Chapter 543

At noon, Gao Yang and his entourage arrived in Shudu. He Yong and Wu Peng each drove a car to pick them up, and they directly took Gao Yang and the three of them to Jinxiu Villa Community.

He Yong's wife, Zhu Yan, and Wu Peng's wife, Wang Yue, have prepared a sumptuous lunch.

After sitting down to drink and eat, Wu Peng asked, "Gao Yang, are you staying at the hotel arranged for the meeting, or at home?"

Gao Yang said: "Can I stay in the conference hotel?"

He Yong said: "Yes, it is not mandatory to stay in the conference hotel at night, you can take a lunch break at the hotel at noon."

Gao Yang said: "Then live at home, it will be more comfortable."

Wu Peng said: "We will return to Jinyang tomorrow afternoon, and in the evening, you go to the municipal family's courtyard to have a meal with the old man and stay overnight.

Starting tomorrow night, you will live in my house, the old man is very busy. "

He Yong said: "Gao Yang, your big villa has just been renovated, it's better to hang it for two months, and you can live in Pengzi's house.

After Aunt Wen went to your house, Pengzi and his wife would bring their children to visit Uncle Wu every weekend when they had time. "

Gao Yang said: "Okay, then live in the second brother's house."

Wu Peng's villa adjacent to He Yong's family in Jinxiu Community is usually looked after by Zhu Yan.

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Yang rushed to report to the conference affairs team first, got the conference materials and room card, and then rushed to the family courtyard of Shudu City Mansion with Wu Peng and his wife.

The father-in-law, Wu Guanghua, is a busy man, and he was not at home on Saturday afternoon, only the nanny and a staff member on duty.

In the study, Gao Yang sat down, opened the information bag, and looked at the meeting materials and agenda.

Lin Yunjiao served tea at the side.

Gao Yang was recommended by the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the committee members were naturally included in the Federation of Industry and Commerce.

Gao Yang used to be a reporter in Jinyang, participated in the report of the city's two sessions, and was quite familiar with the conference process.

It was the first time to participate in such an important meeting, Gao Yang decided to keep a low profile, did not prepare any proposals, and planned to listen less and listen more during group discussions.

After Gao Yang read the information, Wu Peng passed a cigarette to Gao Yang: "A few days ago, I heard from Brother Tao that Luxshare Seiko's connector project is planned to be located in Jinyang High-tech Zone?"

Gao Yang said: "That's right, it's just a small project. This project was originally led by Luxshare Precision."

Wu Peng suddenly became upset: "You said at the beginning that you wanted to invest 10 billion in Anhe, just empty talk."

Gao Yang looked at Wu Peng with a smile: "Okay, second brother, then you can recommend a project that can invest 10 billion yuan."

Wu Peng was at a loss for words for a while, thinking about it: "The real estate market has been good in the past two years..."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said: "Second brother, 51 Group will not consider getting involved in real estate. In fact, I already have some ideas, but they are not mature yet."

Wu Peng asked curiously, "If you have any ideas, let's chat first."

Gao Yang said: "My idea is to invest in the development of rural tourism, but this project requires you and Xiao to go in and do a lot of work.

Specifically, I suggest selecting a village around Anhe Town, near Jinyang, for overall planning. The 51 Group can budget 5 million yuan to invest in this village.

Improve transportation and other infrastructure, build large-scale farmhouses, picking farms, large-scale amusement parks, etc., one-stop rural tourism and leisure projects.

51 Group can invest in a concentrated area, which involves the transfer of a large amount of land, mainly barren slopes and mountains.

Your county and Anhe Town need to go to this village, communicate with the people, and carry out overall planning and design, such as planting ornamental flowers, farm orchards, developing family farmhouses, and so on.

With the investment of 51 Group, it drives the development of the whole village and forms a characteristic rural tourism project similar to the concept of Guocheng Flower Township.

Your government can also organize a rural tourism festival every year..."

Wu Peng's eyes gradually brightened: "Yes, such a project can be carried out. The urban residents of Jinyang and Anhe, as well as two or three surrounding counties, have a good place to go for leisure on weekends. When do you plan to invest in this project?" ?”

Gao Yang said: "At least wait until this autumn, no matter how efficient your work is, it will take more than half a year to complete the preliminary research and planning.

51 Group currently lacks professional management talents in this area, and it will take time to prepare.

Now, it can only be regarded as an idea, how to invest specifically, but also hire a professional organization to plan and design..."

Seeing that Gao Yang did not forget about investing in his hometown, Wu Peng also left satisfied, and greeted Wang Yue to prepare dinner.

Lin Yunjiao asked curiously: "Brother Yang, if you invest 5 million yuan in rural tourism, the annual capital cost is tens of millions. Can you make money?"

Gao Yang said: "Yunjiao, the prospect of rural themed tourism is still very good. With Jinyang's economic development level, within three to five years, it is difficult for any enterprise to dare to spend 5 million yuan to invest in similar projects. We are in Jinyang There will be an exclusive advantage.

Of course, in the first two or three years of this project, it doesn't matter whether it makes money or not, as long as I contribute a little to the development of my hometown. "

Lin Yunjiao added tea for Gao Yang, and sighed: "Brother Yang, you are such a strange person."

Gao Yang said: "What do you mean by that?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "I found that you are full of confidence in everything you do."

Gao Yang said: "You are still young, you will understand in a few years."

Lin Yunjiao said: "I am not young anymore, I will be 5 years old in May."

Gao Yang said: "A 25-year-old girl should also find a boyfriend and talk about marriage."

Lin Yunjiao said: "I really want to, but unfortunately, men who want to chase me are too stupid, I don't like it..."

While talking, the father-in-law Wu Guanghua went home, and Gao Yang hurried out to greet him.

Gao Yang chatted with Wu Guanghua in the study for a while about 51 Technology's investment in Shudu, and then said: "Dad, you are in Shudu alone now. After the Spring Festival, let Mom come back to accompany you. When the time comes, Let Ruohan and the child come back, and when the child is weaned, I will take them back to the capital.

I also come back every half a month. I still have to personally watch the mobile phone project and the android R&D center start investment. "

Wu Guanghua said: "Yes, what have you prepared for this time to participate in the Political Association?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "I didn't prepare anything. It's my first time participating in the meeting. Focus on learning, talk less and listen more."

Wu Guanghua nodded: "It's better to keep a low profile, but according to the usual practice, the provincial leaders will have discussions with some people from the business circles. You may be there, so you still have to prepare."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, in fact, there is nothing to talk about. The smartphone project, if it is actually implemented, at least wait until the product promotion stage before it can be widely publicized.

This is also the strategy set by our company. At this stage, we don't want to get too much attention from the media. "

Wu Guanghua thought for a while, and said: "I will try my best to explain to the superiors, but this kind of big project investment, signing and launching, must be publicized, and you must understand."

Gao Yang said: "I understand, it's just that after the investment starts, whether the product development will progress smoothly is not sure now. If the first product can be successfully launched in about two years, it will be considered to exceed expectations."

Wu Guanghua said: "This is natural. Enterprises still have to act according to the laws of the market."

According to Gao Yang's idea, 51 Technology will naturally strive to be before the release of iPhone4, but now it is really not sure, 51 Technology has just registered.

The first mobile phone to go on the market must be an instant hit.

Gao Yang stayed in the municipal family home for one night, and went to the meeting early the next morning, while Lin Yunjiao went to 51 Technology Company to find Lu Tao and prepare a spare report material for Gao Yang.

For the next two days, Gao Yang kept a low-key meeting, but in the group discussion on the third day, he was still recognized by reporters from two urban media.

Gao Yang had to accept a brief interview and said a few clichés.

On January 1, the meeting went on to the fourth day. In the evening, the provincial leaders met with some people from the business circles, including Gao Yang.

To Gao Yang's relief, there were a total of 20 people, and the symposium lasted only one and a half hours. The leader did not talk about the 51 Group's investment in the smart phone project in Shudu, probably because the project has not yet been signed. No official announcement has been made.

Gao Yang talked about the development of the Internet for two to three minutes, and passed the test easily.

He also understood that the provincial leaders convened a brief discussion with representatives of the business circles, mainly to show a supportive attitude...

(End of this chapter)

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