Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 536 Winter Solstice, First Movement of Yang

Chapter 536 Winter solstice, the first movement of a yang

A week later, on December 12, links to pirated websites like Baidu and 17 Search suddenly disappeared collectively.

When many readers of pirated online literature search for novels in Baidu, all the works on Qidian Literature or Xiaoxiang Literature platform will be found on the Baidu search page are genuine websites.

On December 12th, 20 was the first to release the news that the police had cracked down on five well-known pirated literature websites, including Dingdian and Biquge.

On the same day, 51 Group publicly declared that it would resolutely safeguard the rights and interests of contracted original literary works and authors' works on its Qidian Literature and Xiaoxiang Literature platforms, resolutely declare war on piracy, and insist on a long-term and unremitting anti-piracy struggle, at any cost.

At the same time, 51 Group also solemnly reminds the website search platforms of the entire network to stop disseminating pirated websites. As long as it involves infringement of the copyrights of Qidian Literature, Xiaoxiang Literature and related authors, once verified, it will be included in the 51 Group's public prosecution. Two defendants.

The 51 Group has once again become a hot topic on major online platforms. The major online platforms, as well as a large number of online writers, have stood up and publicly responded, giving 51 Group a thumbs-up.

Many newspapers, TV stations and radio stations have also begun to discuss copyright protection.

A large number of media reporters have tracked and investigated and reported in depth, exposing the shocking reality that pirated websites infringe copyright unscrupulously and make a lot of money.

What many people don't know is that a large number of small and medium-sized pirated websites suddenly crashed their servers in the past two days, and they didn't even dare to say anything...

On December 12, the Winter Solstice Festival came. At noon, Gao Yang's family had a whole sheep family feast at home.

During the lunch break, Gu Yawen whispered to Gao Yang: "Tonight, you can spend a holiday with Mingming."

Gao Yang was surprised: "Today, won't she go home to accompany her parents?"

Gu Yawen said: "She went home at noon, called me in the morning, and said she wanted to have dinner with you in the evening."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "All right."

Gu Yawen smiled slightly, and immediately called Yang Ming.

In the second phase of Wanliuhua Mansion, Yang Ming put down his cell phone, raised his eyebrows with joy, and greeted Zhang Ling:
"Sister Ling, brother Yang is coming for dinner tonight, let's go buy some food."

Zhang Ling was taken aback, then smiled and said, "Mingming, today may be the day when your wishes come true."

Yang Ming was also taken aback: "Really?"

Zhang Ling said: "Brother Yang has been very busy recently. Think about it, the winter solstice is like the New Year in the eyes of us northerners. On such a day, he is willing to come and have a meal with you..."

Yang Ming's heart suddenly became hot, and he took Zhang Ling out and went straight to the vegetable market.

At the beginning of the previous month, Wu Ruohan gave birth, and Yang Ming insisted on accompanying her in the hospital until he was discharged.

Now, Wu Ruohan has been home for more than half a month, and Yang Ming has never dared to contact Gao Yang.

Today is the winter solstice, and it is a very good opportunity to invite Gao Yang to have a meal at home, which should not be missed.

In more than a month, it will be the Spring Festival, and Yang Ming knows very well that during the Spring Festival holiday, he has no chance to be alone with Gao Yang.

At 5:16 p.m., it was already dark. After nearly two months, accompanied by Wang Xiaolong, Gao Yang came to Villa No. [-] in the second phase of Wanliu Hua Mansion again.

Yang Ming and Zhang Ling made braised lamb scorpions mixed with lamb chops, as well as seafood and Shi Shu, and prepared a bottle of Moutai.

Wang Xiaolong grinned and picked up the wine bottle to have a look: "Hey, this is old wine from 8 years ago!"

Zhang Ling said with a smile: "Mingming brought this from her home. You are blessed by brother Yang."

Gao Yang took the bottle and took a look. It was indeed the wine that was released in 99. Gao Yang only had three bottles of Moutai in his house in this year. .

Wang Xiaolong opened the wine happily, the aroma was mellow, and he poured everyone a glass of wine.

"Happy holidays!" The four clinked their glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

Yang Ming then gave Gao Yang a piece of lamb scorpion and a piece of lamb chops: "Brother Yang, how about a taste?"

Gao Yang took a bite of the sheep scorpion, raised his thumb and praised: "It's delicious."

Yang Ming immediately showed a smile, and Zhang Ling smiled and said, "Brother Yang, then you should eat more, Mingming took more than two hours to make this dish."

Gao Yang glanced at Yang Ming, and said with a smile: "Today's winter solstice is the time when the yang begins to move. It's the right time to eat more mutton."

Wang Xiaolong asked curiously: "Brother Yang, what is the first movement of Yiyang?"

Gao Yang said: "The first movement of a yang means the birth of a yang in the winter solstice. In ancient times, the winter solstice was also called the winter festival, the sub-year.

On the day of the winter solstice, the counting of nines in the cold winter begins.

Chinese traditional culture believes that there are two qis of yin and yang in the world. According to the alternation of 24 solar terms, the winter solstice is the extreme yin in nature, and the yang is born from the cathode, so there is the saying that the winter solstice and the first yang move.

Our ancestors were very powerful. The lunar calendar, also known as the Xia calendar, was born in the Xia Dynasty. It has been around for almost 4000 years, and it is still in effect today. "

Wang Xiaolong said: "Brother Yang, you really know a lot."

Gao Yang glanced at Wang Xiaolong: "Xiaolong, you are alive, you live and learn, what you know and what you don't know are all in the books."

Zhang Ling pinched Wang Xiaolong's arm: "Did you hear that, Brother Yang wants you to read more, study more, and play less games."

Wang Xiaolong rubbed his head and smiled: "I understand..."

After dinner, Yang Ming and Zhang Ling packed up, and the four of them went out for a walk together.

During the winter solstice festival in Beijing, the weather is not too cold. During the walk after dinner, there are not many people on the trails outside the community.

Yang Ming suddenly plucked up his courage and took Gao Yang's arm. Gao Yang glanced at her, smiled slightly, and didn't say anything.

Zhang Ling behind him hurriedly pulled Wang Xiaolong and slowed down his pace.

Yang Ming glanced back, and said softly, "Brother Yang, tonight... can you stay?"

Under the street lamp, Gao Yang stopped and looked directly at Yang Ming: "Have you really thought about the choice I gave you?"

Yang Ming also looked at Gao Yang: "Well, I've made up my mind, I like you, I only have eyes for you."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "In two years, you will become popular and attract countless fans' attention. If there is any sudden scandal, will you be able to withstand it?"

Yang Ming said seriously: "If there is such a day, I can stand it and quit the entertainment circle at worst. During this period of time, I have thought a lot. Whether my career is successful or not is not important to me. I long to be with you. "

Gao Yang looked at Yang Ming quietly, without saying a word, until Yang Ming was nervous again, and suddenly smiled slightly: "Okay, I promised, and you also chose, then I promise you..."

After 10 o'clock at night, Gao Yang sat up, leaned against the head of the bed and lit a cigarette.

Beside him, Yang Ming, who is just in bud, has a pretty blushing face, tender and tender.

Gao Yang originally didn't plan to accept her so soon, but tonight, he felt an uncontrollable feeling, probably because he ate too much mutton, so he just let nature take its course.

This girl's pure and lustful appearance really touched Gao Yang's heartstrings.

After smoking half a cigarette, Gao Yang stubbed it out, lay down, Yang Ming followed him into his arms, and said softly: "Brother Yang, if you don't like my filming, I don't have to."

Gao Yang was stunned, then smiled slightly: "Have I ever said that I don't like it? You don't have to give up your pursuit for many years because of me."

Yang Ming added: "In the future, while I'm filming, I'll find time to study for an MBA. When the MBA is finished, it may be five or six years later. By then, I won't be filming, okay?"

Gao Yang said: "You can make plans for these things yourself."

Yang Ming giggled, "Then I'll take it as your consent."

In the morning, after a gentle rest, Gao Yang changed into sportswear and prepared to go for a morning run.

Seeing that Yang Ming was about to get up, Gao Yang dissuaded him: "You have a good rest, I'll go back after running."

Yang Ming was startled, and said reluctantly, "Brother Yang, when will you come again?"

Gao Yang leaned over and kissed, and said: "Let's go on the weekend, if I have time, I will come."

Hearing that Gao Yang went downstairs and then went out with Wang Xiaolong, Yang Ming gradually calmed down, telling himself that he should be content and not expect more.

Wang Xiaolong ran silently with Gao Yang for an hour and a half, not daring to gossip, and after the run, accompanied Gao Yang home first, and then went to Yang Ming's house.

Gao Yang went home and took a shower, changed his clothes, Wu Ruohan and the two little guys were still awake.

Going to Villa No. 5, Gu Yawen just dressed Yaoyao and Shitou.

The two washed the faces of the siblings and taught them to brush their teeth, and the two children went to find their elder brother.

Gu Yawen looked at Gao Yang and asked in a low voice, "Are you going tonight?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "How can I have so much time, at most once a week. Do you regret it?"

Gu Yawen pursed her lips and smiled: "I don't have it."

Gao Yang wanted to say that he regretted it a bit, people are not grass...

(End of this chapter)

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