Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 508 Attack on Android

Chapter 508 Attack on Android
On August 8, Gao Yang went to the Android company and communicated with Andy Rubin, Yang Rui'an, Jonathan Black, Edgar Smith and more than ten management personnel of the company.

Rubin is the CEO, Ryan Yang is the CTO, Blake is the COO, Smith is the CMO, plus CFO Chen Lan, these five people are the main management team of the Android company.

The arrival of Gao Yang received a warm welcome from the android company, this is the God of Wealth.

Now, the android company has more than 3.6 million US dollars in cash in its account, and still has a share of 17 billion US dollars in the Titan Fund, which is super rich.

Headed by Lu Bin, everyone adores Gao Yang, it's really awesome.

Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming, who accompanied Gao Yang, were also honored to see the respectful faces of these foreigners towards Gao Yang.

Gao Yang sat down and smiled heartily: "Gentlemen and ladies, the android company has solved the funding problem in one fell swoop this year. Next, we can let go and work hard."

Yang Rui'an translated for everyone with a smile, and the room immediately burst into warm applause.

Gao Yang said again: "I'm really sorry for delaying everyone's weekend rest today, I'm going back to Huaxia tomorrow.

Today, I would like to share with you the key development issues of android company in the future.

I have a few suggestions. First, Android companies should set up R&D centers in China to serve China, including the entire Greater China market.

This is very important. Last month, Apple released the 3G model of the iPhone. I bought one right away. I believe you are also planning to test this model.

My personal feeling is that such smart phones will be the mainstream of the market in the future.

At the end of this year or early next year, 51 Group will start investing in the research and development of smartphones in the Chinese market, and Android is most likely to be the first to open the Chinese market.

Therefore, the Chinese version of Android is the most important research and development work at this stage.

I suggest that android invest 1 million US dollars in China to set up a research and development center, and now it is time to consider forming a research and development team.

Dr. Yang, would you like to return to Huaxia to host this R&D center? "

Yang Ruian smiled and said, "Mr. Gao, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time.

The Chinese version of Android is expected to launch a test version within half a year.

There are 40 people in the R&D team of the Chinese version, including me, 28 people can work in the R&D center of Huaxia.

We plan to expand the R&D team to about 200 people as soon as possible after the official operation of the Huaxia R&D Center. "

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Okay, Huaxia R&D Center will try to establish it in January next year. We can consider renting an office building in advance. If there is a suitable office building, we can also buy it directly."

Gao Yang took out a brand new iPhone 3G mobile phone:

"Everyone should have noticed that there is not much difference between the iPhone 3G and the first-generation iPhone launched last year in terms of mobile phone design and operating system.

In addition to supporting 3G, the most important thing is to have this App Store.

In terms of technology, I'm not going to play tricks in front of you. The app store is also very important to android.

The core of the future of Android is the continuous enrichment of various mobile applications and the development of the developer community under the AMS ecosystem.

Now that we have basically solved the funding problem, we can vigorously develop the AMS ecosystem, focusing on North America, and acquire a group of potential small companies with technical characteristics or strength.

In terms of AMS ecological construction, the US headquarters needs to be linked with the soon-to-be-established China R&D center. Our goal is to open up the China market first.

In addition, in 2009, we can consider setting up another R&D center in Europe to serve the western hemisphere market.

In the second half of 2009, the company's capital scale should be able to support self-built office buildings and R&D centers in Silicon Valley.

At that time, android will also have funds to directly invest in some key companies in the entire industry chain of smartphones, such as chip design and chip manufacturing companies.

Through several years of investment layout, a global industrial alliance with Android as the core, including upstream and downstream companies in the smartphone industry chain, has been completed.

After completing such a layout, android is very hopeful to occupy most of the global smart phone market.

Our strategic goal is to become the overlord of the global mobile Internet application field, and catch up with and surpass technology giants like Google in terms of the company's development scale.

The short-term goal is to achieve listing and financing in the United States in about three years.

In the future, if you have enough capital strength, you can even acquire giants like Google.

In terms of capital operation, with the support of Titan Fund, I think everyone can rest assured.

The long-term goal of Titan Fund is also to develop into a world-class private equity hedge fund.

In the future, Titan Fund will also set up a private equity fund, and there will be many means of capital operation to provide capital support for android companies.

At this stage, I suggest that Android companies can consider setting up an investment department to introduce professional talents and search for small and medium-sized Internet technology companies that the company needs to acquire.

In addition, I also suggest that the Android company form a strategic planning committee to implement the company's tasks at each stage of development..."

Gao Yang explained everything he wanted to communicate in one breath.

There was applause, and the elites of the company's management were quite excited.

At this time last year, if Gao Yang threw out such a strategic concept, it would be tantamount to drawing a big cake, air-to-air.

This year is different, the android company has 20 billion US dollars, especially in the past six months, 1.2 million US dollars invested in the Titan Fund, magically, it has become nearly 20 billion US dollars.

Money is easy to do things, no matter where you put it.

According to Gao Yang's short-term goal, as long as Android can be the first to succeed in the Chinese market, it will be a matter of course to achieve an IPO in the US stock market in about three years.

At that time, everyone here will become a billionaire.

Andy Rubin is also very excited:
"Gentlemen and ladies, just like what Mr. Gao just said, let's just let it go.

I believe that Android will grow into a powerful, widely respected company that can surpass Google.

Open source is the future, android is the future! "

Once again applause: "Open source is the future, android is the future!"

At noon, Gao Yang and his party had lunch with the android management team, and Yang Ruian specially prepared Moutai for Gao Yang.

During the toast, Yang Ruian asked, "Mr. Gao, Huaxia R&D Center, which city are you considering?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "Maybe the high-tech development zone in Shudu is the first choice."

Yang Rui'an was surprised: "Shu is a city with a very lively atmosphere, but if we set up a research and development center and choose a coastal area or a city like a special zone, would it be better?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Dr. Yang, Shu is a central city in Southwest China, and the conditions are good. 51 Group invests in the production of its own brand smartphones and will consider setting up its headquarters and R&D center in Shu.

The advantage of being in Shudu is that the government support will be relatively strong.

In addition, the cost of human resources is also lower than that of economically developed coastal areas.

I am from Shuchuan, so I should also consider contributing to the economic construction of my hometown. "

Yang Ruian smiled and said, "Mr. Gao, I understand. I'm going to Shudu and I like this city very much."

Yang Ruian didn't know that Gao Yang was considering Android's Huaxia R&D Center and the smartphone project he was planning to invest in. The original plan was to put it in Jinyang.

Now, the father-in-law Wu Guanghua has taken up his new post in the capital of Shu, so the investment location of the project must be chosen from the capital of Shu.

Otherwise, when Wu Guanghua asked, Gao Yang would not be able to confess.

As for the disadvantages of Shu capital in terms of location, as long as you have money, it's not a problem at all...

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(End of this chapter)

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