Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 546 Move to Four Courtyard

Chapter 546 Moving to a Courtyard

On February 2, the day when the 1 Group held its annual meeting, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell sharply again. It once fell below 51 points in the intraday session. Although it kept 4200 points at the close, it has already fallen below the annual line, and the technical trend has completely turned bearish.


Except for a few employees on duty, tens of thousands of employees went home to celebrate the New Year with joy.

Wang Xiaolong and Zhang Ling also went home to prepare for their wedding. The company will arrange a gift money of 51 yuan for every new employee of 2000 Group.

On behalf of the Gao family, Gu Yawen prepared a gift of 2 yuan for the two of them.

The company has tens of thousands of employees, and it is impossible for Gao Yang to attend the employee's wedding, even for security personnel who are close to each other like Wang Xiaolong and Zhang Ling.

The company is on vacation, and Gao Yang has no way to rest. On February 2, he received 3 people in the office, including Yang Liu, who returned from Hong Kong Island. He heard that in the past four months, Hongyang Asset Management has invested 4 million yuan in Hong Kong Island. Hundreds of millions of dollars in overseas training team results.

Wu Ruohan, who was on maternity leave at home, also came today, together with Huang Yufei, all the seniors from the investment department were present.

In the past four months, the investment department has hired more than 20 new employees, among which Yangliu recruited three new traders and two analysts in Hong Kong Island.

Huang Yufei recruited 13 new analysts and 3 post-departure staff at the headquarters.

Every half a month, Huang Yufei will go on a business trip to Hong Kong Island to monitor the work of the Yangliu team.

Nearly four months of overseas actual combat, while carefully controlling their positions, Yang Liu and others shorted the Hong Kong Island and European markets, playing with international big funds, and achieved a good record from US$10 billion to US$26 billion.

Yang Liudao: "Our ability is still not enough. If Mr. Wu personally directs, we can achieve 50 billion US dollars without any problem."

Gao Yang laughed aloud: "Yang Liu, you can make 160% of the net income in less than four months, which is already very good.

Of course, neither belittle yourself nor be complacent.

According to the evolution of the US subprime mortgage crisis, the real financial turmoil has just begun.

Ruohan and I analyzed and inferred that the global financial market is likely to continue to decline this year. The decline in overseas stock markets, European, Southeast Asian and Hong Kong stock markets is likely to exceed that of U.S. stocks. U.S. stocks have the advantage of returning US dollars.

In addition, A shares have risen too much in the past two years, and there is a high possibility of a huge decline. "

Huang Yufei said: "It's a pity that there is no short-selling mechanism in A shares, otherwise, we can also make a lot of money in A shares."

Gao Yang suddenly said seriously: "Yu Fei, including you guys, I hope everyone will remember that A-shares are related to thousands of households, and we will never short our own motherland.

In the future, if A-shares also launch stock index futures, we can do some hedging, and direct short selling is absolutely not allowed.

If you really have the ability, seize the opportunity like now, go to the overseas market to fight, and earn money from international capital! "

Huang Yufei blushed: "President Gao, I understand."

Yang Liu also hurriedly said: "Mr. Gao, we will remember."

Wu Ruohan followed up and said: "Sister Yufei, you all go home to celebrate the New Year and fight again after the year. After the Spring Festival, there is a high probability that A shares will continue to fall, and overseas markets will also continue to decline due to the US subprime mortgage crisis.

At the headquarters, there are already more than a dozen industry analysts in place. Under the atmosphere of the bear market this year, it is time for us to practice our internal skills in the area of ​​industry research and analysis..."

Huang Yufei, Yang Liu and others left, ready to go home for the New Year.

Gao Yang looked at Lin Yunjiao: "Yunjiao, you should start taking vacation too, and spend the New Year with your family well."

Lin Yunjiao said: "Brother Yang, I'm celebrating the New Year in Beijing, don't worry, you guys are going to move to Houhai to live in a courtyard house, I want to help, and also want to visit, is that okay?"

Gao Yang said unhappily: "You are still not happy to let you take a vacation, why are you just joining in the fun?"

Lin Yun pouted and said, "Today is only the 27th of the twelfth lunar month. I am your assistant. I should go to your new home to get familiar with the environment."

Wu Ruohan glanced at Lin Yunjiao, and said with a smile, "My husband, let Yunjiao go and see, she likes to be lively."

Lin Yunjiao immediately hugged Wu Ruohan coquettishly: "Thank you, sister Ruohan."

Wu Ruohan said: "Yunjiao, I'm too fat now, it's very difficult to learn yoga from my sister, do you have a good solution?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "There are many ways to restore your figure after giving birth. I will teach you. Give me two days to keep the church."

Wu Ruohan said: "Okay, then you will start teaching me this afternoon."

Lin Yunjiao looked at Gao Yang, and said proudly: "Brother Yang, look, I still have tasks here, I have to stay at your house for two days."

Gao Yang was a little speechless, so he could only say: "It's up to you."

It made sense for Lin Yunjiao to get into Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan's car, go to Gao Yang's house for lunch, and tomorrow she will follow her to stay in a courtyard for two days.

As soon as she got home, Wu Ruohan took Lin Yunjiao to learn how to exercise and get back into shape with great interest.

Gao Yang walked to Villa No. 5. In the study, Gu Yawen brought Wu Xiaoyue, Liu Yifei and Jiang Xue to pack things, while Zhang Wei and Xu Xiaodong helped pack the boxes.

Gao Yang greeted: "Zhang Wei, Xiaodong, you all have wives and children, go home early for the New Year."

Xu Xiaodong chuckled: "Brother Yang, we are air tickets for the evening, you guys are going to move to a new house, I have to come here to earn some performance."

Zhang Wei said: "Brother Yang, Cui Yong's family called to arrange a blind date for him, he is still a college student, so I let him go home.

Xiaolong is on her wedding leave again. This year I will be on duty, and my parents will take over. From now on, I will live in the capital. On New Year’s Eve, I’ll just go back and have a New Year’s Eve dinner. "

Xu Xiaodong said again: "Brother Wei, I'll be on duty next year. After the Spring Festival, I'm also planning to buy a house. When the arrangement is completed, I will also bring my parents to live in the capital."

Gao Yang said: "Xiaodong, you don't need to rush to buy a house. The house price may drop sharply today. You can wait until the second half of the year to think about it. Maybe you can save a lot of money. After the Spring Festival, you just need to stay here."

Xu Xiaodong smiled and said, "Okay, Brother Yang, then we will buy a house in the second half of the year..."

Gu Yawen pulled Gao Yang aside, and whispered: "I'm going to live in a courtyard tonight, and it's almost Chinese New Year, so go and have a meal with Mingming, she's waiting for you, I'll let Molly go first, 3:[-] p.m. Half off."

Gao Yang nodded. After returning from the Special Economic Zone during the New Year's Day holiday, because he was busy with company affairs, he never saw Yang Ming again.

It's almost Chinese New Year, and it's time to meet up.

Gao Yang had lunch in Yang Ming's villa, and after drinking a cup of tea, Molly consciously went back to her room to rest, and Yang Ming threw herself into Gao Yang's arms...

When it was almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Yang felt itchy in his ears. He opened his eyes and saw that it was Yang Ming who was breathing.

Gao Yang smiled slightly, making a splash on Yang Ming's pretty face, this girl is a stunner, Gao Yang likes it more and more.

Yang Ming's heart was full of reluctance, but he still smiled and said, "Brother Yang, it's almost 3 o'clock, and Sister Yawen said, you leave at 3:[-]."

Gao Yang said: "Then I will wish you a happy Chinese New Year in advance, let Molly take you home, tell her, go back to Houhai directly at night."

After Gao Yang got dressed, Yang Ming tidied it up carefully for him, and then sent him downstairs, watching Gao Yang get into the car driven by Zhang Wei.

Gao Yang pressed the window of the car, waved his hand and said, "Mingming, go home early and stay with your parents."

Yang Ming nodded and smiled, and waved goodbye. Molly also came downstairs later, and said, "Sister Li, take me home later, brother Yang said, let you go directly to Houhai tonight."

In front of Gao Yang, Yang Ming restrained herself, and she knew very well that it was unrealistic for her now, on such a special day as Chinese New Year, to set foot in that courtyard house in Houhai.

After 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the motorcade arrived at Houhai Courtyard, the electric garage door opened slowly, and drove directly into the underground garage more than 4 meters deep.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen helped Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu get out of the car, visited the basement first, and then took the elevator to the entrance next to the screen wall in the front yard.

The whole courtyard is designed as a two-entry structure, with a gate and an inverted room on the side facing the street.

The main building has three floors, and the side rooms and wing rooms are both two floors.

After the completion and acceptance of the courtyard house, two security personnel were sent to guard it.

When Zhang Wei, Xu Xiaodong and others were moving things, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan held a child each, and together with Gu Yawen, they took the elders and elders to visit the new house.

The courtyard is as exquisite as a garden, and there is a beautiful swimming pool. The buildings are all traditional large wooden structures with four beams and eight columns, completely connected by mortise and tenon.

The interior decoration is also Chinese style, and it is equipped with modern facilities such as top-level home appliances, kitchen and bathroom, and security.

Mr. Wu visited all the way, listening to Gu Yawen's introduction, and kept nodding his head.

Wu Ruohan said: "Grandpa, grandma, our big house still has 65 years of property rights, and the designed service life is 100 years. It will be passed on to several generations. You can live here with peace of mind and enjoy the happiness."

Mr. Wu said with a smile: "We have lived here for a year or so, and it's okay. We still have to go back to Shuchuan for the elderly. The climate and soil in the capital city is comparable to that of Shuchuan..."

(End of this chapter)

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