Chapter 514

After dinner at the guest house, thirty or so people, old and young, went back to Xishan Garden.

Gu Yawen, Wu Ruohan, Gao Yue, and a few other girls all went for a walk with the elders and the children.

This time, Gao Yang returned to Jinyang and stayed for a limited time, so he went to Wu Peng's villa to discuss matters with Xiao Jin, Yang Yong and other men, as well as Xiao Jin's wife Wang Yun.

Now, Wu Peng is the deputy county of Anhe, and Xiao Jin has also been transferred from Renshui Township to Anhe Town to replace Wu Peng as the leader.

Both of them started their new posts in June this year. Xiao Jin was transferred at the same level, but Anhe Town is a county seat, so the concept is naturally different.

Yang Yong first talked about the situation of the Jiajiahui supermarket chain: "This year, Jiajiahui's turnover will exceed 3000 million yuan, and the net profit is expected to exceed [-] million yuan.

Starting next year, we plan to expand to 10 key prefecture-level cities in southern and eastern Sichuan, and by 2009, we will add another 10 medium-sized supermarkets and 40 to 50 community supermarkets..."

After listening to Yang Yong's introduction, Gao Yang said with a smile: "If we follow this plan and develop smoothly, we will basically meet the requirements for an IPO in 2010. At that time, we can plan to apply for listing on the SME board."

Jiang Bing smiled heartily: "If it can be listed so quickly, all these years of hard work will be worth it."

Gao Yang said: "It is not easy to successfully apply for listing. Corporate governance is very important."

Yang Yong sighed, "It's really not easy. I'll finish my on-the-job MBA at Shu University next year, and I've learned a lot of management knowledge. Several professors from the business school also took good care of me and helped Jiajiahui come up with a lot of ideas.

Now, three of the company's four vice presidents are from large supermarkets, and the chief financial officer has also been replaced by a professional accountant.

The professor of the business school suggested that we should reorganize the joint-stock company in 2009 after basically completing the layout in major prefecture-level cities in Shuchuan in 2010.

We have hired two business school professors as consultants, and we will ask them to be independent directors after the joint-stock company is restructured. "

Wang Yun said: "Gao Yang, this year's DM business is expected to exceed 800 million, and it has reached the ceiling you mentioned at the beginning.

Sihai Liquor has potential. One is to dig deep into the markets of Jinyang and Northwest Shu, and the other is to set up special counters in Jiajiahui Supermarket. This year's turnover is expected to exceed 2000 million. "

Wen Yi also smiled and said: "Yes, if Four Seas Wine Industry makes further progress next year, we all hope to upgrade to the provincial agency."

Seeing Yang Yong and the others look full of confidence, Gao Yang suddenly smiled slightly:
"Old Yong, the 2008 that you have just envisioned is very ideal.

I don’t know if you have noticed that on September 9, the central bank raised interest rates again, which is the fifth time this year.

Then, on September 9, the central bank raised the reserve requirement again, the seventh time this year.

Do you know what these monetary policies mean this year? "

Yang Yong, Wang Yun and Wen Yi were a little confused when they heard the words.

He Yong smiled slightly: "Gao Yang, what you want to say is that the economy is overheating?"

Gao Yang raised his thumb: "Brother Yong is right, the economy is indeed overheated, and it is very overheated. Within this year, the central bank may continue to raise interest rates and deposit reserve requirements.

Another very important factor this year is that stocks ushered in a super bull market. Now that the stock index has risen by more than 5500 points, the bubble is very serious, and it may soon collapse. "

Yang Yong chuckled: "Old Gao, the stock market is going up very well now. Many people say it will go up to 8000 points."

Gao Yang was startled: "Old Yong, are you speculating in stocks?"

Yang Yong still smiled: "I invested 100 million and earned more than 60."

Gao Yang looked at Wang Yun and Wen Yi again: "What about you, are you also speculating in stocks?"

Wang Yun said with a smile: "Gao Yang, many people are investing in stocks this year. We all invested 100 million. I earn about the same as Lao Yong. Wen Yi is the best, earning more than 90."

Gao Yang asked again: "You didn't use the company's funds to speculate in stocks, did you?"

All three of Yang Yong said: "The company's funds have not been touched."

Gao Yang said with a serious face: "Old Yong, I'm going to pour cold water on you. The A-share market has risen almost 2005 times from the lowest point of 998 points in 5.6 in more than two years. The entire market has gone crazy.

You are not professionals. You made a little money in the stock market. It was just luck. A shares rose to 6000 points at most, and they would definitely collapse.

I advise you to wait until the market opens after the festival, and within 10 days, you must clear your positions and exit, so that you can concentrate on doing business in the future is the right way.

In the future, when Jiajiahui Supermarket is successfully listed, you will have plenty of money, and you may have tens of millions in profit and dividends every year.

In addition, the wine company can make a lot of money if it does well.

You are all businessmen, and you should usually pay attention to the macroeconomic level, read the financial news every day, and read more books on finance and capital markets.

In 2008, the economy may be more difficult, because European and American countries have already started to experience financial turmoil this year. The root cause is the subprime mortgage crisis, and it may be more serious next year.

In this regard, you can read more financial news.

Next year, if there is a larger-scale financial turmoil in the European and American markets, it will definitely spread to the whole world, including China.

Even if there is no such background, it is impossible for A shares to rise to the sky. When it rises to 6000 points, that is, all stocks have increased by an average of 6 times. How can it continue to rise?

Next year's A-shares may fall badly, and many people will vomit blood due to losses.

Against the background of turmoil in the global financial market, next year's economy will really be more difficult.

Therefore, I suggest that Jiajiahui Supermarket suspend expansion next year, because consumption is likely to be sluggish next year, and it is easy to lose money when opening new stores.

DM Business and Sihai Liquor should also be mentally prepared for a significant decline in business next year.

The revenue of DM business this year is likely to be high, and it will probably not make any money in the next three or four years.

I suggest that starting from next year, DM Shangqing can adjust some personnel to strengthen the wine company.

In these three companies, I think there should be some employees who are also trading in stocks now, right? "

Yang Yong, Wang Yun, and Wen Yi all nodded, and Wen Yi said: "DM Company trades more stocks because they have free time at work. Although stock trading is not allowed in terms of work discipline, it's just that they can't control it."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "It's because you, as bosses, are all speculating in stocks, so how can you control your employees.

After work, I advise these employees to stop as soon as possible. Only a very small number of people can make money in the stock market. What they earn today will be lost sooner or later.

This incident also shows that you are absent in internal management, and the 51 Group strictly prohibits company employees from trading stocks during working hours.

Especially for Jiajiahui Supermarket, the future goal is to go public. If the internal management cannot keep up and there is no strict discipline, the rules and regulations will be useless, and the company's business scale will not be able to expand and become stronger.

So, as bosses, don't put your mind on stocks.

In the past few years, you have a lot of money in your hands, and you really want to invest. After next year, I will give you some investment directions.

I suggest that everyone remember that it is fundamental to do a good job in the company's business and manage it well. "

He Yong said with a smile: "Old Yong, I think Gao Yang's reminder is very timely. When you are in business, you are the boss, and the employees of the company are watching. The stock market is really going up to the sky. Now that you have made some money, get out as soon as possible. better.

A few years ago, I was also speculating in stocks, tossing around, and lost a lot of money. You don’t have the investment talent for this thing. If you make a little money now, you will lose a lot of money sooner or later.

Do one line, do one line, and do a good job in business, this is the right way. "

Xiao Jin also said: "Old Yong, Wang Yun, and Wen Yi, I also think that Gao Yang poured cold water well today. If you go to speculate in stocks, this is not doing business properly."

Yang Tong's face flushed slightly: "Brother Yong, Lao Xiao, Lao Gao, you are right to criticize, when the National Day holiday is over and the stock market opens, I will withdraw immediately and stop trading in stocks.

Those who speculate in stocks in the company are also ordered to quit. Anyone who speculates in stocks during working hours will be severely fined! "

Wang Yun and Wen Yi followed suit, saying they would withdraw from the stock market after the National Day holiday and manage the company's employees well.

He Yong continued: "I very much agree with Gao Yang's analysis just now, the economy is indeed overheating this year, and the central bank's continuous rate hikes and deposit reserve increases are very obvious signals.

I am also concerned about the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States. If there is more serious financial turmoil in the European and American markets next year, it will definitely spread to China.

This year, hundreds of millions of people across the country are investing in stocks. If the stock market plummets next year, the economy will be more difficult, and consumption will be greatly affected. You must be mentally prepared for business. "

The conversation ended here, Gao Yang said everything he wanted to suggest, went home to change clothes, and ran around the community at night...

 The new book "The Great Media Era 1995" has been uploaded, and readers' support is urgently needed!
(End of this chapter)

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