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Chapter 509 Earn 3 times in 600 years

Chapter 509 Earn 3 times in 600 years

On the morning of August 8th, US Eastern Time, Gao Yang and his party took off from San Francisco. Due to the 20-hour time difference, when they arrived in Beijing, it was already past 15 pm on the 21st.

Just after leaving the airport, Wu Ruohan, Gu Yawen, Wu Xiaoyue, and Jiang Xue, who had a puffy belly, all greeted her with smiles.

Jiang Xue, who will be in her third year of junior high next semester, said first, "Uncle, I have some good news for you. My aunt is also pregnant with twins."

Gao Yang was surprised: "Really?"

Wu Ruohan flung herself into Gao Yang's arms: "Sister Hong quietly told me about the prenatal checkup last week."

Lin Yun said with a charming smile, "Mr. Gao, sister Ruohan is a dizygotic twin, and the probability of giving birth to twins is not small, 50%."

Wu Ruohan was a little proud: "The twins are the best, they have sons and daughters."

Yang Ming, Zhang Wei and Wang Xiaolong congratulated each other.

Gao Yang said: "Yunjiao, Zhang Wei, and Xiaolong, take a good rest for a few days, and go back to work next week."

Lin Yunjiao said in surprise: "Thank you Mr. Gao, you are so kind."

I followed Boss Gao to the United States on a business trip for half a month, eating, drinking and having fun, visiting mountains and rivers, and after returning, I gave him a few days off.

"Dad, Daddy..."

Back home, Yaoyao and Shitou rushed into Gao Yang's arms.

Gao Yang was cheerful, hugged each other and kissed each other.

After putting down the two children, he touched his son Tiantian's head again, and said with a smile:

"Every day, Aunt Hanyun has a gift for you, take your younger sister and younger brother, and go to Mom to unwrap the present..."

With a happy face every day, he took his younger sister and younger brother to find Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan who were helping Gao Yang pack his luggage, and carried three big gift boxes of toys into the children's room.

Gao Yang took time out to say hello to his parents and two mothers-in-law.

In Gu Yawen's sleeping room, Wu Ruohan and Gu Yawen sorted Gao Yang's clothes together.

Wu Ruohan whispered: "Sister, I can see that nothing happened between my husband and Yang Ming."

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "How did you see it?"

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "The way Yang Ming looked at him, it hasn't changed from when he left for America that day."

Gu Yawen raised her hand and pinched Wu Ruohan's face: "Ruohan, I told you not to think about these things, but you just didn't listen."

Wu Ruohan smiled: "Sister, I just feel a little surprised."

Gu Yawen said seriously: "Ruohan, let's not talk about these things in the future, shall we?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister, I understand..."

The two sisters had just packed up when Gao Yang came in with a smile: "Go to the study and tell you something."

Gao Yang went to call Wu Lan again, the four of them sat in the study, and Gao Yang began to pay the bill:

"Mom, after the Spring Festival in 2004, we used your rental income to exchange 100 million US dollars to invest in US stocks, and in 05 we added another 300 million US dollars.

The 400 million US dollars was registered in Cayman in the name of Yawen, a hedge fund called beyond, and then entrusted sister-in-law and elder brother to invest in the United States.

This time I went to the United States to deal with a major investment arranged in the United States at the end of January. This time I gained a lot. Now the size of the beyond fund has reached 1 billion US dollars. "

Wu Lan was stunned for a moment: "You made more than 23 billion dollars?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Yes, Mom, in January this year, there was only 1 million US dollars, mainly because of the investment at the end of January. After the liquidation was arranged this time, the profit was close to 8000 times."

Wu Ruohan was also shocked and said, "How much did we sell the short swap orders we held?"

Gao Yangdao: "The package sold to Goldman Sachs sold a total of 62 billion US dollars. Because the Android company is registered in California, it has a comprehensive capital gains tax rate of 41%, and the final net income is only close to 20 billion US dollars.

Sister-in-law and eldest brother, this time there is a net income of more than 4 million US dollars. "

Wu Lan was still in shock at this time, and murmured: "In three years, can you earn 600 times?"

Gu Yawen pursed her lips and smiled: "Mom, it's only tens of millions to 600 times."

"Is there any difference?" Wu Lan glanced blankly, and asked again, "Gao Yang, can such a large amount of money be safely transferred back to China?"

Gao Yang said: "Mom, the beyond fund under Yawen's name had an asset management company registered in Hong Kong Island at that time, and the funds can be transferred to the Hong Kong Island company first.

However, according to my plan, this fund will continue to be invested in U.S. stocks for a long-term, and it is estimated that the investment will last for more than ten years. If it goes well, there will be tens of billions of dollars in income in the future. "

Wu Lan said with a smile: "Gao Yang, you young people can arrange these things."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said: "Auntie, this time we are shorting the US subprime mortgage market, which is the subprime mortgage crisis mentioned in the recent news. Such an opportunity is rare in decades."

Wu Lan asked curiously, "How did you seize this opportunity?"

Gu Yawen said with a smile: "Mom, Gao Yang has been shorting US subprime mortgages as early as the second half of 2005, and asked his elder brother and sister-in-law to arrange personnel to conduct follow-up investigations.

Before Ruohan went on a business trip to the United States last year, they found another very powerful financial expert, that is, Professor Qin from Shanghai Jiaotong University. "

Wu Lan sighed: "It's too easy for you to make money. I really can't keep up with the situation. I'm old."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Auntie, you look like you are only in your 40s, you are not old at all."

Wu Lan shook her head and smiled: "Your mouth is sweet."

Gao Yang said: "One more thing, I arranged to draw 2000 million US dollars from the beyond fund this time, and customized a 1800 million US dollar manor villa in the core area of ​​San Francisco's Silicon Valley. It covers an area of ​​15 acres and is registered in Ruo A Cayman company under Han’s name.

This manor villa is expected to be completed by the end of this year, and our family will be able to live in the United States for a period of time next summer.

San Francisco has a Mediterranean climate, and the summer is also very cool, with a maximum temperature of only about 23 degrees. "

Wu Lan smiled and said, "It's pretty good. I took Yawen to America once during the summer vacation when she was admitted to university 10 years ago. Gao Yang, your parents, your sister and brother-in-law haven't been out yet. country?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, Mom, in another two years, when Yaoyao and Shitou go to kindergarten, we will arrange people to accompany you elders, go out and see more, if we have time, we will try to accompany you every year." How many times have you guys gone out to play.

In the future, in the name of Yawen or Ruohan, I will buy some real estate on Hong Kong Island and the Mediterranean region. "

Wu Lan said: "Gao Yang, in all these years, you haven't had a decent real estate under your own name."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Mom, 51 Group will develop to a large scale in the future. There is no need to hold any real estate under my name. In the future, the real estate will be registered under the names of Yawen, Ruohan and the children. .”

Wu Lan nodded and said, "The big tree attracts the wind, and you are right to arrange it this way."

Wu Lan also understands that Gao Yang is now explaining to the three of them alone the income from shorting subprime mortgages in the United States, because he does not want to let the rest of the family know.

More than 20 billion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to more than 170 billion soft sister coins, is too much to earn, which is amazing.

Wu Lan really couldn't imagine what Gao Yang said, that in the future, this amount of funds will roll to tens of billions of dollars in the US market.

After the night run, Gao Yang went to Villa No. 7.

During this time, the retired Wen Yuqin was mainly taking care of Wu Ruohan. Tonight, seeing that Gao Yang was going to stay at Villa No. 7, Wen Yuqin was quite satisfied, so she went to rest early.

In the bathroom, Gao Yang carefully helped Wu Ruohan scrub, Wu Youhan suddenly asked: "Husband, this time we made a sudden profit of 60 billion US dollars in the United States, is there really no problem?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Don't worry, we sold it to Goldman Sachs, Goldman Sachs should also earn 60 billion US dollars, or even more, Goldman Sachs will not disclose this deal with us.

Moreover, Titan Fund also signed a non-disclosure agreement with Goldman Sachs.

In addition, I discussed it with Professor Qin, and Professor Qin also suspected that Goldman Sachs may be the biggest short seller in the subprime mortgage crisis..."

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(End of this chapter)

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