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Chapter 516 is to send money

Chapter 516 is to send money

On October 10st, Gao Yang took his parents and children with him, then Gu Yawen, Wu Ruohan, Wu Xiaoyue, Gao Yue's family, Liu Yifei and other three beautiful girls, two security guards, and a dozen people went back to his hometown.

Gu Wenlong and Wu Lan, Wen Yuqin and Liu Li, Wu Peng and He Yong all stayed in the city to rest.

First, I went to see the orchard in Shimen Village to make my father Gao Yingxue happy.

Now, in the eyes of Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen, the wealth of the family is a bunch of incalculable numbers. Only when standing on the land of their hometown and watching those familiar folks earn money to support their family in this huge orchard, can they feel real. And kind.

Afterwards, I went back to the earthen house in my hometown, still in the same state, and the neighbor Aunt Zhang's family was helping to take care of it, even though Gao Yang's family didn't need it anymore.

According to Gao Yingxue's wishes, this earthen courtyard should be kept, and Gao Yue and Jiang Bing will be arranged to pay Aunt Zhang's family 1 yuan in care fees every year.

When Gao Yang and his party of five cars drove into the courtyard, they immediately erupted.

People from more than 20 nearby households came to say hello, and the small courtyard of the Gao family was soon filled with people.

Gao Yang held Tiantian, Gu Yawen and Li Xiuzhen hugged Yaoyao and Shitou, and taught them to call grandparents, uncles and aunts, or brothers and sisters one by one.

Liu Yifei, Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming were all thoughtful when they saw it.

Then, Li Xiuzhen took another bag from Wu Xiaoyue, which contained prepared cash, and each villager sent 2 yuan in money, saying that it was to thank everyone for their help in the past.

If there is no one at home today, Li Xiuzhen also prepared 2 yuan and entrusted Aunt Zhang to keep it on her behalf.

Every family accepted the money cheerfully, knowing that Gao's family is now prosperous, and Gao Yang is a well-known big boss in the whole country.

Soon, two high school students in the yard recognized Liu Yifei, flushed with surprise, and mustered up the courage to come over to say hello and ask for an autograph.

Liu Yifei also smiled and satisfied the wishes of the fans. All of a sudden, the folks in the yard suddenly realized that it was the TV star who had come.

Adults and children all gathered around Liu Yifei asking for autographs, and Liu Yifei also smiled and satisfied them one by one.

Seeing this, Yang Ming was horrified. He didn't expect Liu Yifei to be so well-known.

Until a high school girl looked at Yang Ming for a while, and suddenly remembered that she was also an actress in the new "Sculpture of the Gods", playing the role of Guo Xiang.

As a result, the yard was boiling again, and Yang Ming happily signed dozens of names.

Gao Yang and his party originally wanted to return to Jinyang at noon, but when Aunt Zhang and the others heard about it, they decided to stay for dinner.

So, every family went to move tables and chairs, collect dishes and chopsticks, catch chickens and ducks, and even killed a sheep.

More than a dozen uncles and aunts worked hard for more than two hours, preparing ten tables of banquets, and it was really lively to celebrate the New Year's Eve.

Gao Yang didn't refuse to eat this impromptu banquet, he felt very good.

This kind of atmosphere can also make Tian Tian, ​​​​a sensible son who is almost 5 years old, know where his roots are and what kind of life his grandparents lived.

In another two years, Yaoyao, Shitou, and the two children in Wu Ruohan's womb, Gao Yang will send them back to their hometown, take them to worship their ancestors, and get in touch with these folks.

Starting from Gao Yang's generation, the Gao family will have a real family.

China's 5000-year civilization inheritance has continued to burn. In the final analysis, it is still the most basic clan inheritance among the people.

Family and family are the harbor in the hearts of Chinese people.

This is the concept that Gao Yang has always adhered to.

Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming are both native girls in Beijing. Liu Yifei, a big girl star, has also lived in the big city since she was a child, and has lived in the United States for several years.

Sitting in the small courtyard of the farmhouse like this today, having a banquet with dozens of men, women and children, watching these people smile and listening to the local dialect that I don't quite understand.

Among the laughter, some uncles and even aunts were very loud, and some children rushed to the table to eat meat, and were loudly scolded by their parents.

It was the first time for the three girls to experience such a farm life, and it felt quite fresh.

Only Wu Xiaoyue was familiar with such a scene, eating in silence, thinking of her own life a few years ago.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Yang and his party returned to Jinyang Xishan Garden. Gao Yang drank a lot of wine at noon, fell asleep after returning home.

When I woke up, it was past 4:[-] in the afternoon, and Wu Ruohan beside me had already woken up.

Gao Yang rinsed his mouth, washed his face, and went down to the first floor, where several girls and Wu Ruohan were drinking tea and chatting.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Lin Yun was the first to hand Gao Yang a cup of tea.

Gao Yang sat down to drink tea, and asked with a smile, "Yunjiao, have you ever experienced such a feast like today before?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "Mr. Gao, I've never had a baba banquet in the countryside. It's quite delicious."

Liu Yifei and Yang Ming also said they had never experienced it, and praised the delicious lunch.

Lin Yunjiao said: "Mr. Gao, we heard from Auntie that the people who drink with you at noon include your classmates from elementary school and junior high school."

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, there are three elementary school classmates and one junior high school classmate, who are similar in age. They played together when they were young. There are more than a dozen of them, and many of them work in the coastal areas."

Lin Yunjiao said again: "Mr. Gao, is it a custom for your aunt to send money directly to these folks when your family returns to your hometown this time?"

Gao Yang said: "This is not a custom, Yunjiao, if your hometown is also in such a rural yard, and you come back once in a while, what will you do?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "Maybe I will buy some gifts for everyone."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Yunjiao, for the folks in my hometown, money is the best gift.

You have also seen in Shimen Village that some families with good conditions have built small buildings with two or even three floors. Do you know how much it costs to build such a small building? "

Lin Yunjiao shook his head, and Yang Ming hurriedly asked, "Brother Yang, how much will it cost?"

Gao Yang said: "A small building with two floors, each floor is 120 square meters, and 7 to [-] yuan is enough.

Because there is no decoration, many people don't even put tiles on the floor, and just plaster the walls.

Many folks have saved enough 4 to [-] yuan at home, and then borrow money from relatives and friends, and start building new houses.

With such a small building, it is much easier for those who have sons at home to marry a wife. "

"It turns out that houses in the countryside are so cheap." Lin Yunjiao, Yang Ming, including Liu Yifei were all surprised.

Gao Yang asked again: "Yunjiao, you and Mingming have lived in the capital since childhood. When you were young, what did your neighbors say when you greeted each other?"

Yang Ming blurted out: "Everyone used to say, 'Have you eaten yet?'"

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "It's the same in our hometown, a few years ago, my parents were used to greet each other like this at their age.

You have also seen that in the courtyard of our hometown, there are three elementary school classmates and one junior high school classmate of mine.

In fact, we are all elementary school classmates. We started junior high school in 86, and that year just started the trial of 9-year compulsory education.

Among our primary school classmates, only about 60% went to junior high school together. After the other students graduated from primary school, they were not allowed to go to school at home, and stayed at home to help farm.

At that time, compulsory education was just started, and parents refused to let their children go to school. Teachers could not persuade them, so they had to give up. The strict requirements were imposed in the next two years, and parents' ideas gradually changed.

These folks don't let their children go to school because their families are poor and half-old children can help with work.

We didn't go to kindergarten when we were young. When we were five or six years old, we started to lead cattle and sheep, or help the family cut pigweed, and we had to share housework. "

Yang Ming asked curiously, "Brother Yang, what is pigweed?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Pigweed is a general term, referring to those weeds that can be used as pig food.

At that time, we carried our backpacks and held a machete in our hands, searching for hogweed in the fields early in the morning..."

On a whim, Gao Yang told a few girls about her childhood life, and Wu Xiaoyue listened with great interest.

Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming finally understood why Gao Yang gave 2 yuan in cash to every household in the sixth group of Shimen Village when he returned to his hometown this time.

2 yuan is enough to cover four years of living expenses for a college student...

(End of this chapter)

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