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Chapter 518 Good son-in-law, really awesome

Chapter 518 Good son-in-law, really awesome

Wu Guanghua's study room is arranged like a big office.

This time, Gao Yang saw the old man again after more than half a year, and felt that his aura was much more majestic.

Wu Guanghua is now not only the mayor of this provincial capital metropolis, but also a member of the provincial party group, which is no longer comparable to his previous position in Jinyang.

Gu Yawen brought in a pot of tea, poured it for the two of them, and then backed out.

Wu Guanghua took a pack of cigarettes from the desk, handed one to Gao Yang, and asked, "You haven't done your appointment as a member of the Jinyang Political Consultative Conference, have you?"

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, it is said to be done next month."

Wu Guanghua took a puff of cigarette and thought about it: "Then don't do it, let's participate in the Supplement of Shudu CPPCC."

Gao Yang pretended to be curious: "Dad, why did you change it again?"

Wu Guanghua smiled slightly: "This is a proposal discussed by the Municipal Party Committee, let me convey it to you on your behalf.

Shudu High-tech Zone is building a world-class high-tech park. 51 Group is now a national first-class Internet company. Your personal popularity and industry influence are more suitable for you to play a role in Shudu.

You buy a property in Shudu, settle in according to special policies, and just transfer your household registration. "

Gao Yang asked: "Dad, do I have to move my residence?"

Wu Guanghua was slightly embarrassed: "It's better to move here, I have to give Jinyang an explanation."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Okay, then I will follow your instructions.

Dad, in terms of investment and preferential policies in Shudu High-tech Zone, how does it compare with Jinyang High-tech Zone? "

Wu Guanghua said: "Shudu High-tech Zone is the first batch of state-level high-tech zones in the country, and the incentives for attracting investment are greater than those of Jinyang High-tech Zone."

Gao Yang joked: "Dad, then Jinyang will be at a disadvantage. Back then you wanted me to invest in Jinyang."

Wu Guanghua glared: "I am in his position and seeking his own government, which is also the overall situation of the province's development.

Shu is a central city in the Southwest region. Last year's economic aggregate ranked 14th among cities in the country. If Shu's economic aggregate cannot rise, how will Jinyang rise. "

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Dad, I am here this time to report to you the investment plan for next year.

There are two projects. One is a technology company invested by Ruohan and I in Silicon Valley, the United States, called android. The main business direction is the open source smartphone operating system, a platform technology company for the mobile era.

In August, I went to the United States once, and I have already discussed with the management of the company. I plan to set up a research and development center in Huaxia, and the registered address is Shudu. "

Wu Guanghua asked curiously, "How big is the smartphone operating system research and development center?"

Gao Yangdao: "The initial budget is 1 million US dollars, and the R&D team is about 200 people, serving the Chinese market."

Wu Guanghua asked: "Does this company have customers in Huaxia?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "Not yet, but soon we will have a client, 51 Group, and this is also the second investment project I want to report to you.

Next year, 51 Group will invest in its own brand smart phone project, design and produce a new generation of smart phones that support 3G standards.

The company's headquarters is also planned to be registered in Shudu, where it will also set up a research and development center, introduce an OEM factory, or jointly invest in the construction of a production line.

51 Group's own-brand mobile phones are pre-installed with the open source operating system Android developed by Android Company. "

Wu Guanghua was surprised: "You really plan to make a mobile phone? The investment scale is not small."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Yes, although the investment scale of this project has not yet been specifically demonstrated, it may start at tens of billions.

What we want to do is not just an ordinary smart phone. The target is Apple's iPhone, and we want to be a world-class high-end smart phone.

First consider the launch of flagship high-end brands, and then consider extending to low-end brands. "

Wu Guanghua was shocked: "With an investment scale of tens of billions, where does the project fund come from? Are you really making a lot of money in the stock market?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, 51 Group can use all of its own funds, or it may seek joint investment from several companies.

During the meal just now, Yawen also mentioned that 51 Group has made good profits in terms of capital investment this year.

51 Group has been investing in A-shares since the year before last, and it also invested in U.S. stocks this year, just in time for a big bull market in A-shares, and is currently gradually withdrawing, with tens of billions of investment income already.

However, this is a commercial secret, and only a few senior executives of the company know about it. "

"The investment income is tens of billions?!" At this moment, Wu Guanghua was dumbfounded.

Wu Guanghua asked again: "What preferential tax policies does the 51 Group enjoy in the capital?"

Gao Yang said: "This year, because we invested in the construction of 51 Science and Technology Park in Shangdi, when we acquired the land last year, the condition of Haidian was to transfer and register the legal person company to Haidian.

This year, we will transfer all Internet platform companies to Shangdi Industrial Park for registration, continue to be recognized as high-tech enterprises, and enjoy tax incentives of two years of exemption and three years of half tax reduction. "

Wu Guanghua understood that 51 Group's investment income this year is tens of billions, and it does not need to pay corporate income tax.

Wu Guanghua nodded and said: "When you invest in smart phone projects in Shudu, you can also apply for the preferential tax policy of two years of exemption and three years of half reduction. But, are you sure to make this project possible?"

Gao Yang said: "It must be done, even if tens of billions of funds are invested in it, it must be done. We plan to introduce several technological companies with strong innovation capabilities and strong R&D capabilities to cooperate in this project.

The era of smartphones has begun, and the market potential is huge. If this project is successful, it will be a project worth hundreds of billions.

Start in the Chinese market first, and then participate in global market competition in the future.

We are not short of funds now, but we are short of talents and technology. We can only consider quickly solving this shortcoming through cooperation. "

Wu Guanghua asked again: "Which companies are you planning to cooperate with?"

Gao Yang said: "First Huawei, then Baidu and Yiwang may also participate."

Wu Guanghua asked suspiciously, "Is Huawei making mobile phones?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Dad, Huawei has been making mobile phones since 2003, and the reason why it is unknown is because it mainly makes customized models for telecom operators, and the resources are not invested much.

With Huawei's research and development strength, if we focus on the mobile phone business and focus on building our own brand, we may be able to scale up within a few years. "

Wu Guanghua nodded: "Hua Wei's research and development capabilities are indeed very strong, how can you convince this company to cooperate with you?"

Gao Yangdao: "We have three major advantages, one is the operating system Android, the other is sufficient funds, and the third is the powerful traffic support of the Internet platform of 51 Group.

If Huawei is interested in doing branded mobile phone business, I think they will be willing to cooperate, learn from each other's strengths, and win-win cooperation.

The android company is not just a mobile phone operating system. In the next step, the company will also invest or cooperate with mobile phone chip design companies, chip manufacturing companies, smart phone brands, global open source software organizations, etc.

Android's strategic development goal is to become a technology-based enterprise like Google. "

Wu Guanghua said: "Does this American company have such strength?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Yes, I arranged for this company to participate in shorting the US subprime mortgage market this year, with a net investment income of 20 billion US dollars.

Next, it may start before the end of the year, and will continue to short the major US stock indexes. If it goes well, it can make two or three times the profit.

The United States, especially Silicon Valley, has gathered the world's top technical talents. As long as there are funds and projects, they can attract outstanding talents to join.

In addition, the android company will continue to acquire some small and medium Internet technology companies around the world to strengthen its own strength and business development direction, and set up several major R&D centers and related institutions around the world.

If it grows strong enough in the future, it may not even rule out the direct acquisition of a large technology company like Google. "

Wu Guanghua almost fainted, this son-in-law's ambition is too great.

However, what a good son-in-law, he is too capable and powerful.

Wu Guanghua smiled heartily: "Gao Yang, if your mobile phone project is successful, your contribution to the economic development of Shudu and even Shuchuan will be commendable."

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(End of this chapter)

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