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Chapter 541 Only to leave few regrets

Chapter 541 Only to leave few regrets
Gao Yang wanted to sing "Father" for his father Gao Yingxue on an occasion like today. A few days ago, the family was discussing to arrange a full moon wine for the two children.

Then, after searching the whole internet, Gao Yang didn't find this song, and the ones that jumped out were all other songs with the same name.

Gao Yang had no choice. After searching the Internet for the current situation of the Chopsticks Brothers, he decided to borrow the song "Father" to sing, and then support the two as a reward.

After being reborn for 8 years, Gao Yang has always wanted to tell his father Gao Yingxue what he said today.

Gao Yingxue is a person who is not good at communicating. When Gao Yang was alone with him, he couldn't express his heart like he did today.

Gao Yang suddenly sang this song with a guitar in his arms just now, the family members were also very surprised.

Except for Lin Yunjiao, no one knew that Gao Yang could sing today.

Just now, sitting under the stage and listening to Gao Yang sing, Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan were also very shocked.

Both sisters knew that Gao Yang had always been a man who was unwilling to express his feelings easily, and it was completely unimaginable that he would be so sensational today.

Gao Yang just told about how he went to high school in his early years, and Gao Yingxue rode a bicycle for 30 miles to deliver food and tuition fees. Before that, he had never told them about it.

Both of them felt the impact of family affection that they had never had before.

Wu Ruohan couldn't help it for a while, and whispered in Gu Yawen's ear: "Sister, husband, he is so nice..."

Gu Yawen nodded, holding her nearly 5-year-old son in her arms every day: "Tiantian, do you remember what Dad said just now?"

Tiantian said: "Mom, I remember."

Gu Yawen said again: "Then you have to learn from your father, honor your parents and elders, and when you grow up, you must be as capable as your father. You are the eldest brother, and you have to set an example for your four younger brothers and sisters, you know..."

Wu Xiaoyue also suffered a great emotional shock today. Gao Yang's words and a song just now reminded her of the encounter that changed her destiny during the Spring Festival 7 years ago.

Lin Yunjiao found Liu Li and conveyed what Gao Yang had ordered just now. Although Liu Li was a little surprised, she quickly remembered it.

Of course, Liu Li knows about Baoqiang who starred in "Soldier Assault", but she really doesn't know what combination of chopsticks brothers.

After Lin Yunjiao sat down, recalling how Gao Yang played the guitar and sang just now, her chest jumped up again, and she lamented in her heart: "I'm going to die, I can't stop it..."

The banquet officially started. Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan called Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen to toast the guests.

Wu Xiaoyue and Liu Yifei followed behind each carrying a tray.

There were more than 50 tables of guests, and Gao Yang started toasting from the VIP table of Mr. Wu, but was praised by a group of old people.

At the VIP tables in front, Gao Yang drank a full glass of wine, and the rest of the guests could only express. There are more than 50 tables, and each table has a glass of wine, which is also unbearable.

Gao Yingxue, Li Xiuzhen and Wu Ruohan all used drinks instead of wine.

At every table, everyone would wish Gao Yingxue a happy birthday in unison. Gao Yingxue also smiled and said thank you.

If today's scene was a few years ago, Gao Yingxue would have been at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it.

Today is different from the past. In the past few years, the life circle has changed greatly, which also made Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen more calm in their lives and actions.

Yang Ming and his parents were arranged to sit at the same table with Liu Li, Zhang Hangying and others. When Gao Yang and his party came to toast, Yang Ming generously introduced his parents to Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan.

Then, they toasted Gao Yang's parents with a glass of wine alone.

Gao Yang knew about Yang Ming bringing his parents to the banquet today, but now he formally introduces him to himself and his family, he still feels a bit immature.

However, Gao Yang didn't care about it, he performed the junior salute and called him uncle and aunt.

After paying homage to the guests at this table, Wu Ruohan whispered in Gao Yang's ear, "I'm still a little anxious."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "It's okay, she is still a student."

Except for occasions like today, Yang Ming had no chance or reason to introduce his parents to Gao Yang.

Gao Yang understood what this girl was thinking, and could understand it.

It has been an hour and a half since the round of toasting. Many people in the 51 Group also started to leave the banquet at this time, rushing back to the company to go to work.

Gao Yang and the others sat down and finished their meal in a hurry. It was already past two noon. At this time, some important guests began to come to say goodbye.

After seeing off most of the guests, Gu Yawen looked at Gao Yang's tired look, and said with pity: "In the future, let's not hold such a big banquet, you will be tired."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Yes, if there is anything to do in the future, just get together with the family."

Today, Gao Yang took the opportunity of the full moon of his two children to hold a birthday party for his father Gao Yingxue to commemorate this special day and fulfill his wish.

In a few years, Gao Yingxue's [-]th birthday will be, and Gao Yang will not hold such a big banquet.

It is really troublesome to greet and send off.

When Gao Yang woke up in the hotel, he looked at the time, it was already past 4:[-] pm.

Woke up to wash up, and saw Wu Xiaoyue sitting in the living room of the suite.

Gao Yang asked: "Xiaoyue, what are you doing here?"

Wu Xiaoyue said: "My sister said you drank too much, let me take a look."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "I'm fine, just sleep and I'll be fine."

After Gao Yang washed up, Wu Xiaoyue had already prepared tea. Gao Yang took the teacup, drank it down, lit a cigarette, and asked, "Where's Professor Qin?"

Wu Xiaoyue said: "Professor Qin has returned to the magic capital. At this time, it's time to get on the plane."

Gao Yang said: "In the second half of this year, the National Institute of Technology of Jiaotong University will be established. Professor Qin will be appointed as the vice president at that time. There are not many graduate students recruited. Are you confident?"

Wu Xiaoyue straightened her chest: "Brother-in-law, I am confident that I have been preparing seriously this semester."

Gao Yang nodded: "Although our group has donated 5 million yuan to SAIF, Professor Qin won't give you an extra point because of this. You can only have priority admission under the same conditions, understand? "

Wu Xiaoyue hurriedly said: "I understand, the second sister also told me that I have to pass the exam based on my ability."

Gao Yang said: "Xiaoyue, you have grown up and matured now, Yawen, I, and Ruohan are very optimistic about you.

Professor Qin is the world's top expert in financial quantification. If you can become his disciple, you will benefit endlessly in your life.

Our family is no longer short of money, but this is not a reason for us not to work hard, it just allows us to have the conditions to pursue our life goals wholeheartedly. "

Wu Xiaoyue said: "I understand, brother-in-law, what is your goal in life?"

Gao Yang looked at Wu Xiaoyue's curious big eyes, and thought about it:
"I'm just trying to make myself less regretful when I get old. Where are your sisters?"

Wu Xiaoyue said: "Play at the hot spring."

Gao Yang got up and said, "Let's go, let's go and have a look."

Wu Xiaoyue followed Gao Yang to the hot spring pool, recalling how Gao Yang sang today, as if there was a small deer bumping against his chest, and he was at a loss...

(End of this chapter)

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