Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 513 Winning "Scary Every Step"

Chapter 513 Winning "Scary Every Step"


During the Mid-Autumn Festival a few days ago, each company only issued mooncake coupons. This time, a total of more than 8000 million festival expenses were paid out by the group finance.

Many part-time couriers were unwilling to sign a formal employment contract at the beginning, but now they regret it and are determined to sign as a formal worker next year.

Today is still a working day. Except for Sunshine Company, 51 Group can take 9 days off. Other companies only start their holidays on October 10. Gao Yang also went to work in the office today.

In the morning, Lin Yunjiao smiled and collected the holiday allowance in the financial room. When she returned to the president's office, Li Qin handed over a stack of documents: "Yunjiao, send these reports to Mr. Gao."

Lin Yunjiao immediately went to Gao Yang's office with the documents, and asked casually, "Mr. Gao, the National Day holiday, where are you going?"

Gao Yang said: "Our whole family is going back to Shuchuan, how about you?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "I don't know where to go yet, can I go to Shuchuan with you?"

Gao Yang was delighted: "National Day is a seven-day holiday, why don't you spend time with your parents and join in the fun with us?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "My parents are going to Europe to play, live their two-person world, and don't take me to play."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Your family is so interesting."

Lin Yunjiao said: "A few years ago, every summer vacation, I would go abroad with my parents for ten and a half months, and now I'm officially at work."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Okay, go and ask Yawen if she has booked a plane ticket."

"Thank you, Mr. Gao!" Lin Yunjiao left happily.

In order to become Gao Yang's official assistant as soon as possible, Lin Yunjiao also seized every opportunity to earn performance.

Later, Gu Yawen came over and whispered: "Gao Yang, Mingming called me just now, she heard Yifei say that we are going back to Jinyang, and she wants to go play with her for a few days, do you agree?"

Gao Yang was surprised: "She also looks for you for this kind of thing?"

Gu Yawen smiled lightly: "She may think that I am easy to talk to. I feel that she is a little afraid of your rejection and dare not mention it to you."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "From now on, you can handle such trivial matters by yourself, don't ask me."

In the afternoon, Gao Yang accompanied Wu Ruohan to the hospital for an obstetric examination. Now Lin Yunjiao can arrange an appointment, which is very convenient and there is no need to queue up.

The result of the prenatal examination was good, and Wu Ruohan can fly with confidence.

On the afternoon of September 9, Gao Yang's family, together with mother and daughter Liu Li and Liu Yifei, Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming, and four security guards, a total of 30 people, flew to Jinyang for the National Day holiday.

This B737 aircraft has 12 first-class seats, but Gu Yawen only booked 10 seats.

Gao Yang accompanied Wu Ruohan in the first-class cabin, and Gu Yawen was sitting next to Wu Ruohan, holding a stone in her arms.

Half an hour after the plane took off, Gao Yang closed his eyes and rested for more than half an hour. When he opened his eyes, he saw Wu Ruohan quietly reading a book, and took a look at it. It was a novel, so he asked curiously: "Why did you fall in love with novels? "

Wu Ruohan said: "Yunjiao just passed the time for me. This is a palace travel novel. Yunjiao said that this is an online novel that used to be very popular. It came out in 05. I read the first ten chapters, and it was very good." interesting."

"Let me see……"

Gao Yang took it over and took a look, and it was indeed "Scary Step by Step", published in June last year.

Gao Yang flipped through a few pages, read the first two chapters, and returned the novel to Wu Ruohan: "That's right, it's interesting."

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Yang quickly made a decision. Qidian Novels should still be in Shanda Company. Such a treasure trove of web literature and IP must be bought.

With the acquisition of Starting Point, there will be too many film and television dramas that 51 Entertainment can invest in and shoot in the future.

The 51 Group has entered the online text market, and writers are also blessed.

At this moment, Gao Yang suddenly remembered that he had read online articles for more than ten years, and had been a street writer for several years.

Now, the world of online literature, which involves tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people, is about to change because of itself.

Gao Yang couldn't help laughing, no matter how he thought about these things, he felt so happy.

Wu Ruohan looked at Gao Yang's appearance, and asked curiously, "Honey, what are you laughing about?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I was thinking, why not simply buy the largest online literature platform in China, the writers of Internet literature are very imaginative, and some novels are very good-looking."

Wu Ruohan was surprised and said, "Have you read the web articles too? I haven't seen you read them."

Gao Yang said: "A few years ago when I was working at CPI, I saw some, but in the past two years I saw less."

When getting off the plane, Gao Yang took the novel from Wu Ruohan.

After getting off the plane, I handed it to Liu Li: "Aunt Liu, write down this novel. After the holidays, arrange for someone to contact the author immediately, inquire about the copyright situation, and find a way to buy the rights to adapt it to film and television dramas."

Liu Li was surprised and said, "Gao Yang, are we going to invest in the production of film and television dramas?"

Gao Yang nodded: "This novel is a web novel about the heroine's vision, and it is very popular. 51 Entertainment can start from it to try to enter the film and television drama.

Buy out the copyright first, then look for excellent directors, screenwriters, and a TV station to cooperate with, get ready next year, and try to arrange to start filming in 2009. "

At this time, the four girls Liu Yifei, Yang Ming, Wu Xiaoyue and Lin Yunjiao all came over curiously.

Gao Yang said to Yang Ming again: "Mingming, take the time to read this novel several times to see if you can understand the heroine in the original novel thoroughly. If you understand it thoroughly, you will play the leading role."

Yang Ming was pleasantly surprised and said, "Thank you Brother Yang, I will definitely read it carefully."

Liu Yifei joked, "Brother-in-law, what about me?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Yifei, if you are interested, you can also play or guest play one of the roles, but you are already a big name, I suggest that your main direction in the future should be put on the big screen."

Liu Yifei grinned: "Brother-in-law, I also like acting in movies. In this TV series, I will play a role that can complement Sister Ming."

Yang Ming breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that, the current her is completely unqualified to compete with a big star like Liu Yifei.I also secretly vowed in my heart that I must cherish this opportunity.

With Gao Yang's arrangement, Liu Li instantly understood that this girl Yang Ming is really powerful, she actually caught Gao Yang.

Wu Ruohan took the novel from Liu Li's hand: "Mingming, I just read half of the first volume, and I can finish it tomorrow, so you can read it then."

Yang Ming said: "Sister Ruohan, take your time, don't worry, I'll just go to a bookstore and buy it."

Wu Xiaoyue said: "Sister Ming, I'll take you to the bookstore when I enter the city later."

Liu Yifei said: "I'm going too, let's buy a few more sets for preparation."

Lin Yunjiao said: "Go together, I also want to find some novels to read..."

Everyone walked out of the airport talking and laughing. Wu Peng, Xiao Jin, Yang Yong, Jiang Bing, Wen Yi and others drove 7 cars and waited.

To Gao Yang's surprise, He Yong also came. As soon as they met, He Yong gave Gao Yang a bear hug.

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Brother Yong, why are you here?"

"Brother, I'm here to invite your whole family to visit Shudu for two days."

He Yong whispered to him again: "I really didn't expect that I could also earn more than one billion in stocks, thank you."

Gao Yang said: "Then have you started to retreat?"

He Yong said: "After receiving Ruohan's notice, I have already reduced my position to half, and I will clear it after the festival. Don't forget to say hello to what stock to invest in next."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's still early, I guess we won't have a chance until at least a year later."

He Yong smiled heartily: "Okay, then I will wait."

Wu Xiaoyue walked up to Wu Peng: "Second brother, let me borrow your car, we are going to the bookstore to buy some books."

Wu Peng said: "Xiaoyue, then you bought the book and went directly to the private room No. 6 of the restaurant of the Municipal Party Committee Guest House."

Gao Yang then ordered Wang Xiaolong: "Xiaolong, you accompany Xiaoyue and the others to the bookstore."

The four girls are all beautiful girls with great looks, they are too eye-catching on the street, and Liu Yifei is also a super popular star.

Gao Yang and his party first went back to their home in Xishan Garden to put down their luggage, took a short rest, and rushed to the Municipal Party Committee Guest House for dinner.

For a rare gathering, Wu Peng reserved 4 tables, and Xiao Jin, Yang Yong and Wen Yi's family members were all present.

During the National Day holiday, Fang Jian, Chen Sen, He Guangwen and others did not return to Jinyang, so they met together and went to Lucheng in Qiongdao for vacation.

When he arrived at the restaurant of the guest house, Gao Yang didn't see Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu, so he asked Wu Peng, "Second brother, have grandparents gone to Shudu?"

Wu Peng said: "Yes, I sent them over in early September. After my uncle retired in July, I went to Shanghai with my aunt, and my mother went to your place again. Sometimes I am busy with work and come home too late. There are only Wang Yue and the child at home. Accompanying, a little deserted. Grandpa and grandma also want to live in Shudu for a while..."

(End of this chapter)

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