Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 544 You really dare to flirt

Chapter 544 You really dare to tease (two in one)

January 1th is Tiantian’s 24th birthday. In the evening, Gao Yang made a video call with his son on 5talk, wishing him a happy birthday.

On the afternoon of the 25th, after the closing ceremony of the Political Association, Gao Yang first went to 51 Technology Company and communicated with the four core management personnel, Lu Tao, Wang Gang, Hong Feng and Zhao Ming, for more than an hour.

The high-tech zone is located in the industrial park and provided a five-story office building for 51 Technology Company, which can be used for free for two years.

51 Technology will build its own office building and R&D center, and cooperate with real estate developers to customize and develop an employee community that can accommodate 5000 people, including hundreds of small villas.

Now, the company's management has just been set up, and the personnel are not yet fully in place. There are only more than 50 people.

Gao Yang proposed some specific product design directions, as well as the company's development vision:
"We want to design a high-end 4.5G smartphone with a height of about 140 inches, a weight of no more than 3 grams, a simple and elegant appearance, rich in engineering aesthetics, and attractive to people at a glance.

The fuselage should be made of scratch-resistant, durable, lightweight and environmentally friendly advanced composite materials;

It is recommended to consider the appearance design of narrow-edge widescreen, which can make the screen look bigger;

A high-definition display with ultra-high resolution and frequency response is required;
About 500 million pixels, a high-performance camera with auto-focus and digital zoom functions;

In terms of photos, videos, audio, etc., it is necessary to give users a perfect user experience;
It is recommended to design a non-removable battery with a long service life;
High-performance processor, high-capacity memory, etc.;

The overall design goal is to significantly surpass Apple's iPhone3G.

In order to achieve such a goal, we must consider hiring first-class or even top designers, software and hardware engineers, and experts in materials science with high salaries on a global scale.

Find best-in-class suppliers to work with, including on-demand materials and components, globally.

We just want to design and produce the world's most advanced and fashionable high-end smartphones at any cost.

For this first mobile phone, it’s okay to not make money or even lose money. The most important thing is product design, performance and user experience.

The 51 mobile phone needs to be an instant success through such a flagship product and establish a brand image.

Whether it is now or in the future, the most important thing for the development of 51 Science and Technology is talents, especially technical R&D talents in all directions.

In order to attract top talents from all over the world, we can offer the world's top salaries and a reasonable equity incentive system to create a comfortable working and living environment for everyone.

I ask everyone to keep in mind that our biggest opponent is Apple. The emergence of the iPhone shows that Apple has strong ambitions in the smartphone business.

Facing such a powerful and innovative opponent, what we need to do is to keep catching up until we surpass it.

51 Technology is to intervene in the smartphone industry from a high starting point.

If there is no determination to be the first and the strongest, then we might as well not do this mobile phone project.

When we can ship more than 1 million mobile phones a year, we can represent success.

You let your hands and feet go, boldly venture, 51 Technology's 100 billion registered capital is used up, and the group can continue to inject capital.

In three or even four years, you don't need to consider business performance, you only need to focus on products, and make good products. With the support of 51 Group and Huawei, the channel system and marketing will not be difficult..."

The three executives from Huawei Company were dumbfounded and even more excited.

It was completely unexpected that 51 Group had such ambitions in the smartphone business.

Only Lu Tao, who is familiar with Gao Yang, understands that Gao Yang has been preparing for this day for several years. Now that he has sufficient capital and has attracted Huawei to cooperate, he will naturally go all out.

In the evening, accompanied by He Yong, Gao Yang had a meal with Lu Tao and others. After that, He Yong arranged a vehicle to send Gao Yang and the others back to Jinyang.

This year's Spring Festival, Gao Yang's family will celebrate the New Year in the capital. This time when he returns to Jinyang, Gao Yang will go to worship his ancestors before the beginning of spring, and then take his sister Gao Yue's family to the capital for the New Year.

On the morning of January 1, Gao Yang and his party returned to their hometown, Renshui Village, and they were divided into two groups. Brother-in-law Jiang Bing took Jiang Xue to worship the ancestors of the Jiang family, and Gao Yue took Jiang Bo to Gaojiashan to worship the ancestors with Gao Yang.

This is Lin Yunjiao's second visit to Shimen Village, and Xu Xiaodong's first time.

Seeing Gao Yang kowtow and salute seriously, muttering words, Lin Yunjiao knew him better.

After worshiping the ancestors, after Gao Yang and his party boarded the car, Lin Yunjiao asked: "Brother Yang, do you really believe that the ancestors have spirits in the sky?"

"Yunjiao, it doesn't matter whether the ancestors have spirits or not," Gao Yang asked back, "The important thing is, when you get old and die in the future, do you want to be forgotten by future generations?"

Lin Yunjiao's face flushed slightly. She also knew that offering sacrifices to ancestors has always been one of the most important folk traditions in China.

People who forget their ancestors are like forgetting their own roots.

Lin Yunjiao secretly looked at Gao Yang's handsome side face, feeling at a loss.

Will I get married in the future and have children?

On Renshui Street, after meeting Jiang Bing, the two cars went straight to Tianchi Town Hot Spring Resort as planned.

Gao Yang had already made an appointment with Wu Peng in Shudu before, and today he will meet Xiao Jin, Yang Yong and others at Hot Spring Villa.

Arriving at Hot Spring Villa, Wu Peng, Xiao Jin, Yang Yong, Wen Yi and others all arrived with their wives and children.

During the meal, Jiajiahui Supermarket, Sihai Liquor and DM Shangqin all set new records in their business performance last year, and DM Shangqin, which had the least growth, also achieved a revenue of nearly 900 million.

According to Gao Yang's original suggestion, Wang Yun and Wen Yi contacted Xiajia, and they have already negotiated to transfer the DM business for 300 million.

When talking about the 51 Group’s plan to invest 5 million yuan in Anhe Town to build a rural tourism project, Wen Yi joked: “If there is a shortage of manpower for such a large investment project, why not give me a chance to try to help you. "

Gao Yang looked at Wen Yi with a smile: "If you are asked to take the responsibility, would you dare to accept it?"

Wen Yi's wife heard the words, and quickly touched Wen Yi's leg, Wen Yi gritted his teeth: "I dare, just work hard!"

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Okay, when you go to work after the Spring Festival, you can report to the headquarters of the 51 Group in Beijing and receive induction training.

After that, the investment department of the group will assist you to register an agricultural development company in Jinyang.

It will take years of hard work to complete this project. "

Xiao Jin smiled and said: "Gao Yang, I personally think that Wen Yi is quite capable and should be able to take on this burden. He has finished his MBA, and Lao Yong and Wang Yun haven't graduated yet."

Wu Peng also said: "Wen Yi's communication skills are quite strong, he has many friends, and he has also been a reporter. I think he can give it a try."

Gao Yang said: "Wen Yi, remember that the 51 Group wants to develop into a world-class large enterprise. The Anhe project is equivalent to an experimental field for agricultural development. You have to keep learning and keep up with the development needs of the 51 Group. .”

Then, Gao Yang introduced that the 51 Group would spend 45 billion in tuition fees, introduce the world's top consulting institutions, and spend 5 years to upgrade its organization and management.

51 Group's investment in agriculture should also be included in this system.

Xiao Jin, Yang Yong and the others who didn't know the financial situation of 51 Group were shocked.

Xiao Jin asked curiously: "Gao Yang, what is the development goal of 51 Group in terms of agricultural investment?"

Gao Yang said: "It depends on Wen Yi's ability. If we do well, we will start from Jinyang and strive to develop into a large-scale ecological agriculture development group in about 10 years."

Wang Yun smiled and said, "Gao Yang, why not 51 Group will take over Sihai Wine and Jiajiahui Supermarket, and we will all join."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "There is no need for this, Sihai Liquor and Jiajiahui Supermarket are developing well now, and if they do well in the future, they both hope to be listed independently.

How about this, Ruohan is the director of the investment department, in the second half of the year, both Sihai Wine and Jiajiahui can spare part of the funds and let Ruohan guide you to invest.

Jiajiahui Supermarket will continue to develop according to the current plan. Sihai Wine Industry will have capital strength in the future, and can jointly acquire with Jiajiahui Supermarket, or participate in the mixed-ownership reform of a Sichuan liquor listed company, and indirectly achieve listing.

I have said before that liquor is a good business, and Sihai Liquor focuses on this industry, and it is completely capable of developing and growing..."

Wang Yun smiled and said, "Gao Yang, why don't you let Sister Yue invest some money in Sihai Wine and become a shareholder."

Gao Yang thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, then arrange for Yawen to withdraw from Sihai Wine and transfer the equity to my sister, who will inject another fund, holding about 15% of the equity."

Wang Yun immediately smiled: "This is the best. We were also discussing before. After the transfer of DM's business, plus this year's surplus profit, all arrangements will be made for dividends. After that, we will increase the capital and share of Sihai Wine Industry."

Lin Yunjiao saw it, and felt that Gao Yang's classmates and friends were quite smart, and they were really blessed. They would all be billionaires in the future.

After lunch break, everyone went to the hot spring together.

Lin Yunjiao appeared in front of everyone wearing a swimsuit for the first time. Gao Yue, Wang Yun and others all praised this girl for being so beautiful and having a great figure.

Lin Yunjiao has long legs close to 170 centimeters, a golden ratio figure, a delicate baby face, delicate complexion, rosy, and slim waist and breasts, which attracts the jealousy of many women in the swimming pool, while the men are secretly at ease I exclaimed in my heart.

It's so beautiful, sexy yet elegant and calm, like a swimsuit model on the cover of a fashion magazine.

Gao Yang couldn't help being taken aback when he saw Lin Yunjiao's appearance. This girl is indeed very beautiful, and she has the temperament of a high-spirited girl, which is extremely rare.

Xu Xiaodong beside him noticed, and whispered: "Brother Yang, Yunjiao is so beautiful and has a superb figure, she is simply one in a million."

Gao Yang rolled his eyes: "You bastard, what do you want to express?"

Xu Xiaodong said: "Brother Yang, I've noticed in the past few days that Yunjiao is interested in you, don't say you don't know."

Gao Yang stared at him immediately: "Get out! I think you need to clean up."

Xu Xiaodong grinned: "Okay, I'll get out now..."

Lin Yunjiao, Gao Yue and the others were in the group of women, playing in the water, chatting and laughing for a while, gritted their teeth secretly, got up and walked towards the swimming pool where Gao Yang was.

When Xiao Jin, Yang Yong and others saw this, they all secretly winked, and like Xu Xiaodong, they went ashore to smoke.

Seeing Wu Peng, he had no choice but to shake his head and join the team of Xiao Jin and others.

Gao Yang was the only one left in this swimming pool.

Lin Yunjiao had no scruples, and after getting down to the swimming pool, she showed her face and smiled: "Brother Yang, you have a really good figure."

Gao Yang said: "Your figure is better, many men here are going to drool."

Lin Yun smiled coquettishly: "Brother Yang, what about you?"

Gao Yang said: "Yunjiao, what do you want to say?"

Lin Yunjiao boldly stared into Gao Yang's eyes: "I found out that I really like you."

Gao Yang said unhappily: "You really dare to flirt, I think you really don't want to be this assistant anymore."

Lin Yun pouted her mouth tenderly, with grievances, and sighed softly: "I can't help it, if you like it, you like it. You fire me, but I still like it. I can't help it. Every night when I close my eyes, I always think about you." figure."

Gao Yang looked at this beautiful and charming girl, and sighed: "Yunjiao, you are a doctor, a super smart girl, you know what's going on with me, why are you doing this?"

Lin Yunjiao pursed her lips and smiled: "So, I'm so embarrassed, but I really don't want to miss it, and only a man like you can hold me down."

Gao Yang looked at her, remained silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Then tell me the truth, what do you want from me?"

Lin Yunjiao was startled, and her pretty face blushed immediately: "Brother Yang, you are humiliating me like this!

First, I am not greedy for your wealth, and second, I don't need you to be in charge of me for the rest of my life.

I have no purpose, but simply like you, worship you, want to be with you, and even more want to help you in your career.

I used to be a girl who pursued perfection, but now I can't help it. This is the first time I really like a man, I can only express it from my heart, otherwise I don't know how to live this day. "

Gao Yang said: "I'm sorry, Yunjiao, I take back what I just said. I have always admired you, you are a smart and talented girl, we can be friends, why do you have to be like this."

Lin Yunjiao suddenly giggled: "Brother Yang, I am not afraid of a girl, what are you afraid of as a man, you are not a strict wife."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "You are wrong, I am still a strict wife."

Lin Yunjiao bit her lip, and said again: "No, you are definitely not, otherwise why would there be something wrong."

Gao Yang smiled: "You have to be like this?"

Lin Yunjiao pouted again: "People have already said that if you like it, you like it, and you don't want to miss it. Brother Yang, just give me a chance, okay, I really don't want to leave a lifetime of regrets."

Gao Yang was happy: "Okay, then go and talk to Yawen."

Lin Yunjiao asked in surprise, "Why?"

Gao Yang laughed again: "She has the final say in our family, I am really a strict wife."

Lin Yunjiao was dumbfounded immediately, and Gao Yang also came out of the swimming pool, waved to Xu Xiaodong, and asked for a cigarette.

In the swimming pool, Lin Yunjiao lowered her head and thought for a while, then suddenly remembered that when Yang Ming brought his parents to the banquet that day, he said that he had obtained Gu Yawen's consent.

In an instant, Lin Yunjiao suddenly understood...

(End of this chapter)

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