Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 525 Acquisition of Starting Point Literature?

Chapter 525 Acquisition of Starting Point Literature?

After 10:31 p.m. on October 7st, Western time, after receiving a call from Gao Yang, Chen Lan boarded the special version of 51talk and started a video connection with Gao Yang.

Gao Yang issued an instruction: "Sister-in-law, starting tomorrow, we will officially open a position in the ETF fund that shorts the US stock index by 3 times."

Chen Lan said: "Gao Yang, in terms of positions and ETFs, how to allocate them specifically?"

Gao Yang said: "This month, you can use 3% to 4% of your funds to build positions, of which, Nasdaq accounts for 6%, Dow Jones accounts for 3%, and S&P 500 accounts for 1%.

There are still two months left in this year. If the subprime mortgage crisis continues to worsen, after Christmas, you can increase your overall position to 7%.

Later, if the U.S. stock market is technically confirmed as a bear market, you will arrange 8% to 9% of the remaining funds to bet directly on panic index funds. "

Chen Lan was surprised and said, "Gao Yang, is it too risky to bet so close to the full position?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, if the subprime mortgage crisis continues to worsen, next year the global financial market will inevitably be in turmoil, and the world's major stock markets will plummet all the way, and the US stock market will be the same.

Such an opportunity with high certainty, just like we shorted subprime mortgages before, certainly cannot be missed.

On the basis of a clear trend direction, we must dare to take a heavy position or even a full position. The short-term reverse fluctuations of the index ETF, such as a one-month or two-month rebound, have little effect on our position returns.

After this financial crisis passes, there may not be such a good opportunity again within ten years.When the U.S. stocks fall through, we will go long in the opposite direction again, build positions in U.S. stocks, and hold them for a long time.

Ruohan is going to have a baby soon, and when she is confinement, she will help you analyze market trends and formulate specific trading plans.

Ruohan is very talented in trading. Under her guidance, in the past two years, our investment in A shares has achieved an overall return of nearly 50 times. Therefore, sister-in-law, there is no need to worry, you and your eldest brother will follow the plan. "

Chen Lan said: "Okay, if Ruohan can give advice, I will feel more at ease..."

After going offline, Gao Yang called Li Qin, Director of the President's Office:
"Li Qin, the group is about to set up an investment center to take charge of the company's new project investment, foreign mergers and acquisitions, and manage the industry venture capital fund to be established.

Xu Xin from venture capital today will be the chief investment officer of the group, in charge of the investment center. Would you like to work in the investment center? "

Li Qin said dejectedly: "Mr. Gao, I haven't done the job done by the CEO well."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "You are thinking too much, you have always been serious and responsible in your work, and worked very hard. After taking over from Shao Hanyun, I am satisfied with the work done by the president.

The establishment of the investment center is very important to the development of the group in the next few years. The next step is to establish the organization of the entire department, recruit and introduce many talents, and there are many tasks that need to be promoted quickly.

This new business department is more important than the president's office. It is a heavy burden and a challenge for you.

Mrs. Xu is new here, and she needs someone who understands the group's affairs to help her. You grew up from the president's office, and you are the most suitable candidate.

Going to work in the investment center is also an important training opportunity for yourself. With Mr. Xu, you will accumulate more management experience at the business level. "

Li Qin suddenly realized, a little embarrassed: "Thank you, Mr. Gao, I will work hard."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "Go and inform me that an enlarged meeting of the board of directors will be held at 3 p.m.."

Li Qin left with a happy face, but Gao Yang shook his head and smiled. This girl really lacks some spirituality. If it was Shao Hanyun or Lin Yunjiao, he didn't need to explain it just now.

In the afternoon, an enlarged meeting of the board of directors was held for an hour and a half, and the establishment of the investment center of the group was finalized. Li Qin was arranged in advance as the deputy director of the investment center to be responsible for the after-sales work.

Then, from the group's after-sales center, a few personnel were transferred to form an investment center office, and began to recruit external personnel for ordinary positions.

After the establishment of the investment center, there will be a professional department to coordinate and manage the foreign investment and acquisitions of the companies of the 51 Group in the future, and it will also share the work pressure for Gao Yang and Fang Jian.

Lin Yunjiao took over Li Qin's job and became Gao Yang's assistant, director of the president's office, and secretary of the board of directors.

On November 11th, the beginning of winter came, and the capital ushered in the first snow. Xu Xin also officially came to work as the Chief Investment Officer of 8 Group.

Gao Yang asked Lin Yunjiao to summon the company's management and held a welcome dinner, and invited Ding Lei, Li Yan, Liu Dong, Zhou Hongwei and others to accompany him.

Xu Xin has not purchased real estate in the capital yet, but is staying at Gao Yang's house temporarily.

Going home at night, Gao Yang invited Xu Xin and Liu Li into the study.

I came to Liu Lilai mainly to inquire about the copyright of the film and television adaptation of "The Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem".

Liu Lihui reported: "The author of this novel, whose real name is Xue Lan, just graduated from a bachelor's degree this year and works as a teacher in a middle school in Hangzhou.

We got in touch with Xue Lan, but she has not finished writing this novel, and she is still updating it in Xiaoxiang. She has written more than 80 words so far. Xue Lan said that she uses her spare time to write novels, and it is estimated that there are about 60 words left, and she may have to write What a year looks like.

The copyright of film and television adaptation, like "Scary Step by Step", involves the online novel platform.

We used 50 yuan to negotiate the exclusive film and television adaptation copyright of "Scary Step by Step", but "The Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem" is even more popular, and maybe 100 million yuan may not be negotiated.

Moreover, the novel is not yet finished, so it may not be easy to talk about it. "

Gao Yang lit a cigarette, thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Well, let's just buy Xiaoxiang, an online literature platform."


Liu Li and Xu Xin were stunned. They bought a website directly for a web article, so rich and willful.

Gao Yang smiled and said: "You two don't need to make a fuss, the film and television entertainment industry is also one of the future strategic development directions of 51 Group, and the group will soon inject 51 billion into 20 Entertainment.

I also read online novels a few years ago. This industry has great potential in the future. Online writers are full of imagination and creativity. In the future, many online stories will be adapted into film and television dramas.

At this stage, this market can only be regarded as just in its infancy, and the largest market share is actually under Qidian Literature.

We not only want to acquire niche online literature platforms like Xiaoxiang, but also mainstream online literature platforms like Qidian Literature.

Acquisition in the early stage of industry development, the cost is relatively low, we may be able to acquire a batch of the most mainstream web writing platforms by spending 10 billion yuan.

Every day, hundreds of thousands or even millions of web writers are updating their own stories. In the future, this will be the largest source of original stories for film and television dramas.

The online literature platform itself, if it operates well, may even be able to IPO in the future.

Generally speaking, entering online literature and expanding and strengthening the film and television entertainment business at the same time is consistent with the strategic planning direction of the entire group in Internet pan-media..."

After Gao Yang's explanation, Liu Li's heart surged immediately, and she said with a smile, "Gao Yang, you just think about the long term, so we still have to discuss the exclusive right to adapt "The Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem?"

Gao Yang said: "Continue to talk, if someone else takes it, you will be passive in the future. This kind of trivial matter, it costs hundreds of thousands more, it's nothing, let's talk about it as soon as possible."

After arranging this matter, Gao Yang asked Liu Li to rest and prepare to communicate with Xu Xin alone.

Xu Xin said: "Gao Yang, Boss Chen of Shanda is the richest man in the past. I heard that Boss Chen is planning to go public with Shanda in the US. I'm afraid it will not be easy for you to win this starting point literature."

Gao Yang said: "Sister Xin, it's nothing more than a price issue. I checked the information, and Boss Chen bought Qidian Literature three years ago, and it only cost less than 2000 million.

In the past three years, Qidian Literature's overall investment should not exceed 1 million yuan, and his business should be losing money now.

We take 5 million, 8 million, or even 10 billion to buy, there will always be a price that can make Boss Chen tempted.

In addition, you can also consider a two-pronged approach and talk to the founding team of the starting point.

If Boss Chen really doesn’t want to sell Qidian Literature, we can poach the founding team of Qidian, and then poach a group of excellent online literature writers, and just build an online literature platform by ourselves.

51 Group has a lot of capital investment. In the initial stage of the industry, it is not difficult to surpass the starting point literature.

It was originally planned by me to enter the online literature market. Now that there is no shortage of funds, it should be implemented immediately. "

Xu Xin smiled and said: "It's still easy to do things with money. I took the task on the first day of work. Now that the heads of all departments of the investment center are not in place, it seems that I have to do it myself, right?"

Gao Yang said: "Sister Xin, I really have to work hard for you during this time, the establishment of the investment center and the progress of the work can only be carried out at the same time.

You have a wide network of contacts in the investment circle, so you can recruit some first-class professionals as soon as possible. You can arrange these specific tasks for Li Qin, and let the group's human resources department closely cooperate.

Regarding the acquisition of Qidian Literature, now you can only talk to Boss Chen on behalf of 51 Group.

This is actually just a trivial matter. The most important thing now is to start the preliminary investment research for the smartphone project.

For this project, I am thinking of cooperating with Hua Wei Company, joint investment, and relying on Huawei's strong R&D strength to solve the design and development of this mobile phone project.

After talking with Huawei, the project can be officially launched. "

Xu Xin was surprised and said, "Huawei, I'm afraid it's hard to talk about a joint venture in mobile phone projects, right? Boss Ren should be the one to decide on such a big project."

Gao Yang said: "Sister Xin, you should talk to Huawei's mobile phone department first, and I have a direct contact with Mr. Ren. When I need an interview, I will directly talk to Mr. Ren.

Regarding the planning of the mobile phone project, the President's Office has prepared some materials, so take the time to read them first.

In less than two months, it is New Year's Day.

Before New Year's Day, the first is to basically complete the team formation of the first and second departments of the investment center.

The second is the acquisition of Qidian Literature, and try to negotiate a result.

The third is to contact Huawei's mobile phone department to test the other party's attitude. "

Xu Xin asked: "Gao Yang, the person in charge of the mobile phone project, do you have someone to choose now?"

Gao Yang said: "I have initially considered that Lu Tao, the general manager of Luxshare Seiko, will be in charge, and he will personally invest 5 million yuan in this project.

Brother Tao and I have been old friends for many years. He has also started his own business for many years and has worked on his own brand PC. Now he is familiar with the electronic parts OEM industry and has enough experience.

Three years ago, I had communicated with Brother Tao for the project of own brand mobile phone.

In the past few years, Brother Tao and I have successively invested in android companies in Silicon Valley, as well as the newly established Luxshare Seiko, all of which are preparing for today's investment in mobile phone projects. "

Xu Xin stared blankly at Gao Yang.

Gao Yang asked: "Sister Xin, what's wrong?"

Xu Xin held back for a while, then uttered: "Gao Yang, you are simply a monster..."

(End of this chapter)

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