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Chapter 515 Too much money, what to do

Chapter 515 Too much money, what to do

After the night run, Gao Yang went home to wash, and then called Gao Yue and Jiang Bing to chat with Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan.

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, you should report to my sister and the others first."

Wu Ruohan grinned: "Sister, brother-in-law, the 600 million you have invested in the stock market in the past two years has already reached more than 8000 million. When the market opens after the National Day holiday, I will find an opportunity to withdraw all of them, and there may be about 9000 million. "

Gao Yue's eyes widened instantly, her voice trembling: "Did you really make so much money?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Sister, in the past two years, the stock market as a whole has risen five or six times. If Han is very good at stocks, it is normal for your funds to increase by more than ten times."

Although Jiang Bing was also very excited, his face was calm, and he asked, "Gao Yang, you have such a good relationship with Yang Yong and the others, why don't you help them buy stocks?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled:
"The money is coming so fast, it might not be a good thing for them right now.

Businesses like Jiajiahui Supermarket and Sihai Liquor can only be regarded as having a good start. If I help them make a lot of money in stocks, they may lose their will to fight immediately.

In the future, I will help them provide some investment advice.

I would like to ask you, is working in a supermarket stressful now? "

Jiang Bing nodded and said, "The pressure is a bit high. Now that the supermarket is getting bigger and bigger, your sister and I are less educated. It's actually quite difficult to manage people and things well."

Gu Yawen said: "Sister, brother-in-law, we have discussed it with Gao Yang, and I suggest that you quit your job in the supermarket next year and simply be a shareholder.

Now that the family is not short of money, it is more important to raise children,

Next year Jiang Xue will take the senior high school entrance examination. When Jiang Xue enters high school, Xiao Bo will also be in kindergarten. We suggest that you take Xiao Bo to the capital to attend kindergarten until he finishes junior high school.

Jiang Xue will also be admitted to universities in the capital in the future, and you all have lived in the capital for a few years.

When it's time for Xiaobo to go to high school, Yaoyao and Shitou may also go back to Jinyang to study high school. At that time, we may also go back to Jinyang to live for three years. "

Gao Yang explained: "Sister, brother-in-law, I originally planned to arrange for Jiang Xue to go to Beijing to study high school, but the courses studied in Jingcheng High School and Jinyang High School are different.

The college entrance examination in Beijing is a '3+X' model, and Jiang Xue has to take the college entrance examination in Jinyang, so she can only study high school in Jinyang.

Xiaoxue's current academic performance is quite good, and she is also very sensible.

At this stage, you should start to pay attention to the education of Xiaobo.

In the capital, there are Yawen, Ruohan and Xiaoyue. They can all teach Xiaobo to speak English and learn together with Yaoyao and Shitou. This is very important for the child's cultivation.

The education level in Beijing is also much better than that in Jinyang. "

Gao Yue said: "Then we all went to the capital, leaving Xiaoxue to study in Jinyang alone?"

Gao Yang said: "Sister, no, Xiaoxue will go to high school next year, and her parents will come back. You can come back when Xiaobo is on winter and summer vacation, or Xiaoxue and her parents can come to the capital."

Jiang Bing smiled and said, "Gao Yang, this arrangement is very good. Your sister will not talk about it. I am a man and I am only 41 years old. I don't work anymore. I don't know if I can adapt."

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, if you want to go to work, you can choose one of 51 Group, Yuanda Company, and Yueju Company."

Gao Yue said: "Ruohan, your brother-in-law only graduated from junior high school, and if he goes to work in a big company like yours, he will only make others laugh at him. I think he is in the midst of blessings and doesn't know his blessings."

Jiang Bing shook his head and smiled: "Okay, then I won't go to work."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, it's not like you don't go to work at all. You are still important shareholders of Jiajiahui Supermarket. In the future, the company will hold a shareholders' meeting, so you have to participate."

Gao Yue asked curiously: "Gao Yang, our 600 million has made so much money in the stock market, how much have you made?"

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Sister, we have a total of 4 accounts and earned more than 100 billion."

"More than 100 billion?"

At this moment, Gao Yue and Jiang Bing's minds went blank, and they were really dumbfounded.

It was so scary.

Gao Yang said: "We didn't discuss this matter with our parents in detail, as long as you know it, don't spread it.

Next year, when you live in the capital, you usually don't need living expenses, and you have arrangements at home.

With the money you withdraw from the stock market, we will continue to look for opportunities next year to help you invest in stocks for a long time.

Now, the annual profit distribution arranged by the supermarket is enough for your daily expenses. "

Jiang Bing said with a smile: "Where it is used up, there may be another three or four million dividends during the Spring Festival."

Gu Yawen smiled slightly: "Brother-in-law, we are a family, and the family is not short of money.

The money in your hands, except for daily expenses, let Ruohan help you invest as much as possible, and leave it to Jiang Xue and Xiaobo in the future. "

Gao Yang said: "Sister, brother-in-law, the family is not short of money now, so it doesn't matter how you spend it.

As the old saying goes, wealth does not last for three generations. In my opinion, the root cause is that children lack the correct education and become useless when they grow up.

The cultivation and education of children is very important. They must receive the best education and let them know how to behave and behave, so that they will be successful when they grow up.

Only in this way, as small as a family, as large as a family, can it be passed down from generation to generation.

Otherwise, no matter how much money we earn now, it will be a waste to pass on to the next generation, and it will even harm them.

With money, life can be relaxed and comfortable, but it needs to be low-key, and there is no need to show off, which will also have a negative impact on children's education. "

Jiang Bing said with a smile: "That's the truth, we will pay attention to it. When I had no money, I thought about how to make money every day. Now that I have more money, there are new problems."

Gao Yang said: "Too much money is actually a kind of test, and it also depends on our mentality as a human being.

If there is a problem with the mentality, it is a big problem.

Just like some people buy lottery tickets and suddenly win tens of millions of jackpots, life suddenly becomes chaotic. "

Gao Yue said: "Gao Yang, don't worry, your brother-in-law and I will pay attention..."

Gao Yang checked the time, it was already 10:[-] at night, first he went to see the three children who were already asleep, then said good night to the elders, followed Wu Ruohan to the villa under her name.

In the living room, Liu Yifei and other four girls were chatting and laughing with Wen Yuqin and Liu Li. Seeing that Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan had returned, they said good night and were ready to rest.

Gao Yang helped Wu Ruohan wash her body and lay down, Wu Ruohan felt the two little guys in her stomach move again, so she asked Gao Yang to listen to the fetal movement with her ears.

After Gao Yang finished listening, Wu Ruohan said: "My sister said, in about half a month, the two little guys will often kick my stomach."

Gao Yang said: "The doctor said that a child who kicks fiercely means that it has developed well in the mother's body. It is indeed very hard for a woman to be a mother."

Wu Ruohan said: "I don't think it's hard work, I'm very happy.

According to what you said tonight, children's education is very important in the future, and it cannot be spoiled.

In this regard, I think my aunt is the most powerful. My sister is so good. She is sensible and likable since she was a child.

Now, under the education of my aunt every day, she is also very sensible and well-behaved.

My father is very strict, but he is too busy with work. When I was young, my brother was spoiled by my mother. Fortunately, you pulled me back two years ago. "

Gao Yang smiled and said: "I see, you are also spoiled, but you are too smart and know how to pretend to be a good girl in front of the elders."

Wu Ruohan made a wave on Gao Yang's face:
"I know you want to say that I'm willful, but I can't help it, who made you so good.

I don't think I can do it if I don't like you. You have been making me suffer so much, and you don't want to hurt me. "

"I hurt you now, is it too late?"

"It's not too late."

"Ruohan, just now you mentioned suffering, I want to ask you a question.

One is one of the richest men in the world, saying that he actually doesn't like money and regrets making so much money.

One is a man who is heavily in debt, on the verge of bankruptcy, worried that his family will sleep on the streets, and is so depressed that he is about to collapse.

Of the two of them, who is more tormented? "

"...I think it should be that the richest man suffers more."

"What's the reason?"

"He is the richest, so there must be many people who need him behind him. He shoulders a heavy responsibility like a mountain. He can't let go of this responsibility, he can only carry it.

Another man who was about to go bankrupt and worried about the difficulties of his family's life, as long as he worked hard, he still had a chance to change the fate of his family. "

"It's so smart, your husband wants to be the richest man, what should we do?"

"...We are rich enough now, we can't spend it all in a few lifetimes, why don't you retire early, okay?"

"No, I can't retire just yet."

"Why? We are only investing now, and we can make money easily, so you don't need to worry about it anymore."

"Ruohan, because I'm a man, I'm afraid of being poor.

Being poor will only make your life embarrassing, inferior and without dignity.

So many brothers and sisters believe that if they follow me, they will have the opportunity to become rich and live a happy and decent life.

As you said, once you pick up this burden, you can't let it go. "

"...Honey, I really love you."

(End of this chapter)

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