Chapter 545
January 1th, the 30rd of the twelfth lunar month, is also a small year in the north.

On this day, tens of thousands of employees of 51 Group companies received a special year-end bonus directly paid from the Group's financial center.

51 Express Company has more than 5000 contract couriers, the lowest bonus is 6 yuan, and the highest bonus is more than 10 yuan.

Although the company had already informed internally that during the Chinese New Year this year, the group company would arrange a year-end bonus for all employees, many couriers still shed tears of excitement when they received the text message from the bank.

Too much, too fat, more than a year's salary.

Another nearly 2000 part-time couriers also received a special year-end bonus ranging from 6000 yuan to 1 yuan.

Many part-time couriers are looking forward to applying to sign a formal employment contract with the company after the Spring Festival.

Working in 51 Group, the benefits are really great. According to the company's new plan, each city will have its own office building, as well as staff dormitories.

If the family has financial difficulties, they can also apply to the group for bursaries for their children to go to school.

51 Group's internal organizational management reform, each company began to organize internal publicity, many ordinary employees do not understand.

I only know that 51 Group is determined to develop into a large company that can compete with world-class first-class companies. Even if it is a courier, as long as the work performance is excellent and the relevant conditions are met, there is hope in the future to hold the virtual equity of the group company and participate in the group's annual profits. dividends,

On the evening of January 1, Gao Yang, Fang Jian, and Zhou Wenbin, on behalf of the 31 Group, invited some consultants from the joint consulting group to dinner.

A total of ten people came from Huawei, IBM, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Heyi, Accenture and other companies.

Tomorrow, the 51 Group will hold its annual meeting, and after that, all companies will have the Spring Festival holiday one after another.

The leader of the joint consulting group is the chief management consultant of Hua Wei Company, an entrepreneurial scientist, doctoral supervisor, and Professor Huang Wei.

When Gao Yang toasted, Huang Wei said: "Mr. Gao, through our preliminary understanding during this period, we found that the growth and expansion speed of 51 Group is astonishing, and it is the right time to promote the transformation and upgrading of organizational management.

However, we feel that the promotion of the management reform of the 51 Group may be more difficult than that of Huawei 10 years ago. "

Gao Yang asked curiously, "Professor Huang, why did you say that?"

Huang Weidao: "Ten years ago, after Huawei started its business for ten years, its sales scale just exceeded 10 billion, with only 40 employees.

It has been less than six years since 51 Group founded Sunshine Company. It has registered hundreds of companies with over ten thousand employees. Its financial status is good and its debt ratio is extremely low.

Judging from the middle and high-level managers we have contacted, everyone regards you as the spiritual leader of the company and an absolute authority, and many middle and high-level managers have a very close personal relationship with you.

This relationship may become the biggest obstacle to the reform of the 51 Group. "

Gao Yang said: "Professor Huang, how did Huawei Company deal with it back then?"

Huang Weidao: "Back then, Mr. Ren demanded that in the process of implementing management norms, everyone must obey the consultants absolutely, even if they cut their feet and fit their shoes, they must first let the new internal management process operate.

For more than ten years, Huawei has first introduced the salary and equity incentive system of Heyi Design, and then successively introduced consulting agencies such as IBM, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Accenture to optimize project management, supply chain, finance, and customer relationship management. and other changes in various aspects.

The 51 Group is in the form of introducing joint consultants to solve the problem comprehensively. The advantage is that it can be planned and promoted as a whole. The disadvantage is that it is more difficult to implement.

The most critical issue is whether the middle and senior managers can change their concepts, cooperate closely, and implement it resolutely. "

Gao Yang understood: "Professor Huang, we can authorize the consulting team. If all middle-level management cadres of the company do not follow the arrangement, or go against the law, the consulting team can decide on their own and directly replace them.

Management cadres above the senior level, including those at the group level, can submit punishment reports such as dismissal or demotion, warnings, etc. to the Supervision Department, and the Supervision Department will submit them to the board of directors for discussion and resolution. "

Huang Wei praised: "Okay, let's wait for Mr. Gao's words.

In addition, there is another question. Since the 51 Group has established an investment center, why does it set up an investment department outside the investment center?

Mr. Huang from the investment department said that this department reports directly to you and is not open to the joint advisory group. "

Gao Yang said: "Professor Huang, this is my arrangement.

The investment department was established before the investment center, and is mainly responsible for investment in the capital market. The work of this department reports directly to me and involves many commercial secrets, so it is not included in the scope of consultants for the time being.

After the 51 Group has basically completed the organizational change and process management upgrade, our company will arrange the management upgrade of this department by itself.

The business of this department is relatively simple, basically not directly related to the main business of 51 Group.

The only connection is that the investments of the 51 Group companies in the capital market are all managed by this department. "

Huang Wei understood, and asked again: "Mr. Gao, 51 Group intends to invest in the capital market for a long time?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, as early as 2003, we began to try to invest.

In 2005, when the stock-bank separation reform was implemented, we saw huge investment opportunities, and later established 51 Fortune, 51 Fortune and 51 Fund.

In 2003, China's economy initially entered the period of heavy chemical industry. In the past five years, the heavy chemical industry represented by manufacturing, metallurgy, machinery, equipment and chemical industry has developed rapidly.

In the past few years, there have been many disputes in the academic circles about the rapid development of the heavy chemical industry. However, we believe that the development trend of the heavy chemical industry is unstoppable and can only be guided by the situation.

The heavy chemical industry in China has the best development conditions in the world and the largest growth potential, which can promote the rapid growth of China's economy for 15 or even 20 years.

We expect that in another 10 years or so, China's high-tech industry will also usher in an explosive period.

We are optimistic about long-term investment and are long on opportunities in China. We also have a professional investment team analyzing industries and markets. "

Huang Wei quickly poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Gao Yang: "Mr. Gao, I must toast you. Among the young entrepreneurs I know, there are very few young entrepreneurs who have such a clear overall vision of China's economy like you.

I agree with you very much. The heavy chemical industry is a stage that China's economy must overcome, and it is also the foundation of China's future century.

With the overall situation of establishing system advantages in the heavy chemical industry, and then developing high-tech industries, it will be a matter of course. "

Huang Wei, who is in his 50s, is also an economist and a business school professor. He has long served as a senior consultant for companies like Huawei.

He never expected that the young Gao Yang would grasp the core of China's future economic development from the perspective of the heavy chemical industry.

On February 2, more than 1 management and technical cadres from companies all over the country participated in the group annual meeting in Jiuhua Villa, Xiaotangshan.

The largest conference hall in Jiuhua Villa can only accommodate 600 people. The annual meeting of the 51 Group will be held in the exhibition hall of the villa for the first time.

In the Spring Festival of 2008, all employees of 51 Group will have a super fat year.

The group distributed a special year-end bonus of more than 17 billion yuan and 16 yuan per capita. Each project company still has year-end dividends for employees and shareholders.

The group of people who followed Gao Yang’s business in the early days, who had the status of shareholders, such as Wu Bo, Zhou Wenbin, He Jin, Sun Chengyi, Zhang Yue and other CPI old colleagues, as well as Fang Jian, Jin Yang, He Guangwen, Chen Sen and other old classmates, have a few Dividends of millions or even tens of millions.

In the two-day annual meeting, there is actually nothing to sum up. The business development of more than a dozen companies is booming.


Among them, 51 Tongcheng has the largest business scale, with revenue exceeding 17 billion, accounting for nearly 50%.

At the annual meeting, Fang Jian announced on behalf of the group that in 2008, on the basis of maintaining business development of each company, he would fully cooperate with the joint consulting group to comprehensively promote the upgrading of the company's organization and management.

The business department model of will be reorganized and established as Group, and the business will be split into five, which will be divided into five independent operating companies: intra-city e-commerce, intra-city food delivery, job recruitment, online travel and life services.


Huang Wei spoke for half an hour on behalf of the United Consulting Group, introducing how to carry out consulting work after the Spring Festival, when 300 consultants officially stationed in 51 Group, and how each company needs to cooperate.

Zhou Wenbin, senior vice president of the group and head of the supervision department, continued to speak:

"Dear colleagues, entrusted by Mr. Gao and the board of directors, starting this year, I will be mainly in charge of the newly established Supervision Department, representing the board of directors of the group, and fully cooperating with the work of the joint advisory group.

The board of directors has authorized the joint consulting group, and according to the work cooperation, the consultants can directly replace the middle-level management cadres of each company.

The senior management cadres of each company, including the senior management cadres of the group, and the joint advisory group also have the right to make suggestions such as dismissal, demotion, and warnings, which will be reported to the board of directors by the inspection department.

The group has invested a huge sum of 45 billion yuan to learn and promote organizational management and business process optimization, and fully align with world-class enterprises.

51 Group has always been a company full of human touch. From the top to the management cadres of each company, they have been advocating that 51 Group is a big family.

There are many leaders and colleagues present here, all of whom are my old colleagues and friends, but their responsibilities lie. Here, I also remind everyone that the Supervision Department only recognizes the system and does not recognize people.

We have to pay 45 billion in tuition fees to complete the upgrade of corporate management. I sincerely hope that every colleague present here will not disappoint the expectations of Gao Zong and the board of directors, let alone become a stumbling block to the company's transformation..."

Finally, Gao Yang began to speak:
"Dear colleagues, 51 Group was established in May 2002. Today, it has grown into a large company with over 5 employees, and its main business revenue has reached 35 billion.

In the past two or three years, we have achieved substantial investment returns, and today we have a large sum of money to expand our business and improve office conditions and employee benefits.

But the main business of each company is the root of development. We continued to achieve good results last year. With the existing management model, can the main business income grow to 70 billion, 150 billion or even 300 billion?

It is very unrealistic, so we have to pay tuition fees, and at any cost, we must promote management reforms to keep up with world-class companies.

There are more than 800 management cadres here, including 70 to [-] people, all of whom were my old colleagues when I worked at CPI a few years ago.

Many people know that I am a person who values ​​love and righteousness. It is because of love that I hope that every colleague here will keep up with the company's development and not fall behind.

Therefore, I hope that every cadre present here will closely cooperate with the work of the Joint Advisory Group. If you don’t understand, you must study hard to understand, and don’t talk about it behind your back, let alone lead the subordinate employees you are in charge of.

If someone is really dismissed by the consultant because of non-cooperation or passive coping, neither I nor the board of directors will show mercy to anyone.

The system is the system, and the system is the red line, I hope everyone will keep this sentence in mind..."

(End of this chapter)

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