Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 524 Growing up in Suffering?

Chapter 524 Growing up in Suffering? (two in one)

In the past two or three months, Yang Ming has suffered a bit, and Gao Yang's unpredictable eyes often appear in his mind.

From the trip to the United States in August to the trip to Shuchuan during the National Day holiday, Yang Ming never got the chance to be alone with Gao Yang.

The more I think about Gao Yang's eyes when looking at her, the more I feel confused.

After the National Day holiday, when he returned to the capital, Yang Ming picked up a BMW X5. Whenever he had time every day, he went to buy some home decorations and carefully furnished the newly bought villa.

Recently, Yang Ming no longer lived in the dormitory of the Film Academy, and moved into his new home in the second phase of Wanliu Hua Mansion.

She has read the novel "Scary Step by Step" with more than 40 words carefully twice.

Gao Yang asked her to read the novel thoroughly. After reading it twice, Yang Ming felt that he had to read it two or three times before he could be sure about this character.

Before reading this novel, Yang Ming had never been exposed to online novels. This kind of story that travels back to the palace hundreds of years ago was very fresh and interesting at first reading.

As he was attracted by the plot of the story, Yang Ming quickly replaced himself in the role of the heroine, imagining that if he was dealing with several noble princes, unable to control his own destiny, unable to grasp the future of life, what would he do? It is the state of mind of the heroine described by the book owner.

After reading it for the second time, Yang Ming felt different again. She jumped out of the story and returned to reality. She thought of Gao Yang, and she always felt that Gao Yang let her read this story thoroughly, maybe not just to act in a play.

So, what did Gao Yang want himself to understand?

Yang Ming couldn't figure it out.

The last time Gao Yang was invited to dinner at the hotel, Gao Yang suddenly asked Yang Ming, who else knew what was on her mind.

After Yang Ming told Gao Yang about Liu Li, what Gu Yawen suddenly asked her to talk to later made Yang Ming suddenly understand why Gao Yang said in the first place that any choice would have a price.

Recently, Yang Ming began to live in seclusion, and rejected many gatherings among classmates and friends. Apart from attending classes, going to the library, or asking teachers for advice, he has no time to take care of his social circle in the past.

She also knew that once Gao Yang truly accepted herself, her life level and social circle would be completely different in the future.

Saying goodbye to the original social circle, this is the price of choice.

And these days, with the approach of early winter, Yang Ming stays alone in this empty villa every night, sometimes looking in the direction of the first phase of Wanliu Hua Mansion, separated by a few hundred meters, imagining how Gao Yang and his family will live together live together.

Loneliness arises spontaneously.

She really wanted to call Gao Yang, but she knew she couldn't.

Yang Ming also knew that this was also one of the costs of his choice, and he had to bear it.

Whenever this happened, Yang Ming would go to the treadmill and sweat profusely to make himself tired, then take a hot bath, return to the bedroom, turn on the stereo, and gradually fall asleep to the soothing music.

On the morning of October 10th, Yang Ming finally got a call from Gu Yawen: "Mingming, Gao Yang will come to your place for dinner tonight, but he wants me and Ruohan to come together, we will arrive around 27:4 pm."

Yang Ming was startled, and hurriedly said, "Okay, Sister Yawen."

Yang Ming put down his phone and was stunned for a while, then got up and went out to buy ingredients for dinner.

In the morning, Gao Yang was at home, continuing to communicate with Xu Xin about the relevant work arrangements after the establishment of the 51 Group Investment Center.

The investment center consists of three departments: project investment, mergers and acquisitions, and venture capital. The existing group investment department is not included in the management of the investment center.

In the afternoon, Xu Xin hurried back to Hong Kong Island to deal with today's venture capital affairs, while Gao Yang and Gu Yawen accompanied Wu Ruohan to do the prenatal checkup.

At Xiehe obstetrics and gynecology department, Gao Yanggang helped Wu Ruohan get out of the car, and Lin Yunjiao greeted her with a smile.

Wu Ruohan said: "Yunjiao, I told you already, you don't have to come every time."

Lin Yun smiled and said: "Sister Ruohan, let me run errands for you, anyway, I have nothing to do on weekends."

Gu Yawen said: "Yunjiao, it's time for you to find a boyfriend."

Lin Yun giggled coquettishly: "Sister Yawen, I now regret studying to become a Ph.D. Boyfriends are hard to find, and finding someone who is smarter is not easy..."

In the hospital, Lin Yunjiao ran around, helping to arrange the obstetric examination items.

Gu Yawen and Gao Yang sat and rested, Gu Yawen said: "Can Yunjiao take over Li Qin's job now?"

Gao Yang said: "It's fine, she can learn everything quickly, and her brain is also good."

Gu Yawen asked again: "Then how do you plan to arrange Li Qin?"

Gao Yang said: "I'm going to let Li Qin go to the investment center to assist sister Xin, what do you think?"

Gu Yawen said: "You want Li Qin to go to the investment center to manage logistics?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, Li Qin's advantage is that she is careful in her work, has good execution ability, and is also very familiar with the various companies and affairs of the group.

It's just that she's a little less flexible, and she doesn't have the ability to stand alone in the business department, let's see if she can make progress in the investment center..."

At 4:[-] p.m., the three of Gao Yang and Zhang Ling, the security guard, arrived at Yang Ming's villa.

Building 16 of the second phase of Wanliu Huafu is located in a corner of the community, relatively secluded, with a garage and two ground parking spaces.

Yang Ming, who had been waiting for a long time, welcomed Gao Yang and the others into the room with a smile on his face.

After Gao Yang and the others put on their slippers, Yang Ming made a pot of tea, passed tea to Gao Yang and the others, and said, "Brother Yang, Sister Yawen, Sister Ruohan, please sit down for a while, I still have two dishes. It will be fine soon."

Gu Yawen said: "Mingming, let me help you."

Yang Ming hurriedly said: "Sister Yawen, there is no need, just two dishes, it will be ready soon."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Then go and do your work, let's visit your new house."

Yang Ming entered the kitchen, Wu Ruohan pulled Gao Yang up, and the three began to visit.

The house is not big. In addition to the large living room and dining room on the first floor, there is also a nanny room and a gym.

Upstairs are three rooms and a lounge.There are two bedrooms and a study room, and the master bedroom has a cloakroom of about 15 square meters.

In the cloakroom, Wu Ruohan opened the closet to take a look, and smiled:
"Mingming is very careful, pajamas, sweaters, autumn clothes, underwear, sportswear and sneakers are all prepared for you."

Gao Yang also just smiled slightly, he could tell that Yang Ming put a lot of effort into arranging this small villa to be more cozy.

However, the girl was still a little anxious.

Gao Yang and others took a tour around, Yang Ming's dinner was also ready, Gu Yawen and Zhang Ling went to help serve the dishes to the table.

Yang Ming prepared 6 dishes, a roast duck from Quanjude, pigeon turtle soup, braised sea cucumber, garlic abalone, boiled shrimp and two vegetarian dishes, all made by himself.

Yang Ming scooped up a bowl of soft-shelled turtle soup for everyone, Gu Yawen took a sip, and said with a smile, "It tastes pretty good, Mingming, who did you learn to cook from?"

Yang Ming said: "My mother taught me. When I was in the first year of junior high school, my mother asked me to learn how to cook from her."

Wu Ruohan asked again: "Mingming, besides your parents, who else is there in your family?"

Yang Ming said: "I am an only child, and my family consists of two parents. In addition, there are uncle, uncle, and two uncles. My grandparents live with my uncle's family, and my uncle and uncle are both teachers at the university."

Gu Yawen asked again: "What about your parents?"

Yang Ming replied: "My father was a soldier, and became a policeman after changing jobs. My mother is a junior high school math teacher."

After eating, the few of them went for a walk along the trail beside the aqueduct to digest food.

Gu Yawen asked: "Mingming, have you lived in Wanliu recently?"

Yang Ming said, "Well, I've lived here for ten days..."

The group walked south for more than one kilometer, and then turned back. When passing by the gate of the community, Wang Xiaolong, who was notified by Gu Yawen, was waiting by the gate, wearing a tracksuit.

Wu Ruohan said: "Honey, we're going home, you can go for a run with Mingming."

Gao Yang warned: "Ruohan, you can't go too long now, go home and rest."

Wu Ruohan smiled: "I know, my sister is here, she has experience."

Gao Yang went to Yang Ming's villa, changed into the sportswear prepared for him, and the three of them jogged south for three kilometers, and when they came back, it was almost 8 o'clock in the evening.

Gao Yang asked Wang Xiaolong to go back first, Wang Xiaolong smiled innocently: "Brother Yang, good night."

The two returned to the villa and went upstairs together.

Yang Ming first found a change of long underwear and underwear for Gao Yang, blushing: "Brother Yang, I have washed all these clothes once."

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Did Yawen tell you the size?"

Yang Ming's face turned red again: "Well...I'm going to put the bath water in."

Gao Yang said: "You wash it first, I don't sweat much, just rinse it off."

Yang Ming went to put the bath water first, and then brought a box of soft cigarettes, a lighter and an ashtray for Gao Yang.

Gao Yang said: "Let's put it in the study, I'll go to your study to have a look."

In the study, Yang Ming brewed a pot of tea for Gao Yang, and then went to take a bath.

Gao Yang turned on the ventilation fan, lit a cigarette, and opened the bookcase to see what kind of books this girl has.

In a bookcase, there are many books on film and television and performing arts. Gao Yang glanced at the titles and knew that some of them were textbooks for Yang Ming's professional courses, and some were books for extracurricular reading.

There are dozens of books on business management, and many books on history and culture, some of which Gao Yang often reads at home.

The other bookcase contained a lot of Chinese and foreign literary masterpieces. When Gao Yang glanced at three copies of "The Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem", he was stunned for a moment, took out the first volume, and directly turned to the publication page.

Taking a closer look, it is still a physical book of online novels published in February this year. The original work was serialized in Xiaoxiang.

Gao Yang was immediately happy, this is another big IP.

Gao Yang simply sat down and flipped through the novel. After reading for a while, Yang Ming came in wearing a pink nightgown, his hair was still wet.

Gao Yang asked: "Mingming, when did you buy this novel?"

Yang Ming said: "I just bought it a few days ago. A female classmate saw that I was reading "Scary Step by Step" and recommended me to read this novel. She said that it is also an online novel and it is very good."

Gao Yang said: "I read the first ten pages, it's not bad."

Yang Ming said, "Brother Yang, I put your change of clothes in the bathroom."

Gao Yang nodded, got up and took a shower.

While Yang Ming was drying his hair in the living room, Gao Yang came out after taking a shower, dried his hair, and changed into the pajamas Yang Ming had prepared for him.

Yang Ming's chest jumped up and he asked, "Brother Yang, would you like a cup of coffee?"

Gao Yang said: "Drink tea, there is no need to make new ones, there are still some in the study."

Yang Ming went to the study to bring out the tea tray, poured two cups of tea, and took out the cigarette case and ashtray.

Then, Yang Ming sat down next to Gao Yang.

Seeing Gao Yang took a cigarette, he was busy lighting it for him.

Gao Yang took a puff of cigarette and asked, "Are you used to living here alone?"

Yang Ming's face turned red again: "In the first few days, I was not used to it, but now I'm used to it."

Yang Ming suddenly snuggled into Gao Yang's arms, and said emotionally, "Brother Yang, I miss you very much, I miss you every day."

The bowed kiss that Yang Ming was looking forward to did not appear, Gao Yang just smiled slightly: "I understand, but, choose this kind of life, do you really think about it?"

Yang Ming said: "Brother Yang, I've made up my mind, this is the life I want too."

Gao Yang smiled again: "Mingming, I don't think you really thought it through."

Yang Ming was startled: "Brother Yang, why?"

Gao Yang looked serious: "Mingming, you don't have to be with me. I appreciate you very much, and I will let the company support you. You can still achieve success and live the life you want."

Yang Ming acted like a baby: "Brother Yang, I really like you and really want to be with you. Sister Yawen and Ruohan are willing to accept me, and you also said that you are willing to accept me."

Gao Yang said: "Mingming, the life you choose is not just your own life, you are an only child, have you considered your parents' feelings?"

Yang Ming said: "Brother Yang, I've already grown up, I can choose my own life."

Gao Yang asked again: "Aren't you going to let your parents know about such a choice?"

Yang Ming's pretty face blushed again: "Brother Yang, I'm still young. When the time comes in the future, I'll tell my parents and I'll take care of these things myself."

Gao Yang stubbed out the cigarette butt: "Mingming, today, I can give you a promise that no matter what you choose, the company will support you.

Auntie Liu has arranged for someone to buy the exclusive right to adapt the novel "Scary Step by Step". Next year, after you finish your junior year, you should be able to start filming this TV series.

The company will find first-class directors, screenwriters and first-line actors to cooperate with.

In addition, I will ask my aunt to arrange someone to study the novel "The Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem". If it is worth investing in, I can also buy the exclusive right to adapt it.

51 Entertainment will soon invest a lot of money in story copyrights, film and television dramas, and the entertainment industry, and you will have plenty of opportunities to make your mark.

I said, I can accept you, but not now.

Now you should concentrate on studying and delving into acting skills. A traffic platform like 51 Group will not have any problems if it wants to make you popular.

The question lies with yourself, whether you want to be an idol star, or a star with really excellent acting skills and use your works to win fans.

These things are all choices and will have different costs.

It's time for me to go home. I also suggest that you think about it for a while. You are still young, whether you are in a relationship or a career, you need to think maturely before making a choice. "

At this moment, Yang Ming was stunned, and watched Gao Yang get up and go to the master bedroom, changed his clothes and came out.

In desperation, Yang Ming threw himself into Gao Yang's arms and hugged him tightly: "Brother Yang, don't you really want to stay here for one night?"

Gao Yang said: "Mingming, don't be like this, I really should go home."

Yang Ming burst into tears: "Brother Yang, do you think I'm not working hard enough?"

Gao Yang stretched out his hands to hold this pretty face, wiped away the tears for Yang Ming, and comforted him:
"Mingming, you are working very hard, and I can see it, but I hope you will not be troubled by emotions, and think about life more rationally.

The promise I made just now is also the truth. When you really think about it, I can accept whatever you choose.

It is deserted and unsafe for you to live here alone, I will ask Yawen to arrange someone to accompany you. "

Yang Ming knew that it was impossible for Gao Yang to stay tonight, so he boldly kissed Gao Yang on the face: "Brother Yang, then I'll call Sister Yawen and ask Xiaolong to come pick you up."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "No need, it's a few minutes' journey, the law and order in this area is quite good, you remember to close the doors and windows, I should go."

Yang Ming sent Gao Yang downstairs, reluctantly said: "Brother Yang, good night."

Gao Yang waved his hand: "Good night, you must close the doors and windows."

After Gao Yang left, Yang Ming returned home, closed the doors and windows, tidied up the house, then sat down sadly and meditated.

Gao Yang, who used to make her feel elusive, was very frank tonight and spoke very clearly.

Yang Ming doesn't need to pay for his feelings and youth, he will support her, make her popular, and let her get the life she wants.

What Gao Yang means is that she also hopes that she will not be an idol star, but a star who relies on her acting skills to win audiences and fans.

Yang Ming knew that Gao Yang said one thing, and if he promised, he would definitely do it. For a while, he started to fight in his heart.

She began to seriously think that she boldly confessed to Gao Yang because she wanted someone to rely on.

Or because, I really like, really fall in love with Gao Yang...

Gao Yang trotted all the way home, and returned to Villa No. 6 in the first phase of Wanliu Hua Mansion in five or six minutes.

It was just after 9 o'clock in the evening. Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan were still chatting in the living room next to the master bedroom.

Gao Yang came home suddenly, the sisters were very surprised.

Wu Ruohan asked curiously, "Honey, why are you back?"

Gao Yang grabbed a winter jujube and took a bite, said with a smile: "You have a big belly, but you still hope that I won't come home at night."

Wu Ruohan grinned: "You shouldn't have a home in the first place."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Then I'm going back, I wanted to accompany Ruohan tonight."

Gao Yang said: "I'll see you off."

The two left villa No. 7, Gu Yawen smiled and asked: "Looking at you like this, Mingming is disappointed again, right?"

Gao Yang nodded: "It doesn't matter whether you are disappointed or not."

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "It's all like this, you still refuse to accept her, haven't you already thought about it?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "No, I just told her that she still has a chance to choose again, and the company will still support her."

Gu Yawen thought for a while, and said: "With Mingming's character, I think she should have thought about it."

Gao Yang asked: "Why are you so sure?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Women understand women's thoughts better, you will make Mingming suffer a lot."

Gao Yang said: "After suffering, she may be able to truly understand life, her mind will truly mature, and she will be able to take on the future."

Gu Yawen suddenly said: "Just like Ruohan?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "No, these are completely different things."

Gu Yawen fully understands that it is almost impossible for Yang Ming to impress Gao Yang's heart, Gao Yang just needs some gossip and saves it for future use.

For a while, Gu Yawen was quite relieved, and said: "Living alone, it's deserted and a bit unsafe."

Gao Yang said: "I was about to tell you about this, I told her and arranged for someone to accompany her."

Gu Yawen said: "Just now, I also discussed this matter with Ruohan, let Zhang Ling and Molly go in rotation."

Gao Yang said: "Just look at the arrangement..."

(End of this chapter)

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