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Chapter 540 Borrowing "Father" 1

Chapter 540 Borrowing "Father" to Sing

On January 1th, the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the second day after Wu Ruohan finished confinement, Gao Yang's family booked a hot spring hotel in Xiaotangshan, and served full moon wine for their two children.

Back then when they married Wu Ruohan, out of a low profile, the two did not hold their wedding in public.

Today we will serve Gao Yuan and Gao Quan brothers and sisters full moon wine, and at the same time celebrate Gao Yingxue's 64th birthday.

No one knew that in the memory of Gao Yang's previous life, his father Gao Yingxue did not wait until this birthday, but died of cancer 20 days ago.

Now in memory, Gao Yang is still living a life of incomparable sadness and self-blame.

Gao Yang wanted to serve a full moon wine for his son and daughter. Although he tried to keep a low profile, he refused to accept any gift money or gifts. Under the help of Wen Yuqin, Li Xiuzhen and Gu Yawen, he still invited more than 50 tables of guests.

Fu has distant relatives in the mountains, and there are too many relatives and friends.

Relatives of Gao Yang’s family, relatives of Wu Ruohan’s family, major shareholders and management personnel of the company, Gao Yang’s former colleagues and friends at CPI, Wu Ruohan’s college classmates...

It has been reduced again and again, and if you can not invite as much as possible, you still have to prepare more than 50 tables of banquets.

Mr. Wu was so happy that he even personally invited some old comrades who lived in the capital.

The father-in-law, Wu Guanghua, also took time out of his busy schedule to come to drink a glass of full moon wine for his grandson and granddaughter.

He Yong's family, including his parents, also rushed over.

Ding Lei, Li Yan, Lu Tao, Liu Dong, Zhou Hongwei, Qin Xianglin, Feng Jinsong...

These important partners and friends also made time to come with their families.

International superstar Li Lianjie, Huayi boss Wang Zhongjun, and great director Feng Xiaogang also came with their wives and children.

It really became a full house.

Gao Yang also wanted to hold such a banquet, more for his father Gao Yingxue's special birthday.

Inside and outside the banquet hall, Security Minister Zhang Wei and his deputy Xu Xiaodong led 30 men and women security guards to receive guests and maintain order.

Visitors without invitations can only politely persuade them to come back, otherwise they won't be able to sit down at all.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, three or four hundred guests had already arrived.

Yang Ming accompanied his parents to the banquet hall. Seeing such a lively scene, Yang Ming's mother asked in a low voice, "Ming Ming, is it true that no gifts are given?"

Yang Ming said: "Mom, Mr. Gao's assistant has informed all the colleagues in the company who participated in the banquet that they will not accept any key money or gifts, so we will do so."

Father Yang said: "He is a rich man, what can he lack?"

Yang's mother shook her head and smiled: "Yes, it's the first time for us to participate in a banquet at the rich man's house. Mingming can be valued so much in the company. You should cherish this opportunity and work harder."

Yang Ming followed Jiaochen and said: "Mom, how many times have you said this, I have been working hard."

At the entrance of the banquet hall, Lin Yunjiao bumped into the three of Yang Ming, secretly surprised, but greeted them with a smile.

After Yang Ming introduced Lin Yunjiao to his parents, Yang's parents and Yang's mother were very pleased to see that their daughter had such a good relationship with the assistant of the big boss of 51 Group.

Yang Ming leaned into Lin Yunjiao's ear and said softly, "I told Sister Yawen about my parents' visit yesterday."

Lin Yunjiao suddenly realized, and said with a smile, "I'll take you there and arrange your seats."

Lin Yunjiao is really convinced by Yang Ming, compared to herself, she is still far behind.

In the VIP room, Mr. Wu, Mrs. Wu, and several white-haired old men were all smiling and teasing the two children in the stroller.

Wu Guanghua and Wen Yuqin, Gu Wenlong and Wu Lan, as well as Wu Ruohan and Gu Yawen, all accompanied them with smiling faces.

Just now, Gao Yang came in to greet him, Mr. Wu introduced these old comrades-in-arms to him, after Gao Yang was highly praised, he had to report a few words about his work, and then left quickly on the pretext of entertaining guests.

Gao Yang also understood Mr. Wu's kindness, but one of the old men had a big background, so Gao Yang couldn't help being a little nervous.

At 11:40, all the guests were seated in the banquet hall.

Wu Ruohan took Gao Yang's arm, walked onto the set stage, and bowed to the audience to express her gratitude.

First, Wu Ruohan gave a speech to express his gratitude, and then Gao Yang began to speak:
“Thank you, dear friends, for coming!
Today is the full moon day of our two children and my father's birthday.

Here, I want to say to my father, happy birthday!

Today, I have made some achievements in my career, which cannot be separated from the education and love of my parents since childhood, especially my father, who taught me how to behave, how to face pressure, protect my family, and take responsibility.

When I was young, our family was very poor. Even if we borrowed money to survive, my parents insisted that I study and learn knowledge.

In my third year of high school in the old county town of my hometown, I spent 1 yuan a day for living expenses, more than half of which was borrowed by my parents from relatives and fellow villagers.

At that time, every two weeks, my father rode a bicycle for more than 30 miles to the school at dawn to deliver food and living expenses to me.

When my father came to school, he waited in the dormitory until I finished class at noon, left food and living expenses, and then rode home. He was reluctant to buy a steamed bun or pancake on the way to satisfy his hunger. When he was really thirsty, he would spend 5 cents for a cup Sugar water quenches thirst.

At that time, I was still ignorant, knowing that my father had a stomach problem, I didn't know how to let him stay, share half of the meals in the lunch box, and let him fill his stomach first.

Later, I heard that my father was hit by a truck when he was riding home, and was dragged for more than ten meters.

The driver was terrified, helped my father up, and asked him if he was okay and if he wanted to go to the hospital.

My father patted the plaster all over his body and told others that he was fine and didn't need to go to the hospital.

That day, I cried, and I grew up and became sensible overnight.

Without my father and my family's sacrifices for me, I could not have grown up to where I am now.

In my heart, father's love is more important than mountains, and family affection is more important than mountains.

Today, I would like to take this opportunity to say to my father, thank you, I have already grown up, and I am also taking on the responsibility of a father. It is you who taught me how to be a good father.

My father, for the sake of his children and family, has done his best. Today, thousands of fathers, like him, are fulfilling their responsibilities.

By extension, when I was in middle school, our country was not yet rich, and many families, especially in rural areas, did not receive proper cultural education for their children because of poverty.

More than ten years have passed, and the living standards of the common people have improved a lot, but the phenomenon of poverty still exists, and we still need to work hard.

Therefore, 51 Group is contacting relevant ministries and commissions to apply for the registration and establishment of an education subsidy private equity fund. 51 Group will invest 10 billion yuan in the first phase to help those children who have difficulty in going to school due to family difficulties.

In the future, we will gradually increase our investment and strive to fulfill our due responsibilities.

The current achievements of the 51 Group are due to the fact that we have caught up with a good era, an era in which the whole people are united and working hard for national rejuvenation..."

The audience burst into applause.

At the table of Mr. Wu, several old people listened to Gao Yang's speech, and nodded frequently: "Old Wu, your grandson-in-law is really good, capable, filial, and righteous in his heart, which is rare in this age."

Mr. Wu looked relieved: "Yes, poor children have long been in charge of their families. Many people in our generation have come here. However, being poor can also make people live without dignity. This is true for a family and a nation. .Those who are capable should take more responsibility."

On the stage, after Gao Yang finished speaking, Lin Yunjiao walked onto the stage carrying a wooden guitar and handed it to Gao Yang.

Gao Yang put the guitar on his shoulders and took a deep breath:

"Today, I would like to take this opportunity to sing a song for my father. The title of the song is "Father" to wish him a happy birthday."

"Always ask you
but never said thank you

until grown up
I understand that it's not easy for you


A strong father
What can I do for you

Accept the trivial concerns

The singing was flowing, and the audience was silent, listening to Gao Yang singing this song that no one had heard before, Li Xiuzhen, Gao Yue, Gu Yawen, Wu Ruohan, Wu Xiaoyue, Yang Ming...

The corners of the women's eyes got wet first, followed by the corners of many men's eyes.

Gao Yingxue, who is not good at words, was quite uncomfortable with Gao Yang publicly expressing his gratitude and feelings for him at the beginning of today.

In the end, the corners of my eyes were also wet, because I understood.

Lin Yunjiao was completely stunned.

Yesterday, Gao Yang asked her to quietly prepare an acoustic guitar, but Lin Yunjiao did not expect that Gao Yang would sing such a beautiful and sensational song.

Moreover, it was a song she had never heard before.

After Gao Yang sang the song, he wiped the corners of his eyes and bowed to Gao Yingxue who was in the audience.

After looking up, he suddenly smiled brightly: "It's been a lot of time, everyone is hungry, please eat and drink well."

The audience burst into applause again.

Many people, including Fang Jian, Chen Sen, Xiao Jin, Yang Yong and other old classmates, felt that they got to know Gao Yang again today.

Beside Mr. Wu, the old lady wiped the corners of her eyes and said with a smile: "Xiao Gao, a big man, is too sensational."

Mr. Wu laughed aloud: "Being ruthless is not necessarily a real hero. How can Lianzi not be a husband. It's good that Xiao Gao shows his true feelings like this."

Gao Yang walked off the stage and handed the guitar to Lin Yunjiao. Lin Yunjiao asked in a low voice, "Brother Yang, this song is so beautiful and touching. Who sang it?"

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "I wrote it myself."


Lin Yunjiao was dumbfounded for a moment, raised her thumb and praised: "Brother Yang, you are so talented."

Gao Yang took two steps, then turned around suddenly, and called Lin Yunjiao over: "I hummed this song, I don't know how to compose it, can you?"

Lin Yunjiao nodded quickly: "I'll listen to it a few more times, and I should be able to compose the tune."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, I'll record it in a few days, and you can compose it into a tune.

In addition, you tell Aunt Liu that there is a new group called Chopstick Brothers on the Internet that is good, arrange 51 Entertainment to sign it, and let them sing this song.

Also, Bao Qiang, who played "Soldier Assault", also tried to sign it. "

Lin Yun smiled coquettishly: "Brother Yang, you are the one who wrote the lyrics of this song, and we are the ones who composed the music, okay?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "Writing lyrics is considered anonymous, you can name the songwriter, don't bring me along."

Lin Yun pouted and said, "Then it's better to be anonymous..."

(End of this chapter)

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