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Chapter 512 Victory Retreat

Chapter 512 Victory Retreat
On the morning of September 9, Yang Ming received a text message from the bank on his mobile phone, and 7 million yuan was credited to his salary card.

At this moment, Yang Ming's chest thumped, and he quickly called Gu Yawen to express his thanks.

Gu Yawen just smiled lightly: "Mingming, don't be polite about such a trivial matter in the future, you should hurry up and choose a house."

Yang Ming said, "Sister Yawen, I'll go to Yueju Company to ask about it at noon."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Ming felt a little unbelievable about the relationship between himself and Gu Yawen.

Last night, Yang Ming tossed around in bed until midnight, and didn't think about it. She boldly pursued Gao Yang, and even let Gu Yawen know about it. Gu Yawen even came to chat with her, and wanted to give her money to buy a house and a car.

Now, Gu Yawen is just Gao Yang's ex-wife.

Yang Ming also didn't know if Wu Ruohan knew about it now.

Wu Ruohan naturally knew about it, because Gu Yawen told her the whole story last night.

At this time, both Wu Ruohan and Gao Yang were sitting in the study of Villa No. 7, guarding the computer, operating personal accounts to reduce positions.

Since the low point of the adjustment at 6 at the beginning of June, the stock index has risen by nearly +5.30% in the past three months. The accounts of Gao Yang, Gu Yawen, Wu Lan, Wu Ruohan and Wu Peng have a combined market value of 60 More than a billion.

In Gao Yang's personal account, the market value of holdings is close to 29 billion, and he has made a sudden profit of more than 150 times.

After 10 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang completed today's lighten-up task by operating his three big accounts, Gu Yawen and Wu Lan.

"Hanyun's account has rolled to 1 million, and you are still doing T for her."

Wu Ruohan said: "Didn't you say that it might cost Hanyun and Dorsey to take over the equity of Williams, and I will help her earn more.

They have pushed Williams out of the Twitter management team, and I can reward Hanyun by earning an extra [-] to [-] yuan. "

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, in October, all personal accounts should be cleared. The index is already close to 10 points. Now every day's rise is a bubble."

Wu Ruohan grinned: "It's better to have a bubble, the stock market doesn't have a bubble, and we wouldn't be able to make so much money."

Gao Yang said: "A-shares are like this. The bull market is rising fiercely, and the bear market is also falling fiercely. After the collapse of this round of super bull market, combined with the impact of the US subprime mortgage crisis, A-shares are likely to be one of the worst stock markets in the world. "

Wu Ruohan said: "That's right, the subprime mortgage crisis is so obvious now that the U.S. stock market still can't fall."

Gao Yang said: "This is the role of Wall Street and the US dollar. In October, let my sister-in-law clear all the US stocks held by our asset company.

U.S. stocks should now be taking advantage of the Fed's rescue of the market as the head, and it won't last long.

Beginning in October, large European and American banking institutions will successively announce their financial reports for the third quarter. Wall Street will no longer be able to cover the severity and extent of losses of the subprime mortgage crisis. "

Wu Ruohan said: "Well, let's wait until after the National Day to let my sister-in-law liquidate the position. Hongyang's assets are 8000 million US dollars, and the current market value of the position is less than 2 million US dollars. It can be easily escaped in two or three days."


After the market closed in the morning, Wu Ruohan suddenly said triumphantly: "Husband, yesterday I put all the funds contained in the Ping An ticket, and this wave of adjustments was caught again, which happened to be 1.2 hands of chips. Life is stronger."

Gao Yang glanced at it, nodded and said, "That's right, Ping An is a new stock and a leader in the industry, with a circulating market value of less than 80 billion, and the stock is more active."

By September 9, the Shanghai stock index had once again risen above 17 points, setting a record high.

After the market closed in the afternoon, Huang Yufei reported that the company's account had decreased by 1.5% of its position, and nearly 200 billion funds came out.

Gao Yang frowned slightly and said, "Yu Fei, let's not be too greedy. Starting tomorrow, we will reduce our positions on highs and lows. Before the National Day holiday, we must reduce our positions by 6%."

Ten days have passed, and on September 10, after the asset reorganization, Shanghai Heavy Machinery has changed its name to CSSC, and its stock price quickly rose above 9 yuan at the opening.

In November 2003, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen invested in this stock in ambush. The combined market value of the two accounts has exceeded 11 million, making a huge profit of more than 4.3 times.

Within 20 minutes of opening, CSSC was quickly blocked by the price limit, and the two accounts made a total of more than 3600 million.

Gao Yang began to blow chips, and each of the two accounts sold 1000 hands at the limit price, and more than 5600 million funds came out.

A few minutes later, CSSC was blocked by the price limit again, and Gao Yang did not smash it again, and there was still a position in the early 4 million, which could only be reduced slowly, otherwise it would affect the institution's history of creating the highest stock price of 300 yuan.

On September 9, the last trading day before the festival, the Shanghai stock index gapped and soared, reaching 28 points in one fell swoop.

After the market closed, Huang Yufei immediately called Gao Yang to report: "Mr. Gao, the position in the company's account has dropped to 4%.

The stocks we hold are rising stronger than originally expected. At present, we have 838 billion cash and 561 billion remaining positions. "

Gao Yang was quite satisfied, and replied: "The investment department will be on National Day holiday starting tomorrow. After the holiday, the market will continue to reduce positions. The higher the price, the smaller the position. Before the market rises above 6000 points, the position must be reduced to 1%."

After hanging up Huang Yufei's phone call, Gao Yang asked Wu Ruohan: "Ruohan, my account here has almost lost 5% of the position, what about yours?"

Wu Ruohan said: "My brother's account has been reduced by 5 million, and there are still more than 6 million holdings. The other accounts have not been reduced. After the National Day holiday, if they quickly rush to around 6000 points, I will have time to reduce it. ah."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Too greedy."

Wu Ruohan giggled:
"In the past few days, the market has shown signs of divergence, and after the National Day holiday, it is likely to accelerate to the top.

For the rest of these accounts, Senge and Jiange only have a market value of more than 1 million, and my account is less than 4 million. Hanyu’s account has done a T again, and it has 1.7 million.

In addition, the account of Aunt Hotel has more than 6 million positions.

My sister's account is the least, with more than 8000 million, but it has also doubled by 15 times.

I have a total of less than 22 billion positions left, which can be cleared in two or three days. This is a rare opportunity, so I should be greedy when it is time to be greedy. "

Wu Ruohan came over to look at the accounts of the three of Gao Yang again, and suddenly took Gao Yang's hand: "Let's go announce the happy news to my aunt, and make her happy."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "You are not making her happy, you are scaring her."

Wu Ruohan said: "Go ahead, I have to report to my aunt anyway."

Gao Yang knew that Wu Ruohan wanted to please Wu Lan, so he followed her to Villa No. 5.

In Villa No. 5, Wu Lan, Wen Yuqin, and Gao Yang's parents were all sitting outside the children's room and chatting. Liu Yifei had nothing to do, playing games with Yaoyao and Shitou in the children's room.

Wu Ruohan greeted: "Auntie, let's go to the study and report something to you."

Wen Yuqin asked with a smile: "Ruohan, what's the matter with you, just tell your aunt."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said: "Mom, and parents, then you all come, it's a happy event."

The four elders looked curious and followed Gao Yang into the study.

Gao Yang smiled and prepared tea for everyone, and Wu Ruohan began to claim credit:

"Auntie, these days, we have started to reduce our positions in stocks, and the bull market is probably coming to an end.

In your account, 42 billion has been withdrawn, and there are more than 43 billion in positions left. After the National Day holiday, we will withdraw while increasing, and your account will be completely cleared. It is estimated that there will be 90 billion. "

Wu Lan's eyes widened instantly: "Have you made so much money?"

Wu Ruohan said: "That's right, you still have more than 6 million in your hotel account, and when it's cleared, it should be like 7 million."

Wu Lan said cheerfully: "The money is in your hands, it's like magic, and you've earned too much, it's unbelievable."

Wen Yuqin and Gao Yang's parents were dumbfounded, and their minds were buzzing.

Wen Yuqin hurriedly asked, "Ruohan, what about your brother's money?"

Wu Ruohan said arrogantly: "Mom, my brother has withdrawn 5 million yuan, and there are more than 6 million stocks. When they are all sold, there will be more than 12 billion. In the past three years, I have helped him earn 30 times. "

Wen Yuqin murmured: "So much money, I can't spend it all in my lifetime."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Mom, it's easy to do things with money. The money is legal income, and you can continue to invest it for a long time next year. The second brother is no longer short of money, so he can work with peace of mind and serve the people."

(End of this chapter)

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