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Chapter 520 Confidential meeting, shareholders dumbfounded

Chapter 520 Confidential meeting, shareholders dumbfounded

On October 10, the stock index fell below 26 points at the opening. Before that, on October 5500, the stock index did not go out of the historical peak of 10 points that Gao Yang remembered, and it would not be able to cross it for 16 years.

Instead, when it climbed to 6119.44 points, it stopped abruptly.

Gao Yang didn't know whether this was related to the fact that the 51 Group liquidated and fled more than 1400 billion funds.

There must be some relationship.

If you add the funds from the liquidation of personal accounts, the total will be more than 1600 billion.

With such a large amount of funds withdrawn in less than a month, it is unlikely that it will not be noticed by large institutional funds.

The latest news shows that the scale of public offering funds in A shares has exceeded 3 trillion yuan. In addition, there are also institutional funds such as insurance and social security.

In 2007, hundreds of billions of industrial capital flowed into A shares.

The historical top of big A-shares may be slightly changed because of his appearance. For Gao Yang, this is a very special feeling.

On the morning of October 10, when countless investors expected the big A-shares to end their short-term adjustments, start to rebound and hit a new record high.

At the Shangri-La Hotel near the West Third Ring Road in Beijing, the 51 Group held a special enlarged meeting of shareholders.

All the founding shareholders of the project companies attended the meeting, and there were more than 60 participants in total.

Before the meeting, everyone was required to turn in their mobile phones, even the two big bosses, Ding Lei from Yiwang and Li Yan from Baidu, were no exception.

In the venue, in addition to more than 40 founding shareholders, all the vice presidents of the group, there are group CFO Zhao Lei, 51 Fortune CEO Fang Siwen, 51 Game CEO Wu Xi, 51 Jinfu CEO Zhao Yongchun, 51 Toutiao CEO Zhang Yiming, 51 Entertainment CEO Liu Li and other non-shareholder executives, as well as Huang Yufei and Yang Liu from the investment department of the group.

Besides, the only ones serving tea and water for everyone were Li Qin and Lin Yunjiao, the girls run by the president.

The meeting was presided over by Fang Jian, CEO of the group. In the past two years, because Gao Yang asked to keep the group's stock investment income highly confidential, Fang Jian was really overwhelmed.

Today, I can finally reveal the scary answer for everyone.

There is no rostrum set up for the meeting, only a podium.

At 9:[-] in the morning, Fang Jian, dressed in formal attire, walked onto the podium with a smile:
"Hello, everyone, shareholders and colleagues. Today's shareholders meeting needs to be kept in high secrecy. Before the official meeting starts, let's ask Mr. Gao to say a few words."

The audience burst into applause, and Gao Yang, also in formal attire, walked up to the podium, waved his hands, and the audience was silent.

Gao Yang said: "Before today's meeting, I asked Li Qin and Lin Yunjiao from the president's office to collect everyone's receivers, and I also handed over my own mobile phone.

Just like Mr. Fang said just now, today's meeting needs to be highly confidential, and the mobile phones are temporarily confiscated. This is a reminder to everyone present.

Many colleagues in the company know that in 2003, shortly after the establishment of, we arranged Sunshine Company and to invest in A-shares with spare funds.

Beginning in the second half of 2005, all companies, including the CEO, have no authority to ask about stock investment returns.

After that, besides Fang Jian and I, CFO Zhao Lei, and vice president Gu Yawen and vice director of finance Wu Ruohan, the people who control the stock investment income.

Later, the group established an investment department, and Wu Ruohan, the deputy financial director, also served as the head of the investment department. The investment department introduced five people including Huang Yufei, the deputy director.

For more than two years, only 10 of us have known the company's stock investment income.

Later, Wu Ruohan will report the specific investment income for everyone. Let me talk about discipline first. After the income is announced to everyone, no one is allowed to disclose it, including company employees and their family and friends.

Anyone who violates this discipline and works in the 51 Group will be asked by the company to resign. If he is a shareholder of the company, he will also withdraw his equity and have it acquired by the group.

Shareholders who are not employees of 51 Group also request to withdraw their shares, which will be acquired by 51 Group.

Everyone knows that I always keep my word, so today I will put my ugly words first..."

After Gao Yang finished speaking with a serious face, the audience was completely silent. Ding Lei and Li Yan looked at each other in surprise.

The two of them had no idea that Gao Yang had been arranging for the company to invest in stocks for the past two years.

Boss Feng and Yang Limin of CPI, as well as Gao Yang's old friend Lu Tao, were also surprised.

Fang Jian said again: "Now, please Minister Wu Ruohan to report the stock investment income for everyone."

When Wu Ruohan got up with a big belly and smiled, the audience applauded enthusiastically.

Everyone has guessed that the company must have made a lot of money investing in stocks in the past few years. The big A shares have just increased by 6 times as a whole.

Wu Ruohan walked up to the podium, connected the laptop to the projector, opened a PPT, and smiled:
"Dear shareholders and colleagues, please don't get excited when I report next."

Then, Wu Ruohan clicked on the first page of the PPT:
"At the end of February 2003, Mr. Gao arranged for Sunrise Company and to open stock accounts. Sunrise Company invested 51 million and invested 51 million. Our company officially started long-term investment in A shares.

This is the total principal invested in A shares in recent years, a total of 15 billion.In addition, in the second half of January this year, we raised another 1 billion with a securities company, and the annualized interest rate of the financing was 15%.

These are the funds transferred to the stock accounts of each company successively..."

Wu Ruohan turned another page:
"As of yesterday, all the company's stock accounts have repaid 15 billion financing and 1.25 million financing interest. In addition, they have also repaid 12 billion stock pledge loans and 5500 million interest. The total cash in the stock account is 1388 billion."


The crowd in the audience was suddenly excited, and those who didn't know the situation were all dumbfounded.

Wu Ruohan smiled slightly: "Please don't get excited, I haven't finished my report yet."

Everyone laughed and shut up quickly.

Wu Ruohan continued: "Our current A-share holdings still have a market value of 70 billion. Within this week, the investment department will clear all positions and exit.

The above is the investment income of our company in A shares.

In addition, we also have an investment in US stocks, which is the investment income of US$51 obtained by the group from the transfer of the 9000 Guardian desktop business, of which US$8000 million was invested in US stocks through the Hongyang Asset Management Company registered in the Hong Kong Island of the group.

This investment was also arranged to be cleared a few days ago, and the total funds have reached 1.95 million US dollars.

The above is the total stock investment income of our company in recent years. Are you satisfied? "

"I'm so satisfied, it's awesome!"

"Mr. Wu, you are the god of stocks among the gods of stocks!"

The audience roared with applause, and many people's palms were numb.

Ding Lei and Li Yan, even if they are worth 200 billion yuan, are completely dumbfounded at this moment.

51 Group's investment in stocks has made a profit of hundreds of times in just a few years, which is simply unbelievable.

Later, CFO Zhao Lei came on stage:
"Dear shareholders and colleagues, according to Mr. Gao's instructions, I am here to report to you the financial arrangements for the future.

In the past few years, the company's investment in the stock market, in addition to the 15 billion financing, has a total of 15 billion initial investment, of which Sunlight Company invested 10 billion.

In Sunshine Company's stock account, the initial investment was 8 million yuan, and the remaining [-] million yuan was transferred to other project company accounts for investment through lending.

In Sunshine's company account, the net investment income is 200 billion. Sunshine has a corporate income tax rate of 15%, and this year it has to pay more than 30 billion in income tax.

After the 8 million funds lent to other companies are transferred back to Sunshine Company, the interest will be paid to Sunshine Company at an annualized rate of 8% for the use of funds.

Other companies are all within the two-year exemption and three-half exemption period, so the book investment income does not need to pay corporate income tax.

The companies of the entire group have a net investment income of more than 1400 billion yuan in stocks. According to Mr. Gao's instructions, the profits generated by these funds from non-main business are all transferred to the group account and arranged by the group. "

The shareholders and managers of the companies in the audience frowned slightly.

What does Boss Gao mean, making a huge profit of 1400 billion, the group company will take it all away, and not give money to the brothers and sisters of the project company?
After Zhao Lei came down from the podium and took her seat, Fang Jian motioned for Lin Yunjiao to bring the wireless microphone, and handed it to Gao Yang.

Many people immediately looked at Gao Yang, waiting for his statement...

(End of this chapter)

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