Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 533 Declare war on piracy?The boss is so willful

Chapter 533 Declare war on piracy?The boss is so willful

On December 12th, Wu Ruohan was discharged from the hospital and returned to Wanliu Hua Mansion for confinement.

For several days in a row, Villa No. 7 in Wanliu Hua Mansion was full of people.

When Wu Ruohan was hospitalized, Gao Yang told Lin Yunjiao to inform many high-level executives of the company that he didn't have to visit him in the hospital.

Rich people have distant relatives in the mountains. Since ancient times, it has been such a way of human affection.

The courtyard house in Houhai was completed and accepted in mid-November. Although the building materials were all made of high-quality environmentally friendly materials and professionally treated to remove formaldehyde, Gao Yang’s family decided to let it dry for a while and planned to live in the courtyard house during the Spring Festival.

Siheyuan is a log structure building. Although no glue is used, the wood naturally contains a small amount of formaldehyde, which may last for several years.

Gao Yang took a week's vacation. On December 12th, it was snowing heavily. The father-in-law Wu Guanghua, Wu Peng and Wang Yue accompanied Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu to the capital.

The old man and the old lady are going to live in the capital for a while.

Wu Guanghua also took the time to come to see his grandson and granddaughter.

On December 12, Gao Yang finally went to work.

Today, Gao Yang will meet with the management of Qidian Literature and Xiaoxiang Literature, and personally set the tone for the development strategy of the two original literature platforms and 51 Literature.

Previously, Gao Yang had instructed Lin Yunjiao to arrange for the legal department and the human resources department of the group to have the management of the two companies sign a letter of responsibility for anti-piracy.

The requirements were very strict, which puzzled Wu Wenfei, Bao Weikang and others.

At 9:12 in the morning, the President's Office arranged vehicles to take [-] people, including Wu Wenfei and Bao Weikang, to the Weber Building from the hotel.

This time, when I came to the capital for a meeting, Qidian Literature came to 6 people including Wu Wenfei and Liang Dong, Xiaoxiang Literature came to 4 people, and almost all the management of the two online literature platform companies attended.

After Wu Wenfei and the others sat in the conference room of the president's office for a while, Gao Yang, Fang Jian, Gu Yawen, Zhao Lei, Lu Yanran, Zhao Yongchun, Xu Xin, Li Qin, He Shan, Liu Li, Chen Hua, Liu Xu...

After Lin Yunjiao, director of the General Zai Office, introduced Wu Wenfei and the others one by one, Wu Wenfei and the others were secretly startled.

In addition to the group's big boss, CEO and CFO, there are also the group's after-sales center, investment center, legal department, 51 entertainment director, and search and anti-virus experts from the 51 research institute.

Such a battle is really a bit scary.

Compared with the size of the entire 51 Group, the combined revenues of Qidian and Xiaoxiang are not even a fraction.

Wu Wenfei and others don't know yet that Gu Yawen, the vice president in charge of the after-sales center, is the real second boss of 51 Group.

After more than 20 people sat down in the meeting room, Lin Yunjiao connected a laptop computer to the projector, opened the 369 secure browser, entered the homepage of Baidu, and entered one of the most popular web articles this year in the web search interface, "Ghost Blowing Lamp".

Lin Yunjiao clicked on Baidu search, and a bunch of reading links to the novel "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" appeared on the page.

Lin Yunjiao kept turning the pages, but turned over more than 30 pages, and it was still not finished.

Gao Yang signaled Lin Yunjiao to pause, looked at Wu Wenfei and other starting management, and asked:

"Everyone, this adventure novel is serialized in Qidian Literature. It is one of the most popular original works this year. What the hell are these [Apex Fiction] and other websites that come out of Baidu?"

Wu Wenfei said: "Mr. Gao, these are all pirated literature websites."

Gao Yang said lightly: You are all lovers of online literature, and even used to be writers. You are committed to promoting the development of original literature, so you founded the starting point to explore a sustainable business model for original literature.

Now, looking at this pirated website full of screens, isn't it embarrassing and shameful? "

Lin Feng, Editor-in-Chief of Qidian, said: "Mr. Gao, this is Baidu's bidding search ranking. Pirated websites are rampant, and we are left with nothing but indignation.

Starting from the implementation of the VIP paid reading mode, the text on the web page is locked and cannot be copied, but we cannot prevent the endless web document grabbing software.

In addition, many pirate websites will register accounts and pay for subscriptions. We are also tracking and screening these accounts at any time. Once verified, we will directly block them.

After the popularity of pirated websites, our platform, including some well-known writers, used to defend their rights, but it was very difficult, difficult to prove, costly, time-consuming and laborious, and the cost of rights protection was very high, and the benefits were not directly proportional to the efforts. "

Liang Dong, executive general manager, sighed: "This is the general environment, and it is very difficult to combat piracy. If there is evidence of piracy on a large scale, and lawsuits are filed to defend rights, the platform simply cannot afford the rights protection fees."

Wu Wenfei said: "Piracy is indeed hateful, but objectively it also promotes the spread of online literature. Some writers even welcome being pirated in order to expand their popularity.

Baidu Tieba is the most obvious example. After the platform is updated, some well-known writers will arrange to transmit these new chapters and update them on Tieba.

Baidu also intends to support Tieba to create an Internet pop culture community. "

Gao Yang glanced at Wu Wenfei: "Thinking that piracy helps to spread the concept of online literature is tantamount to quenching thirst with poison.

Today, Qidian and Xiaoxiang’s management team are invited to the group headquarters for a meeting, just to get rid of piracy.

Our original literature platform is like opening an online literature hypermarket with unlimited space, attracting original writers to come in to open stores and create.

The store charges management fees in the form of subscription profits, maintains platform operations, and grows with writer friends.

It is a shame if the platform fails to protect the rights and interests of the station writers.

Cracking down on piracy and safeguarding one's own rights and interests, Qidian and Shanda could not do it in the past, but now, 51 Group can and must do it.

Baidu is a strategic partner of 51 Group. Whether it is bidding search rankings or postings, we will ask Baidu to block related links. I will personally communicate with Baidu's President Li about this matter.

51 Group's acquisition of Qidian and Xiaoxiang platforms, together with the next capital injection, will invest nearly 12 billion.

We will soon establish 51 Literature Co., Ltd. to further promote the merger and acquisition of online literature platforms, and make this original literature platform bigger and stronger.

51 Group has invested heavily in this area to create content, cultivate a pool of high-quality IP, and lay a content foundation for 51 Group's subsequent pan-entertainment strategic projects.

Next, Mr. Fang would like to introduce to you the overall work arrangement of combating piracy under the overall planning of the group and the cooperation of the online platform. "

Fang Jian connected his laptop to the projector and clicked on a PPT:

"The pan-entertainment strategy is one of the Group's key investment directions for the next step. Just like Mr. Gao said just now, the original literature is the foundation and starting point of the entire pan-entertainment strategy.

For this reason, in combating piracy, we must not be afraid of hard work, not afraid of trouble, and even at any cost, to complete this task.

Specifically, it is divided into several links such as communication and docking, legal affairs, technical evidence collection, and technical rights protection. At the group level, a working group to combat piracy is established for overall planning.

For Baidu's bidding search ranking and posting bar, Mr. Gao will personally communicate with Mr. Baidu Li.

The working group first needs to set up a forensics team to track search platforms such as Baidu in real time, and then the communication department will communicate with relevant departments of Baidu in a timely manner to block these pirated websites and infringing content on Baidu's post bar.

Starting point and Xiaoxiang, including the online text platform acquired in the future, will also set up such a forensics department to provide evidence support for the forensics team.

The technical forensics team also needs to track and collect evidence on the platform of the whole network.

The legal department of the group is also preparing to fight several big battles. The goal is to rely on evidence to support it, contact the police to report it, and knock down a group of typical pirated and infringing websites such as [Apex] as soon as possible.

Afterwards, we will sue publicly and use all feasible legal means to protect our rights, so that those who make pirated websites will be terrified.

In addition, for a large number of pirated websites, the Research Institute and 51 Guardians must organize technical forces and set up a technical rights protection team to paralyze these pirated websites on a large scale with unconventional technical means.

After that, one family popped up, and we insisted on destroying one family, until those who tried to get something for nothing by piracy realized that the cost was huge and there was no way out.

The initial rights protection work was coordinated and arranged by the group, and the organization forces of the online platform cooperated closely.

If we can successfully suppress this rampant piracy, the rights protection work will be transferred to the platform of 51 Literature for overall arrangement.

Regardless of whether it is at this stage or in the future, all rights protection expenses incurred in combating piracy will be paid for by the group's financial arrangements, and will not be included in the operating costs of each online text platform.

The fight against piracy will be difficult to achieve overnight, and may become a long-term, daily struggle.

Our strategy is to declare war on piracy at any cost.

Our goal is to clear the door for ourselves, so that no one dares to reach out to the copyrighted works produced by the big platform of 51 Literature..."

On behalf of the 51 Group, Fang Jian made specific arrangements for these anti-piracy work, which left Wu Wenfei and others dumbfounded.

Declaring war on piracy, at such a cost, the boss is so capricious, how much he hates piracy...

(End of this chapter)

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