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Chapter 542 Can't Change, Just Leave

Chapter 542 Can't Change, Just Leave
On January 1, the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, the most important A-share market index, the Shanghai Index, rebounded over 16 points in the previous two days, then turned around and fell below 5500 points again.

At 02:30 in the afternoon, 51 Group held the first group-wide working conference for middle and high-level cadres. More than 800 people from hundreds of companies all over the country participated in the conference through the video conferencing system developed by 51talk.

Lin Yunjiao, as the director of the group's president office and the secretary of the board of directors, first introduced the macroeconomic development situation:

"In 2007, the domestic and overseas economic development situation can be described as a double sky of ice and fire.

The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, which began to evolve gradually in the spring of 2007, turned into a subprime mortgage crisis by the end of the year. The central banks of major Western economies such as the United States, Europe, and Japan stepped in to rescue the market.

In China, it has experienced more than two years of economic overheating.

According to the analysis and forecast of the current economic circles, the evolution of the US subprime mortgage crisis is far from complete. In 2008, the global economic development situation is relatively pessimistic..."

After Lin Yunjiao's introduction, Gao Yang began to speak:
"Today's first meeting of middle and high-level management cadres and technical cadres of all companies in the group is a very important task that involves the long-term survival and development of the 51 Group. Later, it will be arranged by CEO Fang Jian.

Just now, Lin Yunjiao from the President's Office introduced the global economic development situation. We expect that 2008 will be a relatively difficult year for the economy.

The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States has already affected major global financial markets and is still evolving. In the context of economic globalization, it is impossible to be independent and will inevitably be affected.

In 2007, the revenue scale of the main business of the group companies, according to preliminary statistics, has exceeded 30 billion, which is the result of the joint efforts of tens of thousands of employees in the group.

In recent years, 51 Group has been developing at a high speed, with more than 800 employees and more than [-] cadres.

We have been short of time to settle down, because the business has grown rapidly, which has caused many cadres to appear arrogant and arrogant, and internal management is also showing signs of chaos.

In 2008, the economic development is likely to face a downward trend. We can just slow down, carry out organizational and management reforms, improve our internal skills, establish a learning organization in 51 Group, and upgrade the corresponding corporate culture.

In 2008, at the group level, there are many big things to do, such as launching a major investment in its own brand smartphone project;
Regional companies, provincial companies, and key city companies build their own regional headquarters buildings, office buildings or purchase office buildings, customize employee dormitory communities, etc.;

We will also promote major investments in the strategic direction of pan-entertainment, including the acquisition of a number of key projects.

The 51 Group will soon welcome 2, 3 or even 5 employees.

Can our existing organizational management system adapt to internal management of this scale?

Very difficult, almost impossible.

Therefore, we need change, self-revolution, learning and change, and strive to align with the world's first-class enterprise management model.

The Group has signed a 5-year consulting service agreement with the joint consulting group headed by Huawei Consulting, which includes Huawei, IBM, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Heyi, Accenture and other top global consulting service agencies.

We must align ourselves with world-class companies in terms of organizational structure, business processes, human resources, finance and customer relationship management.

Going to work after the Spring Festival, the first batch of 300 experts and consultants of the joint consulting team will officially settle in 51 Group and start consulting services.

For these five years of study, we have to pay 5 billion tuition fees, an average of 45 million a year.

Here, I announce a discipline, involving anyone and any position, you need to follow the instructions of expert consultants, you must respect these teachers, you must study hard, you must accept the scientific management model from the soul level, and you must change your ideas. It is absolutely not allowed to obey the Yin and violate the Yang.

If someone does not want to change, or cannot adapt to such a change, it is very simple, submit a resignation report by yourself, or be dismissed by the company.

51 Group does not need such complacent and arrogant employees.

Starting today, the Group formally established the Supervision Department, under the charge of Senior Vice President Zhou Wenbin, to cooperate with the work of the Joint Advisory Group.

I hope that the current 51 Group and the future 51 Holdings can use these five years and 5 billion tuition fees to basically complete the task of organizing and managing on par with world-class companies.

Every cadre participating in the meeting today must lead by example, actively cooperate with the work of the advisory group, and take the lead in accepting changes.

Finally, I want to stress that I don’t want anyone to fall behind and fail to keep up with the company’s progress..."

After Gao Yang spoke, the cadres from companies all over the country who participated in the meeting applauded enthusiastically through the video.

The boss is so stupid that he actually needs to spend 45 billion to comprehensively promote the company's management reform, and to be on par with world-class companies.

We must keep up, we cannot fall behind.

At this time, Lin Yunjiao, who presided over the meeting, said: "Next, the CEO of the group, Mr. Fang, will speak."

The video camera turned to Fang Jian in the meeting room of the headquarters, Fang Jian smiled and said:
"Dear colleagues, let me tell you some good news first. According to the discussion and decision of the group's board of directors, this year, the group will issue a special year-end bonus of 16 per capita to all employees of the company, and the year-end bonus of each project company will be included."

In an instant, many cadres participating in the video conference were extremely excited.

The group will spend almost 17 billion to make all employees live a super fat year.

Then, Fang Jian said with a serious face:

"Next, let me talk about the specific work arrangements after the joint consulting team enters the company.

Let me first remind everyone that the group spent 45 billion yuan to promote the company's management reform, which has far-reaching significance.

Just as Mr. Gao emphasized just now, every cadre, including all leaders of the group, must change their concepts, emancipate their minds, actively embrace this self-revolution, and together promote the transformation of the company into a world-class enterprise..."

After Fang Jian finished speaking, the management of the group and the heads of various project companies also expressed their views one after another that they must resolutely implement the tasks, promote the company to complete the organizational management upgrade, establish a learning organization, and move towards world-class.

The video conference lasted for two full hours and ended at 04:30 pm.

After the meeting, Lu Tao, the new senior vice president of 51 Group, chairman of 51 Technology, and person in charge of the smartphone project, was invited by Lin Yunjiao to Gaoyang's office together with Xu Xin.

Gao Yang handed Lu Tao a cigarette, and said apologetically, "Brother Tao, in the future you will be stationed in Shudu and even travel all over the world. Come and take care of it."

Lu Tao smiled heartily: "We have been brothers for so many years, there is no need to be so polite, you are making me successful, I should be the one thanking you.

More than 90% of Huawei's mobile phone business team joined 51 Technology. Wang Gang served as CEO and Zhao Ming served as COO. In addition, Mr. Ren personally appointed Hong Feng, the experienced vice president of the R&D center, to serve as the vice chairman of 51 Technology, in charge of R&D work .

In Huawei Company, Hong Feng's position level is two levels higher than Wang Gang's, which can be said to be a strong support.

With the full cooperation of Huawei, I am also very confident. "

Gao Yang nodded and said: "After the Spring Festival, Sister Xin will withdraw from the preparatory team of the smartphone project after completing the investment coordination task, and she will only serve as the director of 51 Technology from now on.

On the group side, there are still a number of investment and acquisition projects this year, and she needs to be in charge to promote them. "

Lu Tao said: "We visited Shudu a few days ago, and the provincial and municipal governments expressed their strong support. Shudu also set up a working group to open a fast track for our project, and specifically coordinate and solve the needs of all aspects of project investment.

Luxshare Seiko has already coordinated, and the smartphone production line is located in Shudu, which is jointly invested by 51 Technology and Luxshare, with each holding 50% of the shares.

Luxshare invested [-] million yuan in Jinyang alone to open a connector production plant.

With the interest-free loans from 51 Technology and some low-interest loans from banks, Luxshare Seiko’s financial pressure is not too great, and the communication is very smooth..."

On the morning of January 1, Gao Yang boarded the plane to Shudu, accompanied by Lin Yunjiao and Xu Xiaodong.

(End of this chapter)

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