Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 534 Let A Few Writers Get Rich First

Chapter 534 Let A Few Writers Get Rich First
After Fang Jian arranged a series of anti-piracy work arrangements, the others dispersed, and Gao Yang, Fang Jian, Zhao Lei, Lu Yanran, Zhao Yongchun and Li Qin stayed behind.

Fang Jian announced to Wu Wenfei, Bao Weikang and others:
"The group plans to inject 1 million yuan into Qidian and 2 million yuan into Xiaoxiang in January next year.

Prior to this, the group will send a financial director to Qidian and Xiaoxiang each, and the current financial directors of Qidian and Xiaoxiang will be transferred to deputy financial directors, and the salary will remain the same.

This matter was specifically arranged by the group CFO Zhao Lei. "

Afterwards, Fang Jian continued: "Starting from January next year, starting point and Xiaoxiang's employee salaries and performance appraisals will be completely redesigned with reference to the management model of 1 Group. This matter will be led by the Group CHO Lu Yanran, and the Group's Human Resources Department will Responsible for execution.

In principle, starting point and Xiaoxiang's employee salaries and benefits should be increased by an average of 30%.

51 Group has a matrix management structure, in which finance and human resources are managed vertically. Starting next year, Qidian and Xiaoxiang will also be formally incorporated into the group's management system. "

Fang Jian once again introduced Zhao Yongchun, CEO of 51 Financial Services: "51pay, a third-party payment tool designed and developed by 51 Financial Services, has now been used on all platforms of 51 Group. The partner platform also already has extensive support.

Now, the user scale of 51pay has exceeded 1 million, which is not weaker than Ali’s Zhifubao, and its development speed is even faster.

51 Group’s internal virtual currency, 51 Coin, was born earlier than 51pay, and has already been included in 51 Financial Services for unified management and internal settlement.

Before the end of January next year, Qidian and Xiaoxiang will connect to 1pay to promote 51 coins, and all Qidian coins will be converted to 51 coins.

In order to encourage Qidian and Xiaoxiang users to use 51 coins and 51pay, every 100 Qidian coins are converted into 120 51 coins, and new users register and recharge, and the conversion is the same.

This is equivalent to a marketing promotion of 51pay and 51 coins, and the promotion period will last for one month.

The increased cost of 20% will be borne by the Group Finance.

Now, through 51pay and 51 coins, the payment and settlement of 51 Group’s various platforms are connected, and 51 coins are used on all internal platforms. In the future, Qidian and Xiaoxiang, including the upcoming 51 Literature, will be arranged in this way.

Within the group, a mature settlement system is already in operation.

Adjustments to finance and salary systems and adjustments to internal payment and settlement models are required to be completed by late January next year.

Time is very tight, Qidian and Xiaoxiang must cooperate closely..."

Wu Wenfei and others hurriedly stated their position and resolutely cooperated with the group's arrangement.

After Fang Jian arranged these specific tasks, Zhao Lei, Lu Yanran, and Zhao Yongchun greeted Wu Wenfei and the others with smiles, and went back to the office to arrange work.

Apart from Gao Yang and Fang Jian, only Li Qin and Lin Yunjiao were left on the group side.

Fang Jian added: "The group must resolutely fight against piracy, even at any cost.

For the next period of anti-piracy assault work, at the group level, Li Qin, the post-operation director of the investment center, will be responsible for coordinating the connection between the anti-piracy working group and Qidian and Xiaoxiang.

Li Qin was in charge of the group's president's office before, and is very familiar with the management process within the group.

Please be sure to support Li Qin's work. "

Wu Wenfei and others quickly expressed their support.

Liang Dong, the executive general manager of Qidian, asked suddenly: "Mr. Gao, Mr. Fang, do we really want to directly use technical means to hack those pirated websites when we fight against piracy?"

Gao Yang replied: "On the premise of consolidating the infringement evidence of these pirated websites, I don't think there is anything wrong with hacking these websites.

It can be said that it is a huge profit to be a pirated website. Under the current environment, the cost of infringement is too low, so these talents are so arrogant.

We just want to use relevant technical means to crash their servers, and attack one if we find one.

People don't offend me, I don't offend others, until these pirated websites dare not reach out to our resources.

After that, there is normalized monitoring and tracking. We invest in online literature platforms to promote the development and prosperity of original literature. The core is copyright protection.

This, is what I mean at any cost! "

When Wu Wenfei and the others heard the words, they couldn't help but smack their tongues.

Lin Feng, editor-in-chief of Qidian, said: "Mr. Gao, if we can solve the resource problem on the Baidu platform, our anti-piracy will be more than half successful."

Gao Yang nodded: "It's not difficult to solve the problem of whiteness. I will coordinate it personally. I would like to ask everyone, Qidian and Xiaoxiang's internal employees, is there anyone who participates in and supports pirated websites to make profits?"

Wu Wenfei and the others shook their heads, expressing that the possibility was unlikely.

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Everyone signed the anti-piracy responsibility commitment letter with the group before, regardless of whether there was such a phenomenon in the company before, if there is any, it will be changed, and if there is no, it will be encouraged.

When you go back to arrange anti-piracy work, you must emphasize this to all employees. If internal employees participate in piracy for profit, it is not just a simple infringement of copyright, but self-defense.

Once someone is involved, after verification, they will be severely punished, and will be handed over to the judicial department to investigate their legal responsibilities, so we must solemnly remind everyone not to take chances.

Working in 51 Group, as long as you have talent, ability, and hard work, no one will be buried. "

Gao Yang lit a cigarette, and said: "There is one more thing, which is the issue of copyright transactions.

I don't know if anyone in the company has privately participated in copyright transactions and used their positions for profit.

If something like this happened in the past, let it go.

From now on, anyone is prohibited from privately participating in copyright transactions within the platform in any way. Once verified, they will be punished severely.

After the establishment of 51 Literature, a copyright operation center will be established. The copyrights of all online platforms under 51 Literature will be managed and operated in a unified manner. First, it will meet the development needs of the group's pan-entertainment strategy.

I remind all the teachers here that copyright is the red line, which is a major issue of principle. "

Fang Jiandao: "The issue of copyright protection mentioned by Mr. Gao just now, please pay attention to it, and don't reach out.

You are all high-level executives. At the current stage, the operation of the online text platform is still difficult to make a profit and requires continuous investment. This is the need for strategic development.

To protect your own interests, one is to develop and grow 51 Literature in the future, to realize the equity appreciation after the IPO, and the other is to continuously improve the salary level.

Third, at the group level, 51 Group will implement employee stock ownership for all employees of the group starting in 2008, and use virtual equity to participate in group-level dividends. This income is not low.

We want to pass on a concept to all employees that if the company grows bigger and the cake bigger, everyone will enjoy the dividends of the company's continuous growth.

For ordinary employees, within the next two years, the group will build or purchase office buildings in companies across the country, and customize employee dormitories, and all employees will have benefits that are significantly better than those of their peers. "

Gao Yang asked again: "Since last year, the starting point has lost a group of outstanding writers and a large number of editors. What is the specific reason?"

Wu Wenfei sighed: "Mr. Gao, in 2005, we tried to implement a professional writer system for a group of top popular writers. The starting point was to guarantee a group of popular writers' writing income and encourage everyone to create.

As a result, because the development speed of the online literature market exceeded expectations, things backfired. After these writers signed a professional contract, they felt that the share income was low. In addition, 71K Literature invested a lot of money to recruit a group of popular writers and many editors. "

Liang Dong said again: "Mr. Gao, there is another factor, that is, Shanda is a little eager for success. Shanda's previous plan was to achieve profitability as soon as possible. On this basis, Shanda plans to form Shanda Literature through mergers and acquisitions. The goal is three Fight for an IPO in five years."

Gao Yang thought about it: "In three years, 51 Literature should not consider the issue of profitability. The focus is on how to scale up, how to attract excellent writers to stay on the site for a long time, create excellent works, and attract more readers to register as users. .

We combat piracy firstly through external means, secondly through internal upgrades of the platform, and innovative business models through technological means.

I offer a few suggestions for your consideration:
First, it is necessary to design a scientific hierarchical welfare system that can motivate excellent writers, and to promote a group of popular writers to become rich first, making them multimillionaires or even billionaires.

For these writers, the platform needs to invest more resources in packaging and publicity. Only when a group of outstanding and popular writers get rich first, can more writers be attracted to join our platform.

Second, for middle and low-level writers, especially the vast number of low-level writers, they must be willing to invest in resources to ensure that they have a basic and relatively stable creative income.

Third, the platform should be revised as soon as possible, and some innovative applications should be launched technically, such as allowing readers to directly reward writers. We have 51pay and 51 coins, and it is not difficult to implement technically.

With the reward function, you can design a hierarchical fan system for readers.

Fourth, there must be innovative thinking of SNS, and the direct interaction between writers and readers must be enhanced.

For example, you can consider enabling readers to comment on the chapters of online articles, or even each paragraph, so that readers and writers, readers and readers can interact.

With such an innovative interactive function, the attractiveness of pirated websites to readers may be significantly reduced..."

After Gao Yang put forward these suggestions, the eyes of Wu Wenfei and others gradually brightened...

(End of this chapter)

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