Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 535 The bottom line is not to do evil

Chapter 535 The bottom line is not to be evil (two in one)

For the operation of the web platform, Gao Yang put forward many very detailed suggestions, which surprised Wu Wenfei and others.

More, or excitement and excitement.

No one expected that the big boss would be so concerned about the development of the web literature industry, and would have so much, such detailed and in-depth thinking.

Another suggestion from Gao Yang is that Qidian and Xiaoxiang should introduce part of the intelligent push technology of 51 Toutiao. One year later, in 2009, they will also open an account for mobile strategies and develop clients to welcome the arrival of the mobile Internet era.

Now, Qidian and Xiaoxiang must vigorously crack down on piracy on the one hand, and on the other hand, the entire platform must undergo major revisions.

After discussing until after 11 am, Gao Yang called Wu Wenfei into his office alone:

"Wen Fei, after Qidian and Xiaoxiang completed the revision, they registered and established 51 Literature Co., Ltd. with a registered capital of 20 billion yuan. Qidian and Xiaoxiang will be the holding subsidiaries of 51 Literature for unified management.

The CEO of 51 Literature is considering arranging you to take up the post. "

Wu Wenfei hurriedly said, "Thank you, President Gao, for your trust."

Gao Yangdao: "Qiandian Literature is the core of 51 Literature and a platform for key development. You are the main founder of Qidian. I hope you can think and coordinate from the overall situation of 51 Literature.

After you become the CEO of 51 Literature, you will be given two years to complete the layout of 51 Literature through a series of acquisitions and integrations.

The mergers and acquisitions department of the Group Investment Center will set up a special team for online articles to cooperate with the implementation of your acquisition plan.

51 Literature will also set up a temporary investment department to study acquisition targets and propose project acquisition plans to the Group Investment Center.

Within two years, 51 Literature will basically complete the integration of the domestic online literature market, with a market share of at least 60%.

After that, 51 Literature will also consider going overseas and establishing an overseas business department. First, register and establish an online literature platform in the Greater China cultural circle, targeting overseas Chinese readers.

This platform can be considered to be set up on Hong Kong Island.

In addition, we need to gradually invest in Southeast Asia, Europe, America and other regions to establish a multilingual web platform, recruit a group of talents who like Chinese history and culture, and can accurately translate original Chinese literature on the Internet. Make a kind of cultural output and promote it to the whole world.

This is also the mission that 51 Literature must undertake. "

Wu Wenfei was shocked and said: "Mr. Gao, if we invest a large amount of money overseas, it may be difficult to get a return in the short term."

Gao Yangdao: "Don't worry about this, for overseas business, you can set up a headquarters in Hong Kong Island and operate independently, and the assets of this piece will not be placed in 51 Literature for the time being.

51 Literature first focuses on the domestic market, and when it becomes bigger and stronger and completes the IPO, if the overseas market performs well, it will arrange for 51 Literature to gradually acquire these overseas businesses.

For the overseas business, the Group will invest first, but the management must be within the framework of 51 Literature. "

Wu Wenfei said: "Mr. Gao has such a heart, and the entire Internet literary world should thank you."

Gao Yang looked at Wu Wenfei: "Wen Fei, you are a talented student majoring in computer science at Beijing University, you are not yet 29 years old, and you are at a very good age to realize your lifelong ambitions.

I only give you two years. Before 2010, 51 Literature must acquire four to five mainstream online literature platforms, and successfully complete the integration, introduce the corporate culture of 51 Series, and follow the values ​​of 51 Series.

Are you confident to complete this task? "

Wu Wenfei raised his chest: "Mr. Gao, I promise to complete the task."

Gao Yang smiled slightly, his eyes became severe:

"Wen Fei, you have to remember that your stage is the entire 51 Literature, not just Qidian Literature, and the management and support of various online literature platform companies should not be treated favorably.

You have to stand taller, see farther, have the entire online literature market in mind, and have the pan-entertainment strategy of the 51 series in mind, so that you can take on such an important task.

These two years are very important, if you can't complete the task, you can only quit, understand? "

Wu Wenfei was startled, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Gao, I will definitely do my best."

Gao Yang asked again: "After the establishment of 51 Literature, who is suitable to take over from you and be in charge of the operation of the starting point?"

Wu Wenfei thought about it: "President Gao, I recommend Liang Dong, he is now the executive general manager."

Gao Yang nodded: "Tonight, I have dinner with Mr. Li from Baidu, Mr. Ding from Yiwang, and Mr. Zhou from Riding Tiger. You, Liang Dong, and Bao Weikang will join us..."

At 6 o'clock in the evening, at the Capital Club, Gao Yang, Fang Jian, Xu Xin, Li Qin, Lin Yunjiao, plus Wu Wenfei and other three people attended the party together.

Gao Yang personally introduced Wu Wenfei and other three people to Li Yan, Ding Lei and Zhou Hongwei.

Ding Lei joked with Gao Yang: "The 51 Group is rich and powerful now. If you invest 10 billion in the online text market, you won't even blink your eyes."

Gao Yang laughed happily: "Brother Lei, no matter how rich 51 Group is, it's not because of strong winds. In fact, we just decided on an expansion strategy in the direction of pan-entertainment. I'll ask Lao Fang to explain it to you."

After Fang Jian briefly introduced the pan-entertainment strategy of the 51 Group, Ding Lei said with emotion: "Sure enough, it is the style of the 51 Group. Now it has gone a step further. It has to be both online and offline. No wonder Sister Xin is willing to join the 51 Group."

Xu Xin smiled and said: "What I admire the most about Gao Yang is that he is meticulous in considering the business layout, one link after another, once the layout is completed, it will form its own ecology and realize internal circulation.

Now, 51 Group has a lot of funds, which can be deployed calmly in the direction of pan-entertainment. "

Ding Lei asked with a smile: "Gao Yang, your investment in pan-entertainment, do you let us brothers become small shareholders and also drink some soup?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brother Lei, and Brother Yan and Hongwei, if you are willing to invest, we definitely welcome it.

In the field of pan-entertainment, the most important basic condition is to do a good job in original literature. With a steady stream of high-quality original literary stories, our pan-entertainment business will have a high-quality IP resource pool.

In recent years, the online literature market has developed rapidly, and the business model of paid reading has basically taken shape. However, the proliferation of pirated websites has seriously affected the healthy development of the Internet literature industry.

Today, I invite you guys to dinner, and I also ask Brother Yan and Brother Hongwei to help me block all the pirated websites, as well as the pirated online articles on Baidu Tieba. "

Li Yan frowned slightly, and asked, "How do you want to block it?"

Gao Yang said: "Li Qin, please introduce Mr. Li in detail."

After Li Qin introduced the 51 Group's anti-piracy plan, Li Yan understood, and said, "So it's like this, it's just blocking pirated websites related to you, and Baidu can support it.

When you take out the monitoring website, I will personally arrange it. Baidu search is the rule of PPC, and our loss is not small. "

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Brother Yan, do you want us to pay Baidu a protection fee every year?"

Li Yan laughed: "You bastard, you want to slap me in the face."

Gao Yang looked at Zhou Hongwei again: "Brother Hongwei, 369 search here, I have to trouble you to support."

Zhou Hongwei smiled and said: "No problem, when your monitoring website comes out, I will arrange a special person to be responsible for the execution of the ban."

Ding Lei asked curiously: "Gao Yang, with the support of Baidu and 369, it is true that pirated websites can temporarily block most of them, but with other search websites, how do you plan to solve it?"

Gao Yangdao: "It's not troublesome, search for solidified evidence, and then sue, with the search platform as the second defendant."

Both Li Yan and Zhou Hongwei shook their heads: "This way, it won't be of much use. It is very troublesome to provide evidence, and the lawsuit is also very difficult."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "We don't care, the big deal is to spend some money, as long as it can attract public attention."

Li Yan's face froze: "In this way, isn't your fire going to burn Baidu?"

Gao Yang said: "Brother Yan, Brother Hongwei, today I would like to take this opportunity to make a suggestion to you.

Whether it is whiteness or 369 search, the current pure bidding ranking model, I think, is a moral hazard, and there may be a serious backlash one day.

In particular, Baidu occupies an absolute dominant position in the search market. Once such a backlash occurs, it will have a great negative impact on the brand. "

Li Yan shook his head and smiled: "It's not as serious as you said, bidding search ranking is one of Baidu's most important sources of income, and it is already a mature business model. Abandon the business model."

Gao Yang said: "Brother Yan, I'm not scaremongering, maybe it's really that serious.

For example, the search ranking of hospitals. Now patients want to search for a good hospital for a certain specialty treatment on the Internet. If they search on Baidu, what kind of goods are recommended by Baidu?
They are all like a bunch of liars, a private hospital in a certain field with the purpose of killing people.

Personally, I think it is natural for us to focus on commercial interests when we are doing the Internet to provide people with various service information, but there should also be a bottom line.

The bottom line is not to do evil, or not to help evildoers.

Otherwise, if a serious event of a bad nature suddenly occurs one day, the saliva of netizens can drown us. "

Li Yan shook his head and smiled: "I understand what you mean, if you are in charge of Baidu, how would you solve this problem?"

Gao Yang said: "Brother Yan, I don't think it's complicated, just like the hospital ranking issue mentioned just now, if I were in charge of Baidu, the industry search ranking would be very simple, and the medical industry itself has a recognized ranking.

For example, for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the top ten, twenty, or thirty hospitals can be placed at the top of the searched pages even if they do not charge ranking fees. Directory links will do. "

Li Yan shook his head and smiled again: "Your idea is too idealistic, regardless of whether Baidu's search business model will be changed, and business interests will be seriously damaged, and the industries involved in users' search keywords will not be successful. tens of thousands.

If it is further subdivided, it is difficult to count. "

Gao Yang said: "Brother Yan, I think it all comes down to everyone's values.

As far as I am concerned, I must do what I think is right. Even if I change little by little and accumulate slowly, I must change, and I will always succeed in the end.

If one day in the future, a search platform like Baidu becomes a semi-public search service platform, it will be respected by the whole society, and it will also gain huge user traffic.

On the other hand, if Baidu wants to grow and maintain and develop the existing profit level, it does not necessarily have to rely on the search business to support it. It can invest in other projects and regard the search business as an important traffic entry.

For the search business, for Baidu, the most important thing is to establish social credibility, and secondly, it is the commercial interests themselves.

Moreover, I believe that if Whiteness achieves this level, it will only become stronger and will not be weakened. "

Ding Lei laughed: "Gao Yang, I just found out today that you are still an idealist."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brother Lei, we are all idealists.

We are now all successful people who have achieved financial freedom. The so-called poor is to be alone, and the rich is to benefit the world. After living a lifetime and having no worries about food and clothing, what do we want?Why not just draw a name behind it. "

Li Yan said with a smile: "That's the reason. However, there may not be many idealists like you who can make money in the whole world."

Gao Yang said: "Brother Yan, if you can't get a hold of Baidu's bidding search ranking model, why not sell Baidu to me, I promise to change it, and it won't affect Baidu's growth."

"You kid thinks beautifully!"

Li Yan scolded with a smile, and said: "I will seriously consider your proposal, and Baidu really needs to make some changes.

I very much agree with your point of view just now, the Internet should be good, not do evil or help evil.

It's just that we should find a balance between being kind and commercial interests. Capital is always seeking profit, which is its nature. "

Gao Yang said: "Brother Yan, I never deny that capital has a profit-seeking nature, and capital is not a derogatory term, it is neutral in itself, it only depends on how it is used.

Baidu's bidding ranking model can actually make money by combining it with offline business.

For example, an industry such as medical care is a livelihood industry where human life is at stake. In such an industry, Baidu’s search ranking really needs to establish social credibility. Don’t let bad hospitals that only want to kill people use Baidu to mislead patients.

51 Group has a research company, 51Research, and Baidu can invest in 51Research. We conduct industry research together, regularly release industry rankings every year, and then do some offline activities to sell industry research reports.

The brand influence of China's local consulting and research companies is generally weak, and the market is basically monopolized by multinational consulting agencies.

In this area, as long as we are willing to invest, train and attract a large number of outstanding professionals, one day, we can also grow into a well-known large company with strong brand influence, research and consulting business, which is quite profitable. It is human cost.

Take the medical industry as an example. Large public hospitals are quite profitable. If we conduct some industry-specific research rankings, these medical institutions may not be reluctant to spend money. "

When Ding Lei heard this, his eyes lit up: "Old Li, I think Gao Yang's idea is quite good. If Baidu invests resources in research and consulting, and joins hands with 51 Group to create a large-scale consulting and research organization, it will be a big investment with Baidu. The combination of online business does have the opportunity to make a lot of money.”

Li Yan smiled slightly: "This project, you can try it out. The market space for the research and consulting industry is really huge."

Now, whether it is Li Yan, Ding Lei or Zhou Hongwei, they all admire Gao Yang, because 51 Group can make too much money and has a very good public image.

Tonight, Wu Wenfei, Liang Dong, and Bao Weikang really opened their eyes. They had a headache with pirated websites before. Gao Yang had a drink with Li Yan and the others, and the arrangement was made in a few words. small things.

Gao Yang changed his tone and spoke bluntly, pointing out that there is a moral hazard in Baidu's bidding search ranking model, and Li Yan has to admit...

(End of this chapter)

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