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Chapter 511 Do You Like Her

Chapter 511 Do You Like Her (Two in One)

Less than 20 minutes after the two ended their conversation, Yang Ming called again and made a reservation for the Shangri-La Hotel restaurant at 6:[-] p.m.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang called Wu Ruohan who was at home first, and said that he would have dinner outside tonight.

Then he lit a cigarette, smoked half of it, extinguished it, and walked to Gu Yawen's office.

Gao Yang said: "Yawen, Yang Ming celebrates his birthday today, he invited me to dinner tonight, I may come back later, I called Ruohan just now."

Gu Yawen was startled, and looked at Gao Yang with a smile: "Are you going to make her popular?"

Gao Yang nodded: "This girl is eager to succeed, she has approached me several times, and she also has the potential to become popular, so let her be satisfied."

Gu Yawen smiled slightly: "Okay, I understand."

Gao Yang looked at Gu Yawen: "What do you understand?"

Gu Yawen still smiled: "I just understand."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Yawen, you don't understand."

Gu Yawen was startled again, and said with a smile: "Well, I don't understand..."

Gao Yang returned to his office again, looking at his back as he turned and left, Gu Yawen fell into deep thought.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Wang Xiaolong was driving, and just after leaving the Weber Building, Gao Yang said, "Xiaolong, find a flower shop and buy me a bouquet of flowers."

Wang Xiaolong said: "Brother Yang, what kind of flowers do you want?"

Gao Yang said: "My friend celebrates his birthday."

Ten minutes later, when he arrived at the Shangri-La Hotel and saw Yang Ming waiting at the hotel entrance, Wang Xiaolong seemed to understand something.

Gao Yang handed a bunch of ordinary flowers to Yang Ming, and said with a smile, "Ming, happy birthday!"

Yang Ming noticed that there were no roses in the bouquet, but a common collocation mainly white and white, and his heart skipped a beat.

However, he still raised his smile and said, "Thank you Brother Yang!"

Yang Ming booked a small private room, and Wang Xiaolong found a seat in the lobby, and ordered meals by himself.

After sitting down to eat, Gao Yang asked, "Have you started school yet?"

Yang Ming replied: "I registered this morning, and the class will officially start next Monday. In the junior year, professional courses are very important, and it will be easy in the senior year."

Gao Yang asked again: "Do you have enough time to film in your senior year?"

Yang Ming said: "Yes, there are no courses in senior year."

Gao Yang nodded: "When you reach your senior year, try to star in a better TV series."

Yang Ming said in surprise, "Thank you Brother Yang!"

Next, Gao Yang asked some acting department what courses to study, how to usually take classes and so on.

Yang Ming didn't expect Gao Yang to care about these things, and he couldn't stop once he opened his mouth.

After 7 o'clock in the evening, and the meal was almost finished, Yang Ming boldly said shyly, "Brother Yang, I opened a room at the hotel..."

Gao Yang looked at Yang Ming with a smile, and nodded when her chest was pounding, "Okay, then go and have a seat."

Yang Ming wanted to invite the waiter to pay the bill, but Gao Yang said, "No need, Xiaolong should have already paid the bill."

Yang Ming suddenly said coquettishly: "Brother Yang, I invited you to dinner twice, but I couldn't pay the bill."

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Is this very important?"

Yang Mingjiao smiled and said, "Brother Yang, you have to let me pay the bill once."

Gao Yang said: "In the future, there will be a chance."

The two left the restaurant and went to the guest room together. After meeting Wang Xiaolong, they went to the coffee shop.

In the guest room, Yang Ming was preparing tea. For a moment, he was a little excited, excited, and also a little nervous.

Gao Yang drank a cup of tea and suddenly asked: "Mingming, does anyone else know what's going on in your mind?"

Yang Ming said: "Brother Yang, I told Aunt Liu about it."

Gao Yang was a little surprised: "Why did you tell her?"

Yang Ming blushed: "I invited you to dinner for the first time in April. I thought about what you said for a long time, but I didn't really understand it, so I had to ask Aunt Liu for advice. Apart from her, I have no one to ask for advice." gone."

Gao Yang lit a cigarette and attracted two puffs: "You asked me out for dinner today, have you really thought about it and are you ready?"

Yang Ming blushed again, and boldly looked at Gao Yang: "Brother Yang, I really like you, and I really won't interfere with your normal life."

Gao Yang asked again: "Is this how you want to be a star?"

Yang Ming said: "If Brother Yang doesn't like it, I don't have to be a star."

Gao Yang smiled lightly: "Is this how you give up your dream?"

Yang Ming was a little confused: "Brother Yang, I..."

Gao Yang said again: "Mingming, persistence is the most important thing in being a human being, and you also have the potential to become a star, so don't shake your original intention just because of a word from me.

Now, you have two paths, one is to stay in the show business all the time, and the other is to have the opportunity to take charge of a company after a successful show business, for example ten years later.

Which one do you choose? "

Yang Ming asked, "Brother Yang, which path do you want me to choose?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Mingming, I just gave you two choices, you have to choose yourself."

Yang Ming thought about it for a while, and finally understood: "Brother Yang, then I will choose to help you manage a company after ten years."

Gao Yang nodded: "If you choose such a path, in addition to filming, you also need to learn how to manage a company well."

Yang Ming said: "Thank you Brother Yang for giving me the opportunity, I will work hard."

Gao Yang got up and said: "You are a smart girl, I believe you can do it. That's it, I should go home, are you staying in a hotel tonight, or are you taking you home?"

Yang Ming panicked immediately, throwing himself into Gao Yang's arms recklessly: "Brother Yang, do you really refuse to accept me?"

Gao Yang patted Yang Ming's shoulder lightly:

"Mingming, I am not the kind of man who is greedy for beauty as you imagined, I am willing to support you, first of all, I appreciate you.

I can accept you, but not now. "

Yang Ming instantly felt a big stone fall from his chest: "Brother Yang, thank you, then I'll check out and go back to school."

Gao Yang asked curiously, "Don't you have two days before class starts?"

Yang Ming blushed again: "I told my mom that I'm going back to school."

When Yang Ming was checking out at the front desk, Gao Yang called Wang Xiaolong, and Wang Xiaolong rushed over immediately, secretly surprised.

It's only been 20 minutes...

When Gao Yang returned home, it was not yet 8 o'clock in the evening. When he changed his clothes and prepared for a night run, Gu Yawen and the others happened to go for a walk and went home.

Gu Yawen was quite surprised that Gao Yang came home so early.

After the night run, Gao Yang went to Villa No. 7 to take a shower, chatted with Wu Ruohan and Wen Yuqin for a while, and then went to Villa No. 5.

Gu Yawen leaned on the bed and read a book. It's the weekend, and Gao Yang will come to live in Villa No. 5.

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to come home so early."

Gao Yang was delighted: "You think I won't be home until midnight?"

Gu Yawen smiled without saying a word, her fragrant lips pressed against her...

After the tenderness, Gu Yawen did not fall asleep as quickly as usual, she snuggled into Gao Yang's arms for a long time, and suddenly asked: "You like Yang Ming, don't you?"

Gao Yang was startled, and asked with a smile: "Yawen, why do you think so?"

Gu Yawen said: "Me and Ruohan both understand that she likes you and wants to get close to you, and you have never treated other girls like this. I just want to know your real thoughts, is that okay?"

Gao Yang said: "Okay, then let me tell you, men actually have wildness in their hearts. Since accepting Ruohan, the wildness in my heart has also been released. I'm sorry."

Gu Yawen suddenly bit Gao Yang's shoulder: "I don't believe it, if you want to be wild, you would have already been wild."

Seeing Gao Yang baring his teeth, Gu Yawen hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, does it hurt?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "It doesn't hurt.

Yawen, it's not the kind of liking you imagined, I admire her more.

This girl wanted to pursue success wholeheartedly, so I gave her two choices.

One is to become a big star and has been engaged in acting career.

The second is to engage in acting first, earn enough popularity, and learn and accumulate at the same time. After ten years, you must have the ability to manage a company. "

Gu Yawen asked again: "Then which company do you plan to let her take charge of?"

Gao Yang said: "Let's talk about entertainment. After ten years, Aunt Liu should gradually fade out and take a rest. Now that 51 Entertainment has done it, let's make it bigger and develop in the direction of pan-entertainment. From next year, it may be necessary to invest successively." Billions or even tens of billions."

Gu Yawen asked with a smile: "How many beautiful girls like this are you going to train?"

Gao Yang said: "She is the only one."

Gu Yawen said: "Why did you choose her?"

Gao Yang said: "You really want to know?"

Gu Yawen said: "Well, I really want to know, if I don't understand your thoughts, I will feel that you are leaving me.

There are plenty of young, pretty girls to throw your arms around, if you will.

If you are a romantic person, you have already accepted Ruohan.

I know you're not flirtatious, and you don't want to be flirtatious, otherwise, you don't need to tell me about celebrating Yang Ming's birthday with you. "

Gao Yang sat up suddenly, lit a cigarette:

"Yawen, Yang Ming is not pretentious, and she is smart, but she has no intentions, she just desperately wants to get ahead and find someone to rely on.

The 51 Group has basically completed its layout, and we already have a wealth of more than [-] billion. In the future, the wealth and resources we can control may exceed trillions, or even uncountable.

I am just a successful businessman. In ancient times, there was Fan Li who made great achievements and retired, but in modern times, there is Hu Xueyan who was poor in his later years.

Now is the Internet age, I have to get divorced twice, and I remarried with you again, and the news of having five children may one day spread.

I don't want you and your children to be affected by this.

At that time, I may need some negative personal image. The best way is to have an affair with a female star. "

Gu Yawen sighed lightly: "I'm too stupid to ask you about these things."

Gao Yang said: "I originally planned to find a time to explain clearly to you. In another fifteen or sixteen years, the children will all grow up. At that time, we will all retire early."

A few days later, on the afternoon of September 9, Yang Ming received a call from Gu Yawen asking him to drink coffee. He was both nervous and surprised.

After 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when Yang Ming arrived at the hotel, Gu Yawen was already sitting in the private room of the coffee shop.

After Yang Ming entered the room, Mo Li, the female security guard brought by Gu Yawen, stood outside the door and closed the door.

Gu Yawen poured a cup of freshly brewed coffee and handed it over, looked at Yang Ming's big eyes, and smiled:
"Mingming, how long have you liked Gao Yang?"

"Sister Yawen, I..." Yang Ming's chest jumped up.

Gu Yawen smiled lightly again: "Don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions towards you."

Yang Ming said anxiously: "Sister Yawen, I...I have liked Brother Yang for more than half a year, but I have nothing to do with him now."

Gu Yawen said: "I know, I'm looking for you today, I want to have a good chat, I want to know if you are sincere to him, and what you can give for him."

Yang Ming said: "Sister Yawen, if Brother Yang accepts me, I will not interfere with your life, I can swear it."

Gu Yawen smiled slightly: "Mingming, what I'm asking is whether you are sincere to him and what you can give for him."

Yang Ming blushed: "I have nothing now, only my own youth, I will work hard, and hope to help him in his career in the future."

Gu Yawen asked again: "Do you want to follow him for the rest of your life?"

Yang Ming blushed again: "Sister Yawen, I am self-aware and dare not imagine such a thing. I hope to be with him for ten years. If Brother Yang doesn't want me, I will leave on my own initiative."

"Ten years?"

Gu Yawen thought for a while, and then said: "If Gao Yang invests in resources to support you, you will soon become famous. At that time, once your relationship with him gets out, his image will be damaged. You understand the reason Consequences?"

Yang Ming said: "Sister Yawen, I won't mention it to anyone, I can swear it."

Gu Yawen asked again: "On your birthday, treat Gao Yang to dinner, what did he promise you?"

Yang Ming blushed slightly: "That day, Brother Yang told me that he could accept me, but not now."

Gu Yawen said: "Mingming, tomorrow, I will transfer 800 million to your salary card, you can buy a better house and a car.

In the future, don't go to the hotel again. "

Yang Ming's face turned red immediately, and his mind was dizzy: "Sister Yawen, last year I filmed a movie, and I earned more than 200 million yuan, all of which was deposited in the bank."

Gu Yawen smiled slightly: "Mingming, money is not important, what is important is that you remember what I told you just now. I should go, do you want me to take you back?"

Yang Ming hurriedly said, "Thank you, sister Yawen, I'll take a taxi back to school later, it's very close."

Gu Yawen nodded: "Okay, then I'll go first."

After Gu Yawen left, Yang Ming sat blankly in the room, remembering that he had booked a room in the hotel that day, and what he thought when he was alone in the room with Gao Yang that night in the United States, and suddenly felt so naive.

The way of life of the rich and powerful is beyond what I can understand now.

At this moment, Yang Ming also fully understood why Gao Yang said that when he boldly confessed his love to Gao Yang, the only thing that can be exchanged between a man and a woman is interest, not feelings.

While gaining, it is also losing.

Yang Ming suddenly smiled happily, a successful career, financial freedom, this is the life he wants...

Gu Yawen returned to Weber Building, walked straight into Gao Yang's office, and whispered:
"I saw Yang Ming just now, and I will transfer 800 million to her tomorrow, so that she can buy a house and a car."

Gao Yang was surprised: "I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?"

Gu Yawen pursed her lips and smiled: "Are you really not interested in such a young and beautiful girl?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "It's just an exchange, what can I do, my heart is always in your heart, it's not like you don't understand."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Okay, I won't joke with you anymore. Yang Ming told me that she wants to accompany you for ten years."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled again: "It doesn't take that long, after five or six years, she should mature..."

(End of this chapter)

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