Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 539 Unruly Night

Chapter 539 Unruly Night (Two in One)

A seven-seater Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle drove away from the Huawei headquarters building. Yang Ming and Lin Yunjiao sat in the last row, and Gao Yang and Xu Xin sat in the back row.

Xu Xin smiled and said, "I really didn't expect President Ren to invite us to the cafeteria."

Gao Yang said: "It's normal. Mr. Ren lives a simple life. After we moved into the headquarters building to work, when guests came, I also invited them to the cafeteria."

Xu Xin said again: "I didn't expect that as soon as you go out and talk to Mr. Ren directly, it will go so smoothly."

Lin Yunjiao said: "Brother Yang, Mr. Ren must have been moved by your grand strategic vision."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Yunjiao, you are still young, the reason why Mr. Ren is willing to cooperate closely with us is essentially for commercial interests.

If there is no interest, how could an old Jianghu like Mr. Ren be tempted after hearing a few words from me. Hua Wei Company supports 6 to [-] people.

We invest in gold, Huawei provides technology and talents, and take almost no risk.

If it succeeds, Huawei will be able to share a large amount of profits and dividends. Why not do it, if you change to any company, you will agree. "

Xu Xin smiled and said: "Yes, Huawei is a company after all, Mr. Ren will definitely think and make decisions from a business perspective.
Among Huaxia's private enterprises, Huawei is the best, and it is also the Huaxia company most likely to take the lead in surpassing European and American enterprises.

When I was an IT reporter, I first learned that Huawei never made products with a gross profit of less than 50% in network equipment, and I was taken aback.

Huawei's products are more than half cheaper than Cisco's, and still have a gross profit of more than 50%. It is conceivable how Cisco made huge profits when it monopolized network equipment in the past.

Moreover, Huawei is the only company in the world that can compete with Cisco in a full range of products and solutions, which shows how powerful Huawei is.

Another characteristic of Huawei is that it has not been listed on the stock market, insists on investing a large amount of funds in research and development, and fully implements employee stock ownership, allowing employees to share the dividends of corporate growth.

As the founder of the company, Mr. Ren holds very little equity..."

Xu Xin asked, "Is Mr. Ren really your idol?"

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, Ren is always the entrepreneur I admire the most. His level is too high."

Lin Yunjiao said: "Brother Yang, but I think you are better than Mr. Ren."

Gao Yang shook his head happily: "Yunjiao, the only thing I'm better than Mr. Ren is that I can make more money. Other than that, I'm far behind Mr. Ren in every aspect."

Xu Xin giggled and said, "You are wrong. You are young and handsome, and you can make a lot of money. Mr. Ren must be envious of you, and countless men are also jealous of you."

Gao Yang said: "Sister Xin, we are discussing starting a business, what are you talking about?"

Xu Xin smiled and said: "I'm envious. After meeting you, I feel that the first half of my life has been wasted. If I were as young as Yunjiao and Mingming, I would definitely fall in love with you desperately. You are the perfection in a woman's heart." man."

Gao Yang laughed: "Sister Xin, don't scare me, don't talk nonsense like this."

Xu Xin pursed her lips and laughed: "Are you kidding me? I was worried that I would not be able to complete the tasks you gave me. Now that you have done your job, you have secured Huawei's cooperation, and the mobile phone project can finally start. I feel much more at ease. "

Lin Yunjiao said: "Brother Yang, Sister Xin, shouldn't we celebrate?"

"It's time to celebrate," Gao Yang asked with a smile, "Yunjiao, how do you want to play?"

Lin Yun smiled coquettishly: "Let's go to karaoke and get up, okay?"

Gao Yang said: "Okay, let's go to see the piece of land that Zhang Tao mentioned first in the afternoon, go to Zhang Tao's house for dinner in the evening, and then go to karaoke. Take a day off tomorrow and celebrate New Year's Day happily..."

At 3:[-] in the afternoon, Zhang Tao came to the hotel and accompanied Gao Yang and his party to look at the land in the North District of the Special Economic Zone Science and Technology Park. Gao Yang felt very satisfied.

18.6 acres of land, the total price is less than 2500 million, the location is very good, it is indeed less than 300 meters from the headquarters building where the goose factory has just started construction.

This area is still in the early stages of development, and it is a bit desolate. With the development speed of the special zone, it will change drastically in a few years.

Zhang Tao's home is not far from here, about 3 kilometers away. The elevator community developed in 2004 has a 140 square meter four-bedroom and two-living room.

In 2004, Zhang Tao and his wife mortgaged this house at a unit price of 6600 yuan. Now, the price of the new house in the third phase of the community has reached 1.8 yuan.

Zhang Tao and his wife have a combined annual salary of over one million. At the beginning of this year, they bought three more houses. As a result, the housing price has increased by more than 60% in one year.

In Zhang Tao's house, both parents did not come to the special zone, so they hired a 40-year-old nanny to help take care of their daughter Zhang Yi.

It has been two or three years since Gao Yang and Zhang Tao had a drink alone. Today, they are happy. While drinking, the two talk freely, reminiscing about Gao Yang's experience in the one or two years when he first came to CPI to work.

Only now did Xu Xin and the others understand that the two still had such a friendship, no wonder Gao Yang wanted to have dinner at Zhang Tao's house.

As the host, Zhang Tao frequently raised his glass to toast. When Gao Yang drank half a catty of baijiu, Zhang Tao was obviously drunk.

Seeing this, Yang Ming secretly tugged at the corner of Gao Yang's clothes, and whispered, "Sister Yawen told you to drink less."

Gao Yang said: "Zhang Tao, I've had so much tonight, I've had my fill of it, let's have a drink after the group's annual meeting."

Gu Li hurriedly said: "Brother Yang, after we got married, he was relatively restrained in drinking, and rarely drank too much. I am so happy today."

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Understood, I am also very happy..."

Gao Yang signaled to Wang Xiaolong, and together they pulled Zhang Tao into the bedroom and asked him to lie down to rest, but Zhang Tao fell asleep soon after.

Sitting at the dinner table again, without drinking, Gao Yang asked: "Gu Li, the frontline work is quite hard, have you ever thought about transferring back to work at the headquarters?"

Gu Li smiled and said, "Thank you Brother Yang, we like life in the special zone, and Zhang Tao also wants to contribute more to the company's development while he is still young.

Next year, his father will retire. At that time, his parents will also come to take care of him, and the family will be much more lively. "

Zhang Tao and Gu Li originally planned to accompany Gao Yang and others to karaoke, but now that Zhang Tao was drunk, Gu Li had to stay at home.

Before parting, Gao Yang hugged Zhang Yi and said with a smile: "Xiao Yi, when Dad comes to the capital for a meeting, let him and Mom take you to Uncle's house to play..."

When Gu Li sent Gao Yang and his party downstairs, Gao Yang suddenly asked: "You are the head of your family, right?"

Gu Li smiled and said: "Yes, he doesn't care about the daily necessities of the family, he only cares about his work."

Gao Yang said: "Next year's economy may decline significantly, and housing prices may drop sharply. This is a rare opportunity. Wait until the second half of the year, and you can look for opportunities to buy a few more houses."

Gu Li was startled, and her heart warmed up: "Thank you Brother Yang, I will remember."

Gao Yang, a rich man, personally reminded Gu Li that he was going to buy a house next year, which surprised Xu Xin and the others.

Seeing it, Lin Yunjiao felt that she knew Gao Yang a little better...

Half an hour later, in a business KTV near the hotel, in a luxury private room of 60 square meters, when Gao Yang showed off his singing, Xu Xin and Lin Yunjiao, who had heard him sing for the first time, were instantly shocked.

Gao Yang sang the Cantonese song "Li Xianglan". He often listened to the original Japanese version of this song at home, but this was the first time he sang it in a KTV.

Yang Ming was also dumbfounded. When Gao Yang asked her to order this song, Yang Ming didn't understand why Gao Yang sang such a sad song.

It's just that it's really nice, and it's very different from Jacky Cheung's singing.

Lin Yunjiao's chest suddenly jumped, and she murmured: "Brother Yang must like to listen to Koji Tamaki..."

Xu Xin asked curiously, "Yunjiao, who is Tamaki Koji?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "Sister Xin, Koji Tamaki is a godfather singer in the Japanese pop music scene, super talented, this song sung by Yang Ge, the original version is Koji Tamaki's song, called "Autumn".

The four heavenly kings of Hong Kong Island, as well as many singers, have sung his songs.

Tamaki Koji is almost 50 years old, and he is very affectionate. He has scandals with many actresses, and he just got divorced for the third time this year..."

Xu Xin poked Lin Yunjiao suddenly, and whispered, "Is the boss handsome?"

Lin Yunjiao nodded: "Extremely handsome, brother Yang is so handsome tonight."

Xu Xin smiled lightly and said, "Such a good opportunity, please ask the boss to dance later."

Lin Yunjiao was startled, and then smiled: "Sister Xin, if you want to dance with the boss, you should go first."

Xu Xin smiled and said, "I'll be my first. I really don't understand what you are being hypocritical about."

Lin Yun smiled delicately: "Sister Xin, you dance with Brother Yang, and I will sing."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yunjiao went to the karaoke station to find Koji Tamaki's original version of the song "Autumn Feeling".

After Gao Yang sang a song, he felt hearty and hearty. Tonight, he was so excited that he suddenly remembered this song that he had sung many times.

Xu Xin and the others clapped their hands, Gao Yang smiled heartily, and put on a poss to express his thanks.

When Gao Yang came over, Xu Xin stood up to greet her, and said with a smile: "I never thought you could sing so well, you are really versatile, can you dance with Sister Xin?"

Gao Yang was taken aback, then smiled and said, "Sister Xin, I don't know how to dance."

Xu Xin shook her head and smiled: "I don't believe it, how could a handsome guy like you not know how to dance?"

Gao Yang said seriously: "Sister Xin, I won't lie to you, I really don't know how to dance."

Xu Xin grabbed Gao Yang's hands, put them on her waist, then put her hands on Gao Yang's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Twist along with the music, do whatever feels good, it's quite simple."

Gao Yang had no choice but to follow Xu Xin. He could actually dance simple ballroom dancing, but he felt too old-fashioned and didn't want to make a fool of himself.

At this time, when the music started, Gao Yang was taken aback, he didn't expect that it was Lin Yunjiao who was going to sing "Autumn Feeling".

Gao Yang almost forgot that this girl is proficient in many languages, and she is also familiar with Japanese.

Lin Yunjiao sang a few lines, and Gao Yang was startled again. Unexpectedly, this girl's voice is very good. This Japanese song is quite flavorful, and the intonation is also very good.

After Lin Yunjiao sang the song, Gao Yang also applauded enthusiastically.

Lin Yunjiao ran over and asked Gao Yang and others to drink: "How was my singing just now?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Very good, quite tasty."

Yang Ming said: "Sister Yunjiao, you sing really well. With your voice and appearance, after training for a period of time, you can debut as a singer. You will definitely become popular."

Lin Yun smiled coquettishly: "I like singing, and it would be nice to sing K with my friends. Working in 51 Group gives me a sense of accomplishment."

Xu Xin smiled and said, "Yun Jiao is a Ph.D. and Gao Yang's assistant. She has a bright future ahead."

Yang Ming was startled, then nodded and smiled again.That's right, no matter how popular a singer is, he can't compare to being Gao Yang's assistant. In fact, his future lies in the 51 Group.

The couple Wang Xiaolong and Zhang Ling started to sing, singing "Lovesickness in the Wind and Rain" duet.

Lin Yunjiao approached Gao Yang and begged to dance with her. Gao Yang also touched Lin Yunjiao's back with both hands just like dancing with Xu Xin, and the two of them swayed casually to the beat of the music.

Lin Yunjiao asked: "Brother Yang, you also like to listen to Tamaki Koji's songs, don't you?"

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Yes, Yawen bought many of his CDs and records. I only started listening to Koji Tamaki's songs in 2000, and I didn't know much about them before."

Lin Yunjiao said: "I really like Tamaki Koji's songs, he is so talented, just now I heard you sing "Li Xianglan", I guessed that you must listen to his songs often, you sing with that special flavor. "

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "After listening too much, I just imitate subconsciously. I'm only at the level of singing K."

Lin Yunjiao's pretty face suddenly approached, and whispered: "Brother Yang, when I heard you sing just now, I suddenly felt my heart pounding. If I fall in love with you, what should I do?"

Gao Yang was stunned, and then stared: "Cold salad! Did you drink too much and dare to tease the boss?"

Lin Yun smiled coquettishly: "Where do I have it? I heard you sing just now, and I think you are so handsome and very charming. I didn't realize it before. It turns out that you also have such emotional moments."

Gao Yang glared again: "I think you are a little bit drifting, and you don't want to be this assistant anymore."

Lin Yun said hurriedly: "Don't, Brother Yang, can't I be wrong..."

Gao Yang said again: "From now on, if I drink alcohol, don't provoke me."

Lin Yunjiao understood that Gao Yang was not angry, and smiled again: "Got it, boss!"

Gao Yang knew that after discussing the cooperation intention with Hua Wei today, and drinking again, he might be a little drifting. There is something wrong with this state. Facing a young, beautiful and extremely smart girl like Lin Yunjiao, if he gets impulsive, It's troublesome.

Next, Gao Yang stopped drinking, and yelled two songs from Beyond, only to feel the alcohol gradually subside.

At almost 10 o'clock in the evening, the group finished karaoke and returned to the hotel. Gao Yang went to the gym to run on the treadmill and sweated all over.

When Yang Ming came out of the bathroom, Gao Yang tore off her nightgown and praised: "You are so beautiful!"

Yang Ming blushed instantly, it was the first time Gao Yang praised her beauty, and it was the first time he looked at her body like this, his eyes were full of admiration.

Tonight's Gao Yang is not very gentle, but rather rough and wanton.

Yang Ming was very excited, she felt that Gao Yang's attitude towards her had begun to change.

Yang Ming didn't know, she had been faintly worried that Gao Yang's body would be a bit taboo, but in Gao Yang's eyes, it was like a rare work of art.

This is also the reason why Gao Yang regretted accepting her, because she was too beautiful to part with.

At this time, Lin Yunjiao was lying on the bed, reminiscing Gao Yang's words over and over again, saying that he drank alcohol in the future, so don't provoke him.

Lin Yunjiao murmured in her heart, it's a little troublesome.

In the past, she had only admiration for Gao Yang, but no admiration, but tonight when Gao Yang sang the song "Li Xianglan", her heart suddenly moved.

Smart and beautiful Lin Yunjiao, since she was in college, she has been a girl who can do everything well in the eyes of her classmates. She originally thought that she was a perfectionist emotionally.

This night was an uninhibited night for the three of them.

Gao Yang, Lin Yunjiao, Yang Ming have all changed their minds...

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(End of this chapter)

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