Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 507 Clean Twitter

Chapter 507 Clean Twitter ([-] in [-])

On the morning of August 8th, Professor Qin Xianglin set off for China and flew directly to Shanghai from San Francisco.

This time, Professor Qin helped Gao Yang and others a lot. It took two weeks, but he was still only willing to accept a reward of 50 US dollars.

After seeing off Professor Qin, Chen Lan and Wu Fei accompanied Gao Yang in the southern area of ​​Palo Alto, consulting with developers to customize manor-style villas.

The entire Palo Alto is not big, with about 6 people living there, of which the Asian population is close to one-third.

The southern area of ​​Palo Alto is also the area with the highest concentration of rich people.

Gao Yang had a budget of 1800 million US dollars, and Wu Fei and Chen Lan had a budget of 1500 million US dollars. The developer recommended the location near the coastline park on the east side of the hotel, where sea view-style manor villas can be customized.

Gao Yang and his entourage went to see the environment, it was indeed very beautiful, and they were very satisfied, so they decided to choose a custom-made villa in this area, but the price is really expensive.

Gao Yang's budget covers an area of ​​about 2.5 acres, or 15 acres.Wu Fei's family's budget covers an area of ​​2 acres, which is equivalent to an area of ​​over 12 acres.

In the end, after shopping around in this area, I chose two adjacent plots.

Gao Yang and Wu Fei were straightforward, and signed a contract with the developer in the afternoon. Now, for Wu Fei and his wife, 1500 million US dollars is not a lot of money.

For Shao Hanyun, Lin Yunjiao, and Yang Ming who were traveling together, spending 2000 million US dollars to buy a luxury house in a city as beautiful as Palo Alto with a pleasant climate is really a lot of money.

The most shocking thing is Yang Ming. The lifestyle of the rich and the happiness after success are really fascinating.

Yang Ming also imagined that one day, he would also buy a villa in this comfortable and beautiful city.

Wu Fei drafted another power of attorney and asked Gao Yang to sign it. Wu Fei and Chen Lan will help supervise and communicate with the developer for the design and construction of this sea view manor villa.

Back at the hotel, Gao Yang called Shao Hanyun to his room alone, and introduced:
"Yuan, I have completed more than half of my work in the United States this time. This weekend, I will discuss the next development plan of the two companies, Android and Twitter. I am going to leave for China next Monday."

Shao Hanyun smiled and said: "Brother Yang, if Han is pregnant, I won't advise you to stay longer."

Gao Yang nodded, and said again: "Yuan, let me tell you one thing, this time we shorted subprime mortgages, and we gained a huge profit, earning more than 20 times in half a year, and the net investment income of the Android company is close to 20 billion US dollars."


Shao Hanyun was stunned, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak fluently: "Brother Yang, you are too...too powerful..."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Yuan, to seize a rare opportunity in the financial market, such a short-term gain is normal. Next year, there should be good opportunities in the U.S. stock market. By that time, the funds you can free up, Just inject into Titan Fund and invest for a long time."

Shao Hanyun asked: "Brother Yang, can I tell Dorsey about Android's investment in Titan Fund?"

Gao Yang said: "Can you guarantee that Dorsey will keep his mouth shut?"

Shao Hanyun said: "Brother Yang, Dorsey admires you very much, I think he will keep it a secret."

Gao Yang asked again: "Dorsey, Stone, and Williams, how are the three of them getting along now?"

Shao Hanyun shook his head: "Brother Yang, I feel that Williams has always been an unstable factor, Dorsey is tougher now, and Stone is also very supportive of his work.

It's just that Twitter's development speed has suddenly accelerated, and the prospects are promising. Williams has shown some intentions to try to dominate and even regain control of the company.

Dorsey and Stone had disputes with Williams about two VC firms recently, but considering the stability of the company, Dorsey did not pursue the matter any further.

Among the three of them, Williams holds the most equity. Both Dorsey and Stone have concerns. They still want to unite and are unwilling to fall out.

Williams is indeed capable at work. "

Gao Yang said: "Yuan, this is the reason why I have never arranged for Twitter to invest in US stocks and subprime mortgages like Android.

The android company invested 400 million US dollars in Twitter in the form of VC. Next year, Twitter will need to raise money again.

Before that, the best way is to wait for you to find a way to take over at least 50% of the equity in Williams after the funds in the A shares are in place.

Twitter's current valuation level should be between 3500 million and 4000 million US dollars, and Williams holds 23% of the shares, worth more than 900 million US dollars.

We want to strive to take at least 12% or 13% of the equity from him, and we can budget 600 million US dollars, giving him a premium that is difficult to refuse.

Williams is either sidelined or out.This matter requires the cooperation of Dorsey and Stone. "

Shao Hanyun asked: "Brother Yang, do you need to talk to Dorsey and Stone?"

Gao Yang said: "Do you think now is the right time to talk to them about this matter?"

Shao Hanyun thought for a while: "I'll talk to Dorsey first tonight. If I can convince him, you can talk tomorrow."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Okay, then I will wait for your news."

Shao Hanyun left, went home to prepare dinner, and informed Dorsey to go home directly after get off work.

At 6:[-] in the evening, Dorsey returned home with some fatigue, and Shao Hanyun immediately handed him a steamed hot towel.

"Hanyun, you are so kind." Dorsey wiped his face with love in his eyes.

Shao Hanyun smiled softly: "Let's eat, I made your favorite braised beef."

Dorsey said: "You are pregnant, you can't be so busy, we need to hire a nanny immediately."

Shao Hanyun smiled and said: "Jack, don't worry, I haven't started to have morning sickness yet, you can look for a nanny slowly and choose a suitable one."

The two sat down to eat, and Dorsey was already proficient in using chopsticks.

Shao Hanyun sandwiched two pieces of beef for Dorsey:
"Today, I accompanied Brother Yang, Brother Ang and Sister Lan, and went to the developer to inquire about customizing the manor villa.

Brother Yang and the others chose a location in the middle of the mountain near Shoreline Park, not far from Google, and the contract has already been signed.

If the design plan can be confirmed within two months, it is estimated that the house can be handed over before Christmas.

Brother Yang has a budget of 1800 million US dollars, and Angkor has a budget of 1500 million US dollars. The two manors are next to each other, very close. "

Dorsey was surprised: "Are Brother Ang and Sister Lan so rich?"

Shao Hanyun smiled slightly: "Sister Lan and Brother Ang are running a private equity hedge fund. It's normal. Jack, Brother Yang told me today that the Android company has made a net profit of more than 23 billion US dollars through investing in this fund."

"Watt?" Dorsey was stunned.

Shao Hanyun scolded: "Jack, we agreed that you should try to speak Chinese at home."

Dorsey hurriedly said, "Sorry, I was really shocked just now."

Shao Hanyun smiled and said: "When Brother Yang told me, I was also shocked. Brother Yang said that only a few major shareholders of the Android company know about this matter. He hopes that we will not leak it."

Dorsey nodded and said: "Yuan, I understand, Mr. Gao trusts us very much, and I will thank him."

After the meal, Dorsey helped Shao Hanyun clean up the dining table, and when Shao Hanyun finished packing, the two went downstairs together and walked arm in arm on the sidewalk.

Shao Hanyun said: "Jack, Brother Yang is not only an excellent entrepreneur and entrepreneur, but also a very powerful investor, Ruohan also has a very good investment talent.

The Titan Fund hosted by Sister Lan and Brother Ang has actually been guided by Brother Yang for investment. "

Dorsey said: "I remembered, at the end of January in Las Vegas, you participated in the securities forum, led by Mr. Gao."

Shao Hanyun said: "Yes, because of the investment arranged in those few days, Titan Fund has earned nearly 20 times the net income in just half a year.

At that time, the android company had just invested $1.2 million in the Titan Fund.

The 1.2 million US dollars was almost all made by Brother Yang's previous arrangements to let the android company invest in US stocks. "

Dorsey exclaimed: "It's amazing, like capital magic."

Shao Hanyun smiled and said: "Jack, this is why Brother Yang suggested you learn more about the capital market. With the backing of Brother Yang and the android company, Twitter will never lack development funds.

What you need is to be a good CEO, lead the management team, and let Twitter develop towards the planned goals. "

Dorsey wondered: "Yuan, Mr. Gao has such excellent investment ability, why didn't he arrange for Twitter to invest in Titan Fund as well?

At the end of January, if Twitter can invest 1 million US dollars in the Titan Fund, it can now have a profit of 100 million US dollars, and there will be no need for refinancing next year. "

Shao Hanyun saw a wooden chair by the side of the road, pulled Dorsey over, sat down, with a serious face:
"Jack, this is what I want to have a serious discussion with you tonight.

Because of Williams, you have not been able to fully control Twitter. Brother Yang believes that Williams will hinder the normal development of the company, and may even be a time bomb.

Brother Yang hopes that you can join forces with Stone, and with the support of the android company, Williams will be marginalized or even eliminated.

Only when this problem is solved, Brother Yang will fully support the development of Twitter, including helping the company invest in the financial market to make profits.

In this way, there is no need for frequent financing before Twitter goes public. "

Dorsey frowned slightly and said, "Yuan, Williams is Twitter's largest individual shareholder and its main founder.

I know he's trying to take control of the company again, but, do we have to?
Stone and I are good friends and business partners, and we have experienced a lot together. "

Shao Hanyun said: "Jack, Twitter is your brainchild, without you, Twitter would not be possible.

Williams had some capital advantages at the beginning. He cooperated with you and Stone to start the Twitter project, and then registered as a company to operate independently.

Brother Yang has already made it clear to you that he invested in Twitter because of you. Twitter needs you to be the leader and the spiritual leader of the team.

Why does 51 Group develop so fast and do so well?
It is because there is a leader like Brother Yang, a spiritual leader.

The internal entrepreneurial atmosphere of the companies of 51 Group has always been good, because the management team obeys the command of Brother Yang and works together.

The entire group, a large company with thousands of people, operates very efficiently every day.

Looking at the current Twitter, there are less than 80 employees, and the internal management is actually divided, because Williams has attracted some people. He wants to establish his own prestige and weaken your prestige.

Jack, Twitter is just a small start-up company. If the management team cannot work together, it will be difficult for the company to grow smoothly.

For the sake of the company, for Stone and other employees, for ourselves, for our future children, you should no longer take into account the little friendship you once had with Williams.

Stone is your real friend, Williams is not your friend, you should be very clear in your heart.

In this regard, you should really learn from Brother Yang. 51 Group has made some important and strategic decisions. Even if your good friends for many years have opinions, Brother Yang will never show mercy.

Jack, being kind to others is your virtue, you can't let it become a weakness in the eyes of others.

When it comes to the overall situation of the company's long-term development, you can't be swayed by personal feelings, it is related to the interests and future of many people, including ourselves..."

Dorsey pondered for a while, and asked, "Xuan, what specific thoughts does Mr. Gao have on the matter of Williams?"

Shao Hanyun said: "Tomorrow, Brother Yang wants to communicate with you and Stone face to face."

Dorsey said: "Okay, then I will tell Stone to see Mr. Gao tomorrow."

On the morning of August 8, Shao Hanyun accompanied Dorsey and Biz Stone to the hotel to visit Gao Yang.

On Gao Yang's side, he also notified Chen Lan, who represents the android company and serves as a director of Twitter, to participate together.

When they met, Shao Hanyun quietly told Gao Yang that she hadn't talked about how to get Williams' equity yet.

At 9:[-] in the morning, several people gathered in Gao Yang's room, with Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming serving tea and water.

Gao Yang opened his mouth and asked, "Jack, Biz, I heard that your cooperation with Williams is not pleasant?"

Biz Stone was the first to complain: "Yes, Mr. Gao, Williams contacted the VC agency without the arrangement of the board of directors. Jack and I were very angry, and we had a quarrel.

Also, Williams interfered with my work, and even Jack's.

These are not within the scope of his job responsibilities, and deviate from the development plan we have determined for Twitter.

Williams is the company's largest individual shareholder, I think, he is not willing to lose control of Twitter, this is the fundamental reason. "

Dorsey said: "Mr. Gao, as the CEO of the company, I have not done well, and the management is not tough enough. I will solve this problem as soon as possible."

Gao Yang said: "Jack, Biz, the current development of Twitter is generally gratifying.

You are not responsible for Williams' matter. He does not agree with the company development plan we discussed and formulated together. This is a major hidden danger and must be resolved as soon as possible.

The current key issue is the shareholding structure. Compared with yours, Williams' shareholding ratio is too high.

My suggestion is that before the end of the year, Shao Ruohan will take over 600% of the shares from Williams at a price not higher than 13 million US dollars.

What do you think is the chance of persuading Williams to accept? "

Biz Strand: "Mr. Gao, according to the VC agencies that Williams contacted, the valuation quoted for Twitter is as high as 3800 million US dollars.

Jessica gave a valuation of 4600 million US dollars, a premium of more than 20%, but it was still not easy for Williams to transfer his equity.

Williams should be less willing to give up that stake. "

Gao Yang said: "Then give him a price increase, 700 million US dollars, or even 800 million US dollars."

Biz Stone was taken aback: "700 million dollars, the premium is more than 40%. Williams may agree."

Gao Yang said: "I suggest that before discussing the equity transfer with Williams, you first convene the board of directors and ask Williams to withdraw from the management team and replace him with a COO.

At the current stage, judging from the development experience of 51 Weibo, the focus of Twitter is still on the development of user scale, and operation is not important.

The android company has 35% voting rights in Twitter and can cooperate with you.

Let Williams withdraw from the management team first, and then talk to him about the equity transfer, the probability of success is higher. "

Chen Lan said: "Jack, Biz, I think this strategy is the safest. Williams' problem really needs to be resolved."

Both Dorsey and Biz Stone agreed, and Dorsey said: "With this arrangement, there is a high possibility that Williams will choose to back down."

Shao Hanyun said: "Brother Yang, if Williams is willing to transfer 13% of the equity, I only need 8% of the equity, and the remaining 5% of the equity, I suggest that it is best to let Jack go next."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Ruohan, this is a matter between you two. I have no objection. Dorsey holds 17% of the shares, which is also an ideal arrangement."

Gao Yang followed with a serious face: "Jack, Biz, there is an old saying in Huaxia, 'Different ways don't conspire with each other'. In terms of Twitter's development plan and even values, Williams and us have relatively big differences.

I hope you will be tough and not soft-hearted in dealing with this matter.

It is only the first step to let Williams withdraw from the management and transfer 13% of the shares.

The next step, the best outcome, is to let him out and retain at most 5% of the equity.

Let Williams fade out of Twitter, in everyone's interest, and even more beneficial to Twitter's future development.

The funds for Ruohan's acquisition of the equity held by Williams are expected to be available in November this year.

You'd better replace Williams' COO position in August. "

Biz Stone: "Mr. Gao, we can resolve this matter in August. When will you go to the company to inspect?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Biz, this time, I won't go. I will go back to China next Monday. After you solve the Williams problem, next year, probably in early August, I may come to Silicon Valley again..."

 I urge readers to collect and support the new article "The Great Media Era 1995". It has been signed, and you can invest with confidence, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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