollars, plus the principal, a total of 20.52 billion U.S. dollars.

Wu Fei's company is registered in Washington State, which has no capital gains tax. Our tax rate is 28%. The net income is 3.94 million U.S. dollars, plus the principal, there is a total of 4.14 million U.S. dollars.

The beyond fund is a non-US investor and has no capital gains tax. The net income is 23.86 billion US dollars and the total capital is 24.65 billion US dollars.

Now, if the tax payment is arranged, the total funds are 49.31 billion US dollars, such a large amount of funds, how should we arrange it next? "

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Sister-in-law, brother, you have more than 4 million US dollars, how do you plan to arrange it?"

Chen Lan blushed slightly: "Gao Yang, without your help and guidance these few years, we would not have been able to make so much money. We only need 3 million US dollars."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Sister-in-law, my brothers still have to settle accounts clearly. It should be yours, it's yours. Are you planning to withdraw all the money?"

Wu Fei smiled and said: "Gao Yang, I have discussed with your sister-in-law. With experts like you and Ruohan, we will continue to invest with you. This time, we will withdraw 2000 million US dollars in the form of redemption. Just improve your life.

On my side, I have decided to resign from Columbia University. From now on, I will concentrate on helping you continue to do a good job in Titan Fund. "

Gao Yang thought about it: "How about this, first withdraw 2500 million US dollars, of which 2000 million US dollars will be given to sister-in-law as a bonus, and you don't have to redeem it."

Chen Lan hurriedly said: "Gao Yang, we have already earned enough, there is no need to give me any bonus."

Gao Yang said: "Sister-in-law, in the past two years, while you have been worrying about the fund, you have also been worrying about the Android company and the Twitter company. It's been very hard. You deserve this bonus, so it's hard work.

Originally, I also said to arrange a 10% profit share for you, but you just refused to take it. "

Wu Fei said: "Gao Yang, you and Ruohan have been arranging the investment for the past three years. We are just implementing it. It is unreasonable to share the profits. If you really want to share the profits, it should be you and Ruohan. "

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Okay, big brother, sister-in-law, in the future, wait until Titan Fund officially raises funds publicly, and then arrange the performance commission according to the rules of the industry.

The other 500 million US dollars, I suggest to be used as a bonus for the company's employees, as well as daily expenses, Titan Fund will also consider renting a larger office.

Although Huang Yi and the others don't know what assets the company is investing in, they are only responsible for market research and information tracking. The past two years have been quite hard. I suggest arranging a bonus of 20 US dollars per capita.

In addition, after paying taxes on the income of the android company, 3.52 million US dollars will be redeemed first, which will be used for the next development expenditure of android.

The beyond fund on our side arranged for the redemption of 2000 million US dollars.

I am planning to purchase a manor-style villa in Palo Alto in the name of Ruohan. The total price should be within 1800 million U.S. dollars, and the remaining 200 million U.S. dollars will be used to arrange long-term payment of property taxes and other expenses. "

Chen Lan said: "Gao Yang, Titan Fund now only has 5 regular employees, and the other 4 are Chinese and Asian students who Wu Fei contacted to do part-time jobs at Columbia University. They have changed several batches in the past two or three years, mainly because they are in charge of Do a site survey.

These students do not have green cards and cannot be paid through corporate accounts.

The current group of 4 people are all recruited this year. I suggest that they be given a bonus of 1 US dollars and then disbanded.

The $4 has to be paid in cash, so I will be responsible for it myself.

In addition, I feel that the bonus of 5 US dollars per capita for Huang Yi and his five regular employees is too much. In terms of their current work content, if such a large bonus is leaked out, it will not be good for the company.

I suggested giving Huang Yi US$6, and the other four people each giving US$4. This arrangement is actually quite a lot.

Our company is still a private hedge private equity fund. Except for Huang Yi, the other 4 people are all employees with average ability. The original arrangement was also out of confidentiality as much as possible. "

Gao Yang thought about it: "Sister-in-law, it's because I didn't think carefully, you can arrange this matter."

Chen Lan asked again: "Then how will Titan Fund plan to invest?"

Gao Yang said: "Next, let's wait and see how the subprime mortgage crisis evolves, and then start to peak in the U.S. stocks, and buy short-selling ETF funds, preferably leveraged short-selling funds, to obtain short-selling income.

What is the maximum leverage for short-selling ETFs in US stocks? "

Chen Lan said: "ETF funds, the maximum short-selling leverage is 3 times. In addition, there are panic index funds, and the short-selling leverage can be as high as about 10 times."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Then we can consider investing in 3 times ETF short-selling funds, and a small amount of allocation to panic index funds. Next, Titan Fund will start recruiting a few experienced traders."

Wu Fei said: "Gao Yang, if the subprime mortgage crisis continues to spread, there is a high probability that the stock market will turn bearish, but what if we predict the peak of the US stock index?

Shorting with 3 times leverage, even if it is an ETF fund, the risk of volatility is still very high. "

Gao Yang said: "Brother, just like we shorted subprime mortgages this time, we still have to wait for a clear signal.

The clearest signal of a peak in U.S. stocks is the bankruptcy of large financial institutions.

After the subprime mortgage crisis continues to deepen, there is a high probability that such an event will occur.

At that time, you can try to build a position in ETF funds, such as a position of about 1%.

After that, wait for the main US stock index to establish a bear market in terms of technical trends, and then you can boldly take heavy positions.

Next, the evolution of the subprime mortgage crisis is bound to be global, and the central banks of various countries will continue to rescue the market. The current market game may even temporarily push up the US stock index.

Therefore, we must wait for a clear signal. Before that, we have been observing and just holding back.

When the market signal appears, then we will communicate again..."

Wu Fei smiled and said: "Okay, you and Ruohan are both investment and trading experts, we can just wait with peace of mind."

Chen Lan said: "Gao Yang, if the U.S. stock market turns bearish or even collapses, will there be a sharp drop like in 1929?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Sister-in-law, if the subprime mortgage crisis evolves, some bank stocks may plummet by 7% or even 9%.

It is impossible for the main US stock index to fall by about 40%, at most 50%.

Otherwise, the entire U.S. economy would collapse, and it is impossible for the Fed to allow this to happen. "

Chen Lan suddenly said: "That's the reason. If the U.S. stock market turns bearish, it may also fall for at least a year."

Gao Yang said: "A year to a year and a half is possible. In fact, I discussed with Professor Qin before that under the subprime mortgage crisis, the European market must be the most damaged.

Under the global financial turmoil, the advantages of the US dollar are reflected, and US dollar capital will return to the United States.

After the U.S. stock market has fallen to its peak, there is a clear bottom signal, such as a rebound in heavy volume. At that time, we will exit short-selling in time, start a long-term layout, and continue to invest in stocks dominated by technology stocks.

This time, it arranged to redeem 3.72 million US dollars, withdraw 2500 million bonuses, and left more than 45 billion US dollars in cash.If all goes well, by then, the size of the Titan Fund will not be less than 100 billion US dollars.

With such a scale and record, Titan Fund can raise funds publicly, including some capital operations.

Our long-term strategic goal is to attract high-end capital, expand the fund to a world-class scale through long-term investment, and attract a group of professional talents.

That is the vision I once told my elder brother, that you should be celebrities in the US and even the global investment circles, be bound together with the interests of upper-class European and American capital, and make big money for them as well as for ourselves.

In this way, the Titan Fund can guarantee long-term safe operation..."

Wu Fei smiled and said, "Gao Yang, I didn't really believe you when you said these plans two years ago. Now, we are completely convinced. From now on, everything will be under your command."

Chen Lan smiled and said: "Let's not talk about these long-term things, Gao Yang, shall we go to find the manor villa first tomorrow, or go to the Android company? Andy and the others have been waiting for you to inspect the work."

Gao Yang thought about it, and said with a smile: "Let's look for a villa first, buy the one that suits you, and I plan to give Ruohan a surprise."

Wu Fei said: "Gao Yang, as my second uncle, Ruohan is not suitable for buying a house in the United States. I suggest buying a house in your name."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Brother, it's fine, as you all know, both Ruohan and I registered a VIE company in Cayman in our personal names, and then I transferred 12% of the equity in the Android company to her.

This time when buying a house in the United States, I registered the VIE company under Ruohan’s name, and I brought all the relevant procedures. "

Chen Lan said: "Gao Yang, you plan to buy a manor villa in Palo Alto with a total price of less than 1800 million US dollars. Such a luxury house covers at least five or six acres, and it is actually very difficult to find.

With such a large sum of money, it is more convenient to directly find the developer to customize, and you can also design according to your ideas and requirements. "

Gao Yang was surprised: "Sister-in-law, if you find a developer to customize, how long will it take to complete?"

Wu Fei said with a smile: "It will be very soon. If it's just construction, it can be completed in two months. The villas here are mainly made of wood structures. San Francisco is in an earthquake zone, and it is one of the cities with the highest earthquake risk in the United States."

Chen Lan also said: "Gao Yang, in the past two days, you mainly choose the location and then talk to the developer. If you choose Palo Alto, then the south of Palo Alto is near the Hilton Hotel where you live. most ideal location.

1800 million US dollars is enough to design and build a very beautiful manor house in the south of Palo Alto. "

Gao Yang thought about it: "I also think that area is quite good. After choosing the location and talking with the developer, I have to trouble you for the follow-up matters."

Wu Fei smiled and said: "It's not a problem, I'm just idle now, you just need to write a power of attorney.

This time, Chen Lan and I plan to withdraw 2000 million US dollars, in fact, it is also for a bigger house, so we two brothers can be neighbors. "

Gao Yang also smiled: "Brother, this is very good..."

(End of this chapter)

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