Chapter 519

During the National Day Golden Week, Gao Yang's family spent five days in Shudu.

In the past few days, in addition to visiting several scenic spots in the suburbs, Gao Yang also had a meeting with CPI's boss Feng and CEO Yang Limin and other high-level executives.

These old friends of CPI, including the boss Feng Jinsong, now admire Gao Yang very much.

Because Gao Yang has invested in the Internet, not only the top executives of CPI, but also the more than 500 employees of CPI have no worries.

In the past few years, CPI has sent nearly 51 people to 100 Group's companies across the country. CPI's employees have switched to 51 Group. Under normal circumstances, CPI will not stop them, and the companies of 51 Group will also give priority to hiring.

The quality of CPI employees is mostly good, with rich work experience and hard work.

On the evening of October 10, Gao Yang's family was invited to visit He Yong's home. Gao Yang also met He Yong's father He Qiang for the first time in the family compound of the provincial government.

That night, Gao Yang found out that He Yong will be transferred to Shudu High-tech Zone in the spring of next year as the director of the management committee.

This matter was basically settled some time ago.

He Yong graduated from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China with a bachelor's degree, and his starting point is much higher than that of Wu Peng. This year, He Yong's on-the-job graduate students also graduated, and Wu Peng only started to study on-job graduate students last year.

On October 10, Gao Yang bought a three-and-a-half-story detached villa of more than 6 square meters in the Jinxiu villa community where He Yong and Wu Peng both bought houses.

The first phase of this villa complex was completed in 2003, and Gao Yang bought the second phase, which just opened in September this year.

Now, housing prices in Shudu are still very cheap, and ordinary commercial housing and new housing in the first ring road are only about 6000 yuan.

The starting price of the second phase of Splendid Villa is only 1.08 per square meter.

Gao Yang bought this big villa with a unit price of 1.18 yuan and a total price of 730 million yuan.

This villa is registered under the name of Gao Yang, because it involves moving the residence from Jinyang.

He Yong helped to advance the full payment for the house purchase, and then He Yong also helped to handle the property rights procedures.

After returning to Beijing on vacation, Gu Yawen will immediately transfer money to He Yong and repay the money.

Gao Yang had to go back to Jinyang to handle the transfer of his and his two children's hukou.

On October 10th, Gao Yang and his entourage flew directly to the capital from Sichuan, ending the seven-day holiday of the Golden Week. Next, they completed a victory retreat from the stock market.

At 10:8 a.m. on October 8th, and at 10:7 p.m. on October 4th, U.S. Western time, Wu Ruohan boarded the special version of 51talk, connected with Chen Lan via video, and issued an order:

"Sister-in-law, the US stock position of Hongyang Assets will be cleared and evacuated within this month!"

Chen Lan said: "Okay, Ruohan, I will start reducing my position next week."

Next, Wu Fei reported the progress of the manor villa project, which has already started and is expected to be completed and handed over in early December.

After communicating for about ten minutes, Wu Ruohan went offline, and then waited for the A-share market to open today.

At 9:220 in the morning, the A-share market opened and continued to advance. The Shanghai stock index gapped and rose by more than [-] points at the opening.

Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan stayed at home and continued to lighten their personal accounts. In the trading room of the company's investment department, traders such as Huang Yufei and Yang Liu also carried out the lightening of their company accounts as planned.

After the market closed in the afternoon, the Shanghai stock index approached 5700 points, setting a new high.

At 1:[-] noon, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan completed today's lightening task, and went to take a lunch break with peace of mind.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Yang, Wu Ruohan, Wu Lan, Wen Yuqin, and their parents, with Yaoyao and Shitou, left the community and walked towards the Summer Palace.

Wu Ruohan is almost 7 months pregnant, and she is only one month away from her due date, so she needs to move around more to exercise.

Gao Yingxue still has a rosy face, and he walks for two or three hours a day without feeling tired.

Such a healthy state made Gao Yang very gratified.

According to the memories of her previous life, Gao Yingxue has been bedridden for a month now, receiving useless treatment in Jinyang Central Hospital.

At that time, Gao Yang was still the executive editor-in-chief of the national edition of CPI. Faced with his father's illness, he fell into deep despair because he could not have an operation.

Before Wu Ruohan gave birth, Gao Yang planned to take his father for another physical examination. If there is still no problem this time, then there should be no problem.

After walking for more than an hour, when it was almost 5 o'clock in the afternoon, when I returned home, Gao Yang sat in the study drinking tea and reading a book, and Wu Ruohan went to the Internet again, mainly to read some hot posts on 51 Shares Bar.

After watching for more than ten minutes, Wu Ruohan came to sit down beside Gao Yang with a large plate of fruit, picked a grape and stuffed it into Gao Yang's mouth, and said with a smile:

"The stock market is so hot that it gapped up for two consecutive days. The analysis post that I posted above 5000 points is the bubble zone was questioned by many fans.

Some time ago, a well-known private equity manager announced that A-shares above 4000 points are bubbles. He liquidated his fund and disbanded it. Now, he is also ridiculed by many investors.

I just watched some big V's hot posts on 51 shares, and some people started shouting that the goal of the stock index is to break through [-] points, which is crazy. "

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Now is the stage when the A-shares are accelerating to the top, so it's normal to be so lively."

Wu Ruohan handed another jujube to Gao Yang: "Husband, why don't I write another analysis post to remind you of the risks?"

Gao Yang said: "It's not necessary, we have already warned about the risks, believers are destined. Now that the market is so hot, bears will be ridiculed. If some fans speak too much, you will be angry."

Wu Ruohan said: "That's right, after 5.30, I don't dare to update my firm offer post, because I made too much money."

After Gao Yang thought for a while, he said, "How about this, after your personal account is cleared, post a firm post, posting the operation records of the past few months, and it's not bad to slap doubters in the face. This is also the last Let’s remind you of the risks once.”

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Okay, I don't know how many people will be awakened..."

On October 10, after the market closed in the afternoon, the Shanghai stock index reached 15 points. In the past few days, the index has continued to hit record highs.

Huang Yufei immediately called to report: "Mr. Gao, today, the company's account position has dropped to almost 1%, with 1342 billion in cash, and 156 billion in the market value of the position."

Gao Yang said: "That's right, continue to reduce the position tomorrow, and this week, reduce the position to 0.5%. In addition, all securities companies' financing will be paid off tomorrow."

The three large accounts operated by Gao Yang were also completely liquidated today, and more than 35 billion funds were released under his personal name, with a net profit of more than 180 times.

Gu Yawen's account was liquidated with more than 36 billion funds, and the mother-in-law's account had more than 82 billion funds.

After hanging up Huang Yufei's phone call, Gao Yang asked Wu Ruohan, "Ruohan, have you cleared those accounts?"

Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "After clearing, a total of more than 25 billion funds have been released, and the contained funds are 1.88 million. It has helped her overfulfill the task."

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Okay, from tomorrow onwards, you should rest well, stay away from the computer, and wait for your baby in peace."

Wu Ruohan said: "Well, I will finally post a firm offer on 51 shares..."

At 4:51 p.m., the 4 stock bar ID [I am not a stock god], after [-] and a half months, suddenly updated the real offer post:

After liquidation, the cash in the account was as high as 4.46 million, the principal was only 500 million, and the net rate of return was as high as 88 times!
Wu Ruohan also posted the operating records of the past three months, leaving a last sentence:

"Clearing and retreating, the big A-share bubble is too big, next, even if it rises to 8000 points or even 10000 points, I will not be greedy anymore!"

As soon as this post was posted, this ID with more than 150 million fans was immediately buzzing.

"The god of stocks is worthy of being a god of stocks. He made a huge profit of 4.4 million yuan, but it is a pity that he has liquidated his positions now."

"If I can make 10 times the profit, I can also clear the position with one click, and the profit in the pocket is the real profit."

Filled with "Goddess of Faith, clear the warehouse and leave tomorrow, without leaving a share..."

In less than half an hour, there were thousands of comments on Wu Ruohan's post, rushing to No.1 hot post.

At this time, Gao Yang and the others were walking outside the community again. Wu Ruohan held Wu Lan's arm and said in a low voice, "Auntie, all our stocks have been liquidated and withdrawn. Your account has 82 billion, and the hotel account has more than 7 million."

Wu Lan was already numb to such wealth, nodded and said: "Okay, Ruohan, your due date is still more than one month away, it's time to take a good rest and don't worry about stocks."

Wu Ruohan said: "Auntie, I will take a good rest, let's go to Yalong Bay in Lucheng, invest or directly buy a five-star sea view hotel, okay?"

Wu Lan asked suspiciously, "Do you want to build a hotel?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Auntie, it's just for investment. Our family has its own sea view hotel in Lucheng. It will be convenient to go on vacation every year in the future."

Wu Lan beckoned to Gao Yang: "Ruohan said, invest in a five-star hotel in Lucheng Yalong Bay, what do you mean?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Mom, you can vote. To build a high-star hotel in Yalong Bay has a good prospect. We don't have to worry about it ourselves. We just need to find a first-class hotel management company to take charge of the operation."

Wu Lan thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll pay for this fund, let Yawen do it for the legal person of the hotel..."

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(End of this chapter)

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