Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 523 You Are My Brother

Chapter 523 You Are My Brother
At 11:[-] in the morning, this time, the highly confidential enlarged meeting of shareholders was over. Everyone laughed and lined up to get their mobile phones from Li Qin and Lin Yunjiao.

Every time a mobile phone was returned, Lin Yunjiao would playfully warn: "Don't disclose the content of today's meeting, otherwise, the consequences will be really serious."

Everyone nodded and smiled, everyone understood that Gao Yang always said the same thing when it comes to matters of principle.

Seeing Lin Yunjiao's delicate and lovely character, Li Qin next to her was quite envious, but there was no way, she really couldn't learn it.

Now, Li Qin also knows that Lin Yunjiao was arranged by Gao Yang to replace her. Not only is this girl beautiful and cute, she is also a doctor with a smart personality and a very smart mind.

In today's confidential meeting, Li Qin and Lin Yunjiao were the most shocked. The company made a sudden profit of 1400 billion by investing in stocks, which is really scary.

Now, facing Gao Yang, even Lin Yunjiao, who was always quite proud, worshiped Gao Yang in her heart.

Next, more than 60 people went to the restaurant to eat, and the whole hall was full of laughter.

Gao Yang, Fang Jian, Ding Lei, Li Yan, Feng Jinsong, Lu Tao and others sat at a table.

After drinking three glasses of wine, Ding Lei asked, "Gao Yang, do we really need to invest tens of billions to make smartphones?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Brother Lei..."

Ding Lei hurriedly said: "Don't, how dare I be an elder brother in front of you now, the one who achieves it first, you are the elder brother."

Li Yan also smiled and said: "Yes, Gao Yang, a strange person like you is simply the reincarnation of the God of Wealth, who dares to be a brother in front of you."

Gao Yang was immediately happy: "Look at what you said, I'm not as old as you are in terms of age."

Everyone laughed, and Gao Yang said again: "Of course [-] billion is just an imaginary number, and the specific investment scale can only be known after the specific project investment plan is drawn up.

However, the smart phone we want to make is Apple's iPhone, and we will take the high-end product line first, and the investment in research and development must be quite huge. "

Ding Lei looked surprised and said, "Apple has strong research and development capabilities and a high brand awareness. Can we make a model like the iPhone?"

Gao Yangdao: "This is a strategic goal that must be accomplished, first to develop high-end flagship models, then enrich the product line, develop mid-range models, and finally low-end models.

If we want to succeed, first of all, high-end models must be successful. Only in this way can we quickly build a brand image.

Therefore, design and R&D are very important. Even if the salary is sky-high, it is necessary to introduce top technical talents in the industry on a national or even global scale. "

Lu Tao said: "In terms of capital, 51 Group is very rich now. As long as it is willing to offer the world's top salary, there is still hope to attract first-class technical talents."

Ding Lei asked again: "Gao Yang, where do you plan to put the mobile phone project?"

Gao Yangdao: "It's been preliminarily decided. Choose the Shudu High-tech Development Zone. The company's headquarters will be registered there, and the R&D center will be built there. It will also introduce a foundry, and may even build its own factory."

Ding Lei was surprised and said, "Would it be a little more remote in the capital of Shu? Does Shu have a complete industrial chain?"

Gao Yangdao: "First of all, the Huaxia R&D Center for Android will be located in Shudu High-tech Zone.

Secondly, TEPCO has built a production line for LCD screens in Shudu High-tech Zone, including laptop screens and mobile phone screens.

Mobile phones are not big-ticket products, and the cost impact of related parts procurement and location factors should not be significant.

In addition, the electronic manufacturing industry in Shudu and Jinyang is relatively developed, so there should be little problem with supporting the industrial chain.

Of course, I am not a professional in this area. Brother Tao, do you think it is difficult? "

Lu Tao said: "It shouldn't be a big problem. The 51 Group has invested a huge amount of money to enter the smart phone industry. Luxshare Seiko must seize this great opportunity, and there is no big problem in terms of production technology.

It's just that at this stage, if Luxshare Precision wants to invest and build a factory in Shudu, it may be under greater financial pressure. "

Gao Yangdao: "In terms of funds, we can invest in Luxshare's projects in Shudu. In addition, we can also seek long-term loan support from some banks through the introduction of the local government.

To build a factory in Shudu, the government's preferential policies can also be given in place. "

Feng Jinsong said with a smile: "Gao Yang chose to put the mobile phone project in Shudu. Another factor is that his father-in-law just went to Shudu to become the mayor. Shudu High-tech Zone is building a world-class high-tech park. Great support."

Lu Tao was surprised and said, "Gao Yang, Gu Ju has been transferred to the capital of Shu?"

Gao Yang said: "No, it's Ruohan's father."

Everyone suddenly realized that 51 Group invested in the smart phone project in Shudu, which can be said to be the right time, place and people.

Ding Lei said: "Gao Yang, do you need to contact Ah Duan to cooperate with his electronics company?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "Don't think about it for now, I'm thinking, can I directly cooperate with Huawei Company."

Lu Tao said: "Huawei released the first WCDMA mobile phone in China in 04. With Huawei's technical strength and size, it is now mainly making customized phones for operators. I feel that this company does not pay much attention to the mobile phone business. .”

Gao Yang said: "I don't pay much attention now, we have the opportunity to cooperate with Hua Wei Company, I think it should be possible to talk about it, and we will only know after talking about it."

Ding Lei said: "Gao Yang, why do you want to cooperate with Huawei? I'm afraid you can only talk to Mr. Ren about such a big project."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Brother Lei, I think the same way, I have to talk to Mr. Ren, this matter may be decided by him."

Li Yandao: "Gao Yang, I'm not trying to hurt you. I want Huawei to seriously invest in resource cooperation, and this project is led by 51 Group. It may be very difficult to talk about."

Gao Yang said: "Brother Lei, Huawei is the first choice for cooperation, and we must pull it over. I still say that, and I will only know after talking."

Feng Jinsong said: "Gao Yang, it shouldn't be difficult for you to meet and talk with Boss Ren. Boss Ren has worked in your Jinyang and has some connections with Shudu. You should know about these things, right?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Boss Feng, I know, as long as we can talk, I think there is still a chance."

After everyone chatted for a while, Gao Yang suddenly picked up his wine glass and said in a loud voice, "Everyone, we have made huge profits in A-share investment in the past two years. Is the investment department of the group making a big contribution?"

Zhang Yue said in a high voice: "Mr. Gao, the investment department has contributed a lot, and I suggest that the group reward them."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Then the group will arrange 1 million this time to give a special reward to the investment department. Do you agree?"

"Good!" There was thunderous applause in the restaurant.

Huang Yufei, Yang Liu and others were very excited, they all held up their wine glasses and stood up to toast, Wu Ruohan replaced the wine with fruit juice, signaling Huang Yufei to express his opinion to everyone.

Huang Yufei said: "Thanks to Mr. Gao, as well as shareholders, leaders and colleagues, we will continue to work hard to create greater benefits for the company."

Later, Lu Tao toasted Gao Yang again with a wine glass, and whispered: "Brother, I will invest 5 million in the smartphone project, is that okay?"

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Brother Tao, if you want to vote, it must be fine, but is there any pressure on funds?"

Lu Tao smiled and said, "No problem, Gu Xia said, at the beginning you suggested that we invest in real estate in the capital, but now the overall housing price has almost tripled, and this area has a floating profit of several hundred million.

Last year, at Ruohan's suggestion, she bought a 6 million fund. Some time ago, Ruohan suggested redemption and made more than [-] million. "

Gao Yang whispered: "Brother Tao, the android company made a net profit of nearly 20 billion US dollars in the US subprime mortgage market this year. The current valuation level of android is no less than 40 billion US dollars."

Lu Tao was startled, and raised his thumb: "Brother, you are too powerful."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I went to the United States in August and discussed with Rubin that the android company will strive to lead the establishment of a global smart phone industry chain alliance.

The company's long-term goal is to develop into a technology giant of Google's level with mobile applications at its core.

We started with the success of the smartphone project in the Chinese market.

In the future, it is not hopeless that Android will dominate the global smartphone market. At that time, the company's valuation should reach the level of hundreds of billions of dollars. "

Lu Tao smiled heartily: "Brother, with you guiding the way ahead, everyone is very confident."

Lu Tao holds 20% of the shares of the Android company. If Android is successfully listed in the future, and the valuation exceeds 200 billion US dollars, Lu Tao's worth will also skyrocket by about [-] billion US dollars...

(End of this chapter)

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